<p>Transmission is a BitTorrent client. It is used for peer to peer filesharing over the internet. BitTorrent is a fast way of transferring files, because everyone who downloads must also upload to others. This means speeds are only limited by the number of people connected to a given torrent - the more people the better!
<p>You'll need to download a torrent file (extension .torrent). These are commonly found at'tracker' websites</a>. Torrent files contain information about the actual file you want to download (eg a movie).
<p>Once you have the torrent file, open it in Transmission. You can also set Transmission to watch for torrent files and then open them automatically via Preferences >> Transfers >> General.
<p>It is good etiquette to 'seed' the file for a while (ie leave it uploading) once your download is complete. You can set a default ratio to automatically seed to, and then pause. This can be adjusted in Preferences >> Transfers >> Management, or in real time using the Action menu. </p>
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<p>Yes, by using 'Speed Limit Mode'. Simply go to Preferences >> Bandwidth, and then set both the speed you would like Transmission to be limited to, as well as the period of time you would like the limits applied.
<p>When Speed Limit Mode is enabled, the turtle will be illuminated in blue.</p>
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<h3>Can I queue my transfers? </h3>
<tdvalign="top"width="150"><imgsrc="../gfx/queuing.png"height="auto"width="150"border="0"><imgsrc="../gfx/queuing2.png"alt="Image of Adium X account types"height="auto"width="150"border="0"></td>
<p>Yes, you can queue seeding and/or downloading transfers via Preferences >> Transfers >> Management.
<p>The queue system is very simple: You start and pause transfers as usual, but if you're over the queue limit starting a transfer will instead make it "Waiting to download..."
<p>You can force a transfer to start by holding down option and clicking the orange resume button; or by using the Transfers menu item "Resume Selected Without Wait". </p>
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<h3>Where can I find more detailed information on my torrents? </h3>