mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 13:03:50 +00:00
Simplify the code a bit.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 15 additions and 44 deletions
@ -27,13 +27,9 @@
@interface Torrent (Private)
- (id) initWithPath: (NSString *) path lib: (tr_handle_t *) lib date: (NSDate *) date
stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *) stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit;
- (id) initWithHash: (NSString *) hashString path: (NSString *) path lib: (tr_handle_t *) lib
date: (NSDate *) date stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *) stopRatioSetting
ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit;
- (id) initForSuccessWithPath: (NSString *) path date: (NSDate *) date stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *)
stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit;
- (void) trashFile: (NSString *) path;
@ -49,7 +45,7 @@
fPrivateTorrent = [fDefaults boolForKey: @"SavePrivateTorrent"];
fPublicTorrent = !fPrivateTorrent || ![fDefaults boolForKey: @"DeleteOriginalTorrent"];
id torrent = [self initWithPath: path lib: lib date: nil
id torrent = [self initWithHash: nil path: path lib: lib date: nil
stopRatioSetting: nil ratioLimit: nil];
if (torrent)
@ -70,24 +66,18 @@
fDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
id torrent;
NSNumber * privateCopy, * publicCopy;
fPrivateTorrent = (privateCopy = [history objectForKey: @"PrivateCopy"]) && [privateCopy boolValue];
fPublicTorrent = !fPrivateTorrent || ((publicCopy = [history objectForKey: @"PublicCopy"])
&& [publicCopy boolValue]);
//load from saved torrent file if set to, otherwise try to load from where torrent file should be
if (fPrivateTorrent)
torrent = [self initWithHash: [history objectForKey: @"TorrentHash"]
path: [history objectForKey: @"TorrentPath"]
lib: lib date: [history objectForKey: @"Date"]
stopRatioSetting: [history objectForKey: @"StopRatioSetting"]
ratioLimit: [history objectForKey: @"RatioLimit"]];
torrent = [self initWithPath: [history objectForKey: @"TorrentPath"]
lib: lib date: [history objectForKey: @"Date"]
stopRatioSetting: [history objectForKey: @"StopRatioSetting"]
ratioLimit: [history objectForKey: @"RatioLimit"]];
id torrent;
torrent = [self initWithHash: [history objectForKey: @"TorrentHash"]
path: [history objectForKey: @"TorrentPath"]
lib: lib date: [history objectForKey: @"Date"]
stopRatioSetting: [history objectForKey: @"StopRatioSetting"]
ratioLimit: [history objectForKey: @"RatioLimit"]];
if (torrent)
@ -552,25 +542,6 @@
@implementation Torrent (Private)
- (id) initWithPath: (NSString *) path lib: (tr_handle_t *) lib date: (NSDate *) date
stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *) stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit
if (!(self = [super init]))
return nil;
fLib = lib;
int error;
if (!path || !(fHandle = tr_torrentInit(fLib, [path UTF8String],
fPrivateTorrent ? TR_FSAVEPRIVATE : 0, & error)))
[self release];
return nil;
return [self initForSuccessWithPath: path date: date stopRatioSetting: stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: ratioLimit];
- (id) initWithHash: (NSString *) hashString path: (NSString *) path lib: (tr_handle_t *) lib
date: (NSDate *) date stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *) stopRatioSetting
ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit
@ -581,18 +552,19 @@
fLib = lib;
int error;
if (!hashString || !(fHandle = tr_torrentInitSaved(fLib, [hashString UTF8String], TR_FSAVEPRIVATE, & error)))
if (hashString)
fHandle = tr_torrentInitSaved(fLib, [hashString UTF8String], TR_FSAVEPRIVATE, & error);
else if (path)
fHandle = tr_torrentInit(fLib, [path UTF8String], fPrivateTorrent ? TR_FSAVEPRIVATE : 0, & error);
fHandle = nil;
if (!fHandle)
[self release];
return nil;
return [self initForSuccessWithPath: path date: date stopRatioSetting: stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: ratioLimit];
- (id) initForSuccessWithPath: (NSString *) path date: (NSDate *) date stopRatioSetting: (NSNumber *)
stopRatioSetting ratioLimit: (NSNumber *) ratioLimit
fInfo = tr_torrentInfo( fHandle );
if (path)
@ -619,7 +591,6 @@
return self;
- (void) trashFile: (NSString *) path
if( ![[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] performFileOperation:
Reference in a new issue