// This file Copyright © 2009-2023 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #pragma once #ifndef __TRANSMISSION__ #error only libtransmission should #include this header. #endif #include #include #include // size_t #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "block-info.h" #include "bitfield.h" /** * @brief knows which blocks and pieces we have */ struct tr_completion { struct torrent_view { virtual bool piece_is_wanted(tr_piece_index_t piece) const = 0; virtual ~torrent_view() = default; }; explicit tr_completion(torrent_view const* tor, tr_block_info const* block_info) : tor_{ tor } , block_info_{ block_info } , blocks_{ block_info_->block_count() } { blocks_.set_has_none(); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr tr_bitfield const& blocks() const noexcept { return blocks_; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool has_all() const noexcept { return has_metainfo() && blocks_.has_all(); } [[nodiscard]] TR_CONSTEXPR20 bool has_block(tr_block_index_t block) const { return blocks_.test(block); } [[nodiscard]] bool has_blocks(tr_block_span_t span) const { return blocks_.count(span.begin, span.end) == span.end - span.begin; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool has_none() const noexcept { return !has_metainfo() || blocks_.has_none(); } [[nodiscard]] bool has_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece) const { return block_info_->piece_size() != 0 && count_missing_blocks_in_piece(piece) == 0; } [[nodiscard]] constexpr uint64_t has_total() const noexcept { return size_now_; } [[nodiscard]] uint64_t has_valid() const; [[nodiscard]] auto left_until_done() const { return size_when_done() - has_total(); } [[nodiscard]] constexpr double percent_complete() const { auto const denom = block_info_->total_size(); return denom ? std::clamp(double(size_now_) / denom, 0.0, 1.0) : 0.0; } [[nodiscard]] double percent_done() const { auto const denom = size_when_done(); return denom ? std::clamp(double(size_now_) / denom, 0.0, 1.0) : 0.0; } [[nodiscard]] uint64_t size_when_done() const; [[nodiscard]] tr_completeness status() const { if (!has_metainfo()) { return TR_LEECH; } if (has_all()) { return TR_SEED; } if (size_now_ == size_when_done()) { return TR_PARTIAL_SEED; } return TR_LEECH; } [[nodiscard]] std::vector create_piece_bitfield() const; [[nodiscard]] size_t count_missing_blocks_in_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece) const { auto const [begin, end] = block_info_->block_span_for_piece(piece); return (end - begin) - blocks_.count(begin, end); } [[nodiscard]] size_t count_missing_bytes_in_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece) const { return block_info_->piece_size(piece) - count_has_bytes_in_piece(piece); } void amount_done(float* tab, size_t n_tabs) const; void add_block(tr_block_index_t block); void add_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece); void remove_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece); void set_has_piece(tr_piece_index_t i, bool has) { if (has) { add_piece(i); } else { remove_piece(i); } } void set_has_all() noexcept; void set_blocks(tr_bitfield blocks); void invalidate_size_when_done() { size_when_done_.reset(); } [[nodiscard]] uint64_t count_has_bytes_in_span(tr_byte_span_t) const; [[nodiscard]] constexpr bool has_metainfo() const noexcept { return !std::empty(blocks_); } private: [[nodiscard]] uint64_t compute_has_valid() const; [[nodiscard]] uint64_t compute_size_when_done() const; [[nodiscard]] uint64_t count_has_bytes_in_piece(tr_piece_index_t piece) const { return count_has_bytes_in_span(block_info_->byte_span_for_piece(piece)); } void remove_block(tr_block_index_t block); torrent_view const* tor_; tr_block_info const* block_info_; tr_bitfield blocks_{ 0 }; // Number of bytes we'll have when done downloading. [0..totalSize] // Mutable because lazy-calculated mutable std::optional size_when_done_; // Number of verified bytes we have right now. [0..totalSize] // Mutable because lazy-calculated mutable std::optional has_valid_; // Number of bytes we have now. [0..sizeWhenDone] uint64_t size_now_ = 0; };