Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/transmission/transmission synced 2025-03-11 14:43:42 +00:00

(trunk web) better encapsulation of FileRow -- make most of its fields and methods private. transmission.js and remote.js don't know about FileRow anymore.

This commit is contained in:
Jordan Lee 2011-09-03 04:33:04 +00:00
parent 0db7e2d242
commit f836308b42
4 changed files with 108 additions and 115 deletions

View file

@ -6,120 +6,109 @@
function FileRow(torrent, i)
this.initialize(torrent, i);
FileRow.prototype =
initialize: function(torrent, i)
this._torrent = torrent;
this._index = i;
this.createRow(torrent, i);
var fields = {
have: 0,
index: 0,
isDirty: false,
isWanted: true,
priority: 0,
me: this,
size: 0,
torrent: null
getTorrent: function()
return this._torrent;
getIndex: function()
return this._index;
elements = {
priority_control: null,
progress: null,
root: null
readAttributes: function(file)
if (file.index !== undefined && file.index !== this._index) {
this._index = file.index;
this._dirty = true;
initialize = function(torrent, i) {
fields.torrent = torrent;
fields.index = i;
createRow(torrent, i);
readAttributes = function(file) {
if (fields.have !== file.bytesCompleted) {
fields.have = file.bytesCompleted;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (file.bytesCompleted !== undefined && file.bytesCompleted !== this._done) {
this._done = file.bytesCompleted;
this._dirty = true;
if (fields.size !== file.length) {
fields.size = file.length;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (file.length !== undefined && file.length !== this._size) {
this._size = file.length;
this._dirty = true;
if (fields.priority !== file.priority) {
fields.priority = file.priority;
fields.isDirty = true;
if (file.priority !== undefined && file.priority !== this._prio) {
this._prio = file.priority;
this._dirty = true;
if (file.wanted !== undefined && file.wanted !== this._wanted) {
this._wanted = file.wanted;
this._dirty = true;
if (fields.isWanted !== file.wanted) {
fields.isWanted = file.wanted;
fields.isDirty = true;
refreshWantedHTML: function()
refreshWantedHTML = function()
var e = this.getElement(),
var e = elements.root,
c = [ e.classNameConst ];
if (!this._wanted) { c.push('skip'); }
if (this.isDone()) { c.push('complete'); }
if (!fields.isWanted) { c.push('skip'); }
if (isDone()) { c.push('complete'); }
e.className = c.join(' ');
refreshPriorityHTML: function()
refreshPriorityHTML = function()
var e = this._priority_control,
var e = elements.priority_control,
c = [ e.classNameConst ];
switch(this._prio) {
switch(fields.priority) {
case -1 : c.push('low'); break;
case 1 : c.push('high'); break;
default : c.push('normal'); break;
e.className = c.join(' ');
refreshProgressHTML: function()
refreshProgressHTML = function()
var pct = 100 * (this._size ? (this._done / this._size) : 1.0),
c = [ Transmission.fmt.size(this._done),
var pct = 100 * (fields.size ? (fields.have / fields.size) : 1.0),
c = [ Transmission.fmt.size(fields.have),
' of ',
' (',
'%)' ].join('');
setInnerHTML(this._progress[0], c);
setInnerHTML(elements.progress, c);
refreshHTML: function() {
if (this._dirty) {
this._dirty = false;
refreshHTML = function() {
if (fields.isDirty) {
fields.isDirty = false;
refresh: function()
var i = this.getIndex(),
t = this.getTorrent();
refresh = function() {
isDone: function () {
return this._done >= this._size;
isEditable: function () {
return (this.getTorrent().getFileCount()>1) && !this.isDone();
isDone = function () {
return fields.have >= fields.size;
createRow: function(torrent, i)
var me = this,
file = torrent.getFile(i),
createRow = function(torrent, i) {
var file = torrent.getFile(i),
name, root, wanted_div, pri_div, file_div, prog_div;
root = document.createElement('li');
root.id = 't' + this._torrent.getId() + 'f' + this._index;
root.id = 't' + fields.torrent.getId() + 'f' + fields.index;
root.classNameConst = 'inspector_torrent_file_list_entry ' + ((i%2)?'odd':'even');
root.className = root.classNameConst;
wanted_div = document.createElement('div');
wanted_div.className = "file_wanted_control";
$(wanted_div).bind('click',function(){ me.fireWantedChanged(!me._wanted); });
$(wanted_div).click(function(){ fireWantedChanged(!fields.isWanted); });
pri_div = document.createElement('div');
pri_div.classNameConst = "file_priority_control";
@ -132,6 +121,7 @@ FileRow.prototype =
x -= e.offsetLeft;
e = e.offsetParent;
// ugh.
if (isMobileDevice) {
if (x < 8) prio = -1;
else if (x < 27) prio = 0;
@ -141,7 +131,7 @@ FileRow.prototype =
else if (x < 23) prio = 0;
else prio = 1;
name = file.name || 'Unknown';
@ -159,25 +149,34 @@ FileRow.prototype =
this._element = root;
this._priority_control = pri_div;
this._progress = $(prog_div);
elements.root = root;
elements.priority_control = pri_div;
elements.progress = prog_div;
return root;
getElement: function()
return this._element;
fireWantedChanged = function(do_want) {
$(fields.me).trigger('wantedToggled',[ fields.me, do_want ]);
firePriorityChanged = function(priority) {
$(fields.me).trigger('priorityToggled',[ fields.me, priority ]);
fireWantedChanged: function(do_want)
$(this).trigger('wantedToggled',[ this, do_want ]);
firePriorityChanged: function(priority)
$(this).trigger('priorityToggled',[ this, priority ]);
this.getElement = function() {
return elements.root;
this.getIndex = function() {
return fields.index;
this.isEditable = function () {
return (fields.torrent.getFileCount()>1) && !isDone();
initialize(torrent, i);

View file

@ -201,26 +201,24 @@ function Inspector(controller) {
filesSelectAllClicked = function() { filesAllClicked(true); },
filesDeselectAllClicked = function() { filesAllClicked(false); },
filesAllClicked = function(s) {
var t = data.file_torrent;
if (t)
toggleFilesWantedDisplay(t, s);
changeFileCommand = function(command, rows) {
data.controller.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
toggleFilesWantedDisplay = function(torrent, wanted) {
var i, row, rows=[];
var i, row, rows=[], t=data.file_torrent;
if (!t)
for (i=0; row=data.file_rows[i]; ++i)
if (row.isEditable() && (torrent.getFile(i).wanted !== wanted))
if (row.isEditable() && (t.getFile(i).wanted !== s))
if (rows.length > 0)
changeFileCommand(wanted?'files-wanted':'files-unwanted', rows);
changeFileCommand(rows, s?'files-wanted':'files-unwanted');
changeFileCommand = function(rows, command) {
var torrentId = data.file_torrent.getId();
var rowIndices = $.map(rows.slice(0),function (row) {return row.getIndex();});
data.controller.changeFileCommand(torrentId, rowIndices, command);
onFileWantedToggled = function(row, want) {
changeFileCommand(want ? 'files-wanted' : 'files-unwanted', [row]);
changeFileCommand([row], want?'files-wanted':'files-unwanted');
onFilePriorityToggled = function(row, priority) {
@ -230,7 +228,7 @@ function Inspector(controller) {
case 1: command = 'priority-high'; break;
default: command = 'priority-normal'; break;
changeFileCommand(command, [ row ]);
changeFileCommand([row], command);
clearFileList = function() {

View file

@ -146,18 +146,14 @@ TransmissionRemote.prototype =
changeFileCommand: function(command, rows) {
var remote = this;
var torrent_ids = [ rows[0].getTorrent().getId() ];
var files = [];
for (var i=0, row; row=rows[i]; ++i)
var o = {
method: 'torrent-set',
arguments: { ids: torrent_ids }
o.arguments[command] = files;
this.sendRequest(o, function() {
changeFileCommand: function(torrentId, fileIndices, command) {
var remote = this,
args = { ids: [torrentId] };
args[command] = fileIndices;
arguments: args,
method: 'torrent-set'
}, function() {

View file

@ -1262,8 +1262,8 @@ Transmission.prototype =
this.remote.stopTorrents($.map(torrents.slice(0), function(t) {return t.getId();}),
this.refreshTorrents, this);
changeFileCommand: function(command, rows) {
this.remote.changeFileCommand(command, rows);
changeFileCommand: function(torrentId, rowIndices, command) {
this.remote.changeFileCommand(torrentId, rowIndices, command);
hideMobileAddressbar: function(delaySecs) {