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2006-07-16 19:39:23 +00:00
// GrowlApplicationBridge-Carbon.h
// Growl
// Created by Mac-arena the Bored Zo on Wed Jun 18 2004.
// Based on GrowlApplicationBridge.h by Evan Schoenberg.
// This source code is in the public domain. You may freely link it into any
// program.
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
/*! @header GrowlApplicationBridge-Carbon.h
* @abstract Declares an API that Carbon applications can use to interact with Growl.
* @discussion GrowlApplicationBridge uses a delegate to provide information //XXX
* to Growl (such as your application's name and what notifications it may
* post) and to provide information to your application (such as that Growl
* is listening for notifications or that a notification has been clicked).
* You can set the Growldelegate with Growl_SetDelegate and find out the
* current delegate with Growl_GetDelegate. See struct Growl_Delegate for more
* information about the delegate.
/*! @struct Growl_Delegate
* @abstract Delegate to supply GrowlApplicationBridge with information and respond to events.
* @discussion The Growl delegate provides your interface to
* GrowlApplicationBridge. When GrowlApplicationBridge needs information about
* your application, it looks for it in the delegate; when Growl or the user
* does something that you might be interested in, GrowlApplicationBridge
* looks for a callback in the delegate and calls it if present
* (meaning, if it is not <code>NULL</code>).
* XXX on all of that
* @field size The size of the delegate structure.
* @field applicationName The name of your application.
* @field registrationDictionary A dictionary describing your application and the notifications it can send out.
* @field applicationIconData Your application's icon.
* @field growlInstallationWindowTitle The title of the installation window.
* @field growlInstallationInformation Text to display in the installation window.
* @field growlUpdateWindowTitle The title of the update window.
* @field growlUpdateInformation Text to display in the update window.
* @field referenceCount A count of owners of the delegate.
* @field retain Called when GrowlApplicationBridge receives this delegate.
* @field release Called when GrowlApplicationBridge no longer needs this delegate.
* @field growlIsReady Called when GrowlHelperApp is listening for notifications.
* @field growlNotificationWasClicked Called when a Growl notification is clicked.
* @field growlNotificationTimedOut Called when a Growl notification timed out.
struct Growl_Delegate {
/* @discussion This should be sizeof(struct Growl_Delegate).
size_t size;
/*All of these attributes are optional.
*Optional attributes can be NULL; required attributes that
* are NULL cause setting the Growl delegate to fail.
*XXX - move optional/required status into the discussion for each field
/* This name is used both internally and in the Growl preferences.
* This should remain stable between different versions and incarnations of
* your application.
* For example, "SurfWriter" is a good app name, whereas "SurfWriter 2.0" and
* "SurfWriter Lite" are not.
* This can be <code>NULL</code> if it is provided elsewhere, namely in an
* auto-discoverable plist file in your app bundle
* (XXX refer to more information on that) or in registrationDictionary.
CFStringRef applicationName;
* Must contain at least these keys:
* Contains the names of all notifications your application may post.
* Can also contain these keys:
* Names of notifications that should be enabled by default.
* If omitted, GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL will be used.
* Same as the applicationName member of this structure.
* If both are present, the applicationName member shall prevail.
* If this key is present, you may omit applicationName (set it to <code>NULL</code>).
* Same as the iconData member of this structure.
* If both are present, the iconData member shall prevail.
* If this key is present, you may omit iconData (set it to <code>NULL</code>).
* If you change the contents of this dictionary after setting the delegate,
* be sure to call Growl_Reregister.
* This can be <code>NULL</code> if you have an auto-discoverable plist file in your app
* bundle. (XXX refer to more information on that)
CFDictionaryRef registrationDictionary;
/* The data can be in any format supported by NSImage. As of
* Mac OS X 10.3, this includes the .icns, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, and
* PICT formats.
* If this is not supplied, Growl will look up your application's icon by
* its application name.
CFDataRef applicationIconData;
/* Installer display attributes
* These four attributes are used by the Growl installer, if this framework
* supports it.
* For any of these being <code>NULL</code>, a localised default will be
* supplied.
/* If this is <code>NULL</code>, Growl will use a default,
* localized title.
* Only used if you're using Growl-WithInstaller.framework. Otherwise,
* this member is ignored.
CFStringRef growlInstallationWindowTitle;
/* This information may be as long or short as desired (the
* window will be sized to fit it). If Growl is not installed, it will
* be displayed to the user as an explanation of what Growl is and what
* it can do in your application.
* It should probably note that no download is required to install.
* If this is <code>NULL</code>, Growl will use a default, localized
* explanation.
* Only used if you're using Growl-WithInstaller.framework. Otherwise,
* this member is ignored.
CFStringRef growlInstallationInformation;
/* If this is <code>NULL</code>, Growl will use a default,
* localized title.
* Only used if you're using Growl-WithInstaller.framework. Otherwise,
* this member is ignored.
CFStringRef growlUpdateWindowTitle;
/* This information may be as long or short as desired (the
* window will be sized to fit it). If an older version of Growl is
* installed, it will be displayed to the user as an explanation that an
* updated version of Growl is included in your application and
* no download is required.
* If this is <code>NULL</code>, Growl will use a default, localized
* explanation.
* Only used if you're using Growl-WithInstaller.framework. Otherwise,
* this member is ignored.
CFStringRef growlUpdateInformation;
/* This member is provided for use by your retain and release
* callbacks (see below).
* GrowlApplicationBridge never directly uses this member. Instead, it
* calls your retain callback (if non-<code>NULL</code>) and your release
* callback (if non-<code>NULL</code>).
unsigned referenceCount;
//Functions. Currently all of these are optional (any of them can be NULL).
/* When you call Growl_SetDelegate(newDelegate), it will call
* oldDelegate->release(oldDelegate), and then it will call
* newDelegate->retain(newDelegate), and the return value from retain
* is what will be set as the delegate.
* (This means that this member works like CFRetain and -[NSObject retain].)
* This member is optional (it can be <code>NULL</code>).
* For a delegate allocated with malloc, this member would be
* <code>NULL</code>.
* @result A delegate to which GrowlApplicationBridge holds a reference.
void *(*retain)(void *);
/* When you call Growl_SetDelegate(newDelegate), it will call
* oldDelegate->release(oldDelegate), and then it will call
* newDelegate->retain(newDelegate), and the return value from retain
* is what will be set as the delegate.
* (This means that this member works like CFRelease and
* -[NSObject release].)
* This member is optional (it can be NULL).
* For a delegate allocated with malloc, this member might be
* <code>free</code>(3).
void (*release)(void *);
/* Informs the delegate that Growl (specifically, the GrowlHelperApp) was
* launched successfully (or was already running). The application can
* take actions with the knowledge that Growl is installed and functional.
void (*growlIsReady)(void);
/* Informs the delegate that a Growl notification was clicked. It is only
* sent for notifications sent with a non-<code>NULL</code> clickContext,
* so if you want to receive a message when a notification is clicked,
* clickContext must not be <code>NULL</code> when calling
* Growl_PostNotification or
* Growl_NotifyWithTitleDescriptionNameIconPriorityStickyClickContext.
void (*growlNotificationWasClicked)(CFPropertyListRef clickContext);
/* Informs the delegate that a Growl notification timed out. It is only
* sent for notifications sent with a non-<code>NULL</code> clickContext,
* so if you want to receive a message when a notification is clicked,
* clickContext must not be <code>NULL</code> when calling
* Growl_PostNotification or
* Growl_NotifyWithTitleDescriptionNameIconPriorityStickyClickContext.
void (*growlNotificationTimedOut)(CFPropertyListRef clickContext);
/*! @struct Growl_Notification
* @abstract Structure describing a Growl notification.
* @discussion XXX
* @field size The size of the notification structure.
* @field name Identifies the notification.
* @field title Short synopsis of the notification.
* @field description Additional text.
* @field iconData An icon for the notification.
* @field priority An indicator of the notification's importance.
* @field reserved Bits reserved for future usage.
* @field isSticky Requests that a notification stay on-screen until dismissed explicitly.
* @field clickContext An identifier to be passed to your click callback when a notification is clicked.
* @field clickCallback A callback to call when the notification is clicked.
struct Growl_Notification {
/* This should be sizeof(struct Growl_Notification).
size_t size;
/* The notification name distinguishes one type of
* notification from another. The name should be human-readable, as it
* will be displayed in the Growl preference pane.
* The name is used in the GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL and
* GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_DEFAULT arrays in the registration dictionary, and
* in this member of the Growl_Notification structure.
CFStringRef name;
/* A notification's title describes the notification briefly.
* It should be easy to read quickly by the user.
CFStringRef title;
/* The description supplements the title with more
* information. It is usually longer and sometimes involves a list of
* subjects. For example, for a 'Download complete' notification, the
* description might have one filename per line. GrowlMail in Growl 0.6
* uses a description of '%d new mail(s)' (formatted with the number of
* messages).
CFStringRef description;
/* The notification icon usually indicates either what
* happened (it may have the same icon as e.g. a toolbar item that
* started the process that led to the notification), or what it happened
* to (e.g. a document icon).
* The icon data is optional, so it can be <code>NULL</code>. In that
* case, the application icon is used alone. Not all displays support
* icons.
* The data can be in any format supported by NSImage. As of Mac OS X
* 10.3, this includes the .icns, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, and PICT form
* ats.
CFDataRef iconData;
/* Priority is new in Growl 0.6, and is represented as a
* signed integer from -2 to +2. 0 is Normal priority, -2 is Very Low
* priority, and +2 is Very High priority.
* Not all displays support priority. If you do not wish to assign a
* priority to your notification, assign 0.
signed int priority;
/* These bits are not used in Growl 0.6. Set them to 0.
unsigned reserved: 31;
/* When the sticky bit is clear, in most displays,
* notifications disappear after a certain amount of time. Sticky
* notifications, however, remain on-screen until the user dismisses them
* explicitly, usually by clicking them.
* Sticky notifications were introduced in Growl 0.6. Most notifications
* should not be sticky. Not all displays support sticky notifications,
* and the user may choose in Growl's preference pane to force the
* notification to be sticky or non-sticky, in which case the sticky bit
* in the notification will be ignored.
unsigned isSticky: 1;
/* If this is not <code>NULL</code>, and your click callback
* is not <code>NULL</code> either, this will be passed to the callback
* when your notification is clicked by the user.
* Click feedback was introduced in Growl 0.6, and it is optional. Not
* all displays support click feedback.
CFPropertyListRef clickContext;
/* If this is not <code>NULL</code>, it will be called instead
* of the Growl delegate's click callback when clickContext is
* non-<code>NULL</code> and the notification is clicked on by the user.
* Click feedback was introduced in Growl 0.6, and it is optional. Not
* all displays support click feedback.
* The per-notification click callback is not yet supported as of Growl
* 0.7.
void (*clickCallback)(CFPropertyListRef clickContext);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Easy initialisers
/*! @defined InitGrowlDelegate
* @abstract Callable macro. Initializes a Growl delegate structure to defaults.
* @discussion Call with a pointer to a struct Growl_Delegate. All of the
* members of the structure will be set to 0 or <code>NULL</code>, except for
* size (which will be set to <code>sizeof(struct Growl_Delegate)</code>) and
* referenceCount (which will be set to 1).
#define InitGrowlDelegate(delegate) \
do { \
if (delegate) { \
(delegate)->size = sizeof(struct Growl_Delegate); \
(delegate)->applicationName = NULL; \
(delegate)->registrationDictionary = NULL; \
(delegate)->applicationIconData = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlInstallationWindowTitle = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlInstallationInformation = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlUpdateWindowTitle = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlUpdateInformation = NULL; \
(delegate)->referenceCount = 1U; \
(delegate)->retain = NULL; \
(delegate)->release = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlIsReady = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlNotificationWasClicked = NULL; \
(delegate)->growlNotificationTimedOut = NULL; \
} \
} while(0)
/*! @defined InitGrowlNotification
* @abstract Callable macro. Initializes a Growl notification structure to defaults.
* @discussion Call with a pointer to a struct Growl_Notification. All of
* the members of the structure will be set to 0 or <code>NULL</code>, except
* for size (which will be set to
* <code>sizeof(struct Growl_Notification)</code>).
#define InitGrowlNotification(notification) \
do { \
if (notification) { \
(notification)->size = sizeof(struct Growl_Notification); \
(notification)->name = NULL; \
(notification)->title = NULL; \
(notification)->description = NULL; \
(notification)->iconData = NULL; \
(notification)->priority = 0; \
(notification)->reserved = 0U; \
(notification)->isSticky = false; \
(notification)->clickContext = NULL; \
} \
} while(0)
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Public API
// @functiongroup Managing the Growl delegate
/*! @function Growl_SetDelegate
* @abstract Replaces the current Growl delegate with a new one, or removes
* the Growl delegate.
* @param newDelegate
* @result Returns false and does nothing else if a pointer that was passed in
* is unsatisfactory (because it is non-<code>NULL</code>, but at least one
* required member of it is <code>NULL</code>). Otherwise, sets or unsets the
* delegate and returns true.
* @discussion When <code>newDelegate</code> is non-<code>NULL</code>, sets
* the delegate to <code>newDelegate</code>. When it is <code>NULL</code>,
* the current delegate will be unset, and no delegate will be in place.
* It is legal for <code>newDelegate</code> to be the current delegate;
* nothing will happen, and Growl_SetDelegate will return true. It is also
* legal for it to be <code>NULL</code>, as described above; again, it will
* return true.
* If there was a delegate in place before the call, Growl_SetDelegate will
* call the old delegate's release member if it was non-<code>NULL</code>. If
* <code>newDelegate</code> is non-<code>NULL</code>, Growl_SetDelegate will
* call <code>newDelegate->retain</code>, and set the delegate to its return
* value.
* If you are using Growl-WithInstaller.framework, and an older version of
* Growl is installed on the user's system, the user will automatically be
* prompted to update.
* GrowlApplicationBridge currently does not copy this structure, nor does it
* retain any of the CF objects in the structure (it regards the structure as
* a container that retains the objects when they are added and releases them
* when they are removed or the structure is destroyed). Also,
* GrowlApplicationBridge currently does not modify any member of the
* structure, except possibly the referenceCount by calling the retain and
* release members.
Boolean Growl_SetDelegate(struct Growl_Delegate *newDelegate);
/*! @function Growl_GetDelegate
* @abstract Returns the current Growl delegate, if any.
* @result The current Growl delegate.
* @discussion Returns the last pointer passed into Growl_SetDelegate, or
* <code>NULL</code> if no such call has been made.
* This function follows standard Core Foundation reference-counting rules.
* Because it is a Get function, not a Copy function, it will not retain the
* delegate on your behalf. You are responsible for retaining and releasing
* the delegate as needed.
struct Growl_Delegate *Growl_GetDelegate(void);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Posting Growl notifications
/*! @function Growl_PostNotification
* @abstract Posts a Growl notification.
* @param notification The notification to post.
* @discussion This is the preferred means for sending a Growl notification.
* The notification name and at least one of the title and description are
* required (all three are preferred). All other parameters may be
* <code>NULL</code> (or 0 or false as appropriate) to accept default values.
* If using the Growl-WithInstaller framework, if Growl is not installed the
* user will be prompted to install Growl.
* If the user cancels, this function will have no effect until the next
* application session, at which time when it is called the user will be
* prompted again. The user is also given the option to not be prompted again.
* If the user does choose to install Growl, the requested notification will
* be displayed once Growl is installed and running.
void Growl_PostNotification(const struct Growl_Notification *notification);
/*! @function Growl_PostNotificationWithDictionary
* @abstract Notifies using a userInfo dictionary suitable for passing to
* CFDistributedNotificationCenter.
* @param userInfo The dictionary to notify with.
* @discussion Before Growl 0.6, your application would have posted
* notifications using CFDistributedNotificationCenter by creating a userInfo
* dictionary with the notification data. This had the advantage of allowing
* you to add other data to the dictionary for programs besides Growl that
* might be listening.
* This function allows you to use such dictionaries without being restricted
* to using CFDistributedNotificationCenter. The keys for this dictionary
* can be found in GrowlDefines.h.
void Growl_PostNotificationWithDictionary(CFDictionaryRef userInfo);
/*! @function Growl_NotifyWithTitleDescriptionNameIconPriorityStickyClickContext
* @abstract Posts a Growl notification using parameter values.
* @param title The title of the notification.
* @param description The description of the notification.
* @param notificationName The name of the notification as listed in the
* registration dictionary.
* @param iconData Data representing a notification icon. Can be <code>NULL</code>.
* @param priority The priority of the notification (-2 to +2, with -2
* being Very Low and +2 being Very High).
* @param isSticky If true, requests that this notification wait for a
* response from the user.
* @param clickContext An object to pass to the clickCallback, if any. Can
* be <code>NULL</code>, in which case the clickCallback is not called.
* @discussion Creates a temporary Growl_Notification, fills it out with the
* supplied information, and calls Growl_PostNotification on it.
* See struct Growl_Notification and Growl_PostNotification for more
* information.
* The icon data can be in any format supported by NSImage. As of Mac OS X
* 10.3, this includes the .icns, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG, PDF, and PICT formats.
void Growl_NotifyWithTitleDescriptionNameIconPriorityStickyClickContext(
CFStringRef title,
CFStringRef description,
CFStringRef notificationName,
CFDataRef iconData,
signed int priority,
Boolean isSticky,
CFPropertyListRef clickContext);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Registering
/*! @function Growl_RegisterWithDictionary
* @abstract Register your application with Growl without setting a delegate.
* @discussion When you call this function with a dictionary,
* GrowlApplicationBridge registers your application using that dictionary.
* If you pass <code>NULL</code>, GrowlApplicationBridge will ask the delegate
* (if there is one) for a dictionary, and if that doesn't work, it will look
* in your application's bundle for an auto-discoverable plist.
* (XXX refer to more information on that)
* If you pass a dictionary to this function, it must include the
* <code>GROWL_APP_NAME</code> key, unless a delegate is set.
* This function is mainly an alternative to the delegate system introduced
* with Growl 0.6. Without a delegate, you cannot receive callbacks such as
* <code>growlIsReady</code> (since they are sent to the delegate). You can,
* however, set a delegate after registering without one.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
* @result <code>false</code> if registration failed (e.g. if Growl isn't installed).
Boolean Growl_RegisterWithDictionary(CFDictionaryRef regDict);
/*! @function Growl_Reregister
* @abstract Updates your registration with Growl.
* @discussion If your application changes the contents of the
* GROWL_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL key in the registrationDictionary member of the
* Growl delegate, or if it changes the value of that member, or if it
* changes the contents of its auto-discoverable plist, call this function
* to have Growl update its registration information for your application.
* Otherwise, this function does not normally need to be called. If you're
* using a delegate, your application will be registered when you set the
* delegate if both the delegate and its registrationDictionary member are
* non-<code>NULL</code>.
* This function is now implemented using
* <code>Growl_RegisterWithDictionary</code>.
void Growl_Reregister(void);
#pragma mark -
/*! @function Growl_SetWillRegisterWhenGrowlIsReady
* @abstract Tells GrowlApplicationBridge to register with Growl when Growl
* launches (or not).
* @discussion When Growl has started listening for notifications, it posts a
* <code>GROWL_IS_READY</code> notification on the Distributed Notification
* Center. GrowlApplicationBridge listens for this notification, using it to
* perform various tasks (such as calling your delegate's
* <code>growlIsReady</code> callback, if it has one). If this function is
* called with <code>true</code>, one of those tasks will be to reregister
* with Growl (in the manner of <code>Growl_Reregister</code>).
* This attribute is automatically set back to <code>false</code>
* (the default) after every <code>GROWL_IS_READY</code> notification.
* @param flag <code>true</code> if you want GrowlApplicationBridge to register with
* Growl when next it is ready; <code>false</code> if not.
void Growl_SetWillRegisterWhenGrowlIsReady(Boolean flag);
/*! @function Growl_WillRegisterWhenGrowlIsReady
* @abstract Reports whether GrowlApplicationBridge will register with Growl
* when Growl next launches.
* @result <code>true</code> if GrowlApplicationBridge will register with
* Growl when next it posts GROWL_IS_READY; <code>false</code> if not.
Boolean Growl_WillRegisterWhenGrowlIsReady(void);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Obtaining registration dictionaries
/*! @function Growl_CopyRegistrationDictionaryFromDelegate
* @abstract Asks the delegate for a registration dictionary.
* @discussion If no delegate is set, or if the delegate's
* <code>registrationDictionary</code> member is <code>NULL</code>, this
* function returns <code>NULL</code>.
* This function does not attempt to clean up the dictionary in any way - for
* example, if it is missing the <code>GROWL_APP_NAME</code> key, the result
* will be missing it too. Use
* <code>Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary:</code> or
* <code>Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionaryRestrictedToKeys</code>
* to try to fill in missing keys.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
* @result A registration dictionary.
CFDictionaryRef Growl_CopyRegistrationDictionaryFromDelegate(void);
/*! @function Growl_CopyRegistrationDictionaryFromBundle
* @abstract Looks in a bundle for a registration dictionary.
* @discussion This function looks in a bundle for an auto-discoverable
* registration dictionary file using <code>CFBundleCopyResourceURL</code>.
* If it finds one, it loads the file using <code>CFPropertyList</code> and
* returns the result.
* If you pass <code>NULL</code> as the bundle, the main bundle is examined.
* This function does not attempt to clean up the dictionary in any way - for
* example, if it is missing the <code>GROWL_APP_NAME</code> key, the result
* will be missing it too. Use
* <code>Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary:</code> or
* <code>Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionaryRestrictedToKeys</code>
* to try to fill in missing keys.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
* @result A registration dictionary.
CFDictionaryRef Growl_CopyRegistrationDictionaryFromBundle(CFBundleRef bundle);
/*! @function Growl_CreateBestRegistrationDictionary
* @abstract Obtains a registration dictionary, filled out to the best of
* GrowlApplicationBridge's knowledge.
* @discussion This function creates a registration dictionary as best
* GrowlApplicationBridge knows how.
* First, GrowlApplicationBridge examines the Growl delegate (if there is
* one) and gets the registration dictionary from that. If no such dictionary
* was obtained, GrowlApplicationBridge looks in your application's main
* bundle for an auto-discoverable registration dictionary file. If that
* doesn't exist either, this function returns <code>NULL</code>.
* Second, GrowlApplicationBridge calls
* <code>Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary</code> with
* whatever dictionary was obtained. The result of that function is the
* result of this function.
* GrowlApplicationBridge uses this function when you call
* <code>Growl_SetDelegate</code>, or when you call
* <code>Growl_RegisterWithDictionary</code> with <code>NULL</code>.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
* @result A registration dictionary.
CFDictionaryRef Growl_CreateBestRegistrationDictionary(void);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Filling in registration dictionaries
/*! @function Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary
* @abstract Tries to fill in missing keys in a registration dictionary.
* @param regDict The dictionary to fill in.
* @result The dictionary with the keys filled in.
* @discussion This function examines the passed-in dictionary for missing keys,
* and tries to work out correct values for them. As of 0.7, it uses:
* Key Value
* --- -----
* <code>GROWL_APP_NAME</code> <code>CFBundleExecutableName</code>
* <code>GROWL_APP_ICON</code> The icon of the application.
* <code>GROWL_APP_LOCATION</code> The location of the application.
* Keys are only filled in if missing; if a key is present in the dictionary,
* its value will not be changed.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
CFDictionaryRef Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionary(CFDictionaryRef regDict);
/*! @function Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionaryRestrictedToKeys
* @abstract Tries to fill in missing keys in a registration dictionary.
* @param regDict The dictionary to fill in.
* @param keys The keys to fill in. If <code>NULL</code>, any missing keys are filled in.
* @result The dictionary with the keys filled in.
* @discussion This function examines the passed-in dictionary for missing keys,
* and tries to work out correct values for them. As of 0.7, it uses:
* Key Value
* --- -----
* <code>GROWL_APP_NAME</code> <code>CFBundleExecutableName</code>
* <code>GROWL_APP_ICON</code> The icon of the application.
* <code>GROWL_APP_LOCATION</code> The location of the application.
* Only those keys that are listed in <code>keys</code> will be filled in.
* Other missing keys are ignored. Also, keys are only filled in if missing;
* if a key is present in the dictionary, its value will not be changed.
* This function was introduced in Growl.framework 0.7.
CFDictionaryRef Growl_CreateRegistrationDictionaryByFillingInDictionaryRestrictedToKeys(CFDictionaryRef regDict, CFSetRef keys);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Querying Growl's status
/*! @function Growl_IsInstalled
* @abstract Determines whether the Growl prefpane and its helper app are
* installed.
* @result Returns true if Growl is installed, false otherwise.
Boolean Growl_IsInstalled(void);
/*! @function Growl_IsRunning
* @abstract Cycles through the process list to find whether GrowlHelperApp
* is running.
* @result Returns true if Growl is running, false otherwise.
Boolean Growl_IsRunning(void);
#pragma mark -
// @functiongroup Launching Growl
/*! @typedef GrowlLaunchCallback
* @abstract Callback to notify you that Growl is running.
* @param context The context pointer passed to Growl_LaunchIfInstalled.
* @discussion Growl_LaunchIfInstalled calls this callback function if Growl
* was already running or if it launched Growl successfully.
typedef void (*GrowlLaunchCallback)(void *context);
/*! @function Growl_LaunchIfInstalled
* @abstract Launches GrowlHelperApp if it is not already running.
* @param callback A callback function which will be called if Growl was successfully
* launched or was already running. Can be <code>NULL</code>.
* @param context The context pointer to pass to the callback. Can be <code>NULL</code>.
* @result Returns true if Growl was successfully launched or was already
* running; returns false and does not call the callback otherwise.
* @discussion Returns true and calls the callback (if the callback is not
* <code>NULL</code>) if the Growl helper app began launching or was already
* running. Returns false and performs no other action if Growl could not be
* launched (e.g. because the Growl preference pane is not properly installed).
* If <code>Growl_CreateBestRegistrationDictionary</code> returns
* non-<code>NULL</code>, this function will register with Growl atomically.
* The callback should take a single argument; this is to allow applications
* to have context-relevant information passed back. It is perfectly
* acceptable for context to be <code>NULL</code>. The callback itself can be
* <code>NULL</code> if you don't want one.
Boolean Growl_LaunchIfInstalled(GrowlLaunchCallback callback, void *context);
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Constants
* @abstract The CFBundleIdentifier of the Growl preference pane bundle.
* @discussion GrowlApplicationBridge uses this to determine whether Growl is
* currently installed, by searching for the Growl preference pane. Your
* application probably does not need to use this macro itself.
#define GROWL_PREFPANE_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER CFSTR("com.growl.prefpanel")