support newly added errors in the torrent creator window

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Livingston 2008-03-24 19:38:29 +00:00
parent 39a7583f82
commit 00f18a0c89
1 changed files with 45 additions and 45 deletions

View File

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#import "CreatorWindowController.h"
#import "NSStringAdditions.h"
#include "utils.h" //tr_httpParseURL
@interface CreatorWindowController (Private)
@ -188,38 +189,29 @@
- (void) create: (id) sender
//parse tracker string
NSString * trackerString = [fTrackerField stringValue];
if ([trackerString rangeOfString: @"://"].location != NSNotFound)
if (![trackerString hasPrefix: @"http://"])
NSAlert * alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Create torrent -> http warning -> button")];
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address must begin with \"http://\".",
"Create torrent -> http warning -> title")];
[alert setInformativeText: NSLocalizedString(@"Change the tracker address to create the torrent.",
"Create torrent -> http warning -> warning")];
[alert setAlertStyle: NSWarningAlertStyle];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: self didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
if ([trackerString rangeOfString: @"://"].location == NSNotFound)
trackerString = [@"http://" stringByAppendingString: trackerString];
//don't allow blank addresses
if ([trackerString length] <= 7)
//parse tracker string
if (tr_httpParseURL([trackerString UTF8String], -1, NULL, NULL, NULL))
NSAlert * alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Create torrent -> no url warning -> button")];
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address cannot be blank.",
"Create torrent -> no url warning -> title")];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Create torrent -> warning -> button")];
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address cannot be blank.", "Create torrent -> warning -> title")];
[alert setInformativeText: NSLocalizedString(@"Change the tracker address to create the torrent.",
"Create torrent -> no url warning -> warning")];
"Create torrent -> warning -> info")];
[alert setAlertStyle: NSWarningAlertStyle];
//check common reasons for failure
if (![trackerString hasPrefix: @"http://"])
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address must begin with \"http://\".",
"Create torrent -> warning -> message")];
else if ([trackerString length] <= 7) //don't allow blank addresses
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address cannot be blank.", "Create torrent -> warning -> message")];
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"The tracker address is invalid.", "Create torrent -> warning -> message")];
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: self didEndSelector: nil contextInfo: nil];
@ -317,34 +309,42 @@
[fTimer invalidate];
fTimer = nil;
if (fInfo->failed)
NSAlert * alert;
switch (fInfo->result)
if (!fInfo->abortFlag)
NSAlert * alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
if (fOpenTorrent)
NSDictionary * dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: fLocation, @"File",
[fPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent], @"Path", nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"OpenCreatedTorrentFile" object: self userInfo: dict];
[[self window] close];
[[self window] close];
alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Create torrent -> failed -> button")];
[alert setMessageText: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Creation of \"%@\" failed.",
"Create torrent -> failed -> title"), [fLocation lastPathComponent]]];
[alert setInformativeText: NSLocalizedString(@"There was an error parsing the data file. "
"The torrent file was not created.", "Create torrent -> failed -> warning")];
[alert setAlertStyle: NSWarningAlertStyle];
if (fInfo->result == TR_MAKEMETA_IO_READ)
[alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Could not read \"%s\": %s",
"Create torrent -> failed -> warning"), fInfo->errfile, fInfo->my_errno]];
else if (fInfo->result == TR_MAKEMETA_IO_WRITE)
[alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Could not write \"%s\": %s",
"Create torrent -> failed -> warning"), fInfo->errfile, fInfo->my_errno]];
else; //invalid url should have been caught before creating
[alert beginSheetModalForWindow: [self window] modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: @selector(failureSheetClosed:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo: nil];
if (fOpenTorrent)
NSDictionary * dict = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: fLocation, @"File",
[fPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent], @"Path", nil];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"OpenCreatedTorrentFile" object: self userInfo: dict];
[[self window] close];
@ -352,6 +352,8 @@
if (!fStarted)
fStarted = YES;
NSWindow * window = [self window];
NSRect windowRect = [window frame];
@ -369,8 +371,6 @@
[fProgressView setHidden: NO];
[[window standardWindowButton:NSWindowCloseButton] setEnabled: NO];
fStarted = YES;