mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 23:32:35 +00:00
refactor: Values pt. 5 - use Values::Speed in Qt client (#6248)
This commit is contained in:
16 changed files with 121 additions and 151 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <array>
#include <cmath> // for std::fabs(), std::floor()
#include <cstdint> // for uint64_t
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
@ -116,12 +117,6 @@ public:
constexpr auto& operator+=(Value const& that) noexcept
base_quantity_ += that.base_quantity_;
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto base_quantity() const noexcept
return base_quantity_;
@ -132,6 +127,12 @@ public:
return base_quantity_ / (1.0 * units_.multiplier(tgt));
constexpr auto& operator+=(Value const& that) noexcept
base_quantity_ += that.base_quantity_;
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator+(Value const& that) noexcept
auto ret = *this;
@ -195,18 +196,14 @@ public:
std::string_view to_string(char* buf, size_t buflen) const noexcept
auto idx = size_t{ 0 };
if (base_quantity_ < 1000) // 0 to 999
*fmt::format_to_n(buf, buflen - 1, "{:d} {:s}", base_quantity_, units_.display_name(idx)).out = '\0';
return buf;
auto val = 1.0 * base_quantity_;
for (;;)
val /= units_.base();
if (std::fabs(val - std::floor(val)) < 0.001 && (val < 999.5 || std::empty(units_.display_name(idx + 1))))
*fmt::format_to_n(buf, buflen - 1, "{:.0Lf} {:s}", val, units_.display_name(idx)).out = '\0';
return buf;
if (val < 99.995) // 0.98 to 99.99
@ -219,6 +216,9 @@ public:
*fmt::format_to_n(buf, buflen - 1, "{:.1Lf} {:s}", val, units_.display_name(idx)).out = '\0';
return buf;
val /= units_.base();
@ -1039,8 +1039,8 @@ void DetailsDialog::refreshUI()
setIfIdle(ui_.bandwidthPriorityCombo, i);
setIfIdle(ui_.singleDownSpin, static_cast<int>(baseline.downloadLimit().getKBps()));
setIfIdle(ui_.singleUpSpin, static_cast<int>(baseline.uploadLimit().getKBps()));
setIfIdle(ui_.singleDownSpin, static_cast<int>(baseline.downloadLimit().count(Speed::Units::KByps)));
setIfIdle(ui_.singleUpSpin, static_cast<int>(baseline.uploadLimit().count(Speed::Units::KByps)));
setIfIdle(ui_.peerLimitSpin, baseline.peerLimit());
@ -1201,8 +1201,8 @@ void DetailsDialog::refreshUI()
code_tip.resize(code_tip.size() - 1); // eat the trailing linefeed
item->setText(COL_UP, peer.rate_to_peer.isZero() ? QString{} : fmt.speedToString(peer.rate_to_peer));
item->setText(COL_DOWN, peer.rate_to_client.isZero() ? QString{} : fmt.speedToString(peer.rate_to_client));
item->setText(COL_UP, peer.rate_to_peer.is_zero() ? QString{} : peer.rate_to_peer.to_qstring());
item->setText(COL_DOWN, peer.rate_to_client.is_zero() ? QString{} : peer.rate_to_client.to_qstring());
peer.progress > 0 ? QStringLiteral("%1%").arg(static_cast<int>(peer.progress * 100.0)) : QString{});
@ -5,12 +5,15 @@
#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h> // tr_formatter
#include <libtransmission/values.h> // tr_formatter
#include "Formatter.h"
#include "Speed.h"
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std::literals;
Formatter& Formatter::get()
// NOLINTNEXTLINE(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables)
@ -25,13 +28,12 @@ Formatter::Formatter()
{ tr("B"), tr("KiB"), tr("MiB"), tr("GiB"), tr("TiB") } // MEM
} }
namespace Values = libtransmission::Values;
auto const& speed = UnitStrings[SPEED];
Values::Config::Speed = { Values::Config::Base::Kilo, "B"sv,
speed[KB].toStdString(), speed[MB].toStdString(),
speed[GB].toStdString(), speed[TB].toStdString() };
auto const& size = UnitStrings[SIZE];
@ -117,17 +119,3 @@ QString Formatter::timeToString(int seconds) const
return tr("%Ln day(s)", nullptr, days);
double Speed::getKBps() const
return getBps() / static_cast<double>(Formatter::SpeedBase);
Speed Speed::fromKBps(double KBps)
return Speed{ static_cast<int>(KBps * Formatter::SpeedBase) };
@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ public:
static constexpr int SpeedBase = 1000;
static constexpr int SizeBase = 1000;
static constexpr int MemBase = 1024;
@ -52,25 +51,6 @@ public:
[[nodiscard]] QString timeToString(int seconds) const;
[[nodiscard]] QString unitStr(Type t, Size s) const;
[[nodiscard]] auto speedToString(Speed const& speed) const
return QString::fromStdString(tr_formatter_speed_KBps(speed.getKBps()));
[[nodiscard]] auto uploadSpeedToString(Speed const& upload_speed) const
static auto constexpr UploadSymbol = QChar{ 0x25B4 };
return tr("%1 %2").arg(speedToString(upload_speed)).arg(UploadSymbol);
[[nodiscard]] auto downloadSpeedToString(Speed const& download_speed) const
static auto constexpr DownloadSymbol = QChar{ 0x25BE };
return tr("%1 %2").arg(speedToString(download_speed)).arg(DownloadSymbol);
[[nodiscard]] auto percentToString(double x) const
return QString::fromStdString(tr_strpercent(x));
@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ void MainWindow::initStatusBar()
int const minimum_speed_width = ui_.downloadSpeedLabel->fontMetrics()
.size(0, Formatter::get().uploadSpeedToString(Speed::fromKBps(999.99)))
.size(0, Speed{ 999.99, Speed::Units::KByps }.to_qstring())
@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ QMenu* MainWindow::createOptionsMenu()
connect(off_action, &QAction::triggered, this, qOverload<bool>(&MainWindow::onSetPrefs));
on_action = menu->addAction(tr("Limited at %1").arg(Formatter::get().speedToString(Speed::fromKBps(current_value))));
on_action = menu->addAction(tr("Limited at %1").arg(Speed{ current_value, Speed::Units::KByps }.to_qstring()));
on_action->setProperty(PrefVariantsKey, QVariantList{ pref, current_value, enabled_pref, true });
@ -424,10 +424,10 @@ QMenu* MainWindow::createOptionsMenu()
for (auto const kps : { 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 })
for (auto const kbyps : { 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2500, 5000, 10000 })
auto* const action = menu->addAction(Formatter::get().speedToString(Speed::fromKBps(kps)));
action->setProperty(PrefVariantsKey, QVariantList{ pref, kps, enabled_pref, true });
auto* const action = menu->addAction(Speed{ kbyps, Speed::Units::KByps }.to_qstring());
action->setProperty(PrefVariantsKey, QVariantList{ pref, kbyps, enabled_pref, true });
connect(action, &QAction::triggered, this, qOverload<>(&MainWindow::onSetPrefs));
@ -812,12 +812,11 @@ void MainWindow::refreshTrayIcon(TransferStats const& stats)
else if (stats.peers_sending != 0)
tip = Formatter::get().downloadSpeedToString(stats.speed_down) + QStringLiteral(" ") +
tip = stats.speed_down.to_download_qstring() + QStringLiteral(" ") + stats.speed_up.to_upload_qstring();
else if (stats.peers_receiving != 0)
tip = Formatter::get().uploadSpeedToString(stats.speed_up);
tip = stats.speed_up.to_upload_qstring();
@ -826,9 +825,9 @@ void MainWindow::refreshTrayIcon(TransferStats const& stats)
void MainWindow::refreshStatusBar(TransferStats const& stats)
auto const& fmt = Formatter::get();
ui_.uploadSpeedLabel->setVisible(stats.peers_sending || stats.peers_receiving);
@ -1172,7 +1171,7 @@ void MainWindow::refreshPref(int key)
case Prefs::DSPEED:
tr("Limited at %1").arg(Formatter::get().speedToString(Speed::fromKBps(prefs_.get<int>(key)))));
tr("Limited at %1").arg(Speed{ prefs_.get<unsigned int>(key), Speed::Units::KByps }.to_qstring()));
@ -1181,7 +1180,7 @@ void MainWindow::refreshPref(int key)
case Prefs::USPEED:
tr("Limited at %1").arg(Formatter::get().speedToString(Speed::fromKBps(prefs_.get<int>(key)))));
tr("Limited at %1").arg(Speed{ prefs_.get<unsigned int>(key), Speed::Units::KByps }.to_qstring()));
case Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED:
@ -1244,9 +1243,9 @@ void MainWindow::refreshPref(int key)
QString const fmt = b ? tr("Click to disable Temporary Speed Limits\n (%1 down, %2 up)") :
tr("Click to enable Temporary Speed Limits\n (%1 down, %2 up)");
Speed const d = Speed::fromKBps(prefs_.getInt(Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN));
Speed const u = Speed::fromKBps(prefs_.getInt(Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP));
auto const d = Speed{ prefs_.get<unsigned int>(Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN), Speed::Units::KByps };
auto const u = Speed{ prefs_.get<unsigned int>(Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP), Speed::Units::KByps };
@ -5,66 +5,54 @@
#pragma once
class Speed
#include <QCoreApplication> // Q_DECLARE_TR_FUNCTIONS
#include <QString>
#include "libtransmission/values.h"
class Speed : public libtransmission::Values::Speed
Speed() = default;
double getKBps() const;
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr getBps() const noexcept
return bytes_per_second_;
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr isZero() const noexcept
return bytes_per_second_ == 0;
static Speed fromKBps(double KBps);
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr Speed fromBps(int Bps) noexcept
return Speed{ Bps };
void constexpr setBps(int Bps) noexcept
bytes_per_second_ = Bps;
constexpr Speed& operator+=(Speed const& that) noexcept
bytes_per_second_ += that.bytes_per_second_;
return *this;
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr operator+(Speed const& that) const noexcept
return Speed{ getBps() + that.getBps() };
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr operator<(Speed const& that) const noexcept
return getBps() < that.getBps();
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr operator==(Speed const& that) const noexcept
return getBps() == that.getBps();
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr operator!=(Speed const& that) const noexcept
return getBps() != that.getBps();
explicit constexpr Speed(int bytes_per_second) noexcept
: bytes_per_second_{ bytes_per_second }
template<typename Number, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral_v<Number>>* = nullptr>
constexpr Speed(Number value, Units multiple)
: libtransmission::Values::Speed{ value, multiple }
int bytes_per_second_ = {};
template<typename Number, typename std::enable_if_t<std::is_floating_point_v<Number>>* = nullptr>
Speed(Number value, Units multiple)
: libtransmission::Values::Speed{ value, multiple }
[[nodiscard]] auto constexpr is_zero() const noexcept
return base_quantity() == 0U;
[[nodiscard]] auto to_qstring() const noexcept
return QString::fromStdString(to_string());
[[nodiscard]] auto to_upload_qstring() const
static auto constexpr UploadSymbol = QChar{ 0x25B4 };
return tr("%1 %2").arg(to_qstring()).arg(UploadSymbol);
[[nodiscard]] auto to_download_qstring() const
static auto constexpr DownloadSymbol = QChar{ 0x25BE };
return tr("%1 %2").arg(to_qstring()).arg(DownloadSymbol);
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto operator+(Speed const& other) const noexcept
return Speed{ base_quantity() + other.base_quantity(), Speed::Units::Byps };
@ -420,14 +420,14 @@ public:
return sitenames_;
[[nodiscard]] Speed uploadLimit() const
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto uploadLimit() const
return Speed::fromKBps(upload_limit_);
return Speed{ upload_limit_, Speed::Units::KByps };
[[nodiscard]] Speed downloadLimit() const
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto downloadLimit() const
return Speed::fromKBps(download_limit_);
return Speed{ download_limit_, Speed::Units::KByps };
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto uploadIsLimited() const noexcept
@ -643,7 +643,6 @@ private:
time_t start_date_ = {};
int bandwidth_priority_ = {};
int download_limit_ = {};
int error_ = {};
int eta_ = {};
int peer_limit_ = {};
@ -656,10 +655,10 @@ private:
int seed_idle_mode_ = {};
int seed_ratio_mode_ = {};
int status_ = {};
int upload_limit_ = {};
int webseeds_sending_to_us_ = {};
uint64_t desired_available_ = {};
uint64_t download_limit_ = {};
uint64_t downloaded_ever_ = {};
uint64_t failed_ever_ = {};
uint64_t file_count_ = {};
@ -669,6 +668,7 @@ private:
uint64_t piece_size_ = {};
uint64_t size_when_done_ = {};
uint64_t total_size_ = {};
uint64_t upload_limit_ = {};
uint64_t uploaded_ever_ = {};
double metadata_percent_complete_ = {};
@ -278,12 +278,11 @@ QString TorrentDelegate::shortTransferString(Torrent const& tor)
if (have_down)
str = Formatter::get().downloadSpeedToString(tor.downloadSpeed()) + QStringLiteral(" ") +
str = tor.downloadSpeed().to_download_qstring() + QStringLiteral(" ") + tor.uploadSpeed().to_upload_qstring();
else if (have_up)
str = Formatter::get().uploadSpeedToString(tor.uploadSpeed());
str = tor.uploadSpeed().to_upload_qstring();
return str.trimmed();
@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ bool change(double& setme, double const& value)
bool change(Speed& setme, tr_variant const* value)
auto const bytes_per_second = getValue<int>(value);
return bytes_per_second && change(setme, Speed::fromBps(*bytes_per_second));
auto const byps = getValue<int>(value);
return byps && change(setme, Speed{ *byps, Speed::Units::Byps });
bool change(TorrentHash& setme, tr_variant const* value)
@ -14,24 +14,40 @@ using namespace libtransmission::Values;
using ValuesTest = ::testing::Test;
TEST_F(ValuesTest, value)
TEST_F(ValuesTest, baseQuantity)
auto val = Speed{ 1, Speed::Units::MByps };
EXPECT_EQ("1.00 MB/s", val.to_string());
EXPECT_EQ(1000000UL, val.base_quantity());
TEST_F(ValuesTest, count)
auto const val = Speed{ 1, Speed::Units::MByps };
EXPECT_NEAR(1000U, val.count(Speed::Units::KByps), 0.0001);
EXPECT_NEAR(1U, val.count(Speed::Units::MByps), 0.0001);
EXPECT_NEAR(0.001, val.count(Speed::Units::GByps), 0.0001);
TEST_F(ValuesTest, toString)
auto val = Speed{ 1, Speed::Units::MByps };
EXPECT_EQ("1 MB/s", val.to_string());
val = Speed{ 1, Speed::Units::Byps };
EXPECT_EQ(1U, val.base_quantity());
EXPECT_EQ("1 B/s", val.to_string());
val = Speed{ 10, Speed::Units::KByps };
EXPECT_EQ("10.00 kB/s", val.to_string());
EXPECT_EQ("10 kB/s", val.to_string());
val = Speed{ 999, Speed::Units::KByps };
EXPECT_EQ("999.0 kB/s", val.to_string());
EXPECT_EQ("999 kB/s", val.to_string());
val = Speed{ 99.22222, Speed::Units::KByps };
EXPECT_EQ("99.22 kB/s", val.to_string());
val = Speed{ 999.22222, Speed::Units::KByps };
EXPECT_EQ("999.2 kB/s", val.to_string());
TEST_F(ValuesTest, valueHonorsFormatterInit)
@ -39,6 +55,6 @@ TEST_F(ValuesTest, valueHonorsFormatterInit)
tr_formatter_speed_init(1024, "KayBeePerEss", "EmmBeePerEss", "GeeBeePerEss", "TeeBeePerEss");
auto const val = Speed{ 1, Speed::Units::MByps };
EXPECT_EQ("1.00 EmmBeePerEss", val.to_string());
EXPECT_EQ("1 EmmBeePerEss", val.to_string());
EXPECT_EQ(1048576U, val.base_quantity());
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Note: retrieval usually requires a client that supports webseeding (GetRight sty
Note: many Internet Archive torrents contain a 'pad file' directory. This directory and the files within it may be erased once retrieval completes.
Note: the file Inner_Sanctum_movie_meta.xml contains metadata about this torrent's contents.
Piece Count: 1090
Piece Size: 2.00 MiB
Piece Size: 2 MiB
Total Size: 2.29 GB
Privacy: Public torrent
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ GENERAL
Created on: Mon Jan 22 00:57:20 2007
Piece Count: 1493
Piece Size: 512.0 KiB
Piece Size: 512 KiB
Total Size: 782.3 MB
Privacy: Public torrent
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ GENERAL
Source: 私たちの世界
Piece Count: 1
Piece Size: 1.00 MiB
Piece Size: 1 MiB
Total Size: 13 B
Privacy: Public torrent
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ GENERAL
Created on: Wed Jun 03 08:45:06 2020
Piece Count: 1715
Piece Size: 512.0 KiB
Piece Size: 512 KiB
Total Size: 898.6 MB
Privacy: Public torrent
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ GENERAL
Created on: Unknown
Piece Count: 11719
Piece Size: 256.0 KiB
Piece Size: 256 KiB
Total Size: 3.07 GB
Privacy: Public torrent
@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ GENERAL
Comment: Ubuntu CD releases.ubuntu.com
Piece Count: 11719
Piece Size: 256.0 KiB
Piece Size: 256 KiB
Total Size: 3.07 GB
Privacy: Public torrent
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