" - remaining time unknown" = " - remaining time unknown";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 2 */
" Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Do you really want to remove them?" = " Once removed, continuing the transfers will require the torrent files. Do you really want to remove them?";
"A file with the name \"%@\" already exists in the directory \"%@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent." = "A file with the name \"%1$@\" already exists in the directory \"%2$@\". Choose a new name or directory to create the torrent.";
/* Move inside itself alert -> title */
"A folder cannot be moved to inside itself." = "A folder cannot be moved to inside itself.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> warning */
"A torrent file cannot be created for files with no size." = "A torrent file cannot be created for files with no size.";
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files." = "Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash data file." = "Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash data file.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash torrent file." = "Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list and trash torrent file.";
"Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list." = "Confirm removal of %d transfers from the transfer list.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files." = "Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash both data and torrent files.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash data file." = "Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash data file.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash torrent file." = "Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list and trash torrent file.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> title */
"Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list." = "Confirm removal of \"%@\" from the transfer list.";
"Continuous use at this level might increase memory usage. This setting can be changed in the Message Log window (accessible from the Window menu)." = "Continuous use at this level might increase memory usage. This setting can be changed in the Message Log window (accessible from the Window menu).";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> title */
"Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created" = "Copy of \"%@\" Cannot Be Created";
/* Create toolbar item -> label */
"Create" = "Create";
/* Drag overlay -> file */
"Create a Torrent File" = "Create a Torrent File";
/* Default incomplete folder cannot be used alert -> message */
"The incomplete folder cannot be used. Choose a new location or cancel for none." = "The incomplete folder cannot be used. Choose a new location or cancel for none.";
"The Message Log is set to \"Debug\"" = "The Message Log is set to \"Debug\"";
/* Move inside itself alert -> message
Move error alert -> message */
"The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done." = "The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done.";
/* Torrent download failed -> message */
"The torrent could not be downloaded from %@ because an error occurred (%@)." = "The torrent could not be downloaded from %1$@ because an error occurred (%2$@).";
/* Torrent file copy alert -> message */
"The torrent file (%@) cannot be found." = "The torrent file (%@) cannot be found.";
/* Open duplicate alert -> message */
"The torrent file cannot be opened because it is a duplicate of an already running transfer." = "The torrent file cannot be opened because it is a duplicate of an already running transfer.";
/* Create torrent -> zero size -> title */
"The total file size is zero bytes." = "The total file size is zero bytes.";
/* Create torrent -> no url warning -> title */
"The tracker address cannot be blank." = "The tracker address cannot be blank.";
/* Create torrent -> http warning -> title */
"The tracker address must begin with \"http://\"." = "The tracker address must begin with \"http://\".";
/* Torrent file disk space alert -> message */
"The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue." = "The transfer will be paused. Clear up space on %@ or deselect files in the torrent inspector to continue.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d active transfers." = "There are %d active transfers.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There are %d active transfers. Do you really want to quit?" = "There are %d active transfers. Do you really want to quit?";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message part 1 */
"There are %d transfers (%d active)." = "There are %1$d transfers (%2$d active).";
"There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit." = "There is already a copy of Transmission running. This copy cannot be opened until that instance is quit.";
/* Confirm Quit panel -> message */
"There is an active transfer. Do you really want to quit?" = "There is an active transfer. Do you really want to quit?";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> warning */
"There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file." = "There must be at least one file in a folder to create a torrent file.";
/* Save log alert panel -> message */
"There was a problem creating the file \"%@\"." = "There was a problem creating the file \"%@\".";
/* Move error alert -> title */
"There was an error moving the data file." = "There was an error moving the data file.";
/* Create torrent -> failed -> warning */
"There was an error parsing the data file. The torrent file was not created." = "There was an error parsing the data file. The torrent file was not created.";
/* Create torrent -> no files -> title */
"This folder contains no files." = "This folder contains no files.";
/* Removal confirm panel -> message */
"This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Do you really want to remove it?" = "This transfer is active. Once removed, continuing the transfer will require the torrent file. Do you really want to remove it?";
/* Filter toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Filter" = "Toggle Filter";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> palette label */
"Toggle Inspector" = "Toggle Inspector";
/* Filter toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the filter bar" = "Toggle the filter bar";
/* Inspector toolbar item -> tooltip */
"Toggle the torrent inspector" = "Toggle the torrent inspector";