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gtk: add symbolic icon The -symbolic icon variant (if available) is used in the GNOME top bar, and when the high contrast theme is in use. This icon was created by Jakub Steiner, and comes from the gnome-icons repository: There is some confusion over whether symbolic app icons should be installed to icons/hicolor/scalable/apps (alongside the regular scalable icon) or to icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps. On the one hand, has this to say: > […] obtain a suitable symbolic style icon […] and install it to the > hicolor prefix, the same way you would for the full color variant. > > cp myapp-symbolic.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/myapp-symbolic.svg On the other hand, the Fedora package at ships this icon in icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps: > # Install the symbolic icon > mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps > cp %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/transmission-symbolic.svg Anecdotally, icons in scalable/ have minimum size 64×64 on openSUSE, so symbolic/ is the safer location (given the GNOME top bar uses 32×32 icons). This has the advantage of matching the location used in the distribution which already ships this file.
2017-11-30 16:41:39 +00:00
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<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:rgb(14.117648%,12.156863%,19.215687%);fill-opacity:1;" d="M 10 1.054688 L 10 5.960938 C 11.308594 5.875 12.640625 5.863281 14 5.644531 C 14.546875 5.558594 15 5.171875 15 4.582031 L 15 2.367188 C 15 1.777344 14.542969 1.398438 14 1.300781 C 12.636719 1.050781 11.308594 1.128906 10 1.054688 Z M 6 1.0625 C 4.648438 1.144531 3.320312 1.078125 2.011719 1.300781 C 1.464844 1.394531 1.011719 1.777344 1.011719 2.367188 L 1.011719 4.582031 C 1.011719 5.171875 1.46875 5.539062 2.011719 5.644531 C 3.304688 5.902344 4.636719 5.921875 6 5.996094 Z M 6 1.0625 "/>
gtk: add symbolic icon The -symbolic icon variant (if available) is used in the GNOME top bar, and when the high contrast theme is in use. This icon was created by Jakub Steiner, and comes from the gnome-icons repository: There is some confusion over whether symbolic app icons should be installed to icons/hicolor/scalable/apps (alongside the regular scalable icon) or to icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps. On the one hand, has this to say: > […] obtain a suitable symbolic style icon […] and install it to the > hicolor prefix, the same way you would for the full color variant. > > cp myapp-symbolic.svg /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/myapp-symbolic.svg On the other hand, the Fedora package at ships this icon in icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps: > # Install the symbolic icon > mkdir -p %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps > cp %{SOURCE1} %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/icons/hicolor/symbolic/apps/transmission-symbolic.svg Anecdotally, icons in scalable/ have minimum size 64×64 on openSUSE, so symbolic/ is the safer location (given the GNOME top bar uses 32×32 icons). This has the advantage of matching the location used in the distribution which already ships this file.
2017-11-30 16:41:39 +00:00