mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 16:29:34 +00:00
start laying a little magnet link groundwork, and remove redundant torrent parse when creating torrent objects
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 104 additions and 58 deletions
@ -116,11 +116,13 @@ typedef enum
BOOL fSoundPlaying;
- (void) openFiles: (NSArray *) filenames addType: (addType) type forcePath: (NSString *) path;
- (void) askOpenConfirmed: (AddWindowController *) addController add: (BOOL) add;
- (void) openCreatedFile: (NSNotification *) notification;
- (void) openFilesWithDict: (NSDictionary *) dictionary;
- (void) openShowSheet: (id) sender;
- (void) openFiles: (NSArray *) filenames addType: (addType) type forcePath: (NSString *) path;
- (void) openMagnet: (NSString *) address;
- (void) askOpenConfirmed: (AddWindowController *) addController add: (BOOL) add;
- (void) openCreatedFile: (NSNotification *) notification;
- (void) openFilesWithDict: (NSDictionary *) dictionary;
- (void) openShowSheet: (id) sender;
- (void) invalidOpenAlert: (NSString *) filename;
- (void) duplicateOpenAlert: (NSString *) name;
@ -933,6 +933,25 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[self updateTorrentsInQueue];
- (void) openMagnet: (NSString *) address
Torrent * torrent;
if (!(torrent = [[Torrent alloc] initWithMagnetAddress: address location: nil lib: fLib]))
#warning should we do something here?
#warning should we do this?
[torrent setWaitToStart: [fDefaults boolForKey: @"AutoStartDownload"]];
[torrent update];
[fTorrents addObject: torrent];
[torrent release];
[self updateTorrentsInQueue];
- (void) askOpenConfirmed: (AddWindowController *) addController add: (BOOL) add
Torrent * torrent = [addController torrent];
@ -1110,24 +1129,34 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
NSString * urlString = [fURLSheetTextField stringValue];
if ([urlString rangeOfString: @"://"].location == NSNotFound)
if ([urlString rangeOfString: @"."].location == NSNotFound)
NSInteger beforeCom;
if ((beforeCom = [urlString rangeOfString: @"/"].location) != NSNotFound)
urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://www.%@.com/%@",
[urlString substringToIndex: beforeCom],
[urlString substringFromIndex: beforeCom + 1]];
urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://www.%@.com/", urlString];
urlString = [@"http://" stringByAppendingString: urlString];
NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(openURL:) withObject: url waitUntilDone: NO];
if ([urlString compare: @"magnet:" options: (NSAnchoredSearch | NSCaseInsensitiveSearch)])
[self openMagnet: urlString];
if ([urlString rangeOfString: @"://"].location == NSNotFound)
if ([urlString rangeOfString: @"."].location == NSNotFound)
NSInteger beforeCom;
if ((beforeCom = [urlString rangeOfString: @"/"].location) != NSNotFound)
urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://www.%@.com/%@",
[urlString substringToIndex: beforeCom],
[urlString substringFromIndex: beforeCom + 1]];
urlString = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"http://www.%@.com/", urlString];
urlString = [@"http://" stringByAppendingString: urlString];
NSURL * url = [NSURL URLWithString: urlString];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(openURL:) withObject: url waitUntilDone: NO];
- (void) createFile: (id) sender
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ typedef enum
if (action == @selector(setCheck:))
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] <= 0)
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] == 0)
return NO;
NSIndexSet * indexSet = [fOutline selectedRowIndexes];
@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ typedef enum
if (action == @selector(setOnlySelectedCheck:))
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] <= 0)
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] == 0)
return NO;
NSIndexSet * indexSet = [fOutline selectedRowIndexes];
@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ typedef enum
if (action == @selector(setPriority:))
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] <= 0)
if ([fOutline numberOfSelectedRows] == 0)
[menuItem setState: NSOffState];
return NO;
@ -404,13 +404,13 @@ typedef enum
priority = TR_PRI_LOW;
BOOL current = NO, canChange = NO;
NSIndexSet * fileIndexSet;
for (NSInteger i = [indexSet firstIndex]; i != NSNotFound; i = [indexSet indexGreaterThanIndex: i])
fileIndexSet = [[fOutline itemAtRow: i] indexes];
NSIndexSet * fileIndexSet = [[fOutline itemAtRow: i] indexes];
if (![fTorrent canChangeDownloadCheckForFiles: fileIndexSet])
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressWhiteGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressWhiteGradient
if (!fProgressWhiteGradient)
fProgressWhiteGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.95 green: 0.95 blue: 0.95] retain];
fProgressWhiteGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.95 green: 0.95 blue: 0.95] retain];
return fProgressWhiteGradient;
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressGrayGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressGrayGradient
if (!fProgressGrayGradient)
fProgressGrayGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.7 green: 0.7 blue: 0.7] retain];
fProgressGrayGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.7 green: 0.7 blue: 0.7] retain];
return fProgressGrayGradient;
@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressLightGrayGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressLightGrayGradient
if (!fProgressLightGrayGradient)
fProgressLightGrayGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.87 green: 0.87 blue: 0.87] retain];
fProgressLightGrayGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.87 green: 0.87 blue: 0.87] retain];
return fProgressLightGrayGradient;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressBlueGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressBlueGradient
if (!fProgressBlueGradient)
fProgressBlueGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.35 green: 0.67 blue: 0.98] retain];
fProgressBlueGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.35 green: 0.67 blue: 0.98] retain];
return fProgressBlueGradient;
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressDarkBlueGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressDarkBlueGradient
if (!fProgressDarkBlueGradient)
fProgressDarkBlueGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.616 green: 0.722 blue: 0.776] retain];
fProgressDarkBlueGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.616 green: 0.722 blue: 0.776] retain];
return fProgressDarkBlueGradient;
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressGreenGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressGreenGradient
if (!fProgressGreenGradient)
fProgressGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.44 green: 0.89 blue: 0.40] retain];
fProgressGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.44 green: 0.89 blue: 0.40] retain];
return fProgressGreenGradient;
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressLightGreenGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressLightGreenGradient
if (!fProgressLightGreenGradient)
fProgressLightGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.62 green: 0.99 blue: 0.58] retain];
fProgressLightGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.62 green: 0.99 blue: 0.58] retain];
return fProgressLightGreenGradient;
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressDarkGreenGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressDarkGreenGradient
if (!fProgressDarkGreenGradient)
fProgressDarkGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.627 green: 0.714 blue: 0.639] retain];
fProgressDarkGreenGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.627 green: 0.714 blue: 0.639] retain];
return fProgressDarkGreenGradient;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressRedGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressRedGradient
if (!fProgressRedGradient)
fProgressRedGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.902 green: 0.439 blue: 0.451] retain];
fProgressRedGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.902 green: 0.439 blue: 0.451] retain];
return fProgressRedGradient;
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ NSGradient * fProgressYellowGradient = nil;
+ (NSGradient *) progressYellowGradient
if (!fProgressYellowGradient)
fProgressYellowGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.933 green: 0.890 blue: 0.243] retain];
fProgressYellowGradient = [[[self class] progressGradientForRed: 0.933 green: 0.890 blue: 0.243] retain];
return fProgressYellowGradient;
@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
- (id) initWithPath: (NSString *) path location: (NSString *) location deleteTorrentFile: (BOOL) torrentDelete
lib: (tr_session *) lib;
- (id) initWithTorrentStruct: (tr_torrent *) torrentStruct location: (NSString *) location lib: (tr_session *) lib;
- (id) initWithMagnetAddress: (NSString *) address location: (NSString *) location lib: (tr_session *) lib;
- (id) initWithHistory: (NSDictionary *) history lib: (tr_session *) lib forcePause: (BOOL) pause;
- (NSDictionary *) history;
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
- (id) initWithPath: (NSString *) path hash: (NSString *) hashString torrentStruct: (tr_torrent *) torrentStruct lib: (tr_session *) lib
waitToStart: (NSNumber *) waitToStart
groupValue: (NSNumber *) groupValue
#warning legacy download folder isn't necessarily legacy
legacyDownloadFolder: (NSString *) downloadFolder legacyIncompleteFolder: (NSString *) incompleteFolder;
- (void) createFileList;
@ -94,6 +95,30 @@ int trashDataFile(const char * filename)
return self;
#warning need location (and use it)?
- (id) initWithMagnetAddress: (NSString *) address location: (NSString *) location lib: (tr_session *) lib
#warning move into real constructor?
//set libtransmission settings for initialization
tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew(lib);
tr_ctorSetPaused(ctor, TR_FORCE, YES);
const tr_parse_result result = tr_ctorSetMagnet(ctor, [address UTF8String]);
tr_torrent * handle = NULL;
if (result == TR_PARSE_OK)
handle = tr_torrentNew(ctor, NULL);
if (handle)
self = [self initWithPath: nil hash: nil torrentStruct: handle lib: lib
waitToStart: nil groupValue: nil
legacyDownloadFolder: location legacyIncompleteFolder: nil];
return self;
- (id) initWithHistory: (NSDictionary *) history lib: (tr_session *) lib forcePause: (BOOL) pause
self = [self initWithPath: [history objectForKey: @"InternalTorrentPath"]
@ -1486,17 +1511,14 @@ int trashDataFile(const char * filename)
fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
if (torrentStruct)
fHandle = torrentStruct;
fInfo = tr_torrentInfo(fHandle);
//set libtransmission settings for initialization
tr_ctor * ctor = tr_ctorNew(lib);
tr_ctorSetPaused(ctor, TR_FORCE, YES);
int result = TR_PARSE_ERR;
tr_parse_result result = TR_PARSE_ERR;
if (path)
result = tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile(ctor, [path UTF8String]);
@ -1506,20 +1528,12 @@ int trashDataFile(const char * filename)
if (result == TR_PARSE_OK)
tr_info info;
result = tr_torrentParse(ctor, &info);
if (downloadFolder)
tr_ctorSetDownloadDir(ctor, TR_FORCE, [downloadFolder UTF8String]);
if (incompleteFolder)
tr_ctorSetIncompleteDir(ctor, [incompleteFolder UTF8String]);
if (result == TR_PARSE_OK)
if (downloadFolder)
tr_ctorSetDownloadDir(ctor, TR_FORCE, [downloadFolder UTF8String]);
if (incompleteFolder)
tr_ctorSetIncompleteDir(ctor, [incompleteFolder UTF8String]);
fHandle = tr_torrentNew(ctor, NULL);
if (result != TR_PARSE_ERR)
fHandle = tr_torrentNew(ctor, NULL);
@ -1529,9 +1543,9 @@ int trashDataFile(const char * filename)
[self release];
return nil;
fInfo = tr_torrentInfo(fHandle);
fInfo = tr_torrentInfo(fHandle);
tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback(fHandle, completenessChangeCallback, self);
tr_torrentSetRatioLimitHitCallback(fHandle, ratioLimitHitCallback, self);
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
- (CGFloat) uploadRate
CGFloat rate = 0.0f;
CGFloat rate = 0.0;
for (Torrent * torrent in fTorrents)
rate += [torrent uploadRate];
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
- (CGFloat) downloadRate
CGFloat rate = 0.0f;
CGFloat rate = 0.0;
for (Torrent * torrent in fTorrents)
rate += [torrent downloadRate];
Add table
Reference in a new issue