Josh Elsasser
Display an unknown number of seeders or leechers as ? instead of -1.
2006-02-10 05:58:08 +00:00
Josh Elsasser
Show seeders and leechers in properties window.
Show ratio instead of download rate when torrent is finished.
2006-02-07 17:15:16 +00:00
Josh Elsasser
Rewrite error messages to be less unnecessarily verbose.
Only allow one instance of the preference window at a time.
Beat the dialogs with the GNOME HiG stick.
Handle missing .torrent files on startup better.
2006-02-05 17:33:57 +00:00
Josh Elsasser
Add internationalization support for the GTK GUI.
2006-02-04 18:03:05 +00:00
Josh Elsasser
Rename a few files now that we're using subversion and it's easy.
2006-01-30 16:05:18 +00:00