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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 18:25:35 +00:00

(gtk) #769: when removing a torrent, prompt for confirmation if (a) the torrent is incomplete, (b) the torrent is connected to peers, (c) the user is also deleting the downloaded files.

This commit is contained in:
Charles Kerr 2008-03-07 17:47:42 +00:00
parent 1df3d8d844
commit 0cebab1247
5 changed files with 83 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -110,8 +110,8 @@ static GtkActionEntry entries[] =
N_("_Verify Local Data"), NULL, NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "pause-torrent", GTK_STOCK_MEDIA_PAUSE,
N_("_Pause"), "<control>P", NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "close-torrent", GTK_STOCK_CLOSE, NULL, "Delete", NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "delete-torrent", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete Files and Close"), "<control>Delete", NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "remove-torrent", GTK_STOCK_REMOVE, NULL, "Delete", NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "delete-torrent", GTK_STOCK_DELETE, N_("_Delete Files and Remove"), "<control>Delete", NULL, G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },
{ "new-torrent", GTK_STOCK_NEW, N_("_New..."), NULL,
N_("Create a new torrent"),
G_CALLBACK(action_cb) },

View file

@ -292,58 +292,98 @@ struct DeleteData
gboolean delete_files;
GList * torrents;
TrCore * core;
int busyCount;
static void
removeTorrents( struct DeleteData * data )
GList * l;
for( l=data->torrents; l!=NULL; l=l->next )
tr_core_remove_torrent( data->core, l->data, data->delete_files );
g_list_free( data->torrents );
static void
removeResponse( GtkDialog * dialog, gint response, gpointer gdata )
struct DeleteData * data = gdata;
const int doRemove = response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT;
const int doDelete = data->delete_files;
GList * l;
for( l=data->torrents; l!=NULL; l=l->next )
TrTorrent * gtor = TR_TORRENT( l->data );
if( doRemove )
tr_core_remove_torrent( data->core, gtor, doDelete );
g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( gtor ) );
if( response == GTK_RESPONSE_ACCEPT )
removeTorrents( data );
g_list_foreach( data->torrents, (GFunc)g_object_unref, NULL );
gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( dialog ) );
g_list_free( data->torrents );
g_free( data );
static void
tabulateTorrents( gpointer gtor, gpointer gdata )
struct DeleteData * data = gdata;
const tr_stat * stat = tr_torrent_stat( gtor );
if( stat->leftUntilDone || stat->peersConnected )
confirmDelete( GtkWindow * parent,
confirmRemove( GtkWindow * parent,
TrCore * core,
GList * torrents )
GList * torrents,
gboolean delete_files )
GtkWidget * d;
char text[128];
struct DeleteData * dd = g_new0( struct DeleteData, 1 );
struct DeleteData * dd;
const int count = g_list_length( torrents );
const char * primary_text;
const char * secondary_text;
if( !count )
dd = g_new0( struct DeleteData, 1 );
dd->core = core;
dd->torrents = torrents;
dd->delete_files = TRUE;
dd->delete_files = delete_files;
g_list_foreach( torrents, tabulateTorrents, dd );
if( !dd->busyCount && !delete_files ) /* don't prompt boring torrents */
removeTorrents( dd );
g_free( dd );
if( !delete_files )
primary_text = ngettext( "Remove torrent?", "Remove torrents?", count );
primary_text = ngettext( "Delete this torrent's downloaded files?",
"Delete these torrents' downloaded files?",
count );
if( dd->busyCount > 1 )
secondary_text = _( "Some of these torrents are incomplete or connected to peers." );
else if( dd->busyCount == 0 )
secondary_text = NULL;
secondary_text = ngettext( "This torrent is incomplete or connected to peers.",
"One of these torrents is incomplete or connected to peers.",
count );
g_snprintf( text, sizeof( text ),
ngettext( "Delete torrent?",
"Delete torrents?",
g_list_length( torrents ) ) );
d = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup( parent,
"<b>%s</b>", text );
gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_text( GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG( d ),
_( "This removes the torrent and deletes the downloaded files!" ) );
"<b>%s</b>", primary_text );
if( secondary_text )
gtk_message_dialog_format_secondary_markup( GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG( d ), secondary_text );
gtk_dialog_add_buttons( GTK_DIALOG( d ),
gtk_dialog_set_default_response( GTK_DIALOG ( d ),

View file

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ GtkWidget* promptfordir( GtkWindow * parent,
/* prompt if the user wants to quit, calls func with cbdata if they do */
void askquit( TrCore*, GtkWindow* parent, callbackfunc_t func, void* cbdata );
void confirmDelete( GtkWindow * parent, TrCore * core, GList * torrents );
void confirmRemove( GtkWindow * parent,
TrCore * core,
GList * gtorrents,
gboolean doDelete );
#endif /* TG_PREFS_H */

View file

@ -199,7 +199,7 @@ refreshTorrentActions( GtkTreeSelection * s )
gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach( s, accumulateStatusForeach, &counts );
action_sensitize( "pause-torrent", counts.activeCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "start-torrent", counts.inactiveCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "close-torrent", counts.totalCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "remove-torrent", counts.totalCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "delete-torrent", counts.totalCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "verify-torrent", counts.totalCount!=0 );
action_sensitize( "show-torrent-details", counts.totalCount==1 );
@ -1037,27 +1037,14 @@ accumulateSelectedTorrents( GtkTreeModel * model,
static void
closeSelectedForeach( gpointer gtor, gpointer gdata )
struct cbdata * data = gdata;
tr_core_remove_torrent( data->core, gtor, FALSE );
static void
closeSelected( struct cbdata * data, gboolean doDelete )
removeSelected( struct cbdata * data, gboolean delete_files )
GList * l = NULL;
GtkTreeSelection * s = tr_window_get_selection( data->wind );
gtk_tree_selection_selected_foreach( s, accumulateSelectedTorrents, &l );
gtk_tree_selection_unselect_all( s );
if( l ) {
if( doDelete )
confirmDelete( data->wind, data->core, l );
else {
g_list_foreach( l, closeSelectedForeach, data );
g_list_free( l );
if( l )
confirmRemove( data->wind, data->core, l, delete_files );
@ -1111,13 +1098,13 @@ doAction ( const char * action_name, gpointer user_data )
tr_core_handle( data->core ) );
gtk_widget_show_all( w );
else if( !strcmp( action_name, "close-torrent" ) )
else if( !strcmp( action_name, "remove-torrent" ) )
closeSelected( data, FALSE );
removeSelected( data, FALSE );
else if( !strcmp( action_name, "delete-torrent" ) )
closeSelected( data, TRUE );
removeSelected( data, TRUE );
else if (!strcmp (action_name, "close"))

View file

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ const char * fallback_ui_file =
" <menuitem action='pause-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='verify-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='show-torrent-details'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='close-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='remove-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='delete-torrent'/>\n"
" <separator/>\n"
" <menuitem action='close'/>\n"
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ const char * fallback_ui_file =
" <toolitem action='open-torrent-toolbar'/>\n"
" <toolitem action='start-torrent'/>\n"
" <toolitem action='pause-torrent'/>\n"
" <toolitem action='close-torrent'/>\n"
" <toolitem action='remove-torrent'/>\n"
" <separator/>\n"
" <toolitem action='show-torrent-details'/>\n"
" </toolbar>\n"
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ const char * fallback_ui_file =
" <menuitem action='verify-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='update-tracker'/>\n"
" <separator/>\n"
" <menuitem action='close-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='remove-torrent'/>\n"
" <menuitem action='delete-torrent'/>\n"
" </popup>\n"