fix #233 (move menu item applies to all items)

This commit is contained in:
Mitchell Livingston 2007-06-25 22:26:33 +00:00
parent 6011450518
commit f36d558ad4
4 changed files with 24 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
- (void) removeDeleteDataAndTorrent: (id) sender;
- (void) moveDataFiles: (id) sender;
- (void) moveDataFileForTorrents: (NSMutableArray *) torrents;
- (void) moveDataFileChoiceClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) panel returnCode: (int) code contextInfo: (NSArray *) torrents;
- (void) copyTorrentFiles: (id) sender;
- (void) copyTorrentFileForTorrents: (NSMutableArray *) torrents;

View File

@ -1183,43 +1183,38 @@ static void sleepCallBack(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
- (void) moveDataFiles: (id) sender
[self moveDataFileForTorrents: [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithArray:
[fDisplayedTorrents objectsAtIndexes: [fTableView selectedRowIndexes]]]];
- (void) moveDataFileForTorrents: (NSMutableArray *) torrents
if ([torrents count] <= 0)
[torrents release];
Torrent * torrent = [torrents objectAtIndex: 0];
NSOpenPanel * panel = [NSOpenPanel openPanel];
[panel setPrompt: NSLocalizedString(@"Select", "Move torrent -> prompt")];
[panel setAllowsMultipleSelection: NO];
[panel setCanChooseFiles: NO];
[panel setCanChooseDirectories: YES];
[panel setCanCreateDirectories: YES];
[panel setMessage: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Select the new folder for \"%@\"",
"Move torrent -> select destination folder"), [torrent name]]];
NSArray * torrents = [[fDisplayedTorrents objectsAtIndexes: [fTableView selectedRowIndexes]] retain];
int count = [torrents count];
if (count == 1)
[panel setMessage: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Select the new folder for \"%@\".",
"Move torrent -> select destination folder"), [[torrents objectAtIndex: 0] name]]];
[panel setMessage: [NSString stringWithFormat: NSLocalizedString(@"Select the new folder for %d data files.",
"Move torrent -> select destination folder"), count]];
[panel beginSheetForDirectory: nil file: [torrent name] modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: self
[panel beginSheetForDirectory: nil file: nil modalForWindow: fWindow modalDelegate: self
didEndSelector: @selector(moveDataFileChoiceClosed:returnCode:contextInfo:) contextInfo: torrents];
- (void) moveDataFileChoiceClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) panel returnCode: (int) code contextInfo: (NSMutableArray *) torrents
- (void) moveDataFileChoiceClosed: (NSOpenPanel *) panel returnCode: (int) code contextInfo: (NSArray *) torrents
//move torrent data file to new location
if (code == NSOKButton)
[[torrents objectAtIndex: 0] moveTorrentDataFileTo: [[panel filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]];
//move torrent data file to new location
NSEnumerator * enumerator = [torrents objectEnumerator];
Torrent * torrent;
while ((torrent = [enumerator nextObject]))
[torrent moveTorrentDataFileTo: [[panel filenames] objectAtIndex: 0]];
[torrents removeObjectAtIndex: 0];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread: @selector(moveDataFileForTorrents:) withObject: torrents waitUntilDone: NO];
[torrents release];
- (void) copyTorrentFiles: (id) sender

View File

@ -887,7 +887,7 @@
NSString * identifier = [tableColumn identifier];
if ([identifier isEqualToString: @"Check"])
Torrent * torrent = [fTorrents objectAtIndex: 0];
[torrent setFileCheckState: [object intValue] != NSOffState ? NSOnState : NSOffState
forIndexes: [item objectForKey: @"Indexes"]];

View File

@ -797,11 +797,11 @@ static uint32_t kRed = BE(0xFF6450FF), //255, 100, 80
NSAlert * alert = [[NSAlert alloc] init];
[alert setMessageText: NSLocalizedString(@"A folder cannot be moved to inside itself.",
"Move inside iteself alert -> title")];
"Move inside itself alert -> title")];
[alert setInformativeText: [NSString stringWithFormat:
NSLocalizedString(@"The move operation of \"%@\" cannot be done.",
"Move inside iteself alert -> message"), [self name]]];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Move inside iteself alert -> button")];
"Move inside itself alert -> message"), [self name]]];
[alert addButtonWithTitle: NSLocalizedString(@"OK", "Move inside itself alert -> button")];
[alert runModal];
[alert release];