
439 lines
13 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <assert.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdio.h> /* remove() */
#include <string.h> /* strcmp() */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* sync() */
#include "transmission.h"
#include "resume.h"
#include "torrent.h" /* tr_isTorrent() */
#include "utils.h" /* tr_mkdirp() */
#include "variant.h"
#include "libtransmission-test.h"
#define verify_and_block_until_done(tor) \
do { \
tr_torrentVerify (tor); \
do { \
tr_wait_msec (10); \
} while (tor->verifyState != TR_VERIFY_NONE); \
} while (0)
#define check_have_none(tor, totalSize) \
do { \
const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStat(tor); \
check_int_eq (TR_STATUS_STOPPED, st->activity); \
check_int_eq (TR_STAT_OK, st->error); \
check_int_eq (totalSize, st->sizeWhenDone); \
check_int_eq (totalSize, st->leftUntilDone); \
check_int_eq (totalSize, tor->info.totalSize); \
check_int_eq (0, st->haveValid); \
} while (0)
#define check_have_all(tor, totalSize) \
do { \
const tr_stat * st = tr_torrentStat(tor); \
check_int_eq (TR_STATUS_STOPPED, st->activity); \
check_int_eq (TR_STAT_OK, st->error); \
check_int_eq (0, st->leftUntilDone); \
check_int_eq (0, st->haveUnchecked); \
check_int_eq (0, st->desiredAvailable); \
check_int_eq (totalSize, st->sizeWhenDone); \
check_int_eq (totalSize, st->haveValid); \
} while (0)
static bool
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (const tr_torrent * tor, tr_file_index_t fileIndex, const char * str)
char * path;
const size_t str_len = strlen (str);
bool success = false;
path = tr_torrentFindFile (tor, fileIndex);
if (path != NULL)
uint8_t * contents;
size_t contents_len;
assert (tr_fileExists (path, NULL));
contents = tr_loadFile (path, &contents_len);
success = (str_len == contents_len)
&& (!memcmp (contents, str, contents_len));
tr_free (contents);
tr_free (path);
return success;
static void
onRenameDone (tr_torrent * tor UNUSED, const char * oldpath UNUSED, const char * newname UNUSED, int error, void * user_data)
*(int*)user_data = error;
static int
torrentRenameAndWait (tr_torrent * tor,
const char * oldpath,
const char * newname)
int error = -1;
tr_torrentRenamePath (tor, oldpath, newname, onRenameDone, &error);
do {
tr_wait_msec (10);
} while (error == -1);
return error;
static void
create_file_with_contents (const char * path, const char * str)
FILE * fp;
char * dir;
dir = tr_dirname (path);
tr_mkdirp (dir, 0700);
tr_free (dir);
remove (path);
fp = fopen (path, "wb");
fprintf (fp, "%s", str);
fclose (fp);
sync ();
static void
create_single_file_torrent_contents (const char * top)
char * path = tr_buildPath (top, "hello-world.txt", NULL);
create_file_with_contents (path, "hello, world!\n");
tr_free (path);
static tr_torrent *
create_torrent_from_base64_metainfo (tr_ctor * ctor, const char * metainfo_base64)
int err;
int metainfo_len;
char * metainfo;
tr_torrent * tor;
/* create the torrent ctor */
metainfo = tr_base64_decode (metainfo_base64, -1, &metainfo_len);
assert (metainfo != NULL);
assert (metainfo_len > 0);
assert (session != NULL);
tr_ctorSetMetainfo (ctor, (uint8_t*)metainfo, metainfo_len);
tr_ctorSetPaused (ctor, TR_FORCE, true);
/* create the torrent */
err = 0;
tor = tr_torrentNew (ctor, &err);
assert (!err);
/* cleanup */
tr_free (metainfo);
return tor;
static int
test_single_filename_torrent (void)
tr_torrent * tor;
char * tmpstr;
const size_t totalSize = 14;
tr_ctor * ctor;
/* this is a single-file torrent whose file is hello-world.txt, holding the string "hello, world!" */
ctor = tr_ctorNew (session);
tor = create_torrent_from_base64_metainfo (ctor,
check (tr_isTorrent (tor));
tr_ctorFree (ctor);
/* sanity check the info */
check_int_eq (1, tor->info.fileCount);
check_streq ("hello-world.txt", tor->info.files[0].name);
check (!tor->info.files[0].is_renamed);
/* sanity check the (empty) stats */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
check_have_none (tor, totalSize);
create_single_file_torrent_contents (tor->downloadDir);
/* sanity check the stats again, now that we've added the file */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
check_have_all (tor, totalSize);
*** okay! we've finally put together all the scaffolding to test
*** renaming a single-file torrent
/* confirm that bad inputs get caught */
check_int_eq (EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", NULL));
check_int_eq (EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", ""));
check_int_eq (EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", "."));
check_int_eq (EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", ".."));
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", "hello-world.txt"));
check_int_eq (EINVAL, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", "hello/world.txt"));
check (!tor->info.files[0].is_renamed);
check_streq ("hello-world.txt", tor->info.files[0].name);
**** Now try a rename that should succeed
tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, "hello-world.txt", NULL);
check (tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "hello-world.txt", "foobar"));
check (!tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check (tor->info.files[0].is_renamed);
check_streq ("foobar", tor->info.files[0].name);
tr_free (tmpstr);
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 0, "hello, world!\n"));
**** ...and rename it back again
tmpstr = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, "foobar", NULL);
check (tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "foobar", "hello-world.txt"));
check (!tr_fileExists (tmpstr, NULL));
check (tor->info.files[0].is_renamed);
check_streq ("hello-world.txt", tor->info.files[0].name);
tr_free (tmpstr);
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 0, "hello, world!\n"));
/* cleanup */
tr_torrentRemove (tor, false, NULL);
return 0;
static void
create_multifile_torrent_contents (const char * top)
char * path;
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Acinonyx", "Cheetah", "Chester", NULL);
create_file_with_contents (path, "It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Pantherinae", "Panthera", "Tiger", "Tony", NULL);
create_file_with_contents (path, "Theyre Grrrrreat!\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Felis", "catus", "Kyphi", NULL);
create_file_with_contents (path, "Inquisitive\n");
tr_free (path);
path = tr_buildPath (top, "Felidae", "Felinae", "Felis", "catus", "Saffron", NULL);
create_file_with_contents (path, "Tough\n");
tr_free (path);
sync ();
static int
test_multifile_torrent (void)
//tr_file_stat * file_stats;
//tr_file_index_t n;
tr_file_index_t i;
uint64_t loaded;
tr_torrent * tor;
//tr_file_index_t i;
tr_ctor * ctor;
char * str;
char * tmp;
static const size_t totalSize = 67;
const tr_file * files;
const char * expected_files[4] = {
const char * expected_contents[4] = {
"It ain't easy bein' cheesy.\n",
"Theyre Grrrrreat!\n"
ctor = tr_ctorNew (session);
tor = create_torrent_from_base64_metainfo (ctor,
check (tr_isTorrent (tor));
files = tor->info.files;
/* sanity check the info */
check_streq (tor->, "Felidae");
check_int_eq (totalSize, tor->info.totalSize);
check_int_eq (4, tor->info.fileCount);
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
check_streq (expected_files[i], files[i].name);
/* sanity check the (empty) stats */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
check_have_none (tor, totalSize);
/* build the local data */
create_multifile_torrent_contents (tor->downloadDir);
/* sanity check the (full) stats */
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
check_have_all (tor, totalSize);
*** okay! let's test renaming.
/* rename a leaf... */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi", "placeholder"));
check_streq (files[1].name, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/placeholder");
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 1, "Inquisitive\n"));
/* ...and back again */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/placeholder", "Kyphi"));
check_streq (files[1].name, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi");
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 1, "Inquisitive\n");
/* rename a branch... */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus", "placeholder"));
check_streq (expected_files[0], files[0].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Kyphi", files[1].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Saffron", files[2].name);
check_streq (expected_files[3], files[3].name);
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 1, expected_contents[1]));
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 2, expected_contents[2]));
check (files[0].is_renamed == false);
check (files[1].is_renamed == true);
check (files[2].is_renamed == true);
check (files[3].is_renamed == false);
/* (while the branch is renamed: confirm that the .resume file remembers the changes) */
tr_torrentSaveResume (tor);
/* this is a bit dodgy code-wise, but let's make sure the .resume file got the name */
tr_free (files[1].name);
tor->info.files[1].name = tr_strdup ("gabba gabba hey");
loaded = tr_torrentLoadResume (tor, ~0, ctor);
check ((loaded & TR_FR_FILENAMES) != 0);
check_streq (expected_files[0], files[0].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Kyphi", files[1].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder/Saffron", files[2].name);
check_streq (expected_files[3], files[3].name);
/* ...and back again */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/placeholder", "catus"));
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
check_streq (expected_files[i], files[i].name);
check (testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 1, expected_contents[1]));
check (files[0].is_renamed == false);
check (files[1].is_renamed == true);
check (files[2].is_renamed == true);
check (files[3].is_renamed == false);
**** Test it an incomplete torrent...
/* remove the directory Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus */
str = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, files[1].name, NULL);
remove (str);
tr_free (str);
str = tr_buildPath (tor->downloadDir, files[2].name, NULL);
remove (str);
tmp = tr_dirname (str);
remove (tmp);
tr_free (tmp);
tr_free (str);
verify_and_block_until_done (tor);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 0, expected_contents[0]);
check (tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 1) == NULL);
check (tr_torrentFindFile (tor, 2) == NULL);
testFileExistsAndConsistsOfThisString (tor, 3, expected_contents[3]);
/* rename a branch... */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/catus", "foo"));
check_streq (expected_files[0], files[0].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo/Kyphi", files[1].name);
check_streq ("Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo/Saffron", files[2].name);
check_streq (expected_files[3], files[3].name);
/* ...and back again */
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae/Felinae/Felis/foo", "catus"));
for (i=0; i<4; ++i)
check_streq (expected_files[i], files[i].name);
check_int_eq (0, torrentRenameAndWait (tor, "Felidae", "gabba"));
check_streq ("gabba/Felinae/Acinonyx/Cheetah/Chester", files[0].name);
check_streq ("gabba/Felinae/Felis/catus/Kyphi", files[1].name);
check_streq ("gabba/Felinae/Felis/catus/Saffron", files[2].name);
check_streq ("gabba/Pantherinae/Panthera/Tiger/Tony", files[3].name);
/* cleanup */
tr_ctorFree (ctor);
tr_torrentRemove (tor, false, NULL);
return 0;
main (void)
int ret;
const testFunc tests[] = { test_single_filename_torrent,
test_multifile_torrent };
libtransmission_test_session_init ();
ret = runTests (tests, NUM_TESTS (tests));
libtransmission_test_session_close ();
return ret;