Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-03 10:15:45 +00:00

code cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Charles Kerr 2008-07-09 01:48:29 +00:00
parent ab5fe51e00
commit d8c37fba58
2 changed files with 144 additions and 139 deletions

View file

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ bin_PROGRAMS = transmissioncli
dist_man_MANS = transmissioncli.1
transmissioncli_SOURCES = transmissioncli.c
transmissioncli_SOURCES = cli.c
transmissioncli_LDADD = \
$(top_builddir)/libtransmission/libtransmission.a \

View file

@ -36,6 +36,7 @@
#include <libtransmission/utils.h> /* tr_wait */
#include <libtransmission/web.h> /* tr_webRun */
#define LINEWIDTH 80
#define MY_NAME "transmission-cli"
static int showInfo = 0;
@ -64,15 +65,20 @@ static const char * comment = NULL;
static int parseCommandLine ( int argc, const char ** argv );
static void sigHandler ( int signal );
static char *
getStringRatio( float ratio )
tr_strlratio( char * buf, double ratio, size_t buflen )
static char string[20];
if( ratio == TR_RATIO_NA )
return "n/a";
snprintf( string, sizeof string, "%.3f", ratio );
return string;
if( (int)ratio == TR_RATIO_NA )
tr_strlcpy( buf, _( "None" ), buflen );
else if( (int)ratio == TR_RATIO_INF )
tr_strlcpy( buf, "Inf", buflen );
else if( ratio < 10.0 )
snprintf( buf, buflen, "%'.2f", ratio );
else if( ratio < 100.0 )
snprintf( buf, buflen, "%'.1f", ratio );
snprintf( buf, buflen, "%'.0f", ratio );
return buf;
static int
@ -95,9 +101,6 @@ escape( char * out, const uint8_t * in, int in_len ) /* rfc2396 */
*out = '\0';
#define LINEWIDTH 80
static void
torrentStateChanged( tr_torrent * torrent UNUSED,
cp_status_t status UNUSED,
@ -136,10 +139,90 @@ scrapeDoneFunc( struct tr_handle * session UNUSED,
static void
dumpInfo( FILE * out, const tr_info * inf )
int i;
int prevTier = -1;
tr_file_index_t ff;
fprintf( out, "hash:\t" );
for( i=0; i<SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i )
fprintf( out, "%02x", inf->hash[i] );
fprintf( out, "\n" );
fprintf( out, "name:\t%s\n", inf->name );
for( i=0; i<inf->trackerCount; ++i ) {
if( prevTier != inf->trackers[i].tier ) {
prevTier = inf->trackers[i].tier;
fprintf( out, "\ntracker tier #%d:\n", (prevTier+1) );
fprintf( out, "\tannounce:\t%s\n", inf->trackers[i].announce );
fprintf( out, "size:\t%"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" * %d + %"PRIu64")\n",
inf->totalSize, inf->totalSize / inf->pieceSize,
inf->pieceSize, inf->totalSize % inf->pieceSize );
if( inf->comment[0] )
fprintf( out, "comment:\t%s\n", inf->comment );
if( inf->creator[0] )
fprintf( out, "creator:\t%s\n", inf->creator );
if( inf->isPrivate )
fprintf( out, "private flag set\n" );
fprintf( out, "file(s):\n" );
for( ff=0; ff<inf->fileCount; ++ff )
fprintf( out, "\t%s (%"PRIu64")\n", inf->files[ff].name, inf->files[ff].length );
static void
getStatusStr( const tr_stat * st, char * buf, size_t buflen )
if( st->status & TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT )
snprintf( buf, buflen, "Waiting to verify local files" );
else if( st->status & TR_STATUS_CHECK )
snprintf( buf, buflen, "Verifying local files (%.2f%%, %.2f%% valid)",
100 * st->recheckProgress, 100.0 * st->percentDone );
else if( st->status & TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD )
char ratioStr[80];
tr_strlratio( ratioStr, st->ratio, sizeof( ratioStr ) );
snprintf( buf, buflen,
"Progress: %.1f%%, dl from %d of %d peers (%.0f KB/s), "
"ul to %d (%.0f KB/s) [%s]",
st->percentDone * 100.0,
ratioStr );
else if( st->status & TR_STATUS_SEED )
char ratioStr[80];
tr_strlratio( ratioStr, st->ratio, sizeof( ratioStr ) );
snprintf( buf, buflen,
"Seeding, uploading to %d of %d peer(s), %.0f KB/s [%s]",
st->peersGettingFromUs, st->peersConnected,
st->rateUpload, ratioStr );
else if( st->status & TR_STATUS_STOPPED )
*buf = '\0';
main( int argc, char ** argv )
int i, error;
int error;
tr_handle * h;
tr_ctor * ctor;
tr_torrent * tor = NULL;
@ -273,39 +356,7 @@ main( int argc, char ** argv )
if( !tr_torrentParse( h, ctor, &info ) )
int prevTier = -1;
tr_file_index_t ff;
printf( "hash:\t" );
for( i=0; i<SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH; ++i )
printf( "%02x", info.hash[i] );
printf( "\n" );
printf( "name:\t%s\n", info.name );
for( i=0; i<info.trackerCount; ++i ) {
if( prevTier != info.trackers[i].tier ) {
prevTier = info.trackers[i].tier;
printf( "\ntracker tier #%d:\n", (prevTier+1) );
printf( "\tannounce:\t%s\n", info.trackers[i].announce );
printf( "size:\t%"PRIu64" (%"PRIu64" * %d + %"PRIu64")\n",
info.totalSize, info.totalSize / info.pieceSize,
info.pieceSize, info.totalSize % info.pieceSize );
if( info.comment[0] )
printf( "comment:\t%s\n", info.comment );
if( info.creator[0] )
printf( "creator:\t%s\n", info.creator );
if( info.isPrivate )
printf( "private flag set\n" );
printf( "file(s):\n" );
for( ff=0; ff<info.fileCount; ++ff )
printf( "\t%s (%"PRIu64")\n", info.files[ff].name, info.files[ff].length );
dumpInfo( stdout, &info );
tr_metainfoFree( &info );
@ -315,7 +366,7 @@ main( int argc, char ** argv )
tor = tr_torrentNew( h, ctor, &error );
tr_ctorFree( ctor );
if( tor == NULL )
if( !tor )
printf( "Failed opening torrent file `%s'\n", torrentPath );
tr_sessionClose( h );
@ -328,23 +379,25 @@ main( int argc, char ** argv )
tr_torrentSetStatusCallback( tor, torrentStateChanged, NULL );
tr_torrentStart( tor );
if( verify ) {
verify = 0;
tr_torrentVerify( tor );
for( ;; )
char string[LINEWIDTH];
int chars = 0;
const struct tr_stat * s;
char line[LINEWIDTH];
const tr_stat * st;
tr_wait( 1000 );
if( gotsig )
if( gotsig ) {
gotsig = 0;
fprintf( stderr, "stopping torrent...\n" );
tr_torrentStop( tor );
tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled( h, 0 );
if( manualUpdate )
if( manualUpdate ) {
manualUpdate = 0;
if ( !tr_torrentCanManualUpdate( tor ) )
fprintf( stderr, "\rReceived SIGHUP, but can't send a manual update now\n" );
@ -353,76 +406,20 @@ main( int argc, char ** argv )
tr_torrentManualUpdate( tor );
if( verify )
verify = 0;
tr_torrentVerify( tor );
s = tr_torrentStat( tor );
if( s->status & TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT )
chars = snprintf( string, sizeof string,
"Waiting to verify local files..." );
else if( s->status & TR_STATUS_CHECK )
chars = snprintf( string, sizeof string,
"Verifying local files... %.2f%%, found %.2f%% valid", 100 * s->recheckProgress, 100.0 * s->percentDone );
else if( s->status & TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD )
chars = snprintf( string, sizeof string,
"Progress: %.2f %%, %d peer%s, dl from %d (%.2f KB/s), "
"ul to %d (%.2f KB/s) [%s]", 100.0 * s->percentDone,
s->peersConnected, ( s->peersConnected == 1 ) ? "" : "s",
s->peersSendingToUs, s->rateDownload,
s->peersGettingFromUs, s->rateUpload,
getStringRatio(s->ratio) );
else if( s->status & TR_STATUS_SEED )
chars = snprintf( string, sizeof string,
"Seeding, uploading to %d of %d peer(s), %.2f KB/s [%s]",
s->peersGettingFromUs, s->peersConnected,
s->rateUpload, getStringRatio(s->ratio) );
else if( s->status & TR_STATUS_STOPPED )
st = tr_torrentStat( tor );
if( st->status & TR_STATUS_STOPPED )
if( ( signed )sizeof string > chars )
memset( &string[chars], ' ', sizeof string - 1 - chars );
string[sizeof string - 1] = '\0';
fprintf( stderr, "\r%s", string );
if( s->error )
fprintf( stderr, "\n%s\n", s->errorString );
else if( verboseLevel > 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
getStatusStr( st, line, sizeof( line ) );
printf( "%-*s\n", LINEWIDTH, line );
if( st->error )
printf( "%s\n", st->errorString );
fprintf( stderr, "\n" );
/* try for 5 seconds to delete any port mappings for nat traversal */
tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled( h, 0 );
for( i=0; i<10; ++i ) {
const tr_port_forwarding f = tr_sessionGetPortForwarding( h );
tr_wait( 500 );
printf( "\n" );
tr_sessionClose( h );
@ -441,27 +438,35 @@ getUsage( void )
const struct tr_option options[] = {
{ 'a', "announce", "When creating a new torrent, set its announce URL", "a", 1, "<url>" },
{ 'b', "blocklist", "Enable peer blocklists", "b", 0, NULL },
{ 'B', "no-blocklist", "Disable peer blocklists", "B", 0, NULL },
{ 'c', "comment", "When creating a new torrent, set its comment field", "c", 1, "<comment>" },
{ 'd', "downlimit", "Set the maxiumum download speed in KB/s", "d", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'D', "no-downlimit", "Don't limit the download speed", "D", 0, NULL },
{ 'e', "encryption", "Set encryption mode [required, preferred, tolerated]", "e", 1, "<mode>" },
{ 'f', "finish", "Set a script to run when the torrent finishes", "f", 1, "<script>" },
{ 'g', "config-dir", "Where to look for configuration files", "g", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'i', "info", "Show torrent details and exit", "i", 0, NULL },
{ 'm', "portmap", "Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP", "m", 0, NULL },
{ 'M', "no-portmap", "Disable portmapping", "M", 0, NULL },
{ 'n', "new", "Create a new torrent from a file or directory", "n", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'p', "port", "Port to listen for incoming peers (Default: "TR_DEFAULT_PORT_STR")", "p", 1, "<port>" },
{ 'r', "private", "When creating a new torrent, set its 'private' flag", "r", 0, NULL },
{ 's', "scrape", "Scrape the torrent and exit", "s", 0, NULL },
{ 't', "tos", "Peer socket TOS (0 to 255, default="TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS_STR")", "t", 1, "<number>"},
{ 'u', "uplimit", "Set the maxiumum upload speed in KB/s", "u", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'U', "no-uplimit", "Don't limit the upload speed", "U", 0, NULL },
{ 'v', "verify", "Verify the specified torrent", "v", 0, NULL },
{ 'w', "download-dir", "Where to save downloaded data", "w", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'a', "announce", "Set the new torrent's announce URL", "a", 1, "<url>" },
{ 'b', "blocklist", "Enable peer blocklists", "b", 0, NULL },
{ 'B', "no-blocklist", "Disable peer blocklists", "B", 0, NULL },
{ 'c', "comment", "Set the new torrent's comment", "c", 1, "<comment>" },
{ 'd', "downlimit", "Set max download speed in KB/s", "d", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'D', "no-downlimit", "Don't limit the download speed", "D", 0, NULL },
{ 'e', "encryption", "Set encryption mode (required, preferred, tolerated)",
"e", 1, "<mode>" },
{ 'f', "finish", "Set a script to run when the torrent finishes",
"f", 1, "<script>" },
{ 'g', "config-dir", "Where to find configuration files",
"g", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'i', "info", "Show torrent details and exit", "i", 0, NULL },
{ 'm', "portmap", "Enable portmapping via NAT-PMP or UPnP", "m", 0, NULL },
{ 'M', "no-portmap", "Disable portmapping", "M", 0, NULL },
{ 'n', "new", "Create a new torrent from a file or directory",
"n", 1, "<path>" },
{ 'p', "port",
"Port to listen for incoming peers (Default: "TR_DEFAULT_PORT_STR")",
"p", 1, "<port>" },
{ 'r', "private", "Set the new torrent's 'private' flag", "r", 0, NULL },
{ 's', "scrape", "Scrape the torrent and exit", "s", 0, NULL },
{ 't', "tos",
"Peer socket TOS (0 to 255, default="TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS_STR")",
"t", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'u', "uplimit", "Set max upload speed in KB/s", "u", 1, "<number>" },
{ 'U', "no-uplimit", "Don't limit the upload speed", "U", 0, NULL },
{ 'v', "verify", "Verify the specified torrent", "v", 0, NULL },
{ 'w', "download-dir", "Where to save downloaded data", "w", 1, "<path>" },
{ 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL }