mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 10:38:13 +00:00
#4696 Step one of getting the main table to animate for everything besides the already-added sorting. This also contains improvements to the sorting code by sorting in-place.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 407 additions and 128 deletions
@ -190,8 +190,8 @@ typedef enum
- (void) applyFilter;
- (void) sortTorrents: (BOOL) includeQueueOrder;
- (void) sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedReloadTable: (BOOL) reload includeQueueOrder: (BOOL) includeQueueOrder;
- (void) rearrangeTorrentArray: (NSMutableArray *) rearrangeArray to: (NSArray *) endingArray forParent: parent beganTableUpdate: (BOOL *) beganTableUpdate;
- (void) sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedCallUpdates: (BOOL) callUpdates includeQueueOrder: (BOOL) includeQueueOrder;
- (void) rearrangeTorrentTableArray: (NSMutableArray *) rearrangeArray forParent: (id) parent withSortDescriptors: (NSArray *) descriptors beganTableUpdate: (BOOL *) beganTableUpdate;
- (void) setSort: (id) sender;
- (void) setSortByGroup: (id) sender;
- (void) setSortReverse: (id) sender;
@ -1313,45 +1313,92 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
- (void) confirmRemoveTorrents: (NSArray *) torrents deleteData: (BOOL) deleteData
NSMutableArray * selectedValues = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [fTableView selectedValues]];
[selectedValues removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
//don't want any of these starting then stopping
for (Torrent * torrent in torrents)
if ([torrent waitingToStart])
[torrent stopTransfer];
[fTorrents removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
//if not removed from displayed torrents, fullUpdateUI might cause a crash
if ([fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0)
NSMutableArray * selectedValues = nil;
if ([NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
if ([[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]])
for (TorrentGroup * group in fDisplayedTorrents)
[[group torrents] removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
[fDisplayedTorrents removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
selectedValues = [NSMutableArray arrayWithArray: [fTableView selectedValues]];
[selectedValues removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
for (Torrent * torrent in torrents)
//don't want any of these starting then stopping
if ([torrent waitingToStart])
[torrent stopTransfer];
//let's expand all groups that have removed items - they either don't exist anymore, are already expanded, or are collapsed (rpc)
[fTableView removeCollapsedGroup: [torrent groupValue]];
//we can't assume the window is active - RPC removal, for example
[fBadger removeTorrent: torrent];
[torrent closeRemoveTorrent: deleteData];
#warning why do we need them retained?
[torrents release];
[fTorrents removeObjectsInArray: torrents];
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
//set up helpers to remove from the table
__block BOOL beganUpdate = NO;
void (^doTableRemoval)(NSMutableArray *, id) = ^(NSMutableArray * displayedTorrents, id parent) {
NSIndexSet * indexes = [displayedTorrents indexesOfObjectsWithOptions: NSEnumerationConcurrent passingTest: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop) {
return [torrents containsObject: obj];
if ([indexes count] > 0)
if ([NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
if (!beganUpdate)
//we can't closeRemoveTorrent: until it's no longer in the GUI at all
[[NSAnimationContext currentContext] setCompletionHandler: ^{
for (Torrent * torrent in torrents)
[torrent closeRemoveTorrent: deleteData];
[NSAnimationContext beginGrouping];
[fTableView beginUpdates];
beganUpdate = YES;
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: indexes inParent: parent withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideLeft];
[displayedTorrents removeObjectsAtIndexes: indexes];
//if not removed from the displayed torrents here, fullUpdateUI might cause a crash
if ([fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0)
if ([[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]])
for (TorrentGroup * group in fDisplayedTorrents)
doTableRemoval([group torrents], group);
doTableRemoval(fDisplayedTorrents, nil);
if (beganUpdate)
[fTableView endUpdates];
[NSAnimationContext endGrouping];
if (!beganUpdate)
//do here if we're not doing it at the end of the animation
for (Torrent * torrent in torrents)
[torrent closeRemoveTorrent: deleteData];
if (selectedValues)
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
[self fullUpdateUI];
#warning why do we need them retained?
[torrents autorelease];
- (void) removeNoDelete: (id) sender
@ -1838,7 +1885,8 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
if (!onLion)
selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
[self sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedReloadTable: YES includeQueueOrder: includeQueueOrder]; //actually sort
//actually sort
[self sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedCallUpdates: YES includeQueueOrder: includeQueueOrder];
if (!onLion)
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
@ -1850,7 +1898,7 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
#warning rename
- (void) sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedReloadTable: (BOOL) reload includeQueueOrder: (BOOL) includeQueueOrder
- (void) sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedCallUpdates: (BOOL) callUpdates includeQueueOrder: (BOOL) includeQueueOrder
//don't do anything else if we don't have to
const BOOL sortByGroup = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SortByGroup"];
@ -1923,37 +1971,18 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
descriptors = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects: orderDescriptor, nil];
BOOL beganTableUpdate = NO;
BOOL beganTableUpdate = !callUpdates || ![NSApp isOnLionOrBetter];
//actually sort
if (sortByGroup)
for (TorrentGroup * group in fDisplayedTorrents)
if ([[group torrents] count] > 1)
if (reload)
NSArray * sorted = [[group torrents] sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors];
[self rearrangeTorrentArray: [group torrents] to: sorted forParent: group beganTableUpdate: &beganTableUpdate];
[[group torrents] sortUsingDescriptors: descriptors];
[self rearrangeTorrentTableArray: [group torrents] forParent: group withSortDescriptors: descriptors beganTableUpdate: &beganTableUpdate];
if (reload)
NSArray * sorted = [fDisplayedTorrents sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors];
[self rearrangeTorrentArray: fDisplayedTorrents to: sorted forParent: nil beganTableUpdate: &beganTableUpdate];
[fDisplayedTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: descriptors];
[self rearrangeTorrentTableArray: fDisplayedTorrents forParent: nil withSortDescriptors: descriptors beganTableUpdate: &beganTableUpdate];
if (beganTableUpdate)
if (beganTableUpdate && callUpdates)
if ([NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
[fTableView endUpdates];
@ -1964,39 +1993,47 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[descriptors release];
- (void) rearrangeTorrentArray: (NSMutableArray *) rearrangeArray to: (NSArray *) endingArray forParent: parent beganTableUpdate: (BOOL *) beganTableUpdate
#warning redo so that we search a copy once again (best explained by changing sorting from ascending to descending)
- (void) rearrangeTorrentTableArray: (NSMutableArray *) rearrangeArray forParent: parent withSortDescriptors: (NSArray *) descriptors beganTableUpdate: (BOOL *) beganTableUpdate
NSAssert2([rearrangeArray count] == [endingArray count], @"Torrent arrays aren't equal size: %d and %d", [rearrangeArray count], [endingArray count]);
for (NSUInteger currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < [rearrangeArray count]; ++currentIndex)
for (NSUInteger currentIndex = 1; currentIndex < [rearrangeArray count]; ++currentIndex)
Torrent * torrent = [endingArray objectAtIndex: currentIndex];
const NSUInteger previousIndex = [rearrangeArray indexOfObject: torrent inRange: NSMakeRange(currentIndex, [rearrangeArray count]-currentIndex)];
if (previousIndex != currentIndex)
NSAssert3(previousIndex != NSNotFound, @"Expected torrent %@ not found! %@ %@", torrent, rearrangeArray, endingArray);
//manually do the sorting in-place
const NSUInteger insertIndex = [rearrangeArray indexOfObject: [rearrangeArray objectAtIndex: currentIndex] inSortedRange: NSMakeRange(0, currentIndex) options: (NSBinarySearchingInsertionIndex | NSBinarySearchingLastEqual) usingComparator: ^(id obj1, id obj2) {
for (NSSortDescriptor * descriptor in descriptors)
const NSComparisonResult result = [descriptor compareObject: obj1 toObject: obj2];
if (result != NSOrderedSame)
return result;
if (beganTableUpdate && !*beganTableUpdate)
return NSOrderedSame;
if (insertIndex != currentIndex)
if (!*beganTableUpdate)
*beganTableUpdate = YES;
if ([NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
[fTableView beginUpdates];
[rearrangeArray moveObjectAtIndex: previousIndex toIndex: currentIndex];
[rearrangeArray moveObjectAtIndex: currentIndex toIndex: insertIndex];
if ([NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
[fTableView moveItemAtIndex: previousIndex inParent: parent toIndex: currentIndex inParent: parent];
[fTableView moveItemAtIndex: currentIndex inParent: parent toIndex: insertIndex inParent: parent];
NSAssert2([rearrangeArray isEqualToArray: endingArray], @"Torrent rearranging didn't work! %@ %@", rearrangeArray, endingArray);
NSAssert2([rearrangeArray isEqualToArray: [rearrangeArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors]], @"Torrent rearranging didn't work! %@ %@", rearrangeArray, [rearrangeArray sortedArrayUsingDescriptors: descriptors]);
#warning don't animate on launch
- (void) applyFilter
#warning re-add
//get all the torrents in the table
NSMutableArray * previousTorrents;
/*NSMutableArray * previousTorrents;
if ([fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0 && [[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]])
previousTorrents = [NSMutableArray array];
@ -2005,9 +2042,13 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[previousTorrents addObjectsFromArray: [group torrents]];
previousTorrents = fDisplayedTorrents;
previousTorrents = fDisplayedTorrents;*/
NSArray * selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
const BOOL onLion = [NSApp isOnLionOrBetter];
NSArray * selectedValues = nil;
if (!onLion)
selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
NSUInteger active = 0, downloading = 0, seeding = 0, paused = 0;
NSString * filterType = [fDefaults stringForKey: @"Filter"];
@ -2118,66 +2159,288 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[fFilterBar setCountAll: [fTorrents count] active: active downloading: downloading seeding: seeding paused: paused];
//clear display cache for not-shown torrents
[previousTorrents removeObjectsInArray: allTorrents];
/*[previousTorrents removeObjectsInArray: allTorrents];
for (Torrent * torrent in previousTorrents)
[torrent setPreviousFinishedPieces: nil];
[torrent setPreviousFinishedPieces: nil];*/
BOOL beganUpdates = NO;
//place torrents into groups
const BOOL groupRows = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SortByGroup"];
if (groupRows)
//if either the previous or current lists are blank, set its value to the other
const BOOL groupRows = [allTorrents count] > 0 ? [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SortByGroup"] : ([fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0 && [[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]]);
const BOOL wasGroupRows = [fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0 ? [[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]] : groupRows;
if (!groupRows && !wasGroupRows)
NSMutableArray * oldTorrentGroups = [NSMutableArray array];
if ([fDisplayedTorrents count] > 0 && [[fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: 0] isKindOfClass: [TorrentGroup class]])
[oldTorrentGroups addObjectsFromArray: fDisplayedTorrents];
const NSRange existingTorrentRange = NSMakeRange(0, [fDisplayedTorrents count]);
NSMutableIndexSet * addIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet],
* remainingPreviousIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: existingTorrentRange];
[fDisplayedTorrents removeAllObjects];
for (NSUInteger previousIndex = 0; previousIndex < [allTorrents count]; ++previousIndex)
Torrent * torrent = [allTorrents objectAtIndex: previousIndex];
const NSUInteger currentIndex = [fDisplayedTorrents indexOfObjectAtIndexes: remainingPreviousIndexes options: NSEnumerationConcurrent passingTest: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
return (BOOL)(obj == torrent);
if (currentIndex == NSNotFound)
[addIndexes addIndex: previousIndex];
[remainingPreviousIndexes removeIndex: currentIndex];
NSSortDescriptor * groupDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey: @"groupOrderValue" ascending: YES];
[allTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: groupDescriptor]];
if ([addIndexes count] > 0 || [remainingPreviousIndexes count] > 0)
beganUpdates = YES;
if (onLion)
[fTableView beginUpdates];
//remove torrents we didn't find
if ([remainingPreviousIndexes count] > 0)
[fDisplayedTorrents removeObjectsAtIndexes: remainingPreviousIndexes];
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: remainingPreviousIndexes inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
//add new torrents
if ([addIndexes count] > 0)
[fDisplayedTorrents addObjectsFromArray: [allTorrents objectsAtIndexes: addIndexes]];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange([fDisplayedTorrents count] - [addIndexes count], [addIndexes count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
else if (!groupRows && wasGroupRows)
//since we're not doing this the right way (boo buggy animation), we need to remember selected group
NSArray * selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
TorrentGroup * group = nil;
NSInteger lastGroupValue = -2, currentOldGroupIndex = 0;
beganUpdates = YES;
if (onLion)
[fTableView beginUpdates];
#if 1
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [fDisplayedTorrents count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
[fDisplayedTorrents setArray: allTorrents];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [fDisplayedTorrents count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationEffectFade];
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
#warning hard hat zone
#warning use and don't modify all torrents?
NSMutableIndexSet * addIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
const NSUInteger groupCount = [fDisplayedTorrents count];
for (NSUInteger groupIndex = 0; groupIndex < groupCount; ++groupIndex)
TorrentGroup * group = [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: groupIndex];
for (NSInteger indexInGroup = [[group torrents] count]-1; indexInGroup >= 0; --indexInGroup)
Torrent * torrent = [[group torrents] objectAtIndex: indexInGroup];
#warning maybe keep some sort of index set? idk - don't modify allTorrents?
const NSUInteger indexInAll = [allTorrents indexOfObject: torrent];
if (indexInAll != NSNotFound)
[allTorrents removeObjectAtIndex: indexInAll];
[[group torrents] removeObjectAtIndex: indexInGroup];
[fDisplayedTorrents addObject: torrent];
if (onLion)
[fTableView moveItemAtIndex: indexInGroup inParent: group toIndex: [fDisplayedTorrents count]-1 inParent: nil];
NSIndexSet * groupIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, groupCount)];
[fDisplayedTorrents removeObjectsAtIndexes: groupIndexes];
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: groupIndexes inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
if ([allTorrents count] > 0)
[fDisplayedTorrents addObjectsFromArray: allTorrents];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange([fDisplayedTorrents count] - [allTorrents count], [allTorrents count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
else if (groupRows && !wasGroupRows)
//since we're not doing this the right way (boo buggy animation), we need to remember selected group
selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
beganUpdates = YES;
if (onLion)
[fTableView beginUpdates];
//a map for quickly finding groups
NSMutableDictionary * groupsByIndex = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [[GroupsController groups] numberOfGroups]];
for (Torrent * torrent in allTorrents)
const NSInteger groupValue = [torrent groupValue];
if (groupValue != lastGroupValue)
TorrentGroup * group = [groupsByIndex objectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
if (!group)
lastGroupValue = groupValue;
group = nil;
//try to see if the group already exists
for (; currentOldGroupIndex < [oldTorrentGroups count]; ++currentOldGroupIndex)
TorrentGroup * currentGroup = [oldTorrentGroups objectAtIndex: currentOldGroupIndex];
const NSInteger currentGroupValue = [currentGroup groupIndex];
if (currentGroupValue == groupValue)
group = currentGroup;
[[currentGroup torrents] removeAllObjects];
if (currentGroupValue >= groupValue)
if (!group)
group = [[[TorrentGroup alloc] initWithGroup: groupValue] autorelease];
[fDisplayedTorrents addObject: group];
group = [[[TorrentGroup alloc] initWithGroup: groupValue] autorelease];
[groupsByIndex setObject: group forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
NSAssert(group != nil, @"No group object to add torrents to");
[[group torrents] addObject: torrent];
#warning duplicate from above
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [fDisplayedTorrents count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
[fDisplayedTorrents setArray: [groupsByIndex allValues]];
//we need the groups to be sorted, and we can do it without moving items in the table, too!
NSSortDescriptor * groupDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey: @"groupOrderValue" ascending: YES];
[fDisplayedTorrents sortUsingDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: groupDescriptor]];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [fDisplayedTorrents count])] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationEffectFade];
[fDisplayedTorrents setArray: allTorrents];
NSAssert(groupRows && wasGroupRows, @"Should have had group rows and should remain with group rows");
#warning not remembering selected when changing to a new group
#warning don't always do?
beganUpdates = YES;
if (onLion)
[fTableView beginUpdates];
NSMutableIndexSet * unusedAllTorrentsIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(0, [allTorrents count])];
NSMutableDictionary * groupsByIndex = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity: [fDisplayedTorrents count]];
#warning necessary? make more efficient?
for (TorrentGroup * group in fDisplayedTorrents)
[groupsByIndex setObject: group forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: [group groupIndex]]];
const NSUInteger originalGroupCount = [fDisplayedTorrents count];
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < originalGroupCount; ++index)
TorrentGroup * group = [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: index];
NSMutableIndexSet * removeIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
//needs to be a signed integer
for (NSInteger indexInGroup = 0; indexInGroup < [[group torrents] count]; ++indexInGroup)
#warning indexOfObject:inSortedRange:options:usingComparator:?
Torrent * torrent = [[group torrents] objectAtIndex: indexInGroup];
const NSUInteger allIndex = [allTorrents indexOfObjectAtIndexes: unusedAllTorrentsIndexes options: NSEnumerationConcurrent passingTest: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * stop) {
return (BOOL)(obj == torrent);
if (allIndex == NSNotFound)
[removeIndexes addIndex: indexInGroup];
BOOL markTorrentAsUsed = YES;
const NSInteger groupValue = [torrent groupValue];
if (groupValue != [group groupIndex])
TorrentGroup * newGroup = [groupsByIndex objectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
if (!newGroup)
newGroup = [[[TorrentGroup alloc] initWithGroup: groupValue] autorelease];
[groupsByIndex setObject: newGroup forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
[fDisplayedTorrents addObject: newGroup];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: [fDisplayedTorrents count]-1] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideLeft];
else //if we haven't processed the other group yet, we have to make sure we don't flag it for removal the next time
//ugggh, but shouldn't happen too often
if ([fDisplayedTorrents indexOfObject: newGroup inRange: NSMakeRange(index+1, originalGroupCount-(index+1))] != NSNotFound)
markTorrentAsUsed = NO;
[[group torrents] removeObjectAtIndex: indexInGroup];
[[newGroup torrents] addObject: torrent];
if (onLion)
[fTableView moveItemAtIndex: indexInGroup inParent: group toIndex: [[newGroup torrents] count]-1 inParent: newGroup];
if (markTorrentAsUsed)
[unusedAllTorrentsIndexes removeIndex: allIndex];
if ([removeIndexes count] > 0)
[[group torrents] removeObjectsAtIndexes: removeIndexes];
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: removeIndexes inParent: group withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
//add remaining new torrents
for (Torrent * torrent in [allTorrents objectsAtIndexes: unusedAllTorrentsIndexes])
const NSInteger groupValue = [torrent groupValue];
TorrentGroup * group = [groupsByIndex objectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
if (!group)
group = [[[TorrentGroup alloc] initWithGroup: groupValue] autorelease];
[groupsByIndex setObject: group forKey: [NSNumber numberWithInteger: groupValue]];
[fDisplayedTorrents addObject: group];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: [fDisplayedTorrents count]-1] inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideLeft];
[[group torrents] addObject: torrent];
if (onLion)
[fTableView insertItemsAtIndexes: [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex: [[group torrents] count]-1] inParent: group withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideDown];
//remove empty groups
NSMutableIndexSet * removeIndexes = [NSMutableIndexSet indexSet];
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < originalGroupCount; ++index)
TorrentGroup * group = [fDisplayedTorrents objectAtIndex: index];
if ([[group torrents] count] == 0)
[removeIndexes addIndex: index];
if ([removeIndexes count] > 0)
[fDisplayedTorrents removeObjectsAtIndexes: removeIndexes];
if (onLion)
[fTableView removeItemsAtIndexes: removeIndexes inParent: nil withAnimation: NSTableViewAnimationSlideLeft];
//now that all groups are there, sort them - don't insert on the fly in case groups were reordered in prefs
NSSortDescriptor * groupDescriptor = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey: @"groupOrderValue" ascending: YES];
[self rearrangeTorrentTableArray: fDisplayedTorrents forParent: nil withSortDescriptors: [NSArray arrayWithObject: groupDescriptor] beganTableUpdate: &beganUpdates];
//actually sort
[self sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedReloadTable: NO includeQueueOrder: NO];
[fTableView reloadData];
//sort the torrents (won't sort the groups, though)
[self sortTorrentsIgnoreSelectedCallUpdates: !beganUpdates includeQueueOrder: YES];
if (onLion)
if (beganUpdates)
[fTableView endUpdates];
[fTableView setNeedsDisplay: YES];
[fTableView reloadData];
//reset expanded/collapsed rows
if (groupRows)
@ -2191,7 +2454,9 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
if (selectedValues)
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
[self resetInfo]; //if group is already selected, but the torrents in it change
[self setBottomCountText: groupRows || filterStatus || filterGroup || searchStrings];
@ -2624,14 +2889,16 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
return NSDragOperationNone;
- (BOOL) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView acceptDrop: (id < NSDraggingInfo >) info item: (id) item
childIndex: (NSInteger) newRow
#warning don't accept drop on overall group (without groups, or maybe with?)
- (BOOL) outlineView: (NSOutlineView *) outlineView acceptDrop: (id < NSDraggingInfo >) info item: (id) item childIndex: (NSInteger) newRow
NSPasteboard * pasteboard = [info draggingPasteboard];
if ([[pasteboard types] containsObject: TORRENT_TABLE_VIEW_DATA_TYPE])
//remember selected rows
NSArray * selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
NSArray * selectedValues = nil;
if (![NSApp isOnLionOrBetter])
selectedValues = [fTableView selectedValues];
NSIndexSet * indexes = [NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData: [pasteboard dataForType: TORRENT_TABLE_VIEW_DATA_TYPE]];
@ -2644,17 +2911,10 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
if (item)
//change groups
NSInteger groupValue = [item groupIndex];
for (Torrent * torrent in movingTorrents)
//have to reset objects here to avoid weird crash
[[[fTableView parentForItem: torrent] torrents] removeObject: torrent];
[[item torrents] addObject: torrent];
[torrent setGroupValue: groupValue];
//part 2 of avoiding weird crash
[fTableView reloadItem: nil reloadChildren: YES];
const NSInteger groupValue = [item groupIndex];
[movingTorrents enumerateObjectsWithOptions: NSEnumerationConcurrent usingBlock: ^(id obj, NSUInteger idx, BOOL *stop) {
[(Torrent *)obj setGroupValue: groupValue];
//reorder queue order
@ -2679,13 +2939,20 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
//insert objects at new location
NSUInteger insertIndex = topTorrent ? [fTorrents indexOfObject: topTorrent] + 1 : 0;
NSIndexSet * insertIndexes = [NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndexesInRange: NSMakeRange(insertIndex, [movingTorrents count])];
for (Torrent * torrent in movingTorrents)
[torrent setQueuePosition: insertIndex++];
[fTorrents insertObjects: movingTorrents atIndexes: insertIndexes];
//we need to make sure the queue order is updated in the Torrent object before we sort - safest to just reset all queue positions
NSUInteger i = 0;
for (Torrent * torrent in fTorrents)
[torrent setQueuePosition: i++];
[torrent update];
[self applyFilter];
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
if (selectedValues)
[fTableView selectValues: selectedValues];
return YES;
@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
- (id) initWithGroup: (NSInteger) group;
- (NSInteger) groupIndex;
- (NSInteger) groupOrderValue;
- (NSMutableArray *) torrents;
- (CGFloat) ratio;
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
#import "TorrentGroup.h"
#import "GroupsController.h"
#import "Torrent.h"
#include "transmission.h" // required by utils.h
@ -46,11 +47,21 @@
[super dealloc];
- (NSString *) description
return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"Torrent Group %d: %@", fGroup, fTorrents];
- (NSInteger) groupIndex
return fGroup;
- (NSInteger) groupOrderValue
return [[GroupsController groups] rowValueForIndex: fGroup];
- (NSMutableArray *) torrents
return fTorrents;
Add table
Reference in a new issue