simplify the advanced bar drawing code

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Livingston 2007-12-28 19:44:22 +00:00
parent 70471f78d1
commit 42a09ba6ac
2 changed files with 9 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
NSColor * fGrayColor, * fBlueColor, * fBlue1Color, * fBlue2Color, * fBlue3Color, * fBlue4Color;
NSBitmapImageRep * fBitmap;
int8_t * fPieces;
- (NSRect) iconRectForBounds: (NSRect) bounds;

View File

@ -55,7 +55,6 @@
#define WIDTH_GROUP_MIN 24.0
#define MAX_PIECES 324
#define BLANK_PIECE -99
@interface TorrentCell (Private)
@ -110,9 +109,7 @@
- (id) copyWithZone: (NSZone *) zone
TorrentCell * copy = [super copyWithZone: zone];
copy->fBitmap = nil;
copy->fPieces = NULL;
return copy;
@ -120,9 +117,6 @@
- (void) dealloc
[fBitmap release];
if (fPieces)
[super dealloc];
@ -311,13 +305,8 @@
if (fPieces)
fPieces = NULL;
[fBitmap release];
fBitmap = nil;
[fBitmap release];
fBitmap = nil;
[self drawRegularBar: barRect];
@ -464,14 +453,6 @@
pixelsWide: MAX_PIECES pixelsHigh: barRect.size.height bitsPerSample: 8 samplesPerPixel: 4 hasAlpha: YES
isPlanar: NO colorSpaceName: NSCalibratedRGBColorSpace bytesPerRow: 0 bitsPerPixel: 0];
if (!fPieces)
fPieces = malloc(MAX_PIECES);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PIECES; i++)
fPieces[i] = BLANK_PIECE;
#warning add flashing orange
Torrent * torrent = [self representedObject];
@ -486,58 +467,20 @@
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PIECES; i++)
index = i * increment;
pieceColor = nil;
if (piecePercent[index] >= 1.0)
if (fPieces[i] != -1)
pieceColor = fBlueColor;
fPieces[i] = -1;
pieceColor = fBlueColor;
else if (piecePercent[index] <= 0.0)
if (fPieces[i] != 0)
pieceColor = fGrayColor;
fPieces[i] = 0;
pieceColor = fGrayColor;
else if (piecePercent[index] <= 0.25)
if (fPieces[i] != 1)
pieceColor = fBlue1Color;
fPieces[i] = 1;
pieceColor = fBlue1Color;
else if (piecePercent[index] <= 0.5)
if (fPieces[i] != 2)
pieceColor = fBlue2Color;
fPieces[i] = 2;
pieceColor = fBlue2Color;
else if (piecePercent[index] <= 0.75)
if (fPieces[i] != 3)
pieceColor = fBlue3Color;
fPieces[i] = 3;
pieceColor = fBlue3Color;
if (fPieces[i] != 4)
pieceColor = fBlue4Color;
fPieces[i] = 4;
pieceColor = fBlue4Color;
if (pieceColor)
if (![pieceColor isEqualTo: [fBitmap colorAtX: i y: 0]])
for (h = 0; h < barRect.size.height; h++)
[fBitmap setColor: pieceColor atX: i y: h];