Transmission is fundamentally a Bit Torrent client and communicates with other Bit Torrent peers. In addition to this Transmission supports network-based remote control, whereby an authorised user may control the Transmission core from another machine via the [Transmission JSON RPC protocol]( To make remote control easier from an arbitrary machine, Transmission Core can also serve a javascript web application to any browser and which in turn makes JSON RPC calls back to the Transmission core. The Core components and methods of control are shown below: ![Architecture]( From the above diagram it can be seen that a Transmission Core may be controlled by the following: * _Local_ directly linked GUI (OS X, GTK+) * _Local_ or _Remote_ Qt GUI * _Local_ or _Remote_ Command Line Utility * _Local_ or _Remote_ Transmission Web Application running in a web browser The multiple methods of controlling Transmission and the various native GUIs available result in several different Transmission products as shown in the figure below: ![Products]( The products are: * Transmission Desktop - OS X * Transmission Desktop - Windows, Linux/Qt * Transmission Desktop - Linux/GTK+ * Transmission Daemon (headless) * Transmission Command Line The Transmission packages available on various distributions may include one or more of these components. Note. Although the diagram shows "Transmission Desktop Qt" as being Qt GUI + Transmission Core, the Qt component may be packaged on its own as a purely remote tool.