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// This file Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Mnemosyne LLC.
2022-08-08 18:05:39 +00:00
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/file.h>
#include <libtransmission/resume.h>
#include <libtransmission/torrent.h> // tr_isTorrent()
#include <libtransmission/tr-assert.h>
#include <libtransmission/tr-strbuf.h>
#include <libtransmission/variant.h>
#include "test-fixtures.h"
#include <array>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstdio> // fopen()
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
using namespace std::literals;
namespace libtransmission::test
class RenameTest : public SessionTest
static auto constexpr MaxWaitMsec = 3000;
2022-08-24 21:03:30 +00:00
void torrentRemoveAndWait(tr_torrent* tor, size_t expected_torrent_count)
tr_torrentRemove(tor, false, nullptr, nullptr);
auto const test = [this, expected_torrent_count]()
return std::size(session_->torrents()) == expected_torrent_count;
EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, MaxWaitMsec));
void createSingleFileTorrentContents(std::string_view top)
auto const path = tr_pathbuf{ top, "/hello-world.txt" };
createFileWithContents(path, "hello, world!\n");
void createMultifileTorrentContents(std::string_view top)
auto path = tr_pathbuf{ top, "/Felidae/Felinae/Acinonyx/Cheetah/Chester"sv };
createFileWithContents(path, "It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n");
path.assign(top, "/Felidae/Pantherinae/Panthera/Tiger/Tony"sv);
createFileWithContents(path, "Theyre Grrrrreat!\n");
path.assign(top, "/Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi"sv);
createFileWithContents(path, "Inquisitive\n");
path.assign(top, "/Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Saffron"sv);
createFileWithContents(path, "Tough\n");
tr_torrent* createTorrentFromBase64Metainfo(tr_ctor* ctor, char const* benc_base64)
// create the torrent ctor
auto const benc = tr_base64_decode(benc_base64);
fix: sonarcloud (#2865) * refactor: implement FileTreeItem::children_ with a std::vector * fix: std::move should not be called on forwarding reference * fix: uninitialized scalar variable * fix: unchecked return value from library * fix: dereference before null check * fix: unchecked return value from library * fix: unchecked return value from library * fixup! refactor: implement FileTreeItem::children_ with a std::vector * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fix: avoid unnecessary copy by using const reference * fix: function should be declared const * refactor: use fmt::format to build log timestamps * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fixup! refactor: use fmt::format to build log timestamps * fix: remove tau_tracker destructor for rule-of-zero * fix: remove tr_peerIo destructor for rule-of-zero * Revert "fix: dereference before null check" This reverts commit cd789678156bb987a8dc6b2eb49cb1db4195d441. * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fixup! fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: mark possibly-unused as [[maybe_unused]] * fix: invalid stack memory reference in tr_found_file_t * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests
2022-04-02 14:06:02 +00:00
EXPECT_LT(0U, std::size(benc));
tr_error* error = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ctorSetMetainfo(ctor, std::data(benc), std::size(benc), &error));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error;
tr_ctorSetPaused(ctor, TR_FORCE, true);
// create the torrent
auto* const tor = createTorrentAndWaitForVerifyDone(ctor);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, tor);
return tor;
static bool testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tr_torrent const* tor, tr_file_index_t file_index, std::string_view str)
if (auto const found = tor->findFile(file_index); found)
auto contents = std::vector<char>{};
return tr_loadFile(found->filename(), contents) &&
std::string_view{ std::data(contents), std::size(contents) } == str;
return false;
static void expectHaveNone(tr_torrent* tor, uint64_t total_size)
auto const* tst = tr_torrentStat(tor);
EXPECT_EQ(TR_STAT_OK, tst->error);
EXPECT_EQ(total_size, tst->sizeWhenDone);
EXPECT_EQ(total_size, tst->leftUntilDone);
EXPECT_EQ(total_size, tor->totalSize());
EXPECT_EQ(0, tst->haveValid);
static int torrentRenameAndWait(tr_torrent* tor, char const* oldpath, char const* newname)
auto const on_rename_done =
[](tr_torrent* /*tor*/, char const* /*oldpath*/, char const* /*newname*/, int error, void* user_data) noexcept
*static_cast<int*>(user_data) = error;
int error = -1;
tr_torrentRenamePath(tor, oldpath, newname, on_rename_done, &error);
auto test = [&error]()
return error != -1;
EXPECT_TRUE(waitFor(test, MaxWaitMsec));
return error;
TEST_F(RenameTest, singleFilenameTorrent)
static auto constexpr TotalSize = size_t{ 14 };
// this is a single-file torrent whose file is hello-world.txt, holding the string "hello, world!"
auto* ctor = tr_ctorNew(session_);
auto* tor = createTorrentFromBase64Metainfo(
// sanity check the info
EXPECT_EQ(tr_file_index_t{ 1 }, tor->fileCount());
EXPECT_STREQ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
// sanity check the (empty) stats
expectHaveNone(tor, TotalSize);
// sanity check the stats again, now that we've added the file
auto const* st = tr_torrentStat(tor);
EXPECT_EQ(TR_STAT_OK, st->error);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->leftUntilDone);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->haveUnchecked);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->desiredAvailable);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, st->sizeWhenDone);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, st->haveValid);
*** okay! we've finally put together all the scaffolding to test
*** renaming a single-file torrent
// confirm that bad inputs get caught
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", ""));
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", "."));
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", ".."));
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", "hello-world.txt"));
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "hello-world.txt", "hello/world.txt"));
EXPECT_STREQ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
**** Now try a rename that should succeed
auto tmpstr = tr_pathbuf{ tor->currentDir(), "/hello-world.txt" };
EXPECT_STREQ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentName(tor));
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, tr_torrentName(tor), "foobar"));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sys_path_exists(tmpstr)); // confirm the old filename can't be found
EXPECT_STREQ("foobar", tr_torrentName(tor)); // confirm the torrent's name is now 'foobar'
EXPECT_STREQ("foobar", tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name); // confirm the file's name is now 'foobar'
auto const torrent_filename = tr_torrentFilename(tor);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string::npos, torrent_filename.find("foobar")); // confirm torrent file hasn't changed
tmpstr.assign(tor->currentDir(), "/foobar");
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_path_exists(tmpstr)); // confirm the file's name is now 'foobar' on the disk
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 0, "hello, world!\n")); // confirm the contents are right
// (while it's renamed: confirm that the .resume file remembers the changes)
auto const loaded = tr_resume::load(tor, tr_resume::All, ctor);
EXPECT_STREQ("foobar", tr_torrentName(tor));
EXPECT_NE(decltype(loaded){ 0 }, (loaded & tr_resume::Name));
**** ...and rename it back again
tmpstr.assign(tor->currentDir(), "/foobar");
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "foobar", "hello-world.txt"));
EXPECT_STREQ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentName(tor));
EXPECT_STREQ("hello-world.txt", tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 0, "hello, world!\n"));
// cleanup
torrentRemoveAndWait(tor, 0);
TEST_F(RenameTest, multifileTorrent)
auto constexpr TotalSize = size_t{ 67 };
auto constexpr ExpectedFiles = std::array<std::string_view, 4>{
auto constexpr ExpectedContents = std::array<std::string_view, 4>{
"It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n"sv,
"Theyre Grrrrreat!\n"sv,
auto* ctor = tr_ctorNew(session_);
auto* tor = createTorrentFromBase64Metainfo(
// sanity check the info
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae", tr_torrentName(tor));
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, tor->totalSize());
EXPECT_EQ(tr_file_index_t{ 4 }, tor->fileCount());
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[i], tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name);
// sanity check the (empty) stats
expectHaveNone(tor, TotalSize);
// build the local data
// sanity check the (full) stats
auto const* st = tr_torrentStat(tor);
EXPECT_EQ(TR_STAT_OK, st->error);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->leftUntilDone);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->haveUnchecked);
EXPECT_EQ(0, st->desiredAvailable);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, st->sizeWhenDone);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, st->haveValid);
*** okay! let's test renaming.
// rename a leaf...
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi", "placeholder"));
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/placeholder", tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name);
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 1, "Inquisitive\n"));
// ...and back again
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/placeholder", "Kyphi"));
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi", tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 1, "Inquisitive\n");
// rename a branch...
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus", "placeholder"));
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[0], tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Kyphi", tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Saffron", tr_torrentFile(tor, 2).name);
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[3], tr_torrentFile(tor, 3).name);
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 1, ExpectedContents[1]));
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 2, ExpectedContents[2]));
// (while the branch is renamed: confirm that the .resume file remembers the changes)
// this is a bit dodgy code-wise, but let's make sure the .resume file got the name
tor->setFileSubpath(1, "gabba gabba hey"sv);
auto const loaded = tr_resume::load(tor, tr_resume::All, ctor);
EXPECT_NE(decltype(loaded){ 0 }, (loaded & tr_resume::Filenames));
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[0], tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Kyphi", tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Saffron", tr_torrentFile(tor, 2).name);
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[3], tr_torrentFile(tor, 3).name);
// ...and back again
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder", "catus"));
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[i], tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name);
EXPECT_TRUE(testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, i, ExpectedContents[i]));
**** Test it an incomplete torrent...
// remove the directory Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus
auto str = tr_torrentFindFile(tor, 1);
EXPECT_NE(""sv, str);
str = tr_torrentFindFile(tor, 2);
EXPECT_NE(""sv, str);
tr_sys_path_remove(std::string{ tr_sys_path_dirname(str) });
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 0, ExpectedContents[0]);
for (tr_file_index_t i = 1; i <= 2; ++i)
str = tr_torrentFindFile(tor, i);
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, str);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, 3, ExpectedContents[3]);
// rename a branch...
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus", "foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[0], tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo/Kyphi", tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).name);
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo/Saffron", tr_torrentFile(tor, 2).name);
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[3], tr_torrentFile(tor, 3).name);
// ...and back again
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo", "catus"));
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(ExpectedFiles[i], tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name);
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae", "gabba"));
auto strings = std::array<char const*, 4>{};
strings[0] = "gabba/Felinae/Acinonyx/Cheetah/Chester";
strings[1] = "gabba/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi";
strings[2] = "gabba/Felinae/Felis/catus/Saffron";
strings[3] = "gabba/Pantherinae/Panthera/Tiger/Tony";
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
EXPECT_STREQ(strings[i], tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, i, ExpectedContents[i]);
// rename the root, then a branch, and then a leaf...
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "gabba", "Felidae"));
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Pantherinae/Panthera/Tiger", "Snow Leopard"));
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/Pantherinae/Panthera/Snow Leopard/Tony", "10.6"));
strings[0] = "Felidae/Felinae/Acinonyx/Cheetah/Chester";
strings[1] = "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi";
strings[2] = "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Saffron";
strings[3] = "Felidae/Pantherinae/Panthera/Snow Leopard/10.6";
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
EXPECT_STREQ(strings[i], tr_torrentFile(tor, i).name);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString(tor, i, ExpectedContents[i]);
torrentRemoveAndWait(tor, 0);
*** Test renaming prefixes (shouldn't work)
ctor = tr_ctorNew(session_);
tor = createTorrentFromBase64Metainfo(
// rename prefix of top
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Feli", "FelidaeX"));
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae", tr_torrentName(tor));
// rename false path
EXPECT_EQ(EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "Felidae/FelinaeX", "Genus Felinae"));
EXPECT_STREQ("Felidae", tr_torrentName(tor));
// cleanup
torrentRemoveAndWait(tor, 0);
TEST_F(RenameTest, partialFile)
auto constexpr PieceCount = uint32_t{ 33 };
auto constexpr PieceSize = uint32_t{ 32768 };
auto constexpr Length = std::array<uint32_t, 3>{ 1048576, 4096, 512 };
auto constexpr TotalSize = uint64_t{ Length[0] } + Length[1] + Length[2];
**** create our test torrent with an incomplete .part file
auto* tor = zeroTorrentInit(ZeroTorrentState::Partial);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, tor->totalSize());
EXPECT_EQ(PieceSize, tor->pieceSize());
EXPECT_EQ(PieceCount, tor->pieceCount());
EXPECT_EQ("files-filled-with-zeroes/1048576"sv, tor->fileSubpath(0));
EXPECT_EQ("files-filled-with-zeroes/4096"sv, tor->fileSubpath(1));
EXPECT_EQ("files-filled-with-zeroes/512"sv, tor->fileSubpath(2));
EXPECT_NE(0, tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).have);
EXPECT_EQ(Length[0], tr_torrentFile(tor, 0).have + PieceSize);
EXPECT_EQ(Length[1], tr_torrentFile(tor, 1).have);
EXPECT_EQ(Length[2], tr_torrentFile(tor, 2).have);
auto const* st = tr_torrentStat(tor);
EXPECT_EQ(TotalSize, st->sizeWhenDone);
EXPECT_EQ(PieceSize, st->leftUntilDone);
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "files-filled-with-zeroes", "foo"));
EXPECT_EQ(0, torrentRenameAndWait(tor, "foo/1048576", "bar"));
auto strings = std::array<std::string_view, 3>{};
strings[0] = "foo/bar"sv;
strings[1] = "foo/4096"sv;
strings[2] = "foo/512"sv;
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(strings[i], tor->fileSubpath(i));
strings[0] = "foo/bar.part";
for (tr_file_index_t i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
auto const expected = tr_pathbuf{ tor->currentDir(), '/', strings[i] };
auto const actual = tr_torrentFindFile(tor, i);
EXPECT_EQ(expected, actual);
torrentRemoveAndWait(tor, 0);
} // namespace libtransmission::test