Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 10:15:45 +00:00

get rid of the numbers next to the filter...have them in tooltips instead

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Livingston 2007-05-30 06:10:05 +00:00
parent 892d9bf156
commit 1152c69bcf
6 changed files with 64 additions and 196 deletions

View file

@ -208,8 +208,6 @@
- (void) setWindowSizeToFit;
- (NSRect) sizedWindowFrame;
- (void) checkSearchFilter: (NSNotification *) notification;
- (void) showMainWindow: (id) sender;
- (void) linkHomepage: (id) sender;
- (void) linkForums: (id) sender;

View file

@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ static void sleepCallBack(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[fBottomBar setBackgroundImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"BottomBorder.png"]];
[fStatusBar setBackgroundImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"StatusBarBackground.png"]];
[fFilterBar setBackgroundImage: [NSImage imageNamed: @"FilterBarBackground.png"]];
[fFilterBar replaceButtons];
[fWindow setAcceptsMouseMovedEvents: YES]; //ensure filter buttons display correctly
[fWindow addChildWindow: fOverlayWindow ordered: NSWindowAbove];
@ -415,10 +414,6 @@ static void sleepCallBack(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
//change that just impacts the dock badge
[nc addObserver: self selector: @selector(updateDockBadge:)
name: @"DockBadgeChange" object: nil];
//show and hide the search bar in the filter bar
[nc addObserver: self selector: @selector(checkSearchFilter:)
name: @"CheckSearchFilter" object: nil];
//timer to update the interface every second
[self updateUI];
@ -1677,17 +1672,10 @@ static void sleepCallBack(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[tempTorrents setArray: fTorrents];
//set buttons with counts
BOOL change = NO;
if ([fNoFilterButton setCount: [fTorrents count]])
change = YES;
if ([fDownloadFilterButton setCount: downloading])
change = YES;
if ([fSeedFilterButton setCount: seeding])
change = YES;
if ([fPauseFilterButton setCount: paused])
change = YES;
if (change)
[fFilterBar replaceButtons];
[fNoFilterButton setCount: [fTorrents count]];
[fDownloadFilterButton setCount: downloading];
[fSeedFilterButton setCount: seeding];
[fPauseFilterButton setCount: paused];
NSString * searchString = [fSearchFilterField stringValue];
if ([searchString length] > 0)
@ -2977,11 +2965,6 @@ static void sleepCallBack(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
- (void) windowDidResize: (NSNotification *) notification
[self checkSearchFilter: nil];
- (void) checkSearchFilter: (NSNotification *) notification
//size search filter to not overlap buttons
float pointX = NSMaxX([fPauseFilterButton frame]) + 5.0;

View file

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
NSTrackingRectTag fTrackingTag;
- (BOOL) setCount: (int) count;
- (void) setCount: (int) count;
- (void) setEnabled: (BOOL) enable;
- (void) resetBounds: (NSNotification *) notification;

View file

@ -23,11 +23,10 @@
#import "FilterBarButton.h"
#import "StringAdditions.h"
@interface FilterBarButton (Private)
- (NSImage *) badgeCount: (int) count color: (NSColor *) color;
- (void) createButtons;
@ -40,8 +39,10 @@
fEnabled = NO;
fTrackingTag = 0;
fCount = -1;
[self createButtons];
[self setCount: 0];
[self setAlternateImage: fButtonPressed];
[self setImage: fButtonNormal];
NSNotificationCenter * nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
@ -70,21 +71,64 @@
[super dealloc];
- (BOOL) setCount: (int) count
- (void) setCount: (int) count
if (fCount == count)
return NO;
fCount = count;
[self setToolTip: count == 1 ? NSLocalizedString(@"1 Transfer", "Filter Bar Button -> tool tip")
: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"%d Transfers", "Filter Bar Button -> tool tip"), count]];
- (void) mouseEntered: (NSEvent *) event
if (!fEnabled)
[self setImage: fButtonOver];
if (fButtonNormal)
[super mouseEntered: event];
- (void) mouseExited: (NSEvent *) event
if (!fEnabled)
[self setImage: fButtonNormal];
[super mouseExited: event];
- (void) setEnabled: (BOOL) enable
fEnabled = enable;
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelected : fButtonNormal];
- (void) resetBounds: (NSNotification *) notification
if (fTrackingTag)
[self removeTrackingRect: fTrackingTag];
fTrackingTag = [self addTrackingRect: [self bounds] owner: self userData: nil assumeInside: NO];
- (void) setForActive: (NSNotification *) notification
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelected : fButtonNormal];
[self resetBounds: nil];
- (void) setForInactive: (NSNotification *) notification
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelectedDim : fButtonNormalDim];
if (fTrackingTag)
[fButtonNormal release];
[fButtonOver release];
[fButtonPressed release];
[fButtonSelected release];
[fButtonSelectedDim release];
[self removeTrackingRect: fTrackingTag];
fTrackingTag = 0;
@implementation FilterBarButton (Private)
- (void) createButtons
//create attributes
NSFont * boldFont = [[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont:
[NSFont fontWithName: @"Lucida Grande" size: 12.0] toHaveTrait: NSBoldFontMask];
@ -156,28 +200,6 @@
NSRect textRect = NSMakeRect(endSize.width - overlap, (buttonSize.height - textSize.height) * 0.5 + 1.5,
textSize.width, textSize.height);
//create badge images and adjust size
NSImage * badgeNormal, * badgeNormalDim, * badgeHighlighted, * badgeHighlightedDim;
NSSize badgeSize;
float badgePadding;
if (fCount > 0)
badgeNormal = [self badgeCount: fCount color: [normalAttributes objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]];
badgeNormalDim = [self badgeCount: fCount color: [normalDimAttributes objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]];
badgeHighlighted = [self badgeCount: fCount
color: [highlightedAttributes objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]];
badgeHighlightedDim = [self badgeCount: fCount
color: [highlightedDimAttributes objectForKey: NSForegroundColorAttributeName]];
badgeSize = [badgeNormal size];
badgeSize.width = ceilf(badgeSize.width);
badgePadding = 2.0;
float increase = badgeSize.width + badgePadding;
mainSize.width += increase;
buttonSize.width += increase;
NSPoint leftPoint = NSZeroPoint,
mainPoint = NSMakePoint(endSize.width, 0),
rightPoint = NSMakePoint(mainPoint.x + mainSize.width, 0);
@ -252,41 +274,6 @@
[text drawInRect: textRect withAttributes: highlightedDimAttributes];
[fButtonSelectedDim unlockFocus];
//append count
if (fCount > 0)
NSPoint badgePoint = NSMakePoint(NSMaxX(textRect) + badgePadding * 2.0, (mainSize.height - badgeSize.height) * 0.5 + 1.0);
//normal button
[fButtonNormal lockFocus];
[badgeNormal compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonNormal unlockFocus];
//dim button
[fButtonNormalDim lockFocus];
[badgeNormalDim compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonNormalDim unlockFocus];
//rolled over button
[fButtonOver lockFocus];
[badgeHighlighted compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonOver unlockFocus];
[fButtonPressed lockFocus];
[badgeHighlighted compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonPressed unlockFocus];
//selected button
[fButtonSelected lockFocus];
[badgeHighlighted compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonSelected unlockFocus];
//selected and dim button
[fButtonSelectedDim lockFocus];
[badgeHighlightedDim compositeToPoint: badgePoint operation: NSCompositeSourceOver];
[fButtonSelectedDim unlockFocus];
[normalAttributes release];
[normalDimAttributes release];
[highlightedAttributes release];
@ -295,102 +282,6 @@
//resize button
NSPoint point = [self frame].origin;
[self setFrame: NSMakeRect(point.x, point.y, buttonSize.width, buttonSize.height)];
//set image
[self setAlternateImage: fButtonPressed];
if ([[self window] isKeyWindow])
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelected : fButtonNormal];
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelectedDim : fButtonNormalDim];
return YES;
- (void) mouseEntered: (NSEvent *) event
if (!fEnabled)
[self setImage: fButtonOver];
[super mouseEntered: event];
- (void) mouseExited: (NSEvent *) event
if (!fEnabled)
[self setImage: fButtonNormal];
[super mouseExited: event];
- (void) setEnabled: (BOOL) enable
fEnabled = enable;
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelected : fButtonNormal];
- (void) resetBounds: (NSNotification *) notification
if (fTrackingTag)
[self removeTrackingRect: fTrackingTag];
fTrackingTag = [self addTrackingRect: [self bounds] owner: self userData: nil assumeInside: NO];
- (void) setForActive: (NSNotification *) notification
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelected : fButtonNormal];
[self resetBounds: nil];
- (void) setForInactive: (NSNotification *) notification
[self setImage: fEnabled ? fButtonSelectedDim : fButtonNormalDim];
if (fTrackingTag)
[self removeTrackingRect: fTrackingTag];
fTrackingTag = 0;
@implementation FilterBarButton (Private)
- (NSImage *) badgeCount: (int) count color: (NSColor *) color
NSDictionary * attributes = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys:
[[NSFontManager sharedFontManager] convertFont: [NSFont fontWithName: @"Lucida Grande" size: 10.0]
toHaveTrait: NSBoldFontMask], NSFontAttributeName, nil];
NSString * string = [NSString stringWithInt: count];
NSSize stringSize = [string sizeWithAttributes: attributes];
NSRect badgeRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, stringSize.width + 6.0, stringSize.height);
//create badge part
NSImage * tempBadge = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: badgeRect.size];
NSBezierPath * bp = [NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect: badgeRect];
[tempBadge lockFocus];
[color set];
[bp fill];
[tempBadge unlockFocus];
//create string part
NSImage * badge = [[NSImage alloc] initWithSize: badgeRect.size];
[badge lockFocus];
[string drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint((badgeRect.size.width - stringSize.width) * 0.5,
(badgeRect.size.height - stringSize.height) * 0.5) withAttributes: attributes];
[tempBadge compositeToPoint: badgeRect.origin operation: NSCompositeSourceOut];
[badge unlockFocus];
[tempBadge release];
[attributes release];
return [badge autorelease];

View file

@ -32,6 +32,4 @@
* fSeedFilterButton, * fPauseFilterButton;
- (void) replaceButtons;

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
@implementation FilterBarView
- (void) replaceButtons
- (void) awakeFromNib
float padding = 2.0, base = 3.0;
[fNoFilterButton setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(padding + 2.0, base)];
@ -35,8 +35,6 @@
[fPauseFilterButton setFrameOrigin: NSMakePoint(NSMaxX([fSeedFilterButton frame]) + padding, base)];
[self setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: @"CheckSearchFilter" object: nil];