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// This file Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Mnemosyne LLC.
// It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0),
// or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <cmath> // sqrt()
#include <cstdlib> // setenv(), unsetenv()
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <utility>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#define setenv(key, value, unused) SetEnvironmentVariableA(key, value)
#define unsetenv(key) SetEnvironmentVariableA(key, nullptr)
#include "transmission.h"
#include "crypto-utils.h" // tr_rand_int_weak()
#include "platform.h"
#include "tr-strbuf.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "test-fixtures.h"
using ::libtransmission::test::makeString;
using UtilsTest = ::testing::Test;
using namespace std::literals;
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvContains)
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvContains("a test is this"sv, "TEST"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, "testt"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, "this is a test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains(" test "sv, "tes"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains(" test"sv, "test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("a test is this"sv, "test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("test "sv, "test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, ""sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, "t"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, "te"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("test"sv, "test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains("this is a test"sv, "test"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvContains(""sv, ""sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvStartsWith)
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith(""sv, "this is a string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a strin"sv, "this is a string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a strin"sv, "this is a string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, " his is a string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, "his is a string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, "string"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvStartsWith(""sv, ""sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, ""sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, "this "sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, "this is"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvStartsWith("this is a string"sv, "this"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvEndsWith)
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith(""sv, "string"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "alphabet"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "strin"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "this is"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "this"sv));
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_strvEndsWith("tring"sv, "string"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith(""sv, ""sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, " string"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, ""sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "a string"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "g"sv));
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_strvEndsWith("this is a string"sv, "string"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvSep)
auto constexpr Delim = ',';
auto sv = "token1,token2,token3"sv;
EXPECT_EQ("token1"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
EXPECT_EQ("token2"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
EXPECT_EQ("token3"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
sv = " token1,token2"sv;
EXPECT_EQ(" token1"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
EXPECT_EQ("token2"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
sv = "token1;token2"sv;
EXPECT_EQ("token1;token2"sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
sv = ""sv;
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_strvSep(&sv, Delim));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvStrip)
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_strvStrip(" "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test test"sv, tr_strvStrip(" test test "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test"sv, tr_strvStrip(" test "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test"sv, tr_strvStrip(" test "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test"sv, tr_strvStrip(" test "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test"sv, tr_strvStrip(" test "sv));
EXPECT_EQ("test"sv, tr_strvStrip("test"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvDup)
auto constexpr Key = "this is a test"sv;
char* str = tr_strvDup(Key);
EXPECT_NE(nullptr, str);
EXPECT_EQ(Key, str);
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvPath)
EXPECT_EQ("foo" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "bar", tr_strvPath("foo", "bar"));
EXPECT_EQ(TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "foo" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "bar", tr_strvPath("", "foo", "bar"));
EXPECT_EQ("", tr_strvPath(""sv));
EXPECT_EQ("foo"sv, tr_strvPath("foo"sv));
tr_strvPath("foo"sv, "bar", std::string{ "baz" }, "mum"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrvUtf8Clean)
auto in = "hello world"sv;
auto out = std::string{};
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in, out);
EXPECT_EQ(in, out);
in = "hello world"sv;
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in.substr(0, 5), out);
EXPECT_EQ("hello"sv, out);
// this version is not utf-8 (but cp866)
in = "\x92\xE0\xE3\xA4\xAD\xAE \xA1\xEB\xE2\xEC \x81\xAE\xA3\xAE\xAC"sv;
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in, out);
EXPECT_TRUE(std::size(out) == 17 || std::size(out) == 33);
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_utf8_validate(out, nullptr));
// same string, but utf-8 clean
in = "Трудно быть Богом"sv;
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in, out);
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_utf8_validate(out, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ(in, out);
// TODO(anyone): It seems like that bug was not fixed so much as we just
// let strlen() solve the problem for us; however, it's probably better
// to wait until
// is resolved before revisiting this.
in = "\xF4\x00\x81\x82"sv;
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in, out);
EXPECT_TRUE(out.size() == 1 || out.size() == 2);
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_utf8_validate(out, nullptr));
in = "\xF4\x33\x81\x82"sv;
tr_strvUtf8Clean(in, out);
EXPECT_TRUE(out.size() == 4 || out.size() == 7);
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_utf8_validate(out, nullptr));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trParseNumberRange)
auto const tostring = [](std::vector<int> const& v)
std::stringstream ss;
for (auto const& i : v)
ss << i << ' ';
return ss.str();
auto numbers = tr_parseNumberRange("1-10,13,16-19"sv);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 16 17 18 19 "), tostring(numbers));
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange("1-5,3-7,2-6"sv);
EXPECT_EQ(std::string("1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "), tostring(numbers));
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange("1-Hello"sv);
auto const empty_string = std::string{};
EXPECT_EQ(empty_string, tostring(numbers));
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange("1-"sv);
EXPECT_EQ(empty_string, tostring(numbers));
numbers = tr_parseNumberRange("Hello"sv);
EXPECT_EQ(empty_string, tostring(numbers));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrlower)
EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_strlower(""sv));
EXPECT_EQ("apple"sv, tr_strlower("APPLE"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("apple"sv, tr_strlower("Apple"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("apple"sv, tr_strlower("aPPLe"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("apple"sv, tr_strlower("applE"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("hello"sv, tr_strlower("HELLO"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("hello"sv, tr_strlower("hello"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, array)
auto array = std::array<size_t, 10>{ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 };
auto n = array.size();
tr_removeElementFromArray(, 5U, sizeof(size_t), n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(array[i], i < 5 ? i : i + 1);
tr_removeElementFromArray(, 0U, sizeof(size_t), n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(array[i], i < 4 ? i + 1 : i + 2);
tr_removeElementFromArray(, n - 1, sizeof(size_t), n);
for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(array[i], i < 4 ? i + 1 : i + 2);
TEST_F(UtilsTest, truncd)
2022-04-04 18:36:48 +00:00
EXPECT_EQ("100.00%"sv, fmt::format("{:.2f}%", 99.999));
EXPECT_EQ("99.99%"sv, fmt::format("{:.2f}%", tr_truncd(99.999, 2)));
EXPECT_EQ("403650.6562"sv, fmt::format("{:.4f}", tr_truncd(403650.656250, 4)));
EXPECT_EQ("2.15"sv, fmt::format("{:.2f}", tr_truncd(2.15, 2)));
EXPECT_EQ("2.05"sv, fmt::format("{:.2f}", tr_truncd(2.05, 2)));
EXPECT_EQ("3.33"sv, fmt::format("{:.2f}", tr_truncd(3.333333, 2)));
EXPECT_EQ("3"sv, fmt::format("{:.0f}", tr_truncd(3.333333, 0)));
EXPECT_EQ("3"sv, fmt::format("{:.0f}", tr_truncd(3.9999, 0)));
#if !(defined(_MSC_VER) || (defined(__MINGW32__) && defined(__MSVCRT__)))
/* FIXME: MSCVRT behaves differently in case of nan */
auto const nan = sqrt(-1.0);
2022-04-04 18:36:48 +00:00
auto const nanstr = fmt::format("{:.2f}", tr_truncd(nan, 2));
EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(nanstr.c_str(), "nan") != nullptr || strstr(nanstr.c_str(), "NaN") != nullptr);
2022-02-22 08:34:10 +00:00
TEST_F(UtilsTest, trStrlcpy)
// destination will be initialized with this char
char const initial_char = '1';
std::array<char, 100> destination = { initial_char };
std::vector<std::string> tests{
"This, very usefull string contains total of 104 characters not counting null. Almost like an easter egg!"
for (auto const& test : tests)
2022-02-22 08:34:10 +00:00
auto c_string = test.c_str();
auto length = strlen(c_string);
auto response = tr_strlcpy(&destination, c_string, 98);
2022-02-22 08:34:10 +00:00
// Check response length
ASSERT_EQ(response, length);
2022-02-22 08:34:10 +00:00
// Check what was copied
fix: sonarcloud (#2865) * refactor: implement FileTreeItem::children_ with a std::vector * fix: std::move should not be called on forwarding reference * fix: uninitialized scalar variable * fix: unchecked return value from library * fix: dereference before null check * fix: unchecked return value from library * fix: unchecked return value from library * fixup! refactor: implement FileTreeItem::children_ with a std::vector * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fix: avoid unnecessary copy by using const reference * fix: function should be declared const * refactor: use fmt::format to build log timestamps * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fixup! refactor: use fmt::format to build log timestamps * fix: remove tau_tracker destructor for rule-of-zero * fix: remove tr_peerIo destructor for rule-of-zero * Revert "fix: dereference before null check" This reverts commit cd789678156bb987a8dc6b2eb49cb1db4195d441. * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: use init-statement to reduce variable scope * fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests * fixup! fix: extract nested code block into separate method * fix: mark possibly-unused as [[maybe_unused]] * fix: invalid stack memory reference in tr_found_file_t * fix: signed-unsigned comparison in libtransmission tests
2022-04-02 14:06:02 +00:00
for (unsigned i = 0U; i < 97U; ++i)
2022-02-22 08:34:10 +00:00
if (i <= length)
ASSERT_EQ(destination[i], c_string[i]);
ASSERT_EQ(destination[i], initial_char);
// tr_strlcpy should only write this far if (length >= 98)
if (length >= 98)
ASSERT_EQ(destination[97], '\0');
ASSERT_EQ(destination[97], initial_char);
// tr_strlcpy should not write this far
ASSERT_EQ(destination[98], initial_char);
ASSERT_EQ(destination[99], initial_char);
TEST_F(UtilsTest, env)
char const* test_key = "TR_TEST_ENV";
EXPECT_EQ(123, tr_env_get_int(test_key, 123));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, tr_env_get_string(test_key, nullptr));
auto s = makeString(tr_env_get_string(test_key, "a"));
EXPECT_EQ("a", s);
setenv(test_key, "", 1);
EXPECT_EQ(456, tr_env_get_int(test_key, 456));
s = makeString(tr_env_get_string(test_key, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ("", s);
s = makeString(tr_env_get_string(test_key, "b"));
EXPECT_EQ("", s);
setenv(test_key, "135", 1);
EXPECT_EQ(135, tr_env_get_int(test_key, 789));
s = makeString(tr_env_get_string(test_key, nullptr));
EXPECT_EQ("135", s);
s = makeString(tr_env_get_string(test_key, "c"));
EXPECT_EQ("135", s);
TEST_F(UtilsTest, mimeTypes)
EXPECT_EQ("audio/x-flac"sv, tr_get_mime_type_for_filename("music.flac"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("audio/x-flac"sv, tr_get_mime_type_for_filename("music.FLAC"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("video/x-msvideo"sv, tr_get_mime_type_for_filename(".avi"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("video/x-msvideo"sv, tr_get_mime_type_for_filename("/path/to/FILENAME.AVI"sv));
EXPECT_EQ("application/octet-stream"sv, tr_get_mime_type_for_filename("music.ajoijfeisfe"sv));
TEST_F(UtilsTest, saveFile)
auto filename = tr_pathbuf{};
// save a file to GoogleTest's temp dir
filename.assign(::testing::TempDir(), "filename.txt"sv);
auto contents = "these are the contents"sv;
tr_error* error = nullptr;
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_saveFile(, contents, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error;
// now read the file back in and confirm the contents are the same
auto buf = std::vector<char>{};
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_loadFile(, buf, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error;
auto sv = std::string_view{ std::data(buf), std::size(buf) };
EXPECT_EQ(contents, sv);
// remove the tempfile
EXPECT_TRUE(tr_sys_path_remove(filename, &error));
EXPECT_EQ(nullptr, error) << *error;
// try saving a file to a path that doesn't exist
filename = "/this/path/does/not/exist/foo.txt";
EXPECT_FALSE(tr_saveFile(, contents, &error));
ASSERT_NE(nullptr, error);
EXPECT_NE(0, error->code);
TEST_F(UtilsTest, ratioToString)
// Testpairs contain ratio as a double and a string
static auto constexpr Tests = std::array<std::pair<double, std::string_view>, 16>{ { { 0.0, "0.00" },
{ 0.01, "0.01" },
{ 0.1, "0.10" },
{ 1.0, "1.00" },
{ 1.015, "1.01" },
{ 4.99, "4.99" },
{ 4.996, "4.99" },
{ 5.0, "5.0" },
{ 5.09999, "5.0" },
{ 5.1, "5.1" },
{ 99.99, "99.9" },
{ 100.0, "100" },
{ 4000.4, "4000" },
{ 600000.0, "600000" },
{ 900000000.0, "900000000" },
{ TR_RATIO_INF, "inf" } } };
char const nullchar = '\0';
ASSERT_EQ(tr_strratio(TR_RATIO_NA, "Ratio is NaN"), "None");
ASSERT_EQ(tr_strratio(TR_RATIO_INF, "A bit longer text for infinity"), "A bit longer text for infinity");
// Inf contains only null character
ASSERT_EQ(tr_strratio(TR_RATIO_INF, &nullchar), "");
for (auto const& [input, expected] : Tests)
ASSERT_EQ(tr_strratio(input, "inf"), expected);