
441 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* Copyright © Jordan Lee, Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis
* This code is licensed under the GPL version 2.
* For details, see
* Class Torrent
function Torrent(data)
**** Constants
// Torrent.fields.status
Torrent._StatusStopped = 0;
Torrent._StatusCheckWait = 1;
Torrent._StatusCheck = 2;
Torrent._StatusDownloadWait = 3;
Torrent._StatusDownload = 4;
Torrent._StatusSeedWait = 5;
Torrent._StatusSeed = 6;
// Torrent.fields.seedRatioMode
Torrent._RatioUseGlobal = 0;
Torrent._RatioUseLocal = 1;
Torrent._RatioUnlimited = 2;
// Torrent.fields.error
Torrent._ErrNone = 0;
Torrent._ErrTrackerWarning = 1;
Torrent._ErrTrackerError = 2;
Torrent._ErrLocalError = 3;
// TrackerStats' announceState
Torrent._TrackerInactive = 0;
Torrent._TrackerWaiting = 1;
Torrent._TrackerQueued = 2;
Torrent._TrackerActive = 3;
// fields whose values never change and are always known
Torrent._StaticFields = [
'hashString', 'id' ];
// fields whose values never change and are known upon constructon OR
// when a magnet torrent finishes downloading its metadata
Torrent._MetaDataFields = [
'addedDate', 'comment', 'creator', 'dateCreated',
'isPrivate', 'name', 'totalSize', 'pieceCount', 'pieceSize' ];
// torrent fields whose values change all the time
Torrent._DynamicFields = [
'desiredAvailable', 'downloadDir', 'downloadedEver', 'error',
'errorString', 'eta', 'haveUnchecked', 'haveValid', 'isFinished',
'leftUntilDone', 'metadataPercentComplete', 'peers', 'peersConnected',
'peersGettingFromUs', 'peersSendingToUs', 'queuePosition',
'rateDownload', 'rateUpload', 'recheckProgress', 'seedRatioLimit',
'seedRatioMode', 'sizeWhenDone', 'status', 'trackerStats',
'uploadedEver', 'uploadRatio', 'webseedsSendingToUs' ];
**** Methods
Torrent.prototype =
initialize: function(data)
this.fields = {};
this._files = [];
// these fields are set in the ctor and never change
for (var i=0, key; key=Torrent._StaticFields[i]; ++i) {
if (key in data) {
this.fields[key] = data[key];
this._trackerStats = this.buildTrackerStats(data.trackerStats);
buildTrackerStats: function(trackerStats) {
var announce = [];
var result = [];
for (var i=0, tracker; tracker=trackerStats[i]; ++i) {
var tier = result[tracker.tier] || [];
result[tracker.tier] = tier;
this.fields.collatedTrackers = announce.join('\t');
return result;
initMetaData: function(data) {
var f = this.fields;
var changed = false;
// populate the metadata fields
for (var i=0, key; key=Torrent._MetaDataFields[i]; ++i) {
if (key in data) {
if (f[key] !== data[key]) {
f[key] = data[key];
if (key === 'name')
f.collatedName =;
changed = true;
// populate the files array
if (data.files) {
for (var i=0, row; row=data.files[i]; ++i) {
this._files[i] = {
'index': i,
'torrent': this,
'length': row.length,
return changed;
refreshMetaData: function(data)
2009-05-25 13:31:03 +00:00
var changed = this.initMetaData(data);
if (changed)
return changed;
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
refresh: function(data)
var changed = false;
// FIXME: unnecessary coupling... this should be handled by transmission.js
if (this.needsMetaData() && (data.metadataPercentComplete >= 1))
changed |= transmission.refreshMetaData([ this.getId() ]);
var f = this.fields;
// refresh the dynamic fields
for (var i=0, key; key=Torrent._DynamicFields[i]; ++i) {
if (key in data) {
if (f[key] !== data[key]) {
f[key] = data[key];
changed = true;
this._trackerStats = this.buildTrackerStats(data.trackerStats);
if (data.fileStats)
changed |= this.refreshFiles(data);
if (changed)
refreshFiles: function(data) {
var changed = false;
for (var i=0; i<data.fileStats.length; ++i) {
var src = data.fileStats[i];
var tgt = this._files[i];
if (!tgt) {
changed = true;
tgt = this._files[i] = { };
if (tgt.wanted !== src.wanted) {
tgt.wanted = src.wanted;
changed = true;
if (tgt.priority !== src.priority) {
tgt.priority = src.priority;
changed = true;
if (tgt.bytesCompleted !== src.bytesCompleted) {
tgt.bytesCompleted = src.bytesCompleted;
changed = true;
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
return changed;
2009-05-22 22:45:09 +00:00
fireDataChanged: function()
// simple accessors
getCollatedName: function() { return this.fields.collatedName; },
getCollatedTrackers: function() { return this.fields.collatedTrackers; },
getComment: function() { return this.fields.comment; },
getCreator: function() { return this.fields.creator; },
getDateAdded: function() { return this.fields.addedDate; },
getDateCreated: function() { return this.fields.dateCreated; },
getDesiredAvailable: function() { return this.fields.desiredAvailable; },
getDownloadDir: function() { return this.fields.downloadDir; },
getDownloadSpeed: function() { return this.fields.rateDownload; },
getDownloadedEver: function() { return this.fields.downloadedEver; },
getError: function() { return this.fields.error; },
getErrorString: function() { return this.fields.errorString; },
getETA: function() { return this.fields.eta; },
getHashString: function() { return this.fields.hashString; },
getHaveValid: function() { return this.fields.haveValid; },
getHave: function() { return this.getHaveValid() + this.fields.haveUnchecked; },
getId: function() { return; },
getLeftUntilDone: function() { return this.fields.leftUntilDone; },
getMetadataPercentComplete: function() { return this.fields.metadataPercentComplete; },
getName: function() { return; },
getPeers: function() { return this.fields.peers; },
getPeersConnected: function() { return this.fields.peersConnected; },
getPeersGettingFromUs: function() { return this.fields.peersGettingFromUs; },
getPeersSendingToUs: function() { return this.fields.peersSendingToUs; },
getPieceCount: function() { return this.fields.pieceCount; },
getPieceCount: function() { return this.fields.pieceCount; },
getPieceSize: function() { return this.fields.pieceSize; },
getPrivateFlag: function() { return this.fields.isPrivate; },
getQueuePosition: function() { return this.fields.queuePosition; },
getRecheckProgress: function() { return this.fields.recheckProgress; },
getSeedRatioLimit: function() { return this.fields.seedRatioLimit; },
getSeedRatioMode: function() { return this.fields.seedRatioMode; },
getSizeWhenDone: function() { return this.fields.sizeWhenDone; },
getStatus: function() { return this.fields.status; },
getTotalSize: function() { return this.fields.totalSize; },
getUploadSpeed: function() { return this.fields.rateUpload; },
getUploadRatio: function() { return this.fields.uploadRatio; },
getUploadedEver: function() { return this.fields.uploadedEver; },
getWebseedsSendingToUs: function() { return this.fields.webseedsSendingToUs; },
isFinished: function() { return this.fields.isFinished; },
// derived accessors
isSeeding: function() { return this.getStatus() === Torrent._StatusSeed; },
isStopped: function() { return this.getStatus() === Torrent._StatusStopped; },
isChecking: function() { return this.getStatus() === Torrent._StatusCheck; },
isDownloading: function() { return this.getStatus() === Torrent._StatusDownload; },
isDone: function() { return this.getLeftUntilDone() < 1; },
needsMetaData: function(){ return this.getMetadataPercentComplete() < 1; },
getActivity: function() { return this.getDownloadSpeed() + this.getUploadSpeed(); },
getPercentDoneStr: function() { return Transmission.fmt.percentString(100*this.getPercentDone()); },
getPercentDone: function() {
var finalSize = this.getSizeWhenDone();
if (!finalSize) return 1.0;
var left = this.getLeftUntilDone();
if (!left) return 1.0;
return (finalSize - left) / finalSize;
getStateString: function() {
switch(this.getStatus()) {
case Torrent._StatusStopped: return this.isFinished() ? 'Seeding complete' : 'Paused';
case Torrent._StatusCheckWait: return 'Queued for verification';
case Torrent._StatusCheck: return 'Verifying local data';
case Torrent._StatusDownloadWait: return 'Queued for download';
case Torrent._StatusDownload: return 'Downloading';
case Torrent._StatusSeedWait: return 'Queued for seeding';
case Torrent._StatusSeed: return 'Seeding';
default: return 'error';
trackerStats: function() { return this._trackerStats; },
seedRatioLimit: function(controller){
switch(this.getSeedRatioMode()) {
case Torrent._RatioUseGlobal: return controller.seedRatioLimit();
case Torrent._RatioUseLocal: return this.getSeedRatioLimit();
default: return -1;
getErrorMessage: function() {
var str = this.getErrorString();
switch(this.getError()) {
case Torrent._ErrTrackerWarning:
return 'Tracker returned a warning: ' + str;
case Torrent._ErrTrackerError:
return 'Tracker returned an error: ' + str;
case Torrent._ErrLocalError:
return 'Error: ' + str;
return null;
testState: function(state)
var s = this.getStatus();
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2010-06-17 04:38:03 +00:00
case Prefs._FilterActive:
return this.getPeersGettingFromUs() > 0
|| this.getPeersSendingToUs() > 0
|| this.getWebseedsSendingToUs() > 0
|| this.isChecking();
case Prefs._FilterSeeding:
return (s === Torrent._StatusSeed)
|| (s === Torrent._StatusSeedWait);
case Prefs._FilterDownloading:
return (s === Torrent._StatusDownload)
|| (s === Torrent._StatusDownloadWait);
case Prefs._FilterPaused:
return this.isStopped();
case Prefs._FilterFinished:
return this.isFinished();
return true;
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
* @param filter one of Prefs._Filter*
* @param search substring to look for, or null
* @return true if it passes the test, false if it fails
test: function(state, search, tracker)
// flter by state...
var pass = this.testState(state);
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// maybe filter by text...
if (pass && search && search.length)
pass = this.getCollatedName().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) !== -1;
2010-06-21 13:14:33 +00:00
// maybe filter by tracker...
if (pass && tracker && tracker.length)
pass = this.getCollatedTrackers().indexOf(tracker) !== -1;
return pass;
Torrent.compareById = function(ta, tb)
return ta.getId() - tb.getId();
Torrent.compareByName = function(ta, tb)
return ta.getCollatedName().compareTo(tb.getCollatedName())
|| Torrent.compareById(ta, tb);
Torrent.compareByQueue = function(ta, tb)
return ta.getQueuePosition() - tb.getQueuePosition();
Torrent.compareByAge = function(ta, tb)
var a = ta.getDateAdded();
var b = tb.getDateAdded();
return (b - a) || Torrent.compareByQueue(ta, tb);
Torrent.compareByState = function(ta, tb)
var a = ta.getStatus();
var b = tb.getStatus();
return (b - a) || Torrent.compareByQueue(ta, tb);
Torrent.compareByActivity = function(ta, tb)
var a = ta.getActivity();
var b = tb.getActivity();
return (b - a) || Torrent.compareByState(ta, tb);
Torrent.compareByRatio = function(ta, tb)
var a = Math.ratio(ta.getUploadedEver(), ta.getDownloadedEver());
var b = Math.ratio(tb.getUploadedEver(), tb.getDownloadedEver());
return (a - b) || Torrent.compareByState(ta, tb);
Torrent.compareByProgress = function(ta, tb)
var a = ta.getPercentDone();
var b = tb.getPercentDone();
return (a - b) || Torrent.compareByRatio(ta, tb);
* @param torrents an array of Torrent objects
* @param sortMethod one of Prefs._SortBy*
* @param sortDirection Prefs._SortAscending or Prefs._SortDescending
Torrent.sortTorrents = function(torrents, sortMethod, sortDirection)
case Prefs._SortByActivity:
case Prefs._SortByAge:
case Prefs._SortByQueue:
case Prefs._SortByProgress:
case Prefs._SortByState:
case Prefs._SortByRatio:
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if (sortDirection === Prefs._SortDescending)
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return torrents;