* add code to refresh the torrent list, and a timer to call it.

* beautify some of the torrent list's columns
This commit is contained in:
Charles Kerr 2007-07-22 19:37:43 +00:00
parent fd22e508a8
commit 9f54536914
1 changed files with 103 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -46,17 +46,25 @@ public:
void OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnAbout(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnOpen(wxCommandEvent& event);
void OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event);
wxConfig * myConfig;
wxTimer myPulseTimer;
void rebuildTorrentList();
void repopulateTorrentList ();
void refreshTorrentList ();
wxListCtrl * myTorrentList;
typedef std::vector<tr_torrent_t*> torrents_t;
torrents_t myTorrents;
void insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t*, const std::vector<int>& );
void refreshTorrent( tr_torrent_t*, int, const std::vector<int>& );
typedef std::map<std::string,int> str2int_t;
/** torrent hash -> the torrent's row in myTorrentList */
str2int_t myHashToRow;
@ -69,6 +77,7 @@ enum
@ -111,6 +120,7 @@ bool MyApp::OnInit()
frame->Connect( wxID_OPEN, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnOpen );
frame->Connect( wxID_EXIT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnQuit );
frame->Connect( wxID_ABOUT, wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnAbout );
frame->Connect( ID_Pulse, wxEVT_TIMER, (wxObjectEventFunction) &MyFrame::OnTimer );
frame->Show( true );
SetTopWindow( frame );
@ -187,7 +197,7 @@ namespace
const wxString key = _T("TorrentListColumns");
wxString columnStr;
if( !config->Read( key, &columnStr ) )
columnStr = _T("name|#|size|done|status|seeds|peers|eta|uspeed|dspeed");
columnStr = _T("name|dspeed|uspeed|eta|peers|size|done|status|seeds");
int_v cols;
while( !columnStr.IsEmpty() )
@ -245,11 +255,23 @@ namespace
MyFrame :: insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
const int_v & cols )
MyFrame :: refreshTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
int myTorrents_index,
const int_v & cols )
int row = -1;
int col = 0;
@ -258,7 +280,6 @@ MyFrame :: insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
const tr_stat_t * s = tr_torrentStat( tor );
const tr_info_t* info = tr_torrentInfo( tor );
for( int_v::const_iterator it(cols.begin()), end(cols.end()); it!=end; ++it )
wxString xstr;
@ -271,7 +292,7 @@ MyFrame :: insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
case COL_DONE:
snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%%%.1f", s->percentDone );
snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "%d%%", (int)(s->percentDone*100.0) );
xstr = toWxStr( buf );
@ -280,7 +301,12 @@ MyFrame :: insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
case COL_ETA:
xstr = toWxStr( getReadableTime( s->eta ) );
if( (int)(s->percentDone*100) >= 100 )
xstr = wxString ();
else if( s->eta < 0 )
xstr = toWxStr( "\xE2\x88\x9E" ); /* infinity, in utf-8 */
xstr = toWxStr( getReadableTime( s->eta ) );
case COL_HASH:
@ -343,59 +369,96 @@ MyFrame :: insertTorrent( tr_torrent_t * tor,
xstr = _T("Fixme");
if( row < 0 )
row = myTorrentList->InsertItem( myTorrentList->GetItemCount(), xstr );
myTorrentList->SetItem( row, ++col, xstr );
if( col ) {
myTorrentList->SetItem( row, col++, xstr );
else {
// first column... find the right row to put the info in.
// if the torrent's in the list already, update that row.
// otherwise, add a new row.
if( row < 0 ) {
str2int_t::const_iterator it = myHashToRow.find( info->hashString );
if( it != myHashToRow.end() ) {
row = it->second;
if( row >= 0 ) {
myTorrentList->SetItem( row, col++, xstr );
else {
row = myTorrentList->InsertItem( myTorrentList->GetItemCount(), xstr );
col = 1;
myHashToRow[info->hashString] = row;
myTorrentList->SetItemData( row, myTorrents_index );
MyFrame :: refreshTorrentList ()
const int_v cols = getTorrentColumns( myConfig );
const int rowCount = myTorrentList->GetItemCount();
for( int row=0; row<rowCount; ++row )
int array_index = myTorrentList->GetItemData( row );
tr_torrent_t * tor = myTorrents[array_index];
refreshTorrent( tor, array_index, cols );
MyFrame :: repopulateTorrentList ()
std::cerr << __FILE__ << ':' << __LINE__ << " clearing all items from list" << std::endl;
myHashToRow.clear ();
const int_v cols = getTorrentColumns( myConfig );
int i = 0;
for( torrents_t::const_iterator it(myTorrents.begin()),
end(myTorrents.end()); it!=end; ++it )
insertTorrent( *it, cols );
refreshTorrent( *it, i++, cols );
MyFrame :: rebuildTorrentList()
myTorrentList->ClearAll( );
myHashToRow.clear ();
int i = 0;
const int_v cols = getTorrentColumns( myConfig );
for( int_v ::const_iterator it(cols.begin()), end(cols.end()); it!=end; ++it )
int format = wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT;
int width = -1;
wxString h;
switch( *it )
case COL_NUMBER: h = _T("#"); break;
case COL_DONE: h = _T("Done"); break;
case COL_NUMBER: h = _T("#"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_CENTRE; break;
case COL_DONE: h = _T("Done"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_DOWNLOAD_SPEED: h = _T("Download"); break;
case COL_ETA: h = _T("ETA"); break;
case COL_ETA: h = _T("ETA"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_HASH: h = _T("SHA1 Hash"); break;
case COL_NAME: h = _T("Name"); break;
case COL_PEERS: h = _T("Peers"); break;
case COL_RATIO: h = _T("Ratio"); break;
case COL_RECEIVED: h = _T("Received"); break;
case COL_REMAINING: h = _T("Remaining"); break;
case COL_SEEDS: h = _T("Seeds"); break;
case COL_SENT: h = _T("Sent"); break;
case COL_SIZE: h = _T("Size"); break;
case COL_NAME: h = _T("Name"); width = 500; break;
case COL_PEERS: h = _T("Peers"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_RATIO: h = _T("Ratio"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_RECEIVED: h = _T("Received"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_REMAINING: h = _T("Remaining"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_SEEDS: h = _T("Seeds"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_SENT: h = _T("Sent"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_SIZE: h = _T("Size"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT; break;
case COL_STATE: h = _T("State"); break;
case COL_STATUS: h = _T("Status"); break;
case COL_TOTAL: h = _T("Total"); break;
case COL_UPLOAD_SPEED: h = _T("Upload"); break;
case COL_UPLOAD_SPEED: h = _T("Upload"); format = wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT;break;
default: h = _T("Error"); break;
myTorrentList->InsertColumn( i++, h );
myTorrentList->InsertColumn( i++, h, format, width );
repopulateTorrentList ();
@ -405,6 +468,12 @@ MyFrame :: rebuildTorrentList()
MyFrame :: OnTimer(wxTimerEvent& event)
refreshTorrentList ();
delete myConfig;
@ -412,7 +481,8 @@ MyFrame::~MyFrame()
MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
myConfig( new wxConfig( _T("xmission") ) )
myConfig( new wxConfig( _T("xmission") ) ),
myPulseTimer( this, ID_Pulse )
wxImage::AddHandler( new wxPNGHandler );
wxImage transmission_logo ( _T("images/transmission.png"), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG );
@ -425,7 +495,7 @@ MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
const int flags = TR_FLAG_PAUSED;
const char * destination = "/tmp/asdf";
const char * destination = "/home/charles/torrents";
int count = 0;
tr_torrent_t ** torrents = tr_loadTorrents ( handle, destination, flags, &count );
myTorrents.insert( myTorrents.end(), torrents, torrents+count );
@ -520,7 +590,6 @@ MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
row_sizer->Add( myTorrentList, wxSizerFlags().Expand() );
row_sizer->AddGrowableCol( 1, 1 );
repopulateTorrentList ();
wxNotebook * notebook = new wxNotebook( hsplit, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxNB_TOP );
@ -544,6 +613,12 @@ MyFrame::MyFrame(const wxString& title, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size):
SetStatusText(_T("Welcome to Xmission!"));
*** Refresh
myPulseTimer.Start( 1500 );
void MyFrame::OnQuit(wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED(event))