Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-12 15:14:12 +00:00

Preparation for eliminating TrBackend:

move the TrBackend instance into TrCore and add wrapper functions.
This commit is contained in:
Josh Elsasser 2007-05-23 01:47:42 +00:00
parent 89cc48f0e8
commit c32c517d46
4 changed files with 159 additions and 52 deletions

View file

@ -25,17 +25,9 @@
#ifndef TG_PREFS_H
#define TG_PREFS_H
#include "tr_backend.h"
#include "tr_torrent.h"
#include "util.h"
GtkWidget *
makeprefwindow(GtkWindow *parent, TrBackend *back);
/* set various things based on saved prefs */
applyprefs(TrBackend *back);
/* show the "add a torrent" dialog */
makeaddwind(GtkWindow *parent, add_torrents_func_t addfunc, void *cbdata);

View file

@ -40,7 +40,6 @@
#include "dialogs.h"
#include "ipc.h"
#include "msgwin.h"
#include "tr_backend.h"
#include "tr_cell_renderer_progress.h"
#include "tr_core.h"
#include "tr_icon.h"
@ -66,7 +65,6 @@
#define SIGCOUNT_MAX 3
struct cbdata {
TrBackend * back;
GtkWindow * wind;
TrCore * core;
TrIcon * icon;
@ -377,7 +375,6 @@ appsetup( TrWindow * wind, benc_val_t * state, GList * args, gboolean paused )
/* fill out cbdata */
cbdata = g_new0( struct cbdata, 1 );
cbdata->back = tr_backend_new();
cbdata->wind = NULL;
cbdata->core = tr_core_new();
cbdata->icon = NULL;
@ -506,9 +503,6 @@ wannaquit( void * vdata )
struct cbdata * data;
struct exitdata *edata;
GtkTreeModel * model;
GtkTreeIter iter;
TrTorrent *tor;
data = vdata;
if( data->closing )
@ -522,27 +516,8 @@ wannaquit( void * vdata )
data->timer = 0;
Add a reference to all torrents in the list, which will be removed
when the politely-stopped signal is emitted. This is necessary
because a reference is added when a torrent is removed
from the model and tr_torrent_stop_polite() is called on it.
model = tr_core_model( data->core );
if( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first( model, &iter) )
gtk_tree_model_get( model, &iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 );
while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( model, &iter ) );
/* try to politely stop all the torrents */
/* shut down nat traversal */
tr_natTraversalEnable(tr_backend_handle(data->back), 0);
/* pause torrents and stop nat traversal */
tr_core_quit( data->core );
/* set things up to wait for torrents to stop */
edata = g_new0(struct exitdata, 1);
@ -564,18 +539,14 @@ exitcheck( gpointer gdata )
struct exitdata * edata;
struct cbdata * cbdata;
tr_handle_status_t * hstat;
edata = gdata;
cbdata = edata->cbdata;
hstat = tr_handleStatus( tr_backend_handle( cbdata->back ) );
/* keep going if we haven't hit the exit timeout and
we either have torrents left or nat traversal is active */
/* keep waiting until we're ready to quit or we hit the exit timeout */
if( time( NULL ) - edata->started < TRACKER_EXIT_TIMEOUT )
if( !tr_backend_torrents_stopped( cbdata->back, FALSE ) ||
TR_NAT_TRAVERSAL_DISABLED != hstat->natTraversalStatus )
if( !tr_core_did_quit( cbdata->core ) )
updatemodel( cbdata );
return TRUE;
@ -583,8 +554,8 @@ exitcheck( gpointer gdata )
/* time the remaining torrents out so they signal politely-stopped */
tr_backend_torrents_stopped( cbdata->back, TRUE );
/* oh well */
tr_core_force_quit( cbdata->core );
/* exit otherwise */
@ -594,12 +565,11 @@ exitcheck( gpointer gdata )
g_free( edata );
/* The prefs window need to be destroyed first as destroying it may
trigger callbacks that use cbdata->back. Ick. */
trigger callbacks that use cbdata->core. Ick. */
if( NULL != cbdata->prefs )
gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( cbdata->prefs ) );
g_object_unref( G_OBJECT( cbdata->back ) );
if( NULL != cbdata->wind )
gtk_widget_destroy( GTK_WIDGET( cbdata->wind ) );
@ -743,7 +713,7 @@ prefschanged( GtkWidget * widget SHUTUP, int id, gpointer data )
gboolean boolval;
cbdata = data;
tr = tr_backend_handle( cbdata->back );
tr = tr_core_handle( cbdata->core );
switch( id )
@ -851,14 +821,14 @@ updatemodel(gpointer gdata) {
/* update the main window's statusbar and toolbar buttons */
if( NULL != data->wind )
tr_torrentRates( tr_backend_handle( data->back ), &down, &up );
tr_torrentRates( tr_core_handle( data->core ), &down, &up );
tr_window_update( TR_WINDOW( data->wind ), down, up );
/* check for politely stopped torrents unless we're exiting */
if( !data->closing )
tr_backend_torrents_stopped( data->back, FALSE );
tr_core_reap( data->core );
/* update the message window */
@ -1051,7 +1021,7 @@ addtorrents(void *vdata, void *state, GList *files,
if( NULL != state )
torlist = tr_backend_load_state( data->back, state, flags, &errlist );
torlist = tr_core_load( data->core, state, &errlist );
if(NULL != files) {
@ -1067,8 +1037,7 @@ addtorrents(void *vdata, void *state, GList *files,
for(ii = g_list_first(files); NULL != ii; ii = ii->next) {
errstr = NULL;
tor = tr_torrent_new(G_OBJECT(data->back), ii->data, dir,
flags, &errstr);
tor = tr_core_new_torrent( data->core, ii->data, dir, flags, &errstr);
if(NULL != tor)
torlist = g_list_append(torlist, tor);
if(NULL != errstr)
@ -1112,7 +1081,7 @@ savetorrents( struct cbdata *data )
char * errstr;
tr_backend_save_state( data->back, &errstr );
tr_core_save( data->core, &errstr );
if( NULL != errstr )
errmsg( data->wind, "%s", errstr );

View file

@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include <glib/gi18n.h>
#include "bencode.h"
#include "tr_backend.h"
#include "tr_core.h"
#include "tr_torrent.h"
#include "util.h"
@ -100,6 +103,8 @@ tr_core_init( GTypeInstance * instance, gpointer g_class SHUTUP )
store = gtk_list_store_newv( MC_ROW_COUNT, types );
self->model = GTK_TREE_MODEL( store );
self->backend = tr_backend_new();
self->quitting = FALSE;
self->disposed = FALSE;
@ -116,6 +121,7 @@ tr_core_dispose( GObject * obj )
self->disposed = TRUE;
g_object_unref( self->model );
g_object_unref( self->backend );
/* Chain up to the parent class */
parent = g_type_class_peek( g_type_parent( TR_CORE_TYPE ) );
@ -135,3 +141,102 @@ tr_core_model( TrCore * self )
return self->model;
tr_handle_t *
tr_core_handle( TrCore * self )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
return tr_backend_handle( self->backend );
tr_core_quit( TrCore * self )
GtkTreeIter iter;
TrTorrent * tor;
TR_IS_CORE( self );
g_assert( !self->quitting );
self->quitting = TRUE;
Add a reference to all torrents in the list, which will be
removed when the politely-stopped signal is emitted. This is
necessary because a reference is added when a torrent is removed
from the model and tr_torrent_stop_polite() is called on it.
if( gtk_tree_model_get_iter_first( self->model, &iter) )
gtk_tree_model_get( self->model, &iter, MC_TORRENT, &tor, -1 );
while( gtk_tree_model_iter_next( self->model, &iter ) );
/* try to politely stop all the torrents */
tr_backend_stop_torrents( self->backend );
/* shut down nat traversal */
tr_natTraversalEnable( tr_backend_handle( self->backend ), 0 );
tr_core_did_quit( TrCore * self )
tr_handle_status_t * hstat;
TR_IS_CORE( self );
g_assert( self->quitting );
hstat = tr_handleStatus( tr_backend_handle( self->backend ) );
return ( tr_backend_torrents_stopped( self->backend, FALSE ) &&
TR_NAT_TRAVERSAL_DISABLED == hstat->natTraversalStatus );
tr_core_force_quit( TrCore * self )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
g_assert( self->quitting );
/* time the remaining torrents out so they signal politely-stopped */
tr_backend_torrents_stopped( self->backend, TRUE );
tr_core_reap( TrCore * self )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
tr_backend_torrents_stopped( self->backend, FALSE );
GList *
tr_core_load( TrCore * self, benc_val_t * state, GList ** errors )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
return tr_backend_load_state( self->backend, state, 0, errors );
tr_core_save( TrCore * self, char ** error )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
tr_backend_save_state( self->backend, error );
TrTorrent *
tr_core_new_torrent( TrCore * self, const char * torrent, const char * dir,
guint flags, char ** err )
TR_IS_CORE( self );
return tr_torrent_new( G_OBJECT( self->backend ),
torrent, dir, flags, err );

View file

@ -25,9 +25,13 @@
#ifndef TR_CORE_H
#define TR_CORE_H
#include <string.h>
#include <glib-object.h>
#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "bencode.h"
#define TR_CORE_TYPE ( tr_core_get_type() )
#define TR_CORE( obj ) \
@ -53,6 +57,8 @@ struct _TrCore
GObject parent;
GtkTreeModel * model;
struct _TrBackend * backend;
gboolean quitting;
gboolean disposed;
@ -67,9 +73,44 @@ tr_core_get_type( void );
TrCore *
tr_core_new( void );
/* Return the model used without incrementing the reference count */
GtkTreeModel *
tr_core_model( TrCore * self );
/* Returns the libtransmission handle */
tr_handle_t *
tr_core_handle( TrCore * self );
/* Try to politely stop all torrents and nat traversal */
tr_core_quit( TrCore * self );
/* Returns true if tr_core_quit() has been called and we are ready to quit */
tr_core_did_quit( TrCore * self );
/* Destroy any torrents that haven't stopped already */
tr_core_force_quit( TrCore * self );
/* Reap any dead torrents */
tr_core_reap( TrCore * self );
/* Load saved state, return list of TrTorrent*. A char* is appended to
*errors for each error which occurs, these must be freed. */
GList *
tr_core_load( TrCore * self, benc_val_t * state, GList ** errors );
/* Save state. Set *error to any error which occurs, this must be freed. */
tr_core_save( TrCore * self, char ** error );
/* XXX temporary hack for transition away from TrBackend */
struct _TrTorrent *
tr_core_new_torrent( TrCore * self, const char * torrent, const char * dir,
guint flags, char ** err );
/* column names for the model used to store torrent information */
/* keep this in sync with the type array in tr_core_init() in tr_core.c */
enum {