# 1. General Help # New to Transmission? * Try the Help in Transmission's "Help" menu. * simplehelp.net has an introduction for [Transmission on Macs](http://www.simplehelp.net/2008/07/17/how-to-use-transmission-as-your-bittorrent-client-os-x/). * Jun Azua has an introduction for [Transmission GUI on Linux](http://www.junauza.com/2009/01/how-to-use-bittorrent-in-linux.html). * Running Transmission [without a GUI](HeadlessUsage) * Using Transmission [from a web browser](Web Interface) Want to learn more? * Visit our [forums](https://forum.transmissionbt.com) * Visit our [IRC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IRC) channel: [#transmission on Libera](http://irc.libera.chat/transmission) * Follow us on [twitter](https://twitter.com/transmissionbt) Want to contribute? Much of this documentation is out-of-date or could be improved. Pull requests are greatly appreciated! # 2. More Documentation # * [Configuration Files](./Configuration-Files.md) * [Editing Configuration Files](./Editing-Configuration-Files.md) * [Environment Variables](Environment-Variables.md) * [Extending Transmission using Scripts](./Scripts.md) * [Blocklists](./Blocklists.md) * [How to build Transmission](Building-Transmission.md) * [RPC Protocol Specification](rpc-spec.md) * [Transmisson's Peer ID and User-Agent headers](Peer-ID-and-User-Agent.md) * [Peer Status Text explained](Peer-Status-Text.md) # 3. Report a problem / request a feature # * [Check](https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues) whether the problem has already been reported. * If you don't see a ticket matching your problem or feature, read [this post](https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3274) about what to write, then [add a new ticket](https://github.com/transmission/transmission/issues/new). * If you _do_ see an existing ticket, please add a comment there. The more users interested in a ticket, the higher priority it's given. # 4. For Contributors # Transmission is a volunteer project and welcomes help. Please contact us if you are interested in supporting Transmission in any of the following ways: * Code contribution * Testing * [Language Translations](Translating) * Bug and request management * Documentation and Wiki Editing * [Donations](https://transmissionbt.com/donate/) * If you want to alert us to a security vulnerability, please email security@transmissionbt.com. Please note that general support questions belong on the forum, and will be ignored if sent to this email.