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mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 10:15:45 +00:00

(libT) #4632 'custom blocklist generates 2x # of rules': add a fix, which causes r13825's test to pass

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Lee 2013-01-21 21:14:14 +00:00
parent 5d9335201d
commit 0da726e639
2 changed files with 87 additions and 55 deletions

View file

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ typedef struct tr_ptrArray
typedef int (*PtrArrayCompareFunc)(const void * a, const void * b);
typedef void (*PtrArrayForeachFunc)(void *);

View file

@ -611,7 +611,7 @@ tr_sessionInit (const char * tag,
data.clientSettings = clientSettings;
tr_runInEventThread (session, tr_sessionInitImpl, &data);
while (!data.done)
tr_wait_msec (100);
tr_wait_msec (50);
return session;
@ -727,6 +727,8 @@ tr_sessionInitImpl (void * vdata)
tr_statsInit (session);
tr_webInit (session);
while (session->web == NULL)
tr_wait_msec (50);
tr_sessionSet (session, &settings);
@ -1843,7 +1845,7 @@ tr_sessionClose (tr_session * session)
dbgmsg ("waiting on port unmap (%p) or announcer (%p)... now %zu deadline %zu",
session->shared, session->announcer, (size_t)time (NULL), (size_t)deadline);
tr_wait_msec (100);
tr_wait_msec (50);
tr_webClose (session, TR_WEB_CLOSE_NOW);
@ -1854,7 +1856,7 @@ tr_sessionClose (tr_session * session)
static bool forced = false;
dbgmsg ("waiting for libtransmission thread to finish... now %zu deadline %zu", (size_t)time (NULL), (size_t)deadline);
tr_wait_msec (500);
tr_wait_msec (100);
if (deadlineReached (deadline) && !forced)
dbgmsg ("calling event_loopbreak ()");
@ -2183,74 +2185,102 @@ tr_stringEndsWith (const char * str, const char * end)
static void
loadBlocklists (tr_session * session)
int binCount = 0;
int newCount = 0;
struct stat sb;
char * dirname;
DIR * odir = NULL;
tr_list * list = NULL;
const bool isEnabled = session->isBlocklistEnabled;
DIR * odir;
char * dirname;
struct dirent * d;
tr_list * blocklists = NULL;
tr_ptrArray loadme = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT;
const bool isEnabled = session->isBlocklistEnabled;
/* walk through the directory and find blocklists */
dirname = tr_buildPath (session->configDir, "blocklists", NULL);
if (!stat (dirname,
&sb) && S_ISDIR (sb.st_mode)
&& ((odir = opendir (dirname))))
/* walk the blocklist directory... */
dirname = tr_buildPath (session->configDir, "blocklists", NULL);
odir = opendir (dirname);
while ((d = readdir (odir)))
struct dirent *d;
for (d = readdir (odir); d; d = readdir (odir))
char * path;
char * load = NULL;
if (!d->d_name || (d->d_name[0]=='.')) /* ignore dotfiles */
path = tr_buildPath (dirname, d->d_name, NULL);
if (tr_stringEndsWith (path, ".bin"))
char * filename;
load = tr_strdup (path);
char * binname;
char * basename;
time_t path_mtime = 0;
time_t binname_mtime = 0;
if (!d->d_name || d->d_name[0] == '.') /* skip dotfiles, ., and ..
basename = tr_basename (d->d_name);
binname = tr_strdup_printf ("%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%s.bin", dirname, basename);
filename = tr_buildPath (dirname, d->d_name, NULL);
if (tr_stringEndsWith (filename, ".bin"))
if (!tr_fileExists (binname, &binname_mtime)) /* create it */
/* if we don't already have this blocklist, add it */
if (!tr_list_find (list, filename,
tr_blocklistFile * b = tr_blocklistFileNew (binname, isEnabled);
const int n = tr_blocklistFileSetContent (b, path);
if (n > 0)
load = tr_strdup (binname);
tr_blocklistFileFree (b);
else if (tr_fileExists(path,&path_mtime) && (path_mtime>=binname_mtime)) /* update it */
char * old;
tr_blocklistFile * b;
old = tr_strdup_printf ("%s.old", binname);
remove (old);
rename (binname, old);
b = tr_blocklistFileNew (binname, isEnabled);
if (tr_blocklistFileSetContent (b, path) > 0)
tr_list_append (&list,
tr_blocklistFileNew (filename, isEnabled));
remove (old);
/* strip out the file suffix, if there is one, and add ".bin"
instead */
tr_blocklistFile * b;
const char * dot = strrchr (d->d_name, '.');
const int len = dot ? dot - d->d_name
: (int)strlen (d->d_name);
char * tmp = tr_strdup_printf (
"%s" TR_PATH_DELIMITER_STR "%*.*s.bin",
dirname, len, len, d->d_name);
b = tr_blocklistFileNew (tmp, isEnabled);
tr_blocklistFileSetContent (b, filename);
tr_list_append (&list, b);
tr_free (tmp);
remove (binname);
rename (old, binname);
tr_blocklistFileFree (b);
tr_free (old);
tr_free (filename);
tr_free (basename);
tr_free (binname);
closedir (odir);
if (load != NULL)
if (tr_ptrArrayFindSorted (&loadme, load, (PtrArrayCompareFunc)strcmp) == NULL)
tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted (&loadme, load, (PtrArrayCompareFunc)strcmp);
tr_free (load);
tr_free (path);
session->blocklists = list;
if (!tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&loadme))
int i;
const int n = tr_ptrArraySize (&loadme);
const char ** paths = (const char **) tr_ptrArrayBase (&loadme);
if (binCount)
tr_dbg ("Found %d blocklists in \"%s\"", binCount, dirname);
if (newCount)
tr_dbg ("Found %d new blocklists in \"%s\"", newCount, dirname);
for (i=0; i<n; ++i)
tr_list_append (&blocklists, tr_blocklistFileNew (paths[i], isEnabled));
tr_free (dirname);
/* cleanup */
closedir (odir);
tr_free (dirname);
tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&loadme, (PtrArrayForeachFunc)tr_free);
session->blocklists = blocklists;
static void