// Except where noted, this file Copyright © 2010-2023 Johannes Lieder. // It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #include #include /* socket(), bind() */ #include /* sockaddr_in */ #endif #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" // for tr_rand_obj() #include "log.h" #include "net.h" #include "timer.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "tr-lpd.h" #include "utils.h" // for tr_net_init() #include "utils-ev.h" // for tr_net_init() using namespace std::literals; // Code in this namespace Copyright © 2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0-only), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0-only), MIT (SPDX: MIT), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. namespace { // opaque value, allowing the sending client to filter out its // own announces if it receives them via multicast loopback auto makeCookie() { static auto constexpr Pool = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"sv; auto buf = tr_rand_obj>(); for (auto& ch : buf) { ch = Pool[static_cast(ch) % std::size(Pool)]; } return std::string{ std::data(buf), std::size(buf) }; } constexpr char const* const McastGroup = ""; /**\r\n * Port: \r\n * Infohash: \r\n * cookie: \r\n * \r\n * \r\n * ``` * * An announce may contain multiple, consecutive Infohash headers * to announce the participation in more than one torrent. This * may not be supported by older implementations. When sending * multiple infohashes the packet length should not exceed 1400 * bytes to avoid MTU/fragmentation problems. */ auto makeAnnounceMsg(std::string_view cookie, tr_port port, std::string_view const* info_hash_strings, size_t n_strings) { static auto constexpr Major = 1; static auto constexpr Minor = 1; static auto constexpr CrLf = "\r\n"sv; auto ostr = std::ostringstream{}; ostr << "BT-SEARCH * HTTP/" << Major << '.' << Minor << CrLf // << "Host: " << McastGroup << ':' << McastPort.host() << CrLf // << "Port: " << port.host() << CrLf; for (size_t i = 0; i < n_strings; ++i) { ostr << "Infohash: " << tr_strupper(info_hash_strings[i]) << CrLf; } if (!std::empty(cookie)) { ostr << "cookie: " << cookie << CrLf; } ostr << CrLf << CrLf; return ostr.str(); } struct ParsedAnnounce { int major; int minor; tr_port port; std::vector info_hash_strings; std::string_view cookie; }; std::optional parseAnnounceMsg(std::string_view announce) { static auto constexpr CrLf = "\r\n"sv; auto ret = ParsedAnnounce{}; // get major, minor auto key = "BT-SEARCH * HTTP/"sv; if (auto const pos = announce.find(key); pos != std::string_view::npos) { // parse `${major}.${minor}` auto walk = announce.substr(pos + std::size(key)); if (auto const major = tr_parseNum(walk, &walk); major && tr_strvStartsWith(walk, '.')) { ret.major = *major; } else { return {}; } walk.remove_prefix(1); // the '.' between major and minor if (auto const minor = tr_parseNum(walk, &walk); minor && tr_strvStartsWith(walk, CrLf)) { ret.minor = *minor; } else { return {}; } } key = "Port: "sv; if (auto const pos = announce.find(key); pos != std::string_view::npos) { auto walk = announce.substr(pos + std::size(key)); if (auto const port = tr_parseNum(walk, &walk); port && tr_strvStartsWith(walk, CrLf)) { ret.port = tr_port::fromHost(*port); } else { return {}; } } key = "cookie: "sv; if (auto const pos = announce.find(key); pos != std::string_view::npos) { auto walk = announce.substr(pos + std::size(key)); if (auto const end = walk.find(CrLf); end != std::string_view::npos) { ret.cookie = walk.substr(0, end); } else { return {}; } } key = "Infohash: "sv; for (;;) { if (auto const pos = announce.find(key); pos != std::string_view::npos) { announce.remove_prefix(pos + std::size(key)); } else { break; } if (auto const end = announce.find(CrLf); end != std::string_view::npos) { ret.info_hash_strings.push_back(announce.substr(0, end)); announce.remove_prefix(end + std::size(CrLf)); } else { return {}; } } return ret; } } // namespace class tr_lpd_impl final : public tr_lpd { public: tr_lpd_impl(Mediator& mediator, struct event_base* event_base) : mediator_{ mediator } , announce_timer_{ mediator.timerMaker().create([this]() { announceUpkeep(); }) } , dos_timer_{ mediator.timerMaker().create([this]() { dosUpkeep(); }) } { if (!init(event_base)) { return; } announce_timer_->startRepeating(AnnounceInterval); announceUpkeep(); dos_timer_->startRepeating(DosInterval); dosUpkeep(); } tr_lpd_impl(tr_lpd_impl&&) = delete; tr_lpd_impl(tr_lpd_impl const&) = delete; tr_lpd_impl& operator=(tr_lpd_impl&&) = delete; tr_lpd_impl& operator=(tr_lpd_impl const&) = delete; ~tr_lpd_impl() override { event_.reset(); if (mcast_rcv_socket_ != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { evutil_closesocket(mcast_rcv_socket_); } if (mcast_snd_socket_ != TR_BAD_SOCKET) { evutil_closesocket(mcast_snd_socket_); } tr_logAddTrace("Done uninitialising Local Peer Discovery"); } private: bool init(struct event_base* event_base) { if (initImpl(event_base)) { return true; } auto const err = sockerrno; evutil_closesocket(mcast_rcv_socket_); evutil_closesocket(mcast_snd_socket_); mcast_rcv_socket_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET; mcast_snd_socket_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET; tr_logAddWarn(fmt::format( _("Couldn't initialize LPD: {error} ({error_code})"), fmt::arg("error", tr_strerror(err)), fmt::arg("error_code", err))); return false; } /** * @brief Initializes Local Peer Discovery for this node * * For the most part, this means setting up an appropriately configured multicast socket * and event-based message handling. * * @remark Since the LPD service does not use another protocol family yet, this code is * IPv4 only for the time being. */ bool initImpl(struct event_base* event_base) { tr_net_init(); int const opt_on = 1; static_assert(AnnounceScope > 0); tr_logAddDebug("Initialising Local Peer Discovery"); /* setup datagram socket (receive) */ { mcast_rcv_socket_ = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (mcast_rcv_socket_ == TR_BAD_SOCKET) { return false; } if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(mcast_rcv_socket_) == -1) { return false; } if (setsockopt( mcast_rcv_socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, reinterpret_cast(&opt_on), sizeof(opt_on)) == -1) { return false; } #if HAVE_SO_REUSEPORT if (setsockopt( mcast_rcv_socket_, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT, reinterpret_cast(&opt_on), sizeof(opt_on)) == -1) { return false; } #endif mcast_addr_ = {}; mcast_addr_.sin_family = AF_INET; mcast_addr_.sin_port = McastPort.network(); mcast_addr_.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (bind(mcast_rcv_socket_, reinterpret_cast(&mcast_addr_), sizeof(mcast_addr_)) == -1) { return false; } if (evutil_inet_pton(mcast_addr_.sin_family, McastGroup, &mcast_addr_.sin_addr) == -1) { return false; } /* we want to join that LPD multicast group */ struct ip_mreq mcast_req = {}; mcast_req.imr_multiaddr = mcast_addr_.sin_addr; mcast_req.imr_interface.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; if (setsockopt( mcast_rcv_socket_, IPPROTO_IP, IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, reinterpret_cast(&mcast_req), sizeof(struct ip_mreq)) == -1) { return false; } } /* setup datagram socket (send) */ { unsigned char const scope = AnnounceScope; mcast_snd_socket_ = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (mcast_snd_socket_ == TR_BAD_SOCKET) { return false; } if (evutil_make_socket_nonblocking(mcast_snd_socket_) == -1) { return false; } /* configure outbound multicast TTL */ if (setsockopt( mcast_snd_socket_, IPPROTO_IP, IP_MULTICAST_TTL, reinterpret_cast(&scope), sizeof(scope)) == -1) { return false; } } /* Note: lpd_unsolicitedMsgCounter remains 0 until the first timeout event, thus * any announcement received during the initial interval will be discarded. */ event_.reset(event_new(event_base, mcast_rcv_socket_, EV_READ | EV_PERSIST, event_callback, this)); event_add(event_.get(), nullptr); tr_logAddDebug("Local Peer Discovery initialised"); return true; } /** * @brief Processing of timeout notifications and incoming data on the socket * @note maximum rate of read events is limited according to @a lpd_maxAnnounceCap * @see DoS */ static void event_callback(evutil_socket_t /*s*/, short type, void* vself) { if ((type & EV_READ) != 0) { static_cast(vself)->onCanRead(); } } void onCanRead() { if (!mediator_.allowsLPD()) { return; } // process announcement from foreign peer struct sockaddr_in foreign_addr = {}; auto addr_len = socklen_t{ sizeof(foreign_addr) }; auto foreign_msg = std::array{}; auto const res = recvfrom( mcast_rcv_socket_, std::data(foreign_msg), MaxDatagramLength, 0, reinterpret_cast(&foreign_addr), &addr_len); // If we couldn't read it or it was too big, discard it if (res < 1 || static_cast(res) > MaxDatagramLength) { return; } // If it doesn't look like a BEP14 message, discard it auto const msg = std::string_view{ std::data(foreign_msg), static_cast(res) }; if (static auto constexpr SearchKey = "BT-SEARCH * HTTP/"sv; msg.find(SearchKey) == std::string_view::npos) { return; } // If we're receiving too many, discard it if (++messages_received_since_upkeep_ > MaxIncomingPerUpkeep) { return; } // If it's an invalid message or the wrong protocol version, discard it. // Note this comes *after* incrementing the count since there is some // small CPU overhead in parsing, so don't do it for *every* message auto const parsed = parseAnnounceMsg(msg); if (!parsed || parsed->major != 1 || parsed->minor < 1 || parsed->cookie == cookie_) { tr_logAddTrace("Discarded invalid multicast message"); return; } auto peer_addr = tr_address{}; peer_addr.addr.addr4 = foreign_addr.sin_addr; for (auto const& hash_string : parsed->info_hash_strings) { if (!mediator_.onPeerFound(hash_string, peer_addr, parsed->port)) { tr_logAddDebug(fmt::format(FMT_STRING("Cannot serve torrent #{:s}"), hash_string)); } } } void announceUpkeep() { if (!mediator_.allowsLPD()) { return; } auto torrents = mediator_.torrents(); // remove torrents that don't need to be announced auto const now = tr_time(); auto const needs_announce = [&now](auto& info) { return info.allows_lpd && (info.activity == TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD || info.activity == TR_STATUS_SEED) && (info.announce_after < now); }; torrents.erase( std::remove_if(std::begin(torrents), std::end(torrents), std::not_fn(needs_announce)), std::end(torrents)); if (std::empty(torrents)) { return; } // prioritize the remaining torrents std::sort( std::begin(torrents), std::end(torrents), [](auto const& a, auto const& b) { if (a.activity != b.activity) { return a.activity < b.activity; } if (a.announce_after != b.announce_after) { return a.announce_after < b.announce_after; } return false; }); // cram in as many as will fit in a message auto const baseline_size = std::size(makeAnnounceMsg(cookie_, mediator_.port(), nullptr, 0)); auto const size_with_one = std::size(makeAnnounceMsg(cookie_, mediator_.port(), &torrents.front().info_hash_str, 1)); auto const size_per_hash = size_with_one - baseline_size; auto const max_torrents_per_announce = (MaxDatagramLength - baseline_size) / size_per_hash; auto info_hash_strings = std::vector{}; info_hash_strings.resize(std::min(std::size(torrents), max_torrents_per_announce)); std::transform( std::begin(torrents), std::begin(torrents) + std::size(info_hash_strings), std::begin(info_hash_strings), [](auto const& tor) { return tor.info_hash_str; }); if (!sendAnnounce(std::data(info_hash_strings), std::size(info_hash_strings))) { return; } auto const next_announce_after = now + TorrentAnnounceIntervalSec; for (auto const& info_hash_string : info_hash_strings) { mediator_.setNextAnnounceTime(info_hash_string, next_announce_after); } } void dosUpkeep() { if (messages_received_since_upkeep_ > MaxIncomingPerUpkeep) { tr_logAddTrace(fmt::format( "Dropped {} announces in the last interval (max. {} allowed)", messages_received_since_upkeep_ - MaxIncomingPerUpkeep, MaxIncomingPerUpkeep)); } messages_received_since_upkeep_ = 0; } /** * @brief Announce the given torrent on the local network * * @return Returns a success flag * * Send a query for torrent t out to the LPD multicast group (or the LAN, for that * matter). A listening client on the same network might react by adding us to his * peer pool for torrent t. */ bool sendAnnounce(std::string_view const* info_hash_strings, size_t n_strings) { auto const announce = makeAnnounceMsg(cookie_, mediator_.port(), info_hash_strings, n_strings); TR_ASSERT(std::size(announce) <= MaxDatagramLength); auto const res = sendto( mcast_snd_socket_, std::data(announce), std::size(announce), 0, reinterpret_cast(&mcast_addr_), sizeof(mcast_addr_)); auto const sent = res == static_cast(std::size(announce)); return sent; } std::string const cookie_ = makeCookie(); Mediator& mediator_; tr_socket_t mcast_rcv_socket_ = TR_BAD_SOCKET; /** announce_timer_; // Flood Protection: // To protect against message flooding, stop processing search messages // after processing N per upkeep. If we hit that limit, we're either // in a *very* crowded multicast group or a hostile host is sending us // bogus data. Better to drop a few packets than get DoS'ed. static auto constexpr DosInterval = 5s; std::unique_ptr dos_timer_; static auto constexpr MaxIncomingPerSecond = int{ 10 }; static auto constexpr MaxIncomingPerUpkeep = std::chrono::duration_cast(DosInterval).count() * MaxIncomingPerSecond; // @brief throw away messages after this number exceeds MaxIncomingPerUpkeep size_t messages_received_since_upkeep_ = 0U; static auto constexpr TorrentAnnounceIntervalSec = time_t{ 240U }; // how frequently to reannounce the same torrent static auto constexpr TtlSameSubnet = int{ 1 }; static auto constexpr AnnounceScope = int{ TtlSameSubnet }; /** tr_lpd::create(Mediator& mediator, struct event_base* event_base) { return std::make_unique(mediator, event_base); }