* add some #ifdefs to fix -DNO_SSI

* remove the Win CE stuff for now, since we don't support Windows yet.
This commit is contained in:
Charles Kerr 2008-05-16 04:53:11 +00:00
parent 788ccd60d3
commit 3f93fa1f2e
11 changed files with 14 additions and 2817 deletions

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
SRCS= string.c shttpd.c log.c auth.c md5.c cgi.c config.c io_ssi.c \
io_file.c io_socket.c io_ssl.c io_emb.c io_dir.c io_cgi.c
HDRS= defs.h llist.h shttpd.h std_includes.h io.h md5.h ssl.h \
compat_unix.h compat_win32.h compat_rtems.h config.h
OBJS= $(SRCS:%.c=%.o)
PROG= shttpd
# Possible flags: (in brackets are rough numbers for 'gcc -O2' on i386)
# -DHAVE_MD5 - use system md5 library (-2kb)
# -DNDEBUG - strip off all debug code (-5kb)
# -D_DEBUG - build debug version (very noisy) (+6kb)
# -DNO_CGI - disable CGI support (-5kb)
# -DNO_SSL - disable SSL functionality (-2kb)
# -DNO_AUTH - disable authorization support (-4kb)
# -DCONFIG=\"file\" - use `file' as the default config file
# -DNO_SSI - disable SSI support (-4kb)
# XXX Note for the windows users. In order to build shttpd, MSVS6 is needed.
# Follow these steps:
# 1. Add c:\path_to_msvs6\bin to the system Path environment variable.
# 2. Add two new system environment variables:
# LIB=c:\path_to_msvs6\lib
# INCLUDE=c:\path_to_msvs6\include
# 3. start console, go to shttpd-VERSION\src\ directory
# 4. type "nmake msvc"
# 5. go to shttpd-VERSION\examples , type "nmake msvc"
VC6= ..\..\.. # MSVC installation path
CL_FLAGS= /MD /TC /nologo /DNDEBUG /Os # MSVC compiler flags
@echo "make (unix|msvc|mingw|rtems)"
@echo on Linux, do \'LIBS=-ldl make unix\'
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $< -o $@
unix: $(OBJS)
$(AR) -r lib$(PROG).a $(OBJS) && ranlib lib$(PROG).a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) compat_unix.c standalone.c \
-o $(PROG) $(LIBS) -L. -l$(PROG)
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DEMBEDDED $(SRCS) compat_rtems.c
$(AR) -r lib$(PROG).a *.o && ranlib lib$(PROG).a
#cl $(SRCS) compat_win32.c /c $(CL_FLAGS) /DEMBEDDED
#lib *.obj /out:shttpd.lib
$(VC6)\bin\cl /I $(VC6)\include \
$(SRCS) compat_win32.c standalone.c $(CL_FLAGS) \
/link /out:$(PROG).exe /LIBPATH:$(VC6)\lib ws2_32.lib user32.lib
$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) -DEMBEDDED $(SRCS) compat_win32.c
$(AR) -r lib$(PROG).a *.o && ranlib lib$(PROG).a
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(SRCS) compat_win32.c standalone.c \
-o $(PROG) $(LIBS) -lws2_32 -lcomdlg32 -lcomctl32
cat shttpd.1 | tbl | groff -man -Tascii | col -b > shttpd.1.txt
cat shttpd.1 | tbl | groff -man -Tascii | less
rm -rf *.o *.core $(PROG) lib$(PROG).a

View File

@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
# FIXME: build the compat_*.c files conditionally
noinst_LIBRARIES = libshttpd.a
libshttpd_a_SOURCES = \
string.c shttpd.c log.c auth.c md5.c cgi.c config.c io_ssi.c \
string.c shttpd.c log.c auth.c md5.c cgi.c config.c \
io_file.c io_socket.c io_ssl.c io_emb.c io_dir.c io_cgi.c \
noinst_HEADERS = \
defs.h llist.h shttpd.h std_includes.h io.h md5.h ssl.h \
compat_unix.h compat_win32.h compat_rtems.h config.h
compat_unix.h compat_rtems.h config.h
extra_DIST = \

View File

@ -1,442 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* All rights reserved
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
#include "defs.h"
static void
fix_directory_separators(char *path)
for (; *path != '\0'; path++) {
if (*path == '/')
*path = '\\';
if (*path == '\\')
while (path[1] == '\\' || path[1] == '/')
(void) memmove(path + 1,
path + 2, strlen(path + 2) + 1);
static int
protect_against_code_disclosure(const char *path)
HANDLE handle;
const char *p;
* Protect against CGI code disclosure under Windows.
* This is very nasty hole. Windows happily opens files with
* some garbage in the end of file name. So fopen("a.cgi ", "r")
* actually opens "a.cgi", and does not return an error! And since
* "a.cgi " does not have valid CGI extension, this leads to
* the CGI code disclosure.
* To protect, here we delete all fishy characters from the
* end of file name.
if ((handle = FindFirstFile(path, &data)) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
return (FALSE);
for (p = path + strlen(path); p > path && p[-1] != '\\';)
if (!(data.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) &&
strcmp(data.cFileName, p) != 0)
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);
my_open(const char *path, int flags, int mode)
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wbuf[FILENAME_MAX];
my_strlcpy(buf, path, sizeof(buf));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, -1, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
if (protect_against_code_disclosure(buf) == FALSE)
return (-1);
return (_wopen(wbuf, flags));
my_stat(const char *path, struct stat *stp)
char buf[FILENAME_MAX], *p;
wchar_t wbuf[FILENAME_MAX];
my_strlcpy(buf, path, sizeof(buf));
p = buf + strlen(buf) - 1;
while (p > buf && *p == '\\' && p[-1] != ':')
*p-- = '\0';
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, -1, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
return (_wstat(wbuf, (struct _stat *) stp));
my_remove(const char *path)
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wbuf[FILENAME_MAX];
my_strlcpy(buf, path, sizeof(buf));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, -1, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
return (_wremove(wbuf));
my_rename(const char *path1, const char *path2)
char buf1[FILENAME_MAX];
char buf2[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wbuf1[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wbuf2[FILENAME_MAX];
my_strlcpy(buf1, path1, sizeof(buf1));
my_strlcpy(buf2, path2, sizeof(buf2));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf1, -1, wbuf1, sizeof(wbuf1));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf2, -1, wbuf2, sizeof(wbuf2));
return (_wrename(wbuf1, wbuf2));
my_mkdir(const char *path, int mode)
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wbuf[FILENAME_MAX];
my_strlcpy(buf, path, sizeof(buf));
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, buf, -1, wbuf, sizeof(wbuf));
return (_wmkdir(wbuf));
static char *
wide_to_utf8(const wchar_t *str)
char *buf = NULL;
if (str) {
int nchar = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (nchar > 0) {
buf = malloc(nchar);
if (!buf)
errno = ENOMEM;
else if (!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, str, -1, buf, nchar, NULL, NULL)) {
buf = NULL;
errno = EINVAL;
} else
errno = EINVAL;
} else
errno = EINVAL;
return buf;
char *
my_getcwd(char *buffer, int maxlen)
char *result = NULL;
wchar_t *wbuffer, *wresult;
if (buffer) {
/* User-supplied buffer */
wbuffer = malloc(maxlen * sizeof(wchar_t));
if (wbuffer == NULL)
return NULL;
} else
/* Dynamically allocated buffer */
wbuffer = NULL;
wresult = _wgetcwd(wbuffer, maxlen);
if (wresult) {
int err = errno;
if (buffer) {
/* User-supplied buffer */
int n = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, wresult, -1, buffer, maxlen, NULL, NULL);
if (n == 0)
err = ERANGE;
result = buffer;
} else {
/* Buffer allocated by _wgetcwd() */
result = wide_to_utf8(wresult);
err = errno;
errno = err;
return result;
opendir(const char *name)
DIR *dir = NULL;
char path[FILENAME_MAX];
wchar_t wpath[FILENAME_MAX];
if (name == NULL || name[0] == '\0') {
errno = EINVAL;
} else if ((dir = malloc(sizeof(*dir))) == NULL) {
errno = ENOMEM;
} else {
my_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/*", name);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_UTF8, 0, path, -1, wpath, sizeof(wpath));
dir->handle = FindFirstFileW(wpath, &dir->info);
if (dir->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
dir->result.d_name[0] = '\0';
} else {
dir = NULL;
return (dir);
closedir(DIR *dir)
int result = -1;
if (dir != NULL) {
if (dir->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
result = FindClose(dir->handle) ? 0 : -1;
if (result == -1)
errno = EBADF;
return (result);
struct dirent *
readdir(DIR *dir)
struct dirent *result = 0;
if (dir && dir->handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if(!dir->result.d_name ||
FindNextFileW(dir->handle, &dir->info)) {
result = &dir->result;
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0, dir->info.cFileName,
-1, result->d_name,
sizeof(result->d_name), NULL, NULL);
} else {
errno = EBADF;
return (result);
set_non_blocking_mode(int fd)
unsigned long on = 1;
return (ioctlsocket(fd, FIONBIO, &on));
set_close_on_exec(int fd)
fd = 0; /* Do nothing. There is no FD_CLOEXEC on Windows */
#if !defined(NO_CGI)
struct threadparam {
big_int_t content_len;
* Thread function that reads POST data from the socket pair
* and writes it to the CGI process.
static void//DWORD WINAPI
stdoutput(void *arg)
struct threadparam *tp = arg;
int n, sent, stop = 0;
big_int_t total = 0;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
size_t max_recv;
max_recv = min(sizeof(buf), tp->content_len - total);
while (!stop && max_recv > 0 && (n = recv(tp->s, buf, max_recv, 0)) > 0) {
for (sent = 0; !stop && sent < n; sent += k)
if (!WriteFile(tp->hPipe, buf + sent, n - sent, &k, 0))
total += n;
max_recv = min(sizeof(buf), tp->content_len - total);
CloseHandle(tp->hPipe); /* Suppose we have POSTed everything */
* Thread function that reads CGI output and pushes it to the socket pair.
static void
stdinput(void *arg)
struct threadparam *tp = arg;
static int ntotal;
int k, stop = 0;
DWORD n, sent;
char buf[BUFSIZ];
while (!stop && ReadFile(tp->hPipe, buf, sizeof(buf), &n, NULL)) {
ntotal += n;
for (sent = 0; !stop && sent < n; sent += k)
if ((k = send(tp->s, buf + sent, n - sent, 0)) <= 0)
* Windows is a piece of crap. When this thread closes its end
* of the socket pair, the other end (get_cgi() function) may loose
* some data. I presume, this happens if get_cgi() is not fast enough,
* and the data written by this end does not "push-ed" to the other
* end socket buffer. So after closesocket() the remaining data is
* gone. If I put shutdown() before closesocket(), that seems to
* fix the problem, but I am not sure this is the right fix.
* XXX (submitted by James Marshall) we do not do shutdown() on UNIX.
* If fork() is called from user callback, shutdown() messes up things.
shutdown(tp->s, 2);
static void
spawn_stdio_thread(int sock, HANDLE hPipe, void (*func)(void *),
big_int_t content_len)
struct threadparam *tp;
DWORD tid;
tp = malloc(sizeof(*tp));
assert(tp != NULL);
tp->s = sock;
tp->hPipe = hPipe;
tp->content_len = content_len;
_beginthread(func, 0, tp);
spawn_process(struct conn *c, const char *prog, char *envblk,
char *envp[], int sock, const char *dir)
HANDLE a[2], b[2], h[2], me;
DWORD flags;
char *p, cmdline[FILENAME_MAX], line[FILENAME_MAX];
FILE *fp;
me = GetCurrentProcess();
/* FIXME add error checking code here */
CreatePipe(&a[0], &a[1], NULL, 0);
CreatePipe(&b[0], &b[1], NULL, 0);
DuplicateHandle(me, a[0], me, &h[0], 0, TRUE, flags);
DuplicateHandle(me, b[1], me, &h[1], 0, TRUE, flags);
(void) memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
(void) memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
/* XXX redirect CGI errors to the error log file */
si.cb = sizeof(si);
si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE;
si.hStdOutput = si.hStdError = h[1];
si.hStdInput = h[0];
/* If CGI file is a script, try to read the interpreter line */
if (c->ctx->options[OPT_CGI_INTERPRETER] == NULL) {
if ((fp = fopen(prog, "r")) != NULL) {
(void) fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp);
if (memcmp(line, "#!", 2) != 0)
line[2] = '\0';
/* Trim whitespaces from interpreter name */
for (p = &line[strlen(line) - 1]; p > line &&
isspace(*p); p--)
*p = '\0';
(void) fclose(fp);
(void) my_snprintf(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), "%s%s%s",
line + 2, line[2] == '\0' ? "" : " ", prog);
} else {
(void) my_snprintf(cmdline, sizeof(cmdline), "%s %s",
c->ctx->options[OPT_CGI_INTERPRETER], prog);
(void) my_snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%s", dir);
* Spawn reader & writer threads before we create CGI process.
* Otherwise CGI process may die too quickly, loosing the data
spawn_stdio_thread(sock, b[0], stdinput, 0);
spawn_stdio_thread(sock, a[1], stdoutput, c->rem.content_len);
if (CreateProcessA(NULL, cmdline, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, envblk, line, &si, &pi) == 0) {
elog(E_LOG, c,"redirect: CreateProcess(%s): %d",cmdline,ERRNO);
return (-1);
} else {
return (0);
#endif /* !NO_CGI */

View File

@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* All rights reserved
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
/* Tip from Justin Maximilian, suppress errors from winsock2.h */
#define _WINSOCKAPI_
#include <windows.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <commctrl.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
#include <process.h>
#include <direct.h>
#include <io.h>
#else /* _WIN32_WCE */
/* Windows CE-specific definitions */
#define NO_CGI /* WinCE has no pipes */
#define NO_GUI /* temporarily until it is fixed */
#pragma comment(lib,"ws2")
/* WinCE has both Unicode and ANSI versions of GetProcAddress */
#undef GetProcAddress
#define GetProcAddress GetProcAddressA
#include "compat_wince.h"
#endif /* _WIN32_WCE */
#define ERRNO GetLastError()
#define NO_SOCKLEN_T
#define SSL_LIB L"libssl32.dll"
#define DIRSEP '\\'
#define IS_DIRSEP_CHAR(c) ((c) == '/' || (c) == '\\')
#define O_NONBLOCK 0
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define vsnprintf _vsnprintf
#define mkdir(x,y) _mkdir(x)
#define popen(x,y) _popen(x, y)
#define pclose(x) _pclose(x)
#define dlopen(x,y) LoadLibraryW(x)
#define dlsym(x,y) (void *) GetProcAddress(x,y)
#define _POSIX_
#ifdef __LCC__
#include <stdint.h>
#endif /* __LCC__ */
#ifdef _MSC_VER /* MinGW already has these */
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
typedef unsigned short uint16_t;
typedef __int64 uint64_t;
#define S_ISDIR(x) ((x) & _S_IFDIR)
#endif /* _MSC_VER */
* POSIX dirent interface
struct dirent {
char d_name[FILENAME_MAX];
typedef struct DIR {
HANDLE handle;
struct dirent result;
char *name;
} DIR;
extern DIR *opendir(const char *name);
extern int closedir(DIR *dir);
extern struct dirent *readdir(DIR *dir);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/*** ANSI C library ***/
/* Missing ANSI C definitions */
#define BUFSIZ 4096
* Because we need a per-thread errno, we define a function
* pointer that we can call to return a pointer to the errno
* for the current thread. Then we define a macro for errno
* that dereferences this function's result.
* This makes it syntactically just like the "real" errno.
* Using a function pointer allows us to use a very fast
* function when there are no threads running and a slower
* function when there are multiple threads running.
void __WinCE_Errno_New_Thread(int *Errno_Pointer);
void __WinCE_Errno_Thread_Exit(void);
extern int *(*__WinCE_Errno_Pointer_Function)(void);
#define errno (*(*__WinCE_Errno_Pointer_Function)())
char *strerror(int errnum);
struct tm {
int tm_sec; /* seconds after the minute - [0,59] */
int tm_min; /* minutes after the hour - [0,59] */
int tm_hour; /* hours since midnight - [0,23] */
int tm_mday; /* day of the month - [1,31] */
int tm_mon; /* months since January - [0,11] */
int tm_year; /* years since 1900 */
int tm_wday; /* days since Sunday - [0,6] */
int tm_yday; /* days since January 1 - [0,365] */
int tm_isdst; /* daylight savings time flag */
struct tm *gmtime(const time_t *TimeP); /* for future use */
struct tm *localtime(const time_t *TimeP);
time_t mktime(struct tm *tm);
time_t time(time_t *TimeP);
size_t strftime(char *s, size_t maxsize, const char *format, const struct tm *tim_p);
int _wrename(const wchar_t *oldname, const wchar_t *newname);
int _wremove(const wchar_t *filename);
/* Environment variables are not supported */
#define getenv(x) (NULL)
/* Redefine fileno so that it returns an integer */
#undef fileno
#define fileno(f) (int)_fileno(f)
/* Signals are not supported */
#define signal(num, handler) (0)
#define SIGTERM 0
#define SIGINT 0
/*** POSIX API ***/
/* Missing POSIX definitions */
struct _stat {
unsigned long st_size;
unsigned long st_ino;
int st_mode;
unsigned long st_atime;
unsigned long st_mtime;
unsigned long st_ctime;
unsigned short st_dev;
unsigned short st_nlink;
unsigned short st_uid;
unsigned short st_gid;
#define S_IFMT 0170000
#define S_IFDIR 0040000
#define S_IFREG 0100000
#define S_IEXEC 0000100
#define S_IWRITE 0000200
#define S_IREAD 0000400
#define _S_IFDIR S_IFDIR /* MSVCRT compatibilit */
int _fstat(int handle, struct _stat *buffer);
int _wstat(const wchar_t *path, struct _stat *buffer);
#define stat _stat /* NOTE: applies to _stat() and also struct _stat */
#define fstat _fstat
#define O_RDWR (1<<0)
#define O_RDONLY (2<<0)
#define O_WRONLY (3<<0)
#define O_MODE_MASK (3<<0)
#define O_TRUNC (1<<2)
#define O_EXCL (1<<3)
#define O_CREAT (1<<4)
#define O_BINARY 0
int _wopen(const wchar_t *filename, int oflag, ...);
int _close(int handle);
int _write(int handle, const void *buffer, unsigned int count);
int _read(int handle, void *buffer, unsigned int count);
long _lseek(int handle, long offset, int origin);
#define close _close
#define write _write
#define read _read
#define lseek _lseek
/* WinCE has only a Unicode version of this function */
FILE *fdopen(int handle, const char *mode);
int _wmkdir(const wchar_t *dirname);
/* WinCE has no concept of current directory so we return a constant path */
wchar_t *_wgetcwd(wchar_t *buffer, int maxlen);
#define freopen(path, mode, stream) assert(0)
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -296,7 +296,9 @@ struct shttpd_ctx *shttpd_init(void)
#if !defined(NO_SSI)
#ifdef _WIN32

View File

@ -11,10 +11,11 @@
#undef VERSION
#define VERSION "1.39" /* Version */
#define CONFIG_FILE "shttpd.conf" /* Configuration file */
#define HTPASSWD ".htpasswd" /* Passwords file name */
#define URI_MAX 16384 /* Default max request size */
#define URI_MAX 65536 /* Default max request size */
#define LISTENING_PORTS "80" /* Default listening ports */
#define INDEX_FILES "index.html,index.htm,index.php,index.cgi"
#define CGI_EXT "cgi,pl,php" /* Default CGI extensions */

View File

@ -241,7 +241,9 @@ struct shttpd_ctx {
struct llhead registered_uris;/* User urls */
struct llhead error_handlers; /* Embedded error handlers */
struct llhead acl; /* Access control list */
#if !defined(NO_SSI)
struct llhead ssi_funcs; /* SSI callback functions */
struct llhead listeners; /* Listening sockets */
FILE *access_log; /* Access log stream */
@ -358,8 +360,10 @@ extern void ssl_handshake(struct stream *stream);
extern void setup_embedded_stream(struct conn *, union variant, void *);
extern struct registered_uri *is_registered_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *,
const char *uri);
#if !defined(NO_SSI)
extern void do_ssi(struct conn *);
extern void ssi_func_destructor(struct llhead *lp);
* auth.c

View File

@ -1,482 +0,0 @@
* Copyright (c) 2006,2007 Steven Johnson <sjohnson@sakuraindustries.com>
* Copyright (c) 2007 Sergey Lyubka <valenok@gmail.com>
* All rights reserved
* "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
* Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
* can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
* this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return.
#include "defs.h"
#define CMDBUFSIZ 512 /* SSI command buffer size */
#define NEST_MAX 6 /* Maximum nesting level */
struct ssi_func {
struct llhead link;
void *user_data;
char *name;
shttpd_callback_t func;
struct ssi_inc {
int state; /* Buffering state */
int cond; /* Conditional state */
FILE *fp; /* Icluded file stream */
char buf[CMDBUFSIZ]; /* SSI command buffer */
size_t nbuf; /* Bytes in a command buffer */
FILE *pipe; /* #exec stream */
struct ssi_func func; /* #call function */
struct ssi {
struct conn *conn; /* Connection we belong to */
int nest; /* Current nesting level */
struct ssi_inc incs[NEST_MAX]; /* Nested includes */
enum { SSI_GO, SSI_STOP }; /* Conditional states */
static const struct vec st = {"<!--#", 5};
shttpd_register_ssi_func(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *name,
shttpd_callback_t func, void *user_data)
struct ssi_func *e;
if ((e = malloc(sizeof(*e))) != NULL) {
e->name = my_strdup(name);
e->func = func;
e->user_data = user_data;
LL_TAIL(&ctx->ssi_funcs, &e->link);
ssi_func_destructor(struct llhead *lp)
struct ssi_func *e = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct ssi_func, link);
static const struct ssi_func *
find_ssi_func(struct ssi *ssi, const char *name)
struct ssi_func *e;
struct llhead *lp;
LL_FOREACH(&ssi->conn->ctx->ssi_funcs, lp) {
e = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct ssi_func, link);
if (!strcmp(name, e->name))
return (e);
return (NULL);
static void
call(struct ssi *ssi, const char *name,
struct shttpd_arg *arg, char *buf, int len)
const struct ssi_func *ssi_func;
(void) memset(arg, 0, sizeof(*arg));
* SSI function may be called with parameters. These parameters
* are passed as arg->in.buf, arg->in.len vector.
arg->in.buf = strchr(name, ' ');
if (arg->in.buf != NULL) {
*arg->in.buf++ = '\0';
arg->in.len = strlen(arg->in.buf);
if ((ssi_func = find_ssi_func(ssi, name)) != NULL) {
arg->priv = ssi->conn;
arg->user_data = ssi_func->user_data;
arg->out.buf = buf;
arg->out.len = len;
static int
evaluate(struct ssi *ssi, const char *name)
struct shttpd_arg arg;
call(ssi, name, &arg, NULL, 0);
return (arg.flags & SHTTPD_SSI_EVAL_TRUE);
static void
pass(struct ssi_inc *inc, void *buf, int *n)
if (inc->cond == SSI_GO) {
(void) memcpy(buf, inc->buf, inc->nbuf);
(*n) += inc->nbuf;
inc->nbuf = 0;
inc->state = SSI_PASS;
static int
get_path(struct conn *conn, const char *src,
int src_len, char *dst, int dst_len)
static struct vec accepted[] = {
{"\"", 1}, /* Relative to webserver CWD */
{"file=\"", 6}, /* Relative to current URI */
{"virtual=\"", 9}, /* Relative to document root */
{NULL, 0},
struct vec *vec;
const char *p, *root = conn->ctx->options[OPT_ROOT];
int len;
for (vec = accepted; vec->len > 0; vec++)
if (src_len > vec->len && !memcmp(src, vec->ptr, vec->len)) {
src += vec->len;
src_len -= vec->len;
if ((p = memchr(src, '"', src_len)) == NULL)
if (vec->len == 6) {
len = my_snprintf(dst, dst_len, "%s%c%s",
root, DIRSEP, conn->uri);
while (len > 0 && dst[len] != '/')
dst += len;
dst_len -= len;
} else if (vec->len == 9) {
len = my_snprintf(dst, dst_len, "%s%c",
root, DIRSEP);
dst += len;
dst_len -= len;
url_decode(src, p - src, dst, dst_len);
return (1);
return (0);
static void
do_include(struct ssi *ssi)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
FILE *fp;
assert(inc->nbuf >= 13);
if (inc->cond == SSI_STOP) {
/* Do nothing - conditional FALSE */
} else if (ssi->nest >= (int) NELEMS(ssi->incs) - 1) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn,
"ssi: #include: maximum nested level reached");
} else if (!get_path(ssi->conn,
inc->buf + 13, inc->nbuf - 13, buf, sizeof(buf))) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn, "ssi: bad #include: [%.*s]",
inc->nbuf, inc->buf);
} else if ((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn,
"ssi: fopen(%s): %s", buf, strerror(errno));
} else {
ssi->incs[ssi->nest].fp = fp;
ssi->incs[ssi->nest].nbuf = 0;
ssi->incs[ssi->nest].cond = SSI_GO;
static char *
trim_spaces(struct ssi_inc *inc)
char *p = inc->buf + inc->nbuf - 2;
/* Trim spaces from the right */
*p-- = '\0';
while (isspace(* (unsigned char *) p))
*p-- = '\0';
/* Shift pointer to the start of attributes */
for (p = inc->buf; !isspace(* (unsigned char *) p); p++);
while (*p && isspace(* (unsigned char *) p)) p++;
return (p);
static void
do_if(struct ssi *ssi)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char *name = trim_spaces(inc);
inc->cond = evaluate(ssi, name) ? SSI_GO : SSI_STOP;
static void
do_elif(struct ssi *ssi)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char *name = trim_spaces(inc);
if (inc->cond == SSI_STOP && evaluate(ssi, name))
inc->cond = SSI_GO;
inc->cond = SSI_STOP;
static void
do_endif(struct ssi *ssi)
ssi->incs[ssi->nest].cond = SSI_GO;
static void
do_else(struct ssi *ssi)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
inc->cond = inc->cond == SSI_GO ? SSI_STOP : SSI_GO;
static void
do_call2(struct ssi *ssi, char *buf, int len, int *n)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
struct shttpd_arg arg;
call(ssi, inc->buf, &arg, buf, len);
(*n) += arg.out.num_bytes;
if (arg.flags & SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT)
inc->state = SSI_PASS;
static void
do_call(struct ssi *ssi, char *buf, int len, int *n)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char *name = trim_spaces(inc);
if (inc->cond == SSI_GO) {
(void) memmove(inc->buf, name, strlen(name) + 1);
inc->state = SSI_CALL;
do_call2(ssi, buf, len, n);
static void
do_exec2(struct ssi *ssi, char *buf, int len, int *n)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
int i, ch;
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
if ((ch = fgetc(inc->pipe)) == EOF) {
inc->state = SSI_PASS;
(void) pclose(inc->pipe);
inc->pipe = NULL;
*buf++ = ch;
static void
do_exec(struct ssi *ssi, char *buf, int len, int *n)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char cmd[sizeof(inc->buf)], *e, *p;
p = trim_spaces(inc);
if (inc->cond == SSI_STOP) {
/* Do nothing - conditional FALSE */
} else if (*p != '"' || (e = strchr(p + 1, '"')) == NULL) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn, "ssi: bad exec(%s)", p);
} else if (!url_decode(p + 1, e - p - 1, cmd, sizeof(cmd))) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn, "ssi: cannot url_decode: exec(%s)", p);
} else if ((inc->pipe = popen(cmd, "r")) == NULL) {
elog(E_LOG, ssi->conn, "ssi: popen(%s)", cmd);
} else {
inc->state = SSI_EXEC;
do_exec2(ssi, buf, len, n);
static const struct ssi_cmd {
struct vec vec;
void (*func)();
} known_ssi_commands [] = {
{{"include ", 8}, do_include },
{{"if ", 3}, do_if },
{{"elif ", 5}, do_elif },
{{"else", 4}, do_else },
{{"endif", 5}, do_endif },
{{"call ", 5}, do_call },
{{"exec ", 5}, do_exec },
{{NULL, 0}, NULL }
static void
do_command(struct ssi *ssi, char *buf, size_t len, int *n)
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
const struct ssi_cmd *cmd;
assert(len > 0);
assert(inc->nbuf <= len);
inc->state = SSI_PASS;
for (cmd = known_ssi_commands; cmd->func != NULL; cmd++)
if (inc->nbuf > (size_t) st.len + cmd->vec.len &&
!memcmp(inc->buf + st.len, cmd->vec.ptr, cmd->vec.len)) {
cmd->func(ssi, buf, len, n);
if (cmd->func == NULL)
pass(inc, buf, n);
inc->nbuf = 0;
static int
read_ssi(struct stream *stream, void *vbuf, size_t len)
struct ssi *ssi = stream->conn->ssi;
struct ssi_inc *inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
char *buf = vbuf;
int ch = EOF, n = 0;
if (inc->state == SSI_CALL)
do_call2(ssi, buf, len, &n);
else if (inc->state == SSI_EXEC)
do_exec2(ssi, buf, len, &n);
while (n + inc->nbuf < len && (ch = fgetc(inc->fp)) != EOF)
switch (inc->state) {
case SSI_PASS:
if (ch == '<') {
inc->nbuf = 0;
inc->buf[inc->nbuf++] = ch;
inc->state = SSI_BUF;
} else if (inc->cond == SSI_GO) {
buf[n++] = ch;
* We are buffering whole SSI command, until closing "-->".
* That means that when do_command() is called, we can rely
* on that full command with arguments is buffered in and
* there is no need for streaming.
* Restrictions:
* 1. The command must fit in CMDBUFSIZ
* 2. HTML comments inside the command ? Not sure about this.
case SSI_BUF:
if (inc->nbuf >= sizeof(inc->buf) - 1) {
pass(inc, buf + n, &n);
} else if (ch == '>' &&
!memcmp(inc->buf + inc->nbuf - 2, "--", 2)) {
do_command(ssi, buf + n, len - n, &n);
inc = ssi->incs + ssi->nest;
} else {
inc->buf[inc->nbuf++] = ch;
/* If not SSI tag, pass it */
if (inc->nbuf <= (size_t) st.len &&
memcmp(inc->buf, st.ptr, inc->nbuf) != 0)
pass(inc, buf + n, &n);
case SSI_EXEC:
case SSI_CALL:
/* Never happens */
if (ssi->nest > 0 && n + inc->nbuf < len && ch == EOF) {
(void) fclose(inc->fp);
inc->fp = NULL;
goto again;
return (n);
static void
close_ssi(struct stream *stream)
struct ssi *ssi = stream->conn->ssi;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(ssi->incs); i++) {
if (ssi->incs[i].fp != NULL)
(void) fclose(ssi->incs[i].fp);
if (ssi->incs[i].pipe != NULL)
(void) pclose(ssi->incs[i].pipe);
do_ssi(struct conn *c)
char date[64];
struct ssi *ssi;
(void) strftime(date, sizeof(date), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",
c->loc.io.head = c->loc.headers_len = my_snprintf(c->loc.io.buf,
"HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n"
"Date: %s\r\n"
"Content-Type: text/html\r\n"
"Connection: close\r\n\r\n",
c->status = 200;
c->loc.io_class = &io_ssi;
c->loc.flags |= FLAG_R | FLAG_ALWAYS_READY;
if (c->method == METHOD_HEAD) {
} else if ((ssi = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ssi))) == NULL) {
send_server_error(c, 500, "Cannot allocate SSI descriptor");
} else {
ssi->incs[0].fp = fdopen(c->loc.chan.fd, "r");
ssi->conn = c;
c->ssi = ssi;
const struct io_class io_ssi = {

View File

@ -1205,7 +1205,9 @@ shttpd_fini(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx)
free_list(&ctx->registered_uris, registered_uri_destructor);
free_list(&ctx->acl, acl_destructor);
free_list(&ctx->listeners, listener_destructor);
#if !defined(NO_SSI)
free_list(&ctx->ssi_funcs, ssi_func_destructor);
for (i = 0; i < NELEMS(ctx->options); i++)
if (ctx->options[i] != NULL)