mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 14:10:34 +00:00
Refactor action groups initialization/handling and trackers merging a bit
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 149 additions and 178 deletions
@ -43,6 +43,17 @@
#include "TorrentModel.h"
#include "Utils.h"
#define PREF_VARIANTS_KEY "pref-variants-list"
#define STATS_MODE_KEY "stats-mode"
#define SORT_MODE_KEY "sort-mode"
const QLatin1String TotalRatioStatsModeName ("total-ratio");
const QLatin1String TotalTransferStatsModeName ("total-transfer");
const QLatin1String SessionRatioStatsModeName ("session-ratio");
const QLatin1String SessionTransferStatsModeName ("session-transfer");
* This is a proxy-style for that forces it to be always disabled.
@ -64,7 +75,6 @@ class ListViewProxyStyle: public QProxyStyle
MainWindow::getStockIcon (const QString& name, int fallback)
@ -140,15 +150,6 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow (Session& session, Prefs& prefs, TorrentModel& model, boo
connect (ui.action_Filterbar, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setFilterbarVisible (bool)));
connect (ui.action_Statusbar, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setStatusbarVisible (bool)));
connect (ui.action_CompactView, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setCompactView (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByActivity, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByActivityToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByAge, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByAgeToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByETA, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByETAToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByName, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByNameToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByProgress, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByProgressToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByQueue, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByQueueToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByRatio, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByRatioToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortBySize, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortBySizeToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_SortByState, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (onSortByStateToggled (bool)));
connect (ui.action_ReverseSortOrder, SIGNAL (toggled (bool)), this, SLOT (setSortAscendingPref (bool)));
connect (ui.action_Start, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (startSelected ()));
connect (ui.action_QueueMoveTop, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (queueMoveTop ()));
@ -198,16 +199,28 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow (Session& session, Prefs& prefs, TorrentModel& model, boo
ui.listView->setModel (&myFilterModel);
connect (ui.listView->selectionModel (), SIGNAL (selectionChanged (QItemSelection, QItemSelection)), this, SLOT (refreshActionSensitivitySoon ()));
const QPair<QAction *, int> sortModes[] =
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByActivity, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_ACTIVITY)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByAge, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_AGE)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByETA, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_ETA)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByName, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_NAME)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByProgress, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_PROGRESS)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByQueue, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_QUEUE)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByRatio, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_RATIO)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortBySize, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_SIZE)),
qMakePair (ui.action_SortByState, static_cast<int> (SortMode::SORT_BY_STATE))
QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup (this);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByActivity);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByAge);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByETA);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByName);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByProgress);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByQueue);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByRatio);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortBySize);
actionGroup->addAction (ui.action_SortByState);
for (const auto& mode: sortModes)
mode.first->setProperty (SORT_MODE_KEY, mode.second);
actionGroup->addAction (mode.first);
connect (actionGroup, SIGNAL (triggered (QAction *)), this, SLOT (onSortModeChanged (QAction *)));
myAltSpeedAction = new QAction (tr ("Speed Limits"), this);
myAltSpeedAction->setIcon (ui.altSpeedButton->icon ());
@ -316,8 +329,6 @@ MainWindow::onModelReset ()
#define PREF_VARIANTS_KEY "pref-variants-list"
MainWindow::onSetPrefs ()
@ -351,83 +362,77 @@ MainWindow::initStatusBar ()
QMenu *
MainWindow::createOptionsMenu ()
QMenu * menu;
QMenu * sub;
QAction * a;
QActionGroup * g;
const auto initSpeedSubMenu = [this] (QMenu * menu, QAction *& offAction, QAction *& onAction,
int pref, int enabledPref)
const int stockSpeeds[] = {5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 500, 750};
const int currentValue = myPrefs.get<int> (pref);
QList<int> stockSpeeds;
stockSpeeds << 5 << 10 << 20 << 30 << 40 << 50 << 75 << 100 << 150 << 200 << 250 << 500 << 750;
QList<double> stockRatios;
stockRatios << 0.25 << 0.50 << 0.75 << 1 << 1.5 << 2 << 3;
QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup (this);
menu = new QMenu (this);
sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Download Speed"));
offAction = menu->addAction (tr ("Unlimited"));
offAction->setCheckable (true);
offAction->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << enabledPref << false);
actionGroup->addAction (offAction);
connect (offAction, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
onAction = menu->addAction (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (currentValue))));
onAction->setCheckable (true);
onAction->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << pref << currentValue << enabledPref << true);
actionGroup->addAction (onAction);
connect (onAction, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
menu->addSeparator ();
int currentVal = myPrefs.get<int> (Prefs::DSPEED);
g = new QActionGroup (this);
a = myDlimitOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Unlimited"));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << false);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
a = myDlimitOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (currentVal))));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED << currentVal << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << true);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
sub->addSeparator ();
for (const int i: stockSpeeds)
a = sub->addAction (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (i)));
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::DSPEED << i << Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED << true);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ()));
QAction * action = menu->addAction (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (i)));
action->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << pref << i << enabledPref << true);
connect (action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ()));
sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Upload Speed"));
const auto initSeedRatioSubMenu = [this] (QMenu * menu, QAction *& offAction, QAction *& onAction,
int pref, int enabledPref)
const double stockRatios[] = {0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3};
const double currentValue = myPrefs.get<double> (pref);
currentVal = myPrefs.get<int> (Prefs::USPEED);
g = new QActionGroup (this);
a = myUlimitOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Unlimited"));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << false);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
a = myUlimitOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Limited at %1").arg (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (currentVal))));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED << currentVal << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << true);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
sub->addSeparator ();
for (const int i: stockSpeeds)
a = sub->addAction (Formatter::speedToString (Speed::fromKBps (i)));
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::USPEED << i << Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED << true);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ()));
QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup (this);
menu->addSeparator ();
sub = menu->addMenu (tr ("Stop Seeding at Ratio"));
offAction = menu->addAction (tr ("Seed Forever"));
offAction->setCheckable (true);
offAction->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << enabledPref << false);
actionGroup->addAction (offAction);
connect (offAction, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
onAction = menu->addAction (tr ("Stop at Ratio (%1)").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (currentValue)));
onAction->setCheckable (true);
onAction->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << pref << currentValue << enabledPref << true);
actionGroup->addAction (onAction);
connect (onAction, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
menu->addSeparator ();
double d = myPrefs.get<double> (Prefs::RATIO);
g = new QActionGroup (this);
a = myRatioOffAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Seed Forever"));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << false);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
a = myRatioOnAction = sub->addAction (tr ("Stop at Ratio (%1)").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (d)));
a->setCheckable (true);
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO << d << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << true);
g->addAction (a);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs (bool)));
sub->addSeparator ();
for (const double i: stockRatios)
a = sub->addAction (Formatter::ratioToString (i));
a->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << Prefs::RATIO << i << Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED << true);
connect (a, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ()));
QAction * action = menu->addAction (Formatter::ratioToString (i));
action->setProperty (PREF_VARIANTS_KEY, QVariantList () << pref << i << enabledPref << true);
connect (action, SIGNAL (triggered (bool)), this, SLOT (onSetPrefs ()));
QMenu * menu = new QMenu (this);
initSpeedSubMenu (menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Download Speed")), myDlimitOffAction, myDlimitOnAction,
initSpeedSubMenu (menu->addMenu (tr ("Limit Upload Speed")), myUlimitOffAction, myUlimitOnAction,
menu->addSeparator ();
initSeedRatioSubMenu (menu->addMenu (tr ("Stop Seeding at Ratio")), myRatioOffAction, myRatioOnAction,
return menu;
@ -435,24 +440,27 @@ MainWindow::createOptionsMenu ()
QMenu *
MainWindow::createStatsModeMenu ()
QActionGroup * a = new QActionGroup (this);
a->addAction (ui.action_TotalRatio);
a->addAction (ui.action_TotalTransfer);
a->addAction (ui.action_SessionRatio);
a->addAction (ui.action_SessionTransfer);
const QPair<QAction *, QLatin1String> statsModes[] =
qMakePair (ui.action_TotalRatio, TotalRatioStatsModeName),
qMakePair (ui.action_TotalTransfer, TotalTransferStatsModeName),
qMakePair (ui.action_SessionRatio, SessionRatioStatsModeName),
qMakePair (ui.action_SessionTransfer, SessionTransferStatsModeName)
QMenu * m = new QMenu (this);
m->addAction (ui.action_TotalRatio);
m->addAction (ui.action_TotalTransfer);
m->addAction (ui.action_SessionRatio);
m->addAction (ui.action_SessionTransfer);
QActionGroup * actionGroup = new QActionGroup (this);
QMenu * menu = new QMenu (this);
connect (ui.action_TotalRatio, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showTotalRatio ()));
connect (ui.action_TotalTransfer, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showTotalTransfer ()));
connect (ui.action_SessionRatio, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showSessionRatio ()));
connect (ui.action_SessionTransfer, SIGNAL (triggered ()), this, SLOT (showSessionTransfer ()));
for (const auto& mode: statsModes)
mode.first->setProperty (STATS_MODE_KEY, QString (mode.second));
actionGroup->addAction (mode.first);
menu->addAction (mode.first);
return m;
connect (actionGroup, SIGNAL (triggered (QAction *)), this, SLOT (onStatsModeChanged (QAction *)));
return menu;
@ -460,19 +468,10 @@ MainWindow::createStatsModeMenu ()
MainWindow::setSortPref (int i)
MainWindow::onSortModeChanged (QAction * action)
myPrefs.set (Prefs::SORT_MODE, SortMode (i));
myPrefs.set (Prefs::SORT_MODE, SortMode (action->property (SORT_MODE_KEY).toInt ()));
void MainWindow::onSortByActivityToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_ACTIVITY); }
void MainWindow::onSortByAgeToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_AGE); }
void MainWindow::onSortByETAToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_ETA); }
void MainWindow::onSortByNameToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_NAME); }
void MainWindow::onSortByProgressToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_PROGRESS); }
void MainWindow::onSortByQueueToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_QUEUE); }
void MainWindow::onSortByRatioToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_RATIO); }
void MainWindow::onSortBySizeToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_SIZE); }
void MainWindow::onSortByStateToggled (bool b) { if (b) setSortPref (SortMode::SORT_BY_STATE); }
MainWindow::setSortAscendingPref (bool b)
@ -691,17 +690,17 @@ MainWindow::refreshStatusBar ()
const QString mode (myPrefs.getString (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS));
QString str;
if (mode == QLatin1String ("session-ratio"))
if (mode == SessionRatioStatsModeName)
str = tr ("Ratio: %1").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (mySession.getStats ().ratio));
else if (mode == QLatin1String ("session-transfer"))
else if (mode == SessionTransferStatsModeName)
const tr_session_stats& stats (mySession.getStats ());
str = tr ("Down: %1, Up: %2").arg (Formatter::sizeToString (stats.downloadedBytes))
.arg (Formatter::sizeToString (stats.uploadedBytes));
else if (mode == QLatin1String ("total-transfer"))
else if (mode == TotalTransferStatsModeName)
const tr_session_stats& stats (mySession.getCumulativeStats ());
str = tr ("Down: %1, Up: %2").arg (Formatter::sizeToString (stats.downloadedBytes))
@ -709,6 +708,7 @@ MainWindow::refreshStatusBar ()
else // default is "total-ratio"
assert (mode == TotalRatioStatsModeName);
str = tr ("Ratio: %1").arg (Formatter::ratioToString (mySession.getCumulativeStats ().ratio));
@ -882,10 +882,11 @@ MainWindow::reannounceSelected ()
void MainWindow::showTotalRatio () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, QString::fromLatin1 ("total-ratio")); }
void MainWindow::showTotalTransfer () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, QString::fromLatin1 ("total-transfer")); }
void MainWindow::showSessionRatio () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, QString::fromLatin1 ("session-ratio")); }
void MainWindow::showSessionTransfer () { myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, QString::fromLatin1 ("session-transfer")); }
MainWindow::onStatsModeChanged (QAction * action)
myPrefs.set (Prefs::STATUSBAR_STATS, action->property (STATS_MODE_KEY).toString ());
@ -960,15 +961,16 @@ MainWindow::refreshPref (int key)
bool b;
int i;
QString str;
QActionGroup * actionGroup;
switch (key)
str = myPrefs.getString (key);
ui.action_TotalRatio->setChecked (str == QLatin1String ("total-ratio"));
ui.action_TotalTransfer->setChecked (str == QLatin1String ("total-transfer"));
ui.action_SessionRatio->setChecked (str == QLatin1String ("session-ratio"));
ui.action_SessionTransfer->setChecked (str == QLatin1String ("session-transfer"));
actionGroup = ui.action_TotalRatio->actionGroup ();
assert (actionGroup != nullptr);
for (QAction * action: actionGroup->actions ())
action->setChecked (str == action->property (STATS_MODE_KEY).toString ());
refreshStatusBar ();
@ -978,15 +980,10 @@ MainWindow::refreshPref (int key)
case Prefs::SORT_MODE:
i = myPrefs.get<SortMode> (key).mode ();
ui.action_SortByActivity->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_ACTIVITY);
ui.action_SortByAge->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_AGE);
ui.action_SortByETA->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_ETA);
ui.action_SortByName->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_NAME);
ui.action_SortByProgress->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_PROGRESS);
ui.action_SortByQueue->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_QUEUE);
ui.action_SortByRatio->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_RATIO);
ui.action_SortBySize->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_SIZE);
ui.action_SortByState->setChecked (i == SortMode::SORT_BY_STATE);
actionGroup = ui.action_SortByActivity->actionGroup ();
assert (actionGroup != nullptr);
for (QAction * action: actionGroup->actions ())
action->setChecked (i == action->property (SORT_MODE_KEY).toInt ());
@ -104,10 +104,6 @@ class MainWindow: public QMainWindow
private slots:
void openPreferences ();
void showTotalRatio ();
void showTotalTransfer ();
void showSessionRatio ();
void showSessionTransfer ();
void refreshTitle ();
void refreshStatusBar ();
void refreshTrayIcon ();
@ -138,17 +134,10 @@ class MainWindow: public QMainWindow
void onSessionSourceChanged ();
void onModelReset ();
void setSortPref (int);
void setSortAscendingPref (bool);
void onSortByActivityToggled (bool);
void onSortByAgeToggled (bool);
void onSortByETAToggled (bool);
void onSortByNameToggled (bool);
void onSortByProgressToggled (bool);
void onSortByQueueToggled (bool);
void onSortByRatioToggled (bool);
void onSortBySizeToggled (bool);
void onSortByStateToggled (bool);
void onStatsModeChanged (QAction * action);
void onSortModeChanged (QAction * action);
Session& mySession;
@ -103,51 +103,36 @@ TrackerModel::refresh (const TorrentModel& torrentModel, const QSet<int>& ids)
std::sort (trackers.begin(), trackers.end(), comp);
// merge 'em with the existing list
int old_index = 0;
int new_index = 0;
int oldIndex = 0;
int newIndex = 0;
while ((old_index < myRows.size()) || (new_index < trackers.size()))
while (oldIndex < myRows.size () || newIndex < trackers.size ())
if (old_index == myRows.size())
const bool isEndOfOld = oldIndex == myRows.size ();
const bool isEndOfNew = newIndex == trackers.size ();
if (isEndOfOld || (!isEndOfNew && comp (trackers.at (newIndex), myRows.at (oldIndex))))
// add this new row
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), old_index, old_index);
myRows.insert (old_index, trackers.at (new_index));
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), oldIndex, oldIndex);
myRows.insert (oldIndex, trackers.at (newIndex));
endInsertRows ();
else if (new_index == trackers.size())
else if (isEndOfNew || (!isEndOfOld && comp (myRows.at (oldIndex), trackers.at (newIndex))))
// remove this old row
beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), old_index, old_index);
myRows.remove (old_index);
beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), oldIndex, oldIndex);
myRows.remove (oldIndex);
endRemoveRows ();
else if (comp (myRows.at(old_index), trackers.at(new_index)))
// remove this old row
beginRemoveRows (QModelIndex (), old_index, old_index);
myRows.remove (old_index);
endRemoveRows ();
else if (comp (trackers.at(new_index), myRows.at(old_index)))
// add this new row
beginInsertRows (QModelIndex (), old_index, old_index);
myRows.insert (old_index, trackers.at (new_index));
endInsertRows ();
else // update existing row
myRows[old_index].st = trackers.at(new_index).st;
QModelIndex topLeft;
QModelIndex bottomRight;
dataChanged (index(old_index,0), index(old_index,0));
myRows[oldIndex].st = trackers.at (newIndex).st;
emit dataChanged (index (oldIndex, 0), index (oldIndex, 0));
Reference in a new issue