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* Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
* This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
* For details, see
* Class TransmissionRemote
function RPC() { }
//Prefs.prototype = { }
// Constants
RPC._Root = '/transmission/rpc';
RPC._Encryption = 'encryption';
RPC._EncryptionPreferred = 'preferred';
RPC._EncryptionRequired = 'required';
RPC._UpSpeedLimit = 'speed-limit-up';
RPC._DownSpeedLimit = 'speed-limit-down';
RPC._DownloadDir = 'download-dir';
RPC._PeerPort = 'port';
RPC._UpSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-up-enabled';
RPC._DownSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-down-enabled';
function TransmissionRemote( controller )
this.initialize( controller );
return this;
TransmissionRemote.prototype =
* Constructor
initialize: function(controller) {
this._controller = controller;
this._error = '';
* Display an error if an ajax request fails, and stop sending requests
ajaxError: function(request, error_string, exception) {
this._error = request.responseText
? request.responseText.trim().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"")
: "";
if( !this._error.length )
this._error = 'Server not responding';
dialog.confirm('Connection Failed',
'Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect.',
sendRequest: function( url, data, success, contentType )
var o = { };
o.cache = false;
o.contentType = contentType; = data;
o.dataType = 'json';
o.error = this.ajaxError;
o.success = success;
o.type = 'POST';
o.url = url;
$.ajax( o );
loadDaemonPrefs: function() {
var tr = this._controller;
var o = { };
o.method = 'session-get';
this.sendRequest( RPC._Root, $.toJSON(o), function(data) {
var o = data.arguments;
Prefs.getClutchPrefs( o );
tr.updatePrefs( o );
}, "json" );
loadTorrents: function() {
var tr = this._controller;
var o = { };
o.method = 'torrent-get'
o.arguments = { };
o.arguments.fields = [
'addedDate', 'announceURL', 'comment', 'creator',
'dateCreated', 'downloadedEver', 'error', 'errorString',
'eta', 'hashString', 'haveUnchecked', 'haveValid', 'id',
'isPrivate', 'leechers', 'leftUntilDone', 'name',
'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersKnown', 'peersSendingToUs',
'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'seeders', 'sizeWhenDone',
'status', 'swarmSpeed', 'totalSize', 'uploadedEver' ];
this.sendRequest( RPC._Root, $.toJSON(o), function(data) {
tr.updateTorrents( data.arguments.torrents );
}, "json" );
sendTorrentCommand: function( method, torrents ) {
var remote = this;
var o = { };
o.method = method;
o.arguments = { };
o.arguments.ids = [ ];
if( torrents != null )
for( var i=0, len=torrents.length; i<len; ++i )
o.arguments.ids.push( torrents[i].id() );
this.sendRequest( RPC._Root, $.toJSON(o), function( ) {
}, "json" );
startTorrents: function( torrents ) {
this.sendTorrentCommand( 'torrent-start', torrents );
stopTorrents: function( torrents ) {
this.sendTorrentCommand( 'torrent-stop', torrents );
removeTorrents: function( torrents ) {
this.sendTorrentCommand( 'torrent-remove', torrents );
savePrefs: function( args ) {
var remote = this;
var o = { };
o.method = 'session-set';
o.arguments = args;
this.sendRequest( RPC._Root, $.toJSON(o), function(){
}, "json" );