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1. Introduction
This document describes a protocol for interacting with Transmission
sessions remotely.
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1.1 Terminology
The JSON terminology in RFC 4627 is used. "array" is equivalent
to a benc list; "object" is equivalent to a benc dictionary;
an object's "strings" are the dictionary's keys,
and an object's "members" are its string/value pairs.
2. Message Format
The entire protocol is formatted in a subset of JSON that understands
arrays, maps, strings, and whole numbers with no exponentials --
in short, the subset of JSON easily represented in benc.
floating-point numbers are represented as strings.
booleans are represented as integers where 0 is false and 1 is true.
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There are only two message types: request and response. Both
are JSON objects with two members: "headers" (described in 2.1)
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and "body" (described in 2.2-2.3).
2.1. Headers
Message headers support two members:
(1) A required "type" string whose value must be "request" or "response".
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(2) An optional "tag" integer supplied by requests for their own use.
Responses MUST include the request tag's verbatim.
2.2. Request Body
Request bodies support two members:
(1) A required "name" string telling the name of the request.
(2) An optional "arguments" object of name/value pairs.
2.3. Response Body
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Response bodies support two members:
(1) An optional "arguments" object of name/value pairs.
(2) An optional "error" string which may be omitted on success.
3. Torrent Requests
3.1. Common Arguments
Most torrent requests support an "ids" argument, which is a list
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containing unique torrent ids, or torrent sha1 hash strings, or both.
These are the torrents that the request will be applied to.
If "ids" is omitted, the request is applied to all torrents.
3.2. Torrent Action Requests
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Request names: "torrent-start", "torrent-stop",
"torrent-remove", "torrent-verify"
Request arguments: 3.1's optional "ids" argument.
Response arguments: none.
3.3. Torrent Info Requests
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Request name: "torrent-info".
Request arguments: 3.1's optional "ids" argument.
Response arguments: "info", an array of objects based on libtransmission's
tr_info struct but differ in the following ways:
(1) tr_info's "hash" field is omitted.
(2) tr_info's "pieces" field is omitted.
(3) tr_file's "firstPiece", "lastPiece", and "offset" fields are omitted.
Example Request:
"headers": {
2008-05-10 16:11:00 +00:00
"type": "request",
"tag": 666
"body": {
2008-05-10 16:59:44 +00:00
"name": "torrent-info",
"arguments": {
"ids": [ 7, 10 ]
Example Response:
"headers": {
2008-05-10 16:11:00 +00:00
"type": "response",
"tag": 666
"body": {
"arguments": {
"info": [
"id": 7,
"totalSize": 9803930483,
"pieceCount": 1209233,
"pieceSize": 4096,
"name": "Ubuntu x86_64 DVD",
"id": 10,
"totalSize": 2398480394,
"pieceCount": 83943,
"pieceSize": 12345,
"name": "Ubuntu i386 DVD",
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3.4. Torrent Status Requests
Request name is "torrent-status".
Request arguments: 3.1's optional "ids" argument.
Response arguments: "status", an array of objects based on
libtransmission's tr_stat struct but which differ the following ways:
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(1) tr_stat's "tracker" field is omitted
(2) a new string, "announce-url", is added
(3) a new string, "scrape-url", is added
3.5. Adding a Torrent
Request name: "torrent-add"
Request arguments:
string | value type & description
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"autostart" | boolean true means to auto-start torrents
"directory" | string path to download the torrent to
"filename" | string location of the .torrent file
"max-peers" | int maximum number of peers
"speed-limit-down" | int maximum download speed (in KiB/s)
"speed-limit-up" | int maximum upload speed (in KiB/s)
The "filename" argument is required; all others are optional.
Response arguments: 3.1's "error" if the request failed.
4. Session Status Requests
4.1. Session Arguments
string | value type & description
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"autostart" | boolean true means to auto-start torrents
"directory" | string path to download torrents to
"encryption" | string "required", "preferred", or "plaintext"
"max-peers" | int maximum global number of peers
"port" | int port number
"port-forwarding" | boolean true means enabled.
"pex-allowed" | boolean true means allow pex for public torrents
"speed-limit-down" | int maximum global download speed (in KiB/s)
"speed-limit-up" | int maximum global upload speed (in KiB/s)
4.2. Mutators
Request name: "session-set"
Request arguments: one or more of 4.1's session arguments
Response arguments: none
4.2. Accessors
Request name: "session-get"
Request arguments: none
Response arguments: all of 4.1's session arguments