Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-02-21 21:57:01 +00:00

Improve overall look of torrents in main window

Refactor and use the same code to calculate element positions in
sizeHint () and paint () to prevent discrepancies.
While we are at it, properly support RTL layout.
This commit is contained in:
Mike Gelfand 2015-01-17 16:59:42 +00:00
parent 3c73d74cbb
commit efc04fdd77
4 changed files with 203 additions and 145 deletions

View file

@ -53,15 +53,6 @@ namespace
fadedColor.setAlpha (128);
return fadedColor;
narrowRect (QRect& rect, int dx1, int dx2, Qt::LayoutDirection direction)
if (direction == Qt::LeftToRight)
rect.adjust (dx1, 0, -dx2, 0);
rect.adjust (dx2, 0, -dx1, 0);
FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::FilterBarComboBoxDelegate (QObject * parent, QComboBox * combo):
@ -117,13 +108,13 @@ FilterBarComboBoxDelegate::paint (QPainter * painter,
decorationRect = QStyle::alignedRect (option.direction,
decorationRect.size (), boundingBox);
narrowRect (boundingBox, decorationRect.width () + hmargin, 0, option.direction);
Utils::narrowRect (boundingBox, decorationRect.width () + hmargin, 0, option.direction);
QRect countRect = rect (option, index, TorrentCountStringRole);
countRect = QStyle::alignedRect (option.direction,
countRect.size (), boundingBox);
narrowRect (boundingBox, 0, countRect.width () + hmargin, option.direction);
Utils::narrowRect (boundingBox, 0, countRect.width () + hmargin, option.direction);
const QRect displayRect = boundingBox;
drawBackground (painter, option, index);
@ -263,7 +254,7 @@ FilterBarComboBox::paintEvent (QPaintEvent * e)
const QRect iconRect = QStyle::alignedRect(opt.direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter,
opt.iconSize, rect);
painter.drawPixmap (iconRect.topLeft (), pixmap);
narrowRect (rect, iconRect.width () + hmargin, 0, opt.direction);
Utils::narrowRect (rect, iconRect.width () + hmargin, 0, opt.direction);
// draw the count
@ -275,7 +266,7 @@ FilterBarComboBox::paintEvent (QPaintEvent * e)
const QRect textRect = QStyle::alignedRect(opt.direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter,
QSize (opt.fontMetrics.width (text), rect.height ()), rect);
painter.drawText (textRect, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, text);
narrowRect (rect, 0, textRect.width () + hmargin, opt.direction);
Utils::narrowRect (rect, 0, textRect.width () + hmargin, opt.direction);
painter.setPen (pen);

View file

@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
#include "torrent.h"
#include "torrent-delegate-min.h"
#include "torrent-model.h"
#include "utils.h"
@ -43,31 +44,83 @@ enum
class ItemLayout
QString myNameText;
QString myStatusText;
QFont nameFont;
QFont statusFont;
QRect iconRect;
QRect emblemRect;
QRect nameRect;
QRect statusRect;
QRect barRect;
ItemLayout(const QString& nameText, const QString& statusText, const QIcon& emblemIcon,
const QFont& baseFont, Qt::LayoutDirection direction, const QPoint& topLeft, int width);
QSize size () const
return (iconRect | nameRect | statusRect | barRect).size ();
QString nameText () const { return elidedText (nameFont, myNameText, nameRect.width ()); }
QString statusText () const { return myStatusText; }
QString elidedText (const QFont& font, const QString& text, int width) const
return QFontMetrics (font).elidedText (text, Qt::ElideRight, width);
ItemLayout::ItemLayout(const QString& nameText, const QString& statusText, const QIcon& emblemIcon,
const QFont& baseFont, Qt::LayoutDirection direction, const QPoint& topLeft, int width):
myNameText (nameText),
myStatusText (statusText),
nameFont (baseFont),
statusFont (baseFont)
const QStyle * style (qApp->style ());
const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize));
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const QSize nameSize (nameFM.size (0, myNameText));
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (statusFont.pointSize () * 0.85));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QSize statusSize (statusFM.size (0, myStatusText));
QRect baseRect (topLeft, QSize (width, qMax (iconSize, qMax (nameSize.height (), qMax (statusSize.height (), static_cast<int>(BAR_HEIGHT))))));
iconRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, QSize (iconSize, iconSize), baseRect);
emblemRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom,
emblemIcon.actualSize (iconRect.size () / 2, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On),
barRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, QSize (BAR_WIDTH, BAR_HEIGHT), baseRect);
Utils::narrowRect (baseRect, iconRect.width () + GUI_PAD, barRect.width () + GUI_PAD, direction);
statusRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignVCenter, QSize (statusSize.width (), baseRect.height ()), baseRect);
Utils::narrowRect (baseRect, 0, statusRect.width () + GUI_PAD, direction);
nameRect = baseRect;
TorrentDelegateMin::sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
const Torrent & tor) const
const QStyle* style (qApp->style());
static const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize));
QFont nameFont (option.font);
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const bool isMagnet (!tor.hasMetadata());
const QString nameStr = (isMagnet ? progressString (tor) : tor.name());
const int nameWidth = nameFM.width (nameStr);
QFont statusFont (option.font);
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (option.font.pointSize() * 0.85));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QString statusStr (shortStatusString (tor));
const int statusWidth = statusFM.width (statusStr);
const QSize m (margin (*style));
return QSize (m.width()*2 + iconSize + GUI_PAD + nameWidth
+ GUI_PAD + statusWidth
m.height()*2 + std::max (nameFM.height(), (int)BAR_HEIGHT));
const QSize m (margin (*qApp->style()));
const ItemLayout layout (isMagnet ? progressString (tor) : tor.name(), shortStatusString (tor), QIcon (),
option.font, option.direction, QPoint (0, 0), option.rect.width () - m.width () * 2);
return layout.size () + m * 2;
@ -75,20 +128,10 @@ TorrentDelegateMin::drawTorrent (QPainter * painter,
const QStyleOptionViewItem & option,
const Torrent & tor) const
const bool isPaused (tor.isPaused());
const QStyle * style (qApp->style());
static const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_SmallIconSize));
QFont nameFont (option.font);
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const bool isPaused (tor.isPaused());
const bool isMagnet (!tor.hasMetadata());
const QString nameStr = (isMagnet ? progressString (tor) : tor.name());
QFont statusFont (option.font);
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (option.font.pointSize() * 0.85));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QString statusStr (shortStatusString (tor));
const QSize statusSize (statusFM.size (0, statusStr));
const bool isItemSelected ((option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) != 0);
const bool isItemEnabled ((option.state & QStyle::State_Enabled) != 0);
@ -141,41 +184,23 @@ TorrentDelegateMin::drawTorrent (QPainter * painter,
// layout
const QSize m (margin (*style));
QRect fillArea (option.rect);
fillArea.adjust (m.width(), m.height(), -m.width(), -m.height());
const QRect iconArea (fillArea.x(),
fillArea.y() + (fillArea.height() - iconSize) / 2,
const QRect emblemRect (style->alignedRect (option.direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom,
emblemIcon.actualSize (QSize (iconSize / 2, iconSize / 2), emblemIm, qs),
const QRect barArea (fillArea.x() + fillArea.width() - BAR_WIDTH,
fillArea.y() + (fillArea.height() - BAR_HEIGHT) / 2,
const QRect statusArea (barArea.x() - GUI_PAD - statusSize.width(),
fillArea.y() + (fillArea.height() - statusSize.height()) / 2,
const QRect nameArea (iconArea.x() + iconArea.width() + GUI_PAD,
statusArea.x() - (iconArea.x() + iconArea.width() + GUI_PAD * 2),
const QRect contentRect (option.rect.adjusted (m.width(), m.height(), -m.width(), -m.height()));
const ItemLayout layout (isMagnet ? progressString (tor) : tor.name(), shortStatusString (tor), emblemIcon,
option.font, option.direction, contentRect.topLeft (), contentRect.width ());
// render
if (tor.hasError() && !isItemSelected)
painter->setPen (QColor ("red"));
painter->setPen (option.palette.color (cg, cr));
tor.getMimeTypeIcon().paint (painter, iconArea, Qt::AlignCenter, im, qs);
tor.getMimeTypeIcon().paint (painter, layout.iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, im, qs);
if (!emblemIcon.isNull ())
emblemIcon.paint (painter, emblemRect, Qt::AlignCenter, emblemIm, qs);
painter->setFont (nameFont);
painter->drawText (nameArea, 0, nameFM.elidedText (nameStr, Qt::ElideRight, nameArea.width()));
painter->setFont (statusFont);
painter->drawText (statusArea, 0, statusStr);
myProgressBarStyle->rect = barArea;
emblemIcon.paint (painter, layout.emblemRect, Qt::AlignCenter, emblemIm, qs);
painter->setFont (layout.nameFont);
painter->drawText (layout.nameRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, layout.nameText ());
painter->setFont (layout.statusFont);
painter->drawText (layout.statusRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, layout.statusText ());
myProgressBarStyle->rect = layout.barRect;
if (tor.isDownloading())
myProgressBarStyle->palette.setBrush (QPalette::Highlight, blueBrush);

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
#include "torrent.h"
#include "torrent-delegate.h"
#include "torrent-model.h"
#include "utils.h"
@ -38,6 +39,89 @@ QColor TorrentDelegate::greenBack;
QColor TorrentDelegate::blueBack;
QColor TorrentDelegate::silverBack;
class ItemLayout
QString myNameText;
QString myStatusText;
QString myProgressText;
QFont nameFont;
QFont statusFont;
QFont progressFont;
QRect iconRect;
QRect emblemRect;
QRect nameRect;
QRect statusRect;
QRect barRect;
QRect progressRect;
ItemLayout(const QString& nameText, const QString& statusText, const QString& progressText,
const QIcon& emblemIcon, const QFont& baseFont, Qt::LayoutDirection direction,
const QPoint& topLeft, int width);
QSize size () const
return (iconRect | nameRect | statusRect | barRect | progressRect).size ();
QString nameText () const { return elidedText (nameFont, myNameText, nameRect.width ()); }
QString statusText () const { return elidedText (statusFont, myStatusText, statusRect.width ()); }
QString progressText () const { return elidedText (progressFont, myProgressText, progressRect.width ()); }
QString elidedText (const QFont& font, const QString& text, int width) const
return QFontMetrics (font).elidedText (text, Qt::ElideRight, width);
ItemLayout::ItemLayout(const QString& nameText, const QString& statusText, const QString& progressText,
const QIcon& emblemIcon, const QFont& baseFont, Qt::LayoutDirection direction,
const QPoint& topLeft, int width):
myNameText (nameText),
myStatusText (statusText),
myProgressText (progressText),
nameFont (baseFont),
statusFont (baseFont),
progressFont (baseFont)
const QStyle * style (qApp->style ());
const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize));
nameFont.setWeight (QFont::Bold);
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const QSize nameSize (nameFM.size (0, myNameText));
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (statusFont.pointSize () * 0.9));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QSize statusSize (statusFM.size (0, myStatusText));
progressFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (progressFont.pointSize () * 0.9));
const QFontMetrics progressFM (progressFont);
const QSize progressSize (progressFM.size (0, myProgressText));
QRect baseRect (topLeft, QSize (width, 0));
Utils::narrowRect (baseRect, iconSize + GUI_PAD, 0, direction);
nameRect = baseRect.adjusted(0, 0, 0, nameSize.height ());
statusRect = nameRect.adjusted(0, nameRect.height () + 1, 0, statusSize.height () + 1);
barRect = statusRect.adjusted(0, statusRect.height () + 1, 0, BAR_HEIGHT + 1);
progressRect = barRect.adjusted (0, barRect.height () + 1, 0, progressSize.height () + 1);
iconRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter,
QSize (iconSize, iconSize),
QRect (topLeft, QSize (width, progressRect.bottom () - nameRect.top ())));
emblemRect = style->alignedRect (direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom,
emblemIcon.actualSize (iconRect.size () / 2, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On),
TorrentDelegate::TorrentDelegate (QObject * parent):
QStyledItemDelegate (parent),
myProgressBarStyle (new QStyleOptionProgressBar)
@ -168,7 +252,7 @@ TorrentDelegate::progressString (const Torrent& tor) const
str += tr ("Remaining time unknown");
return str;
return str.trimmed ();
@ -187,7 +271,7 @@ TorrentDelegate::shortTransferString (const Torrent& tor) const
else if (haveUp)
str = Formatter::uploadSpeedToString(tor.uploadSpeed());
return str;
return str.trimmed ();
@ -215,7 +299,7 @@ TorrentDelegate::shortStatusString (const Torrent& tor) const
return str;
return str.trimmed ();
@ -271,46 +355,20 @@ TorrentDelegate::statusString (const Torrent& tor) const
str += tr (" - ") + s;
return str;
return str.trimmed ();
int MAX3 (int a, int b, int c)
const int ab (a > b ? a : b);
return ab > c ? ab : c;
TorrentDelegate::sizeHint (const QStyleOptionViewItem& option, const Torrent& tor) const
const QStyle* style (qApp->style ());
static const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_MessageBoxIconSize));
QFont nameFont (option.font);
nameFont.setWeight (QFont::Bold);
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const QString nameStr (tor.name ());
const int nameWidth = nameFM.width (nameStr);
QFont statusFont (option.font);
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (option.font.pointSize () * 0.9));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QString statusStr (statusString (tor));
const int statusWidth = statusFM.width (statusStr);
QFont progressFont (statusFont);
const QFontMetrics progressFM (progressFont);
const QString progressStr (progressString (tor));
const int progressWidth = progressFM.width (progressStr);
const QSize m (margin (*style));
return QSize (m.width()*2 + iconSize + GUI_PAD + MAX3 (nameWidth, statusWidth, progressWidth),
//m.height()*3 + nameFM.lineSpacing() + statusFM.lineSpacing()*2 + progressFM.lineSpacing());
m.height()*3 + nameFM.lineSpacing() + statusFM.lineSpacing() + BAR_HEIGHT + progressFM.lineSpacing());
const QSize m (margin (*qApp->style ()));
const ItemLayout layout (tor.name (), progressString (tor), statusString (tor), QIcon (),
option.font, option.direction, QPoint (0, 0), option.rect.width () - m.width () * 2);
return layout.size () + m * 2;
@ -358,19 +416,7 @@ TorrentDelegate::drawTorrent (QPainter * painter,
const Torrent & tor) const
const QStyle * style (qApp->style ());
static const int iconSize (style->pixelMetric (QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize));
QFont nameFont (option.font);
nameFont.setWeight (QFont::Bold);
const QFontMetrics nameFM (nameFont);
const QString nameStr (tor.name ());
const QSize nameSize (nameFM.size (0, nameStr));
QFont statusFont (option.font);
statusFont.setPointSize (static_cast<int> (option.font.pointSize () * 0.9));
const QFontMetrics statusFM (statusFont);
const QString statusStr (progressString (tor));
QFont progressFont (statusFont);
const QFontMetrics progressFM (progressFont);
const QString progressStr (statusString (tor));
const bool isPaused (tor.isPaused ());
const bool isItemSelected ((option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) != 0);
@ -424,37 +470,25 @@ TorrentDelegate::drawTorrent (QPainter * painter,
// layout
const QSize m (margin (*style));
QRect fillArea (option.rect);
fillArea.adjust (m.width(), m.height(), -m.width(), -m.height());
QRect iconArea (fillArea.x (), fillArea.y () + (fillArea.height () - iconSize) / 2, iconSize, iconSize);
QRect emblemRect (style->alignedRect (option.direction, Qt::AlignRight | Qt::AlignBottom,
emblemIcon.actualSize (QSize (iconSize / 2, iconSize / 2), emblemIm, qs), iconArea));
QRect nameArea (iconArea.x () + iconArea.width () + GUI_PAD, fillArea.y (),
fillArea.width () - GUI_PAD - iconArea.width (), nameSize.height ());
QRect statusArea (nameArea);
statusArea.moveTop (nameArea.y () + nameFM.lineSpacing ());
statusArea.setHeight (nameSize.height ());
QRect barArea (statusArea);
barArea.setHeight (BAR_HEIGHT);
barArea.moveTop (statusArea.y () + statusFM.lineSpacing ());
QRect progArea (statusArea);
progArea.moveTop (barArea.y () + barArea.height ());
const QRect contentRect (option.rect.adjusted (m.width(), m.height(), -m.width(), -m.height()));
const ItemLayout layout (tor.name (), progressString (tor), statusString (tor), emblemIcon,
option.font, option.direction, contentRect.topLeft (), contentRect.width ());
// render
if (tor.hasError () && !isItemSelected)
painter->setPen (QColor ("red"));
painter->setPen (option.palette.color (cg, cr));
tor.getMimeTypeIcon().paint (painter, iconArea, Qt::AlignCenter, im, qs);
tor.getMimeTypeIcon().paint (painter, layout.iconRect, Qt::AlignCenter, im, qs);
if (!emblemIcon.isNull ())
emblemIcon.paint (painter, emblemRect, Qt::AlignCenter, emblemIm, qs);
painter->setFont (nameFont);
painter->drawText (nameArea, 0, nameFM.elidedText (nameStr, Qt::ElideRight, nameArea.width ()));
painter->setFont (statusFont);
painter->drawText (statusArea, 0, statusFM.elidedText (statusStr, Qt::ElideRight, statusArea.width ()));
painter->setFont (progressFont);
painter->drawText (progArea, 0, progressFM.elidedText (progressStr, Qt::ElideRight, progArea.width ()));
myProgressBarStyle->rect = barArea;
emblemIcon.paint (painter, layout.emblemRect, Qt::AlignCenter, emblemIm, qs);
painter->setFont (layout.nameFont);
painter->drawText (layout.nameRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, layout.nameText ());
painter->setFont (layout.statusFont);
painter->drawText (layout.statusRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, layout.statusText ());
painter->setFont (layout.progressFont);
painter->drawText (layout.progressRect, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter, layout.progressText ());
myProgressBarStyle->rect = layout.barRect;
if (tor.isDownloading())
myProgressBarStyle->palette.setBrush (QPalette::Highlight, blueBrush);

View file

@ -10,9 +10,10 @@
#ifndef QTR_UTILS
#define QTR_UTILS
#include <QString>
#include <QObject>
#include <QIcon>
#include <QObject>
#include <QRect>
#include <QString>
#include <cctype> // isxdigit()
@ -34,6 +35,13 @@ class Utils: public QObject
static QString removeTrailingDirSeparator (const QString& path);
static void narrowRect (QRect& rect, int dx1, int dx2, Qt::LayoutDirection direction)
if (direction == Qt::RightToLeft)
qSwap (dx1, dx2);
rect.adjust (dx1, 0, -dx2, 0);
// meh
static void toStderr (const QString& qstr);