(trunk web) #5013 "WebUI Inspector file tree" -- possible reimplementation.

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Lee 2012-09-23 22:05:21 +00:00
parent 7b7da2d315
commit 53ef843cbd
2 changed files with 187 additions and 238 deletions

View File

@ -5,14 +5,15 @@
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html
function FileRow(torrent, i)
function FileRow(torrent, depth, name, indices, even)
var fields = {
have: 0,
index: 0,
isDirty: false,
indices: [],
isWanted: true,
priority: 0,
priorityLow: false,
priorityNormal: true,
priorityHigh: false,
me: this,
size: 0,
torrent: null
@ -26,29 +27,10 @@ function FileRow(torrent, i)
root: null
initialize = function(torrent, i) {
initialize = function(torrent, depth, name, indices, even) {
fields.torrent = torrent;
fields.index = i;
createRow(torrent, i);
readAttributes = function(file) {
if (fields.have !== file.bytesCompleted) {
fields.have = file.bytesCompleted;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (fields.size !== file.length) {
fields.size = file.length;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (fields.priority !== file.priority) {
fields.priority = file.priority;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (fields.isWanted !== file.wanted) {
fields.isWanted = file.wanted;
fields.isDirty = true;
fields.indices = indices;
createRow(torrent, depth, name, even);
refreshWantedHTML = function()
@ -58,12 +40,6 @@ function FileRow(torrent, i)
e.toggleClass('complete', isDone());
$(e[0].checkbox).prop('checked', fields.isWanted);
refreshPriorityHTML = function()
$(elements.priority_high_button ).toggleClass('selected', fields.priority === 1 );
$(elements.priority_normal_button).toggleClass('selected', fields.priority === 0 );
$(elements.priority_low_button ).toggleClass('selected', fields.priority === -1 );
refreshProgressHTML = function()
var pct = 100 * (fields.size ? (fields.have / fields.size) : 1.0),
@ -75,29 +51,65 @@ function FileRow(torrent, i)
'%)' ].join('');
setTextContent(elements.progress, c);
refreshHTML = function() {
if (fields.isDirty) {
fields.isDirty = false;
refreshImpl = function() {
var i,
have = 0,
size = 0,
wanted = false,
low = false,
normal = false,
high = false;
// loop through the file_indices that affect this row
for (i=0; i<fields.indices.length; ++i) {
file = fields.torrent.getFile (fields.indices[i]);
have += file.bytesCompleted;
size += file.length;
wanted |= file.wanted;
switch (file.priority) {
case -1: low = true; break;
case 0: normal = true; break;
case 1: high = true; break;
if ((fields.have != have) || (fields.size != size)) {
fields.have = have;
fields.size = size;
if (fields.isWanted !== wanted) {
fields.isWanted = wanted;
if (fields.priorityLow !== low) {
fields.priorityLow = low;
$(elements.priority_low_button).toggleClass('selected', low);
if (fields.priorityNormal !== normal) {
fields.priorityNormal = normal;
$(elements.priority_normal_button).toggleClass('selected', normal);
if (fields.priorityHigh !== high) {
fields.priorityHigh = high;
$(elements.priority_high_button).toggleClass('selected', high);
refresh = function() {
isDone = function () {
return fields.have >= fields.size;
createRow = function(torrent, i) {
var file = torrent.getFile(i), e, name, root, box;
createRow = function(torrent, depth, name, even) {
var e, root, box;
root = document.createElement('li');
root.id = 't' + fields.torrent.getId() + 'f' + fields.index;
root.className = 'inspector_torrent_file_list_entry ' + ((i%2)?'odd':'even');
root.className = 'inspector_torrent_file_list_entry' + (even?'even':'odd');
elements.root = root;
e = document.createElement('input');
@ -135,28 +147,32 @@ function FileRow(torrent, i)
name = file.name || 'Unknown';
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf('/')+1);
name = name.replace(/([\/_\.])/g, "$1");
e = document.createElement('div');
e.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name";
setTextContent(e, name);
$(e).click(function(){ fireNameClicked(-1); });
e = document.createElement('div');
e.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_progress";
$(e).click(function(){ fireNameClicked(-1); });
elements.progress = e;
$(root).css('margin-left', '' + (depth*16) + 'px');
return root;
fireWantedChanged = function(do_want) {
$(fields.me).trigger('wantedToggled',[ fields.me, do_want ]);
$(fields.me).trigger('wantedToggled',[ fields.indices, do_want ]);
firePriorityChanged = function(priority) {
$(fields.me).trigger('priorityToggled',[ fields.me, priority ]);
$(fields.me).trigger('priorityToggled',[ fields.indices, priority ]);
fireNameClicked = function() {
$(fields.me).trigger('nameClicked',[ fields.me, fields.indices ]);
@ -166,19 +182,12 @@ function FileRow(torrent, i)
this.getElement = function() {
return elements.root;
this.getIndex = function() {
return fields.index;
this.isEditable = function () {
return (fields.torrent.getFileCount()>1) && !isDone();
this.getPath = function () {
var file = torrent.getFile(i);
var path = file.name.replace(/\/\/+/g,'/');
path = path.split('/').slice(0,-1);
path.push('t' + fields.torrent.getId() + 'f' + fields.index);
return path;
this.refresh = function() {
initialize(torrent, i);
initialize(torrent, depth, name, indices, even);

View File

@ -222,18 +222,18 @@ function Inspector(controller) {
else {
d = u = 0;
if(torrents.length == 1) {
d = torrents[0].getDownloadedEver();
u = torrents[0].getUploadedEver();
d = torrents[0].getDownloadedEver();
u = torrents[0].getUploadedEver();
if (d == 0)
d = torrents[0].getHaveValid();
if (d == 0)
d = torrents[0].getHaveValid();
else {
for(i=0; t=torrents[i]; ++i) {
d += t.getDownloadedEver();
u += t.getUploadedEver();
for(i=0; t=torrents[i]; ++i) {
d += t.getDownloadedEver();
u += t.getUploadedEver();
str = fmt.size(u) + ' (Ratio: ' + fmt.ratioString( Math.ratio(u,d))+')';
setTextContent(e.uploaded_lb, str);
@ -456,183 +456,127 @@ function Inspector(controller) {
changeFileCommand = function(rows, command) {
changeFileCommand = function(fileIndices, command) {
var torrentId = data.file_torrent.getId();
var rowIndices = $.map(rows.slice(0),function (row) {return row.getIndex();});
data.controller.changeFileCommand(torrentId, rowIndices, command);
data.controller.changeFileCommand(torrentId, fileIndices, command);
selectAllFiles = function() {
changeFileCommand([], 'files-wanted');
onFileWantedToggled = function(ev, fileIndices, want) {
changeFileCommand(fileIndices, want?'files-wanted':'files-unwanted');
deselectAllFiles = function() {
changeFileCommand([], 'files-unwanted');
onFileWantedToggled = function(ev, row, want) {
changeFileCommand([row], want?'files-wanted':'files-unwanted');
onFilePriorityToggled = function(ev, row, priority) {
onFilePriorityToggled = function(ev, fileIndices, priority) {
var command;
switch(priority) {
case -1: command = 'priority-low'; break;
case 1: command = 'priority-high'; break;
default: command = 'priority-normal'; break;
changeFileCommand([row], command);
changeFileCommand(fileIndices, command);
onNameClicked = function(ev, fileRow, fileIndices) {
clearFileList = function() {
delete data.file_torrent;
delete data.file_torrent_n;
delete data.file_rows;
createFileTreeModel = function (tor) {
var i, j, n, name, tokens, walk, tree, token, sub,
leaves = [ ],
tree = { children: { }, file_indices: [ ] };
n = tor.getFileCount();
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
name = tor.getFile(i).name;
tokens = name.split('/');
walk = tree;
for (j=0; j<tokens.length; ++j) {
token = tokens[j];
sub = walk.children[token];
if (!sub) {
walk.children[token] = sub = {
name: token,
parent: walk,
children: { },
file_indices: [ ],
depth: j
walk = sub;
walk.file_index = i;
delete walk.children;
leaves.push (walk);
for (i=0; i<leaves.length; ++i) {
walk = leaves[i];
j = walk.file_index;
do {
walk.file_indices.push (j);
walk = walk.parent;
} while (walk);
return tree;
addNodeToView = function (tor, parent, sub, i) {
var row;
row = new FileRow(tor, sub.depth, sub.name, sub.file_indices, i%2);
addSubtreeToView = function (tor, parent, sub, i) {
var key, div;
div = document.createElement('div');
if (sub.parent)
addNodeToView (tor, div, sub, i++);
if (sub.children)
for (key in sub.children)
i = addSubtreeToView (tor, div, sub.children[key]);
return i;
updateFilesPage = function() {
var i, j, n, sel, row, tor, fragment,
box, complete, conn, connections, e, from, heirarchy, item,
matches, parents, parentid, path, sum, subheirarchy, to, inner,
var i, n, tor, fragment, tree,
file_list = data.elements.file_list,
torrents = data.torrents;
// only show one torrent at a time
if (torrents.length !== 1) {
// build the file list
tor = torrents[0];
for (parentid in data.parents) {
data.parents[parentid] = $('#'+parentid).children('li').css('display')
n = tor ? tor.getFileCount() : 0;
if (tor!=data.file_torrent || n==data.file_torrent_n) {
// rebuild the file list...
data.file_torrent = tor;
data.file_torrent_n = n;
data.file_rows = [ ];
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
tree = createFileTreeModel (tor);
addSubtreeToView (tor, fragment, tree, 0);
file_list.appendChild (fragment);
} else {
// ...refresh the already-existing file list
for (i=0, n=data.file_rows.length; i<n; ++i)
data.file_torrent = tor;
n = tor.getFileCount();
data.file_rows = [];
fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
heirarchy = {'/':[]}
for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {
row = data.file_rows[i] = new FileRow(tor, i);
path = row.getPath();
if (path.length == 1) {
} else {
subheirarchy = heirarchy;
for (j=0; j<path.length; j++) {
if (j<(path.length-1)) {
subheirarchy[path[j]] = (subheirarchy[path[j]] == undefined) ? {'/':[]} : subheirarchy[path[j]];
subheirarchy[path[j]]['PARENT'] = (path[j-1] == undefined) ? [undefined] : [path[j-1].replace(/[\[\] ().]/g,'_')]
subheirarchy = subheirarchy[path[j]];
} else {
parentid = (path[j-1] == undefined) ? [undefined] : [path[j-1].replace(/[\[\] ().]/g,'_')]
At this point we have a single object containing the whole
torrent heirarchy. The '/' key is file element ids as assigned above
for the current level. Any other keys are array objects which are
directories in the torrent heirarchy, this will also contain a '/'
key and potentially more keys for nested directories.
connections = [];
parents = {};
var recursiveCreate = function(key,val) {
if (key == "PARENT") { return; }
if (typeof(val) == "object" &&! Array.isArray(val)) {
row = document.createElement('li');
row.id = key.replace(/[\[\] ().]/g,'_');
row.classname = 'inspector_torrent_file_list_entry odd';
e = document.createElement('input');
e.type = 'checkbox';
e.className = "file_wanted_control";
e.title = 'Download file';
e.checked = true;
$(e).change(function() { $($(this).parent()).children('li').children('input').click() });
e = document.createElement('div');
e.className = 'file-priority-radiobox';
box = e;
e = document.createElement('div');
e.className = 'low';
e.title = 'Low Priority';
$(e).click(function(){ $($(this).parent().parent()).children('li').children('div').children('.low').click() });
e = document.createElement('div');
e.className = 'normal';
e.title = 'Normal Priority';
$(e).click(function(){ $($(this).parent().parent()).children('li').children('div').children('.normal').click() });
e = document.createElement('div');
e.title = 'High Priority';
e.className = 'high';
$(e).click(function(){ $($(this).parent().parent()).children('li').children('div').children('.high').click() });
inner = document.createElement('div');
inner.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name";
inner.innerHTML = key;
complete = document.createElement('div');
complete.className = "inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_progress";
complete.innerHTML = "&nbsp;"
connections.push([key.replace(/[\[\] ().]/g,'_'),val['PARENT'][0]])
} else {
for (item in val) {
parents[val[item][1][0]] = ""
if (!Array.isArray(val)) {
$.each(val,function(key,val) { recursiveCreate(key,val) })
$.each(heirarchy,function(key,val) { recursiveCreate(key,val) })
for (conn in connections) {
from = connections[conn][0];
to = connections[conn][1];
if (to == undefined) { continue; }
for (parentid in parents) {
$($('.inspector_torrent_file_list_entry_name',$('#'+parentid))[0]).click(function() { $($(this).parent()).children('li').toggle(); })
sum = 0;
matches = $('#'+parentid).children('li').text().match(/\([^\.]+\)/g)
if (matches == null) { continue; }
matches.map(function(word) {return parseFloat(word.slice(1,-2)) }).map(function(perc) {sum+=perc})
count = $('#'+parentid).children('li').text().match(/\([^\.]+\)/g).length
totalcomplete = (sum/count).toFixed(1)
for (parentid in data.parents) {
data.parents = parents;
@ -830,27 +774,23 @@ function Inspector(controller) {
data.elements.peers_list = $('#inspector_peers_list')[0];
data.elements.trackers_list = $('#inspector_trackers_list')[0];
data.elements.have_lb = $('#inspector-info-have')[0];
data.elements.availability_lb = $('#inspector-info-availability')[0];
data.elements.downloaded_lb = $('#inspector-info-downloaded')[0];
data.elements.uploaded_lb = $('#inspector-info-uploaded')[0];
data.elements.state_lb = $('#inspector-info-state')[0];
data.elements.running_time_lb = $('#inspector-info-running-time')[0];
data.elements.remaining_time_lb = $('#inspector-info-remaining-time')[0];
data.elements.last_activity_lb = $('#inspector-info-last-activity')[0];
data.elements.error_lb = $('#inspector-info-error')[0];
data.elements.size_lb = $('#inspector-info-size')[0];
data.elements.foldername_lb = $('#inspector-info-location')[0];
data.elements.hash_lb = $('#inspector-info-hash')[0];
data.elements.privacy_lb = $('#inspector-info-privacy')[0];
data.elements.origin_lb = $('#inspector-info-origin')[0];
data.elements.comment_lb = $('#inspector-info-comment')[0];
data.elements.have_lb = $('#inspector-info-have')[0];
data.elements.availability_lb = $('#inspector-info-availability')[0];
data.elements.downloaded_lb = $('#inspector-info-downloaded')[0];
data.elements.uploaded_lb = $('#inspector-info-uploaded')[0];
data.elements.state_lb = $('#inspector-info-state')[0];
data.elements.running_time_lb = $('#inspector-info-running-time')[0];
data.elements.remaining_time_lb = $('#inspector-info-remaining-time')[0];
data.elements.last_activity_lb = $('#inspector-info-last-activity')[0];
data.elements.error_lb = $('#inspector-info-error')[0];
data.elements.size_lb = $('#inspector-info-size')[0];
data.elements.foldername_lb = $('#inspector-info-location')[0];
data.elements.hash_lb = $('#inspector-info-hash')[0];
data.elements.privacy_lb = $('#inspector-info-privacy')[0];
data.elements.origin_lb = $('#inspector-info-origin')[0];
data.elements.comment_lb = $('#inspector-info-comment')[0];
data.elements.name_lb = $('#torrent_inspector_name')[0];
// file page's buttons
// force initial 'N/A' updates on all the pages