2015-10-19 20:30:26 +00:00
* This file Copyright (C) 2015 Mnemosyne LLC
* It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3
* or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
#include <QApplication>
#include <QStyleOptionHeader>
#include <QStylePainter>
#include "TorrentView.h"
class TorrentView::HeaderWidget: public QWidget
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HeaderWidget (TorrentView * parent):
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QWidget (parent),
myText ()
setFont (qApp->font ("QMiniFont"));
void setText (const QString& text)
myText = text;
update ();
// QWidget
virtual QSize sizeHint () const
QStyleOptionHeader option;
option.rect = QRect (0, 0, 100, 100);
const QRect labelRect = style ()->subElementRect (QStyle::SE_HeaderLabel, &option, this);
return QSize (100, fontMetrics ().height () + (option.rect.height () - labelRect.height ()));
// QWidget
virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent * /*event*/)
QStyleOptionHeader option;
option.initFrom (this);
option.state = QStyle::State_Enabled;
option.position = QStyleOptionHeader::OnlyOneSection;
QStylePainter painter (this);
painter.drawControl (QStyle::CE_HeaderSection, option);
option.rect = style ()->subElementRect (QStyle::SE_HeaderLabel, &option, this);
painter.drawItemText (option.rect, Qt::AlignCenter, option.palette, true, myText, QPalette::ButtonText);
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virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent * /*event*/)
emit static_cast<TorrentView *> (parent ())->headerDoubleClicked ();
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QString myText;
TorrentView::TorrentView (QWidget * parent):
QListView (parent),
myHeaderWidget (new HeaderWidget (this))
TorrentView::setHeaderText (const QString& text)
const bool headerVisible = !text.isEmpty ();
myHeaderWidget->setText (text);
myHeaderWidget->setVisible (headerVisible);
if (headerVisible)
adjustHeaderPosition ();
setViewportMargins (0, headerVisible ? myHeaderWidget->height () : 0, 0, 0);
TorrentView::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event)
QListView::resizeEvent (event);
if (myHeaderWidget->isVisible ())
adjustHeaderPosition ();
TorrentView::adjustHeaderPosition ()
QRect headerWidgetRect = contentsRect ();
headerWidgetRect.setWidth (viewport ()->width ());
headerWidgetRect.setHeight (myHeaderWidget->sizeHint ().height ());
myHeaderWidget->setGeometry (headerWidgetRect);