mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:50:00 +00:00
start removal of NSCalendarDate, as recommended by Apple in the 10.5 docs
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 16 additions and 15 deletions
@ -2380,6 +2380,7 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
[self setAutoSpeedLimitTimer: !shouldBeOn];
//only called from fSpeedLimitTimer
- (void) autoSpeedLimit: (NSTimer *) timer
//check if should toggle (for cases where users might have manually
@ -2413,27 +2414,27 @@ static void sleepCallback(void * controller, io_service_t y, natural_t messageTy
- (void) setAutoSpeedLimitTimer: (BOOL) nextIsOn
NSCalendarDate * timerDate = [NSCalendarDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate: [[fDefaults objectForKey:
nextIsOn ? @"SpeedLimitAutoOnDate" : @"SpeedLimitAutoOffDate"] timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate]],
* nowDate = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate];
NSDate * timerDate = [fDefaults objectForKey: nextIsOn ? @"SpeedLimitAutoOnDate" : @"SpeedLimitAutoOffDate"],
* nowDate = [NSDate date];
//create date with combination of the current date and the date to go off
NSDateComponents * components = [[NSDateComponents alloc] init];
[components setDay: [nowDate dayOfMonth]];
[components setMonth: [nowDate monthOfYear]];
[components setYear: [nowDate yearOfCommonEra]];
[components setHour: [timerDate hourOfDay]];
[components setMinute: [timerDate minuteOfHour]];
[components setSecond: 0];
NSCalendar * calendar = [[NSCalendar alloc] initWithCalendarIdentifier: NSGregorianCalendar];
NSDate * dateToUse = [calendar dateFromComponents: components];
NSDateComponents * nowComponents = [calendar components: NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit
| NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit fromDate: nowDate];
NSDateComponents * timerComponents = [calendar components: NSHourCalendarUnit | NSMinuteCalendarUnit fromDate: timerDate];
int nowTime = [nowComponents hour] * 60 + [nowComponents minute],
timerTime = [timerComponents hour] * 60 + [timerComponents minute];
[nowComponents setHour: [timerComponents hour]];
[nowComponents setMinute: [timerComponents minute]];
[nowComponents setSecond: 0];
NSDate * dateToUse = [calendar dateFromComponents: nowComponents];
[calendar release];
[components release];
//check if should be the next day
int timerTime = [timerDate hourOfDay] * 60 + [timerDate minuteOfHour],
nowTime = [nowDate hourOfDay] * 60 + [nowDate minuteOfHour];
if (timerTime < nowTime)
dateToUse = [dateToUse addTimeInterval: 60 * 60 * 24]; //60 sec * 60 min * 24 hr
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