remove another spurious console message

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Lee 2013-08-24 20:22:38 +00:00
parent d1a5864949
commit 7cc97b795f
1 changed files with 2 additions and 5 deletions

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@ -57,12 +57,9 @@ MakeDialog :: onNewButtonBoxClicked( QAbstractButton * button )
switch( myNewButtonBox->standardButton( button ) )
case QDialogButtonBox::Open: {
const QString top = QString::fromLocal8Bit( myBuilder->top );
std::cerr << "calling mySession.addTorrent( " << qPrintable(myTarget) << ", " << qPrintable(QFileInfo(top).dir().path()) << ')' << std::endl;
mySession.addNewlyCreatedTorrent( myTarget, QFileInfo(top).dir().path() );
case QDialogButtonBox::Open:
mySession.addNewlyCreatedTorrent( myTarget, QFileInfo(QString::fromUtf8(myBuilder->top)).dir().path() );
case QDialogButtonBox::Abort:
myBuilder->abortFlag = true;