
754 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

// This file Copyright © 2012-2023 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include "FilterBar.h"
#include "FilterListModel.hh"
#include "HigWorkarea.h" // GUI_PAD
#include "ListModelAdapter.h"
#include "Session.h" // torrent_cols
#include "Torrent.h"
#include "TorrentFilter.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#include <gdkmm/pixbuf.h>
#include <glibmm/i18n.h>
#include <glibmm/main.h>
#include <glibmm/unicode.h>
#include <glibmm/ustring.h>
#include <gtkmm/cellrendererpixbuf.h>
#include <gtkmm/cellrenderertext.h>
#include <gtkmm/combobox.h>
#include <gtkmm/entry.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <gtkmm/liststore.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodel.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodelcolumn.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodelfilter.h>
#include <gtkmm/treerowreference.h>
#include <gtkmm/treestore.h>
#include <gtkmm/filterlistmodel.h>
#include <gtkmm/treemodelfilter.h>
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <algorithm> // std::transform()
#include <array>
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_map>
class FilterBar::Impl
using FilterModel = IF_GTKMM4(Gtk::FilterListModel, Gtk::TreeModelFilter);
using TrackerType = TorrentFilter::Tracker;
using ActivityType = TorrentFilter::Activity;
Impl(FilterBar& widget, Glib::RefPtr<Session> const& core);
[[nodiscard]] Glib::RefPtr<FilterModel> get_filter_model() const;
template<typename T>
T* get_template_child(char const* name) const;
void activity_combo_box_init(Gtk::ComboBox& combo);
static void render_activity_pixbuf_func(Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf& cell_renderer, Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter);
void tracker_combo_box_init(Gtk::ComboBox& combo);
static void render_pixbuf_func(Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf& cell_renderer, Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter);
static void render_number_func(Gtk::CellRendererText& cell_renderer, Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter);
void update_filter_activity();
void update_filter_tracker();
void update_filter_text();
bool activity_filter_model_update();
bool tracker_filter_model_update();
void favicon_ready_cb(Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> const* pixbuf, Gtk::TreeModel::Path const& path);
void update_filter_models(Torrent::ChangeFlags changes);
void update_filter_models_idle(Torrent::ChangeFlags changes);
void update_count_label_idle();
bool update_count_label();
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> activity_filter_model_new();
static void status_model_update_count(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator const& iter, int n);
static bool activity_is_it_a_separator(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter);
static Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> tracker_filter_model_new();
static void tracker_model_update_count(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator const& iter, int n);
static bool is_it_a_separator(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter);
static Glib::ustring get_name_from_host(std::string const& host);
static Gtk::CellRendererText* number_renderer_new();
FilterBar& widget_;
Glib::RefPtr<Session> const core_;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> const activity_model_;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> const tracker_model_;
Gtk::ComboBox* activity_ = nullptr;
Gtk::ComboBox* tracker_ = nullptr;
Gtk::Entry* entry_ = nullptr;
Gtk::Label* show_lb_ = nullptr;
Glib::RefPtr<TorrentFilter> filter_ = TorrentFilter::create();
Glib::RefPtr<FilterListModel<Torrent>> filter_model_;
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
sigc::connection update_count_label_tag_;
sigc::connection update_filter_models_tag_;
sigc::connection update_filter_models_on_add_remove_tag_;
sigc::connection update_filter_models_on_change_tag_;
class TrackerFilterModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
TrackerFilterModelColumns() noexcept
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> displayname; /* human-readable name; ie, Legaltorrents */
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> count; /* how many matches there are */
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> type;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> sitename; // pattern-matching text; see tr_parsed_url.sitename
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf>> pixbuf;
TrackerFilterModelColumns const tracker_filter_cols;
} // namespace
/* human-readable name; ie, Legaltorrents */
Glib::ustring FilterBar::Impl::get_name_from_host(std::string const& host)
std::string name = host;
if (!name.empty())
name.front() = Glib::Ascii::toupper(name.front());
return name;
void FilterBar::Impl::tracker_model_update_count(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator const& iter, int n)
if (n != iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.count))
iter->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.count, n);
void FilterBar::Impl::favicon_ready_cb(Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> const* pixbuf, Gtk::TreeModel::Path const& path)
if (pixbuf != nullptr && *pixbuf != nullptr)
if (auto const iter = tracker_model_->get_iter(path); iter)
iter->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.pixbuf, *pixbuf);
bool FilterBar::Impl::tracker_filter_model_update()
struct site_info
int count = 0;
std::string host;
std::string sitename;
std::string announce_url;
bool operator<(site_info const& that) const
return sitename < that.sitename;
auto const torrents_model = core_->get_model();
/* Walk through all the torrents, tallying how many matches there are
* for the various categories. Also make a sorted list of all tracker
* hosts s.t. we can merge it with the existing list */
auto n_torrents = int{ 0 };
auto site_infos = std::unordered_map<std::string /*site*/, site_info>{};
for (auto i = 0U, count = torrents_model->get_n_items(); i < count; ++i)
auto const torrent = gtr_ptr_dynamic_cast<Torrent>(torrents_model->get_object(i));
if (torrent == nullptr)
auto const& raw_torrent = torrent->get_underlying();
auto site_to_host_and_announce = std::map<std::string, std::pair<std::string, std::string>>{};
for (size_t j = 0, n = tr_torrentTrackerCount(&raw_torrent); j < n; ++j)
auto const view = tr_torrentTracker(&raw_torrent, j);
site_to_host_and_announce.try_emplace(std::data(view.sitename), view.host_and_port, view.announce);
for (auto const& [sitename, host_and_announce] : site_to_host_and_announce)
auto& info = site_infos[sitename]; = host_and_announce.first;
info.announce_url = host_and_announce.second;
info.sitename = sitename;
auto const n_sites = std::size(site_infos);
auto sites_v = std::vector<site_info>(n_sites);
std::transform(std::begin(site_infos), std::end(site_infos), std::begin(sites_v), [](auto const& it) { return it.second; });
std::sort(std::begin(sites_v), std::end(sites_v));
// update the "all" count
auto iter = tracker_model_->children().begin();
if (iter)
tracker_model_update_count(iter, n_torrents);
// offset past the "All" and the separator
size_t i = 0;
for (;;)
// are we done yet?
bool const new_sites_done = i >= n_sites;
bool const old_sites_done = !iter;
if (new_sites_done && old_sites_done)
// decide what to do
bool remove_row = false;
bool insert_row = false;
if (new_sites_done)
remove_row = true;
else if (old_sites_done)
insert_row = true;
auto const sitename = iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.sitename);
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
int const cmp = sitename.raw().compare(;
if (cmp < 0)
remove_row = true;
else if (cmp > 0)
insert_row = true;
// do something
if (remove_row)
iter = tracker_model_->erase(iter);
else if (insert_row)
auto const& site =;
auto const add = tracker_model_->insert(iter);
add->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.sitename, Glib::ustring{ site.sitename });
add->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.displayname, get_name_from_host(site.sitename));
add->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.count, site.count);
add->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.type, static_cast<int>(TrackerType::HOST));
auto path = tracker_model_->get_path(add);
[this, path = std::move(path)](auto const* pixbuf) { favicon_ready_cb(pixbuf, path); });
else // update row
return false;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::TreeStore> FilterBar::Impl::tracker_filter_model_new()
auto store = Gtk::TreeStore::create(tracker_filter_cols);
auto iter = store->append();
iter->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.displayname, Glib::ustring(_("All")));
iter->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.type, static_cast<int>(TrackerType::ALL));
iter = store->append();
iter->set_value(tracker_filter_cols.type, -1);
return store;
bool FilterBar::Impl::is_it_a_separator(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter)
return iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.type) == -1;
void FilterBar::Impl::render_pixbuf_func(Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf& cell_renderer, Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter)
cell_renderer.property_width() = TrackerType{ iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.type) } == TrackerType::HOST ? 20 : 0;
void FilterBar::Impl::render_number_func(Gtk::CellRendererText& cell_renderer, Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter)
auto const count = iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.count);
cell_renderer.property_text() = count >= 0 ? fmt::format("{:L}", count) : "";
Gtk::CellRendererText* FilterBar::Impl::number_renderer_new()
auto* r = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::CellRendererText>();
r->property_alignment() = TR_PANGO_ALIGNMENT(RIGHT);
r->property_weight() = TR_PANGO_WEIGHT(ULTRALIGHT);
r->property_xalign() = 1.0;
r->property_xpad() = GUI_PAD;
return r;
void FilterBar::Impl::tracker_combo_box_init(Gtk::ComboBox& combo)
auto* r = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf>();
combo.pack_start(*r, false);
combo.set_cell_data_func(*r, [r](auto const& iter) { render_pixbuf_func(*r, iter); });
combo.add_attribute(r->property_pixbuf(), tracker_filter_cols.pixbuf);
auto* r = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::CellRendererText>();
combo.pack_start(*r, false);
combo.add_attribute(r->property_text(), tracker_filter_cols.displayname);
auto* r = number_renderer_new();
combo.pack_end(*r, true);
combo.set_cell_data_func(*r, [r](auto const& iter) { render_number_func(*r, iter); });
class ActivityFilterModelColumns : public Gtk::TreeModelColumnRecord
ActivityFilterModelColumns() noexcept
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> name;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> count;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<int> type;
Gtk::TreeModelColumn<Glib::ustring> icon_name;
ActivityFilterModelColumns const activity_filter_cols;
} // namespace
bool FilterBar::Impl::activity_is_it_a_separator(Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter)
return iter->get_value(activity_filter_cols.type) == -1;
void FilterBar::Impl::status_model_update_count(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator const& iter, int n)
if (n != iter->get_value(activity_filter_cols.count))
iter->set_value(activity_filter_cols.count, n);
bool FilterBar::Impl::activity_filter_model_update()
auto const torrents_model = core_->get_model();
for (auto& row : activity_model_->children())
auto const type = row.get_value(activity_filter_cols.type);
if (type == -1)
auto hits = 0;
for (auto i = 0U, count = torrents_model->get_n_items(); i < count; ++i)
auto const torrent = gtr_ptr_dynamic_cast<Torrent>(torrents_model->get_object(i));
if (torrent != nullptr && TorrentFilter::match_activity(*torrent, static_cast<ActivityType>(type)))
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
status_model_update_count(TR_GTK_TREE_MODEL_CHILD_ITER(row), hits);
return false;
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> FilterBar::Impl::activity_filter_model_new()
struct FilterTypeInfo
ActivityType type;
char const* context;
char const* name;
char const* icon_name;
static auto constexpr types = std::array<FilterTypeInfo, 9>({ {
{ ActivityType::ALL, nullptr, N_("All"), nullptr },
{ ActivityType{ -1 }, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr },
{ ActivityType::ACTIVE, nullptr, N_("Active"), "system-run" },
{ ActivityType::DOWNLOADING, "Verb", NC_("Verb", "Downloading"), "network-receive" },
{ ActivityType::SEEDING, "Verb", NC_("Verb", "Seeding"), "network-transmit" },
{ ActivityType::PAUSED, nullptr, N_("Paused"), "media-playback-pause" },
{ ActivityType::FINISHED, nullptr, N_("Finished"), "media-playback-stop" },
{ ActivityType::VERIFYING, "Verb", NC_("Verb", "Verifying"), "view-refresh" },
{ ActivityType::ERROR, nullptr, N_("Error"), "dialog-error" },
} });
auto store = Gtk::ListStore::create(activity_filter_cols);
for (auto const& type : types)
auto const name = != nullptr ?
Glib::ustring(type.context != nullptr ? g_dpgettext2(nullptr, type.context, : _( :
auto const iter = store->append();
iter->set_value(, name);
iter->set_value(activity_filter_cols.type, static_cast<int>(type.type));
iter->set_value(activity_filter_cols.icon_name, Glib::ustring(type.icon_name != nullptr ? type.icon_name : ""));
return store;
void FilterBar::Impl::render_activity_pixbuf_func(
Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf& cell_renderer,
Gtk::TreeModel::const_iterator const& iter)
auto const type = ActivityType{ iter->get_value(activity_filter_cols.type) };
cell_renderer.property_width() = type == ActivityType::ALL ? 0 : 20;
cell_renderer.property_ypad() = type == ActivityType::ALL ? 0 : 2;
void FilterBar::Impl::activity_combo_box_init(Gtk::ComboBox& combo)
auto* r = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::CellRendererPixbuf>();
combo.pack_start(*r, false);
combo.add_attribute(r->property_icon_name(), activity_filter_cols.icon_name);
combo.set_cell_data_func(*r, [r](auto const& iter) { render_activity_pixbuf_func(*r, iter); });
auto* r = Gtk::make_managed<Gtk::CellRendererText>();
combo.pack_start(*r, true);
auto* r = number_renderer_new();
combo.pack_end(*r, true);
combo.set_cell_data_func(*r, [r](auto const& iter) { render_number_func(*r, iter); });
void FilterBar::Impl::update_filter_text()
void FilterBar::Impl::update_filter_activity()
/* set active_activity_type_ from the activity combobox */
if (auto const iter = activity_->get_active(); iter)
filter_->set_activity(ActivityType{ iter->get_value(activity_filter_cols.type) });
void FilterBar::Impl::update_filter_tracker()
/* set the active tracker type & host from the tracker combobox */
if (auto const iter = tracker_->get_active(); iter)
filter_->set_tracker(TrackerType::ALL, {});
bool FilterBar::Impl::update_count_label()
/* get the visible count */
auto const visibleCount = static_cast<int>(filter_model_->get_n_items());
/* get the tracker count */
int trackerCount = 0;
if (auto const iter = tracker_->get_active(); iter)
trackerCount = iter->get_value(tracker_filter_cols.count);
/* get the activity count */
int activityCount = 0;
if (auto const iter = activity_->get_active(); iter)
activityCount = iter->get_value(activity_filter_cols.count);
/* set the text */
if (auto const new_markup = visibleCount == std::min(activityCount, trackerCount) ?
_("_Show:") :
fmt::format(_("_Show {count:L} of:"), fmt::arg("count", visibleCount));
new_markup != show_lb_->get_label().raw())
return false;
void FilterBar::Impl::update_count_label_idle()
if (!update_count_label_tag_.connected())
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
update_count_label_tag_ = Glib::signal_idle().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::update_count_label));
void FilterBar::Impl::update_filter_models(Torrent::ChangeFlags changes)
static auto constexpr activity_flags = Torrent::ChangeFlag::ACTIVE_PEERS_DOWN | Torrent::ChangeFlag::ACTIVE_PEERS_UP |
Torrent::ChangeFlag::ACTIVE | Torrent::ChangeFlag::ACTIVITY | Torrent::ChangeFlag::ERROR_CODE |
static auto constexpr tracker_flags = Torrent::ChangeFlag::TRACKERS;
if (changes.test(activity_flags))
if (changes.test(tracker_flags))
if (changes.test(activity_flags | tracker_flags))
void FilterBar::Impl::update_filter_models_idle(Torrent::ChangeFlags changes)
if (!update_filter_models_tag_.connected())
update_filter_models_tag_ = Glib::signal_idle().connect(
[this, changes]()
return false;
: ExtraClassInit(&FilterBarExtraInit::class_init, nullptr, &FilterBarExtraInit::instance_init)
void FilterBarExtraInit::class_init(void* klass, void* /*user_data*/)
auto* const widget_klass = GTK_WIDGET_CLASS(klass);
gtk_widget_class_set_template_from_resource(widget_klass, gtr_get_full_resource_path("FilterBar.ui").c_str());
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full(widget_klass, "activity_combo", FALSE, 0);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full(widget_klass, "tracker_combo", FALSE, 0);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full(widget_klass, "text_entry", FALSE, 0);
gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full(widget_klass, "show_label", FALSE, 0);
void FilterBarExtraInit::instance_init(GTypeInstance* instance, void* /*klass*/)
: Glib::ObjectBase(typeid(FilterBar))
BaseObjectType* cast_item,
Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Builder> const& /*builder*/,
Glib::RefPtr<Session> const& core)
: Glib::ObjectBase(typeid(FilterBar))
, Gtk::Box(cast_item)
, impl_(std::make_unique<Impl>(*this, core))
FilterBar::~FilterBar() = default;
FilterBar::Impl::Impl(FilterBar& widget, Glib::RefPtr<Session> const& core)
: widget_(widget)
, core_(core)
, activity_model_(activity_filter_model_new())
, tracker_model_(tracker_filter_model_new())
, activity_(get_template_child<Gtk::ComboBox>("activity_combo"))
, tracker_(get_template_child<Gtk::ComboBox>("tracker_combo"))
, entry_(get_template_child<Gtk::Entry>("text_entry"))
, show_lb_(get_template_child<Gtk::Label>("show_label"))
update_filter_models_on_add_remove_tag_ = core_->get_model()->signal_items_changed().connect(
[this](guint /*position*/, guint /*removed*/, guint /*added*/) { update_filter_models_idle(~Torrent::ChangeFlags()); });
update_filter_models_on_change_tag_ = core_->signal_torrents_changed().connect(
sigc::hide<0>(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::update_filter_models_idle)));
filter_->signal_changed().connect([this](auto /*changes*/) { update_count_label_idle(); });
filter_model_ = FilterListModel<Torrent>::create(core_->get_sorted_model(), filter_);
tracker_->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::update_filter_tracker));
activity_->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::update_filter_activity));
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
entry_->signal_icon_release().connect([this](auto /*icon_position*/) { entry_->set_text({}); });
entry_->signal_icon_release().connect([this](auto /*icon_position*/, auto const* /*event*/) { entry_->set_text({}); });
Add support for GTK 4 (#3916) * Make compact mode switch work for both GTK 3 and 4 * Implement GTK 4-specific view gesture handling * Fix torrents view context menu on GTK 4 * Explicitly show/hide menubar on startup/teardown * Switch from `Gtk::Pixbuf` to `Gio::Icon` for views * Support GTK 4 exceptions based on `std::exception` * Fix options menu setup with GTK 4 * Use `delete-event` (GTK 3) and `close-request` (GTK 4) signals to handle window clousure * Add custom file chooser button implementation GTK 4 drops FileChooserButton widget and suggests implementing it using Button. * Add helpers to set X11 hints with GTK 4 * Remove `HigWorkarea` class that's no longer used * Make main menu shortcuts work with GTK 4 * Make drops work in main window and make dialog with GTK 4 * Remove unused `gtr_action_get_widget()` helper * Fix text direction mark setup with GTK 4 (due to switch to enum class) * Fix file tree font size calculation with GTK 4 * Fix crash during shutdown with GTK 4 * Switch from `RadioButton` to `CheckButton` for compatibility with GTK 4 * Fix opening files with GTK 4 * Rework torrent cell renderer to support both GTK 3 and 4 * Disable system tray icon support with GTK 4 * Fix windows positioning with GTK 4 * Fix focus event handling with GTK 4 * Adapt to tree model row/iterator changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to toplevel/root window changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to clipboard changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to icon/theme changes in GTK 4 * Adapt to file/path changes in GTK 4 * Random leftover fixes for GTK 4 compatibility * Clean up unused code * Move GTK 3 *.ui files into a subdirectory * Add GTK 4 *.ui files * Search for both GTK 3 and 4 during configuration
2022-10-08 22:50:03 +00:00
entry_->signal_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Impl::update_filter_text));
Glib::RefPtr<FilterBar::Model> FilterBar::get_filter_model() const
return impl_->get_filter_model();
Glib::RefPtr<FilterBar::Impl::FilterModel> FilterBar::Impl::get_filter_model() const
return filter_model_;
template<typename T>
T* FilterBar::Impl::get_template_child(char const* name) const
auto full_type_name = std::string("gtkmm__CustomObject_");
Glib::append_canonical_typename(full_type_name, typeid(FilterBar).name());
gtk_widget_get_template_child(GTK_WIDGET(widget_.gobj()), g_type_from_name(full_type_name.c_str()), name),
typename T::BaseObjectType));