/* * This file Copyright (C) Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2 (b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include /* fabs() */ #include #include #include /* EILSEQ, EINVAL */ #include /* evbuffer_add() */ #include /* evutil_strtoll () */ #define JSONSL_STATE_USER_FIELDS /* no fields */ #include "jsonsl.h" #include "jsonsl.c" #define __LIBTRANSMISSION_VARIANT_MODULE___ #include "transmission.h" #include "ConvertUTF.h" #include "list.h" #include "log.h" #include "ptrarray.h" #include "utils.h" #include "variant.h" #include "variant-common.h" /* arbitrary value... this is much deeper than our code goes */ #define MAX_DEPTH 64 struct json_wrapper_data { int error; bool has_content; tr_variant * top; const char * key; size_t keylen; struct evbuffer * keybuf; struct evbuffer * strbuf; const char * source; tr_ptrArray stack; }; static tr_variant* get_node (struct jsonsl_st * jsn) { tr_variant * parent; tr_variant * node = NULL; struct json_wrapper_data * data = jsn->data; parent = tr_ptrArrayEmpty (&data->stack) ? NULL : tr_ptrArrayBack (&data->stack); if (!parent) { node = data->top; } else if (tr_variantIsList (parent)) { node = tr_variantListAdd (parent); } else if (tr_variantIsDict (parent) && (data->key!=NULL)) { node = tr_variantDictAdd (parent, tr_quark_new (data->key, data->keylen)); data->key = NULL; data->keylen = 0; } return node; } static void error_handler (jsonsl_t jsn, jsonsl_error_t error, struct jsonsl_state_st * state UNUSED, const jsonsl_char_t * buf) { struct json_wrapper_data * data = jsn->data; if (data->source) { tr_logAddError ("JSON parse failed in %s at pos %"TR_PRIuSIZE": %s -- remaining text \"%.16s\"", data->source, jsn->pos, jsonsl_strerror (error), buf); } else { tr_logAddError ("JSON parse failed at pos %"TR_PRIuSIZE": %s -- remaining text \"%.16s\"", jsn->pos, jsonsl_strerror (error), buf); } data->error = EILSEQ; } static int error_callback (jsonsl_t jsn, jsonsl_error_t error, struct jsonsl_state_st * state, jsonsl_char_t * at) { error_handler (jsn, error, state, at); return 0; /* bail */ } static void action_callback_PUSH (jsonsl_t jsn, jsonsl_action_t action UNUSED, struct jsonsl_state_st * state, const jsonsl_char_t * buf UNUSED) { tr_variant * node; struct json_wrapper_data * data = jsn->data; switch (state->type) { case JSONSL_T_LIST: data->has_content = true; node = get_node (jsn); tr_variantInitList (node, 0); tr_ptrArrayAppend (&data->stack, node); break; case JSONSL_T_OBJECT: data->has_content = true; node = get_node (jsn); tr_variantInitDict (node, 0); tr_ptrArrayAppend (&data->stack, node); break; default: /* nothing else interesting on push */ break; } } /* like sscanf(in+2, "%4x", &val) but less slow */ static bool decode_hex_string (const char * in, unsigned int * setme) { unsigned int val = 0; const char * const end = in + 6; assert (in != NULL); assert (in[0] == '\\'); assert (in[1] == 'u'); in += 2; do { val <<= 4; if (('0'<=*in) && (*in<='9')) val += (*in-'0'); else if (('a'<=*in) && (*in<='f')) val += (*in-'a') + 10u; else if (('A'<=*in) && (*in<='F')) val += (*in-'A') + 10u; else return false; } while (++in != end); *setme = val; return true; } static char* extract_escaped_string (const char * in, size_t in_len, size_t * len, struct evbuffer * buf) { const char * const in_end = in + in_len; evbuffer_drain (buf, evbuffer_get_length (buf)); while (in < in_end) { bool unescaped = false; if (*in=='\\' && in_end-in>=2) { switch (in[1]) { case 'b' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\b", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case 'f' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\f", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case 'n' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\n", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case 'r' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\r", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case 't' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\t", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case '/' : evbuffer_add (buf, "/" , 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case '"' : evbuffer_add (buf, "\"" , 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case '\\': evbuffer_add (buf, "\\", 1); in+=2; unescaped = true; break; case 'u': { if (in_end - in >= 6) { unsigned int val = 0; if (decode_hex_string (in, &val)) { UTF32 str32_buf[2] = { val, 0 }; const UTF32 * str32_walk = str32_buf; const UTF32 * str32_end = str32_buf + 1; UTF8 str8_buf[8] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; UTF8 * str8_walk = str8_buf; UTF8 * str8_end = str8_buf + 8; if (ConvertUTF32toUTF8 (&str32_walk, str32_end, &str8_walk, str8_end, 0) == 0) { const size_t len = str8_walk - str8_buf; evbuffer_add (buf, str8_buf, len); unescaped = true; } in += 6; break; } } } } } if (!unescaped) { evbuffer_add (buf, in, 1); ++in; } } *len = evbuffer_get_length (buf); return (char*) evbuffer_pullup (buf, -1); } static const char * extract_string (jsonsl_t jsn, struct jsonsl_state_st * state, size_t * len, struct evbuffer * buf) { const char * ret; const char * in_begin; const char * in_end; size_t in_len; /* figure out where the string is */ in_begin = jsn->base + state->pos_begin; if (*in_begin == '"') in_begin++; in_end = jsn->base + state->pos_cur; in_len = in_end - in_begin; if (memchr (in_begin, '\\', in_len) == NULL) { /* it's not escaped */ ret = in_begin; *len = in_len; } else { ret = extract_escaped_string (in_begin, in_len, len, buf); } return ret; } static void action_callback_POP (jsonsl_t jsn, jsonsl_action_t action UNUSED, struct jsonsl_state_st * state, const jsonsl_char_t * buf UNUSED) { struct json_wrapper_data * data = jsn->data; if (state->type == JSONSL_T_STRING) { size_t len; const char * str = extract_string (jsn, state, &len, data->strbuf); tr_variantInitStr (get_node (jsn), str, len); data->has_content = true; } else if (state->type == JSONSL_T_HKEY) { data->has_content = true; data->key = extract_string (jsn, state, &data->keylen, data->keybuf); } else if ((state->type == JSONSL_T_LIST) || (state->type == JSONSL_T_OBJECT)) { tr_ptrArrayPop (&data->stack); } else if (state->type == JSONSL_T_SPECIAL) { if (state->special_flags & JSONSL_SPECIALf_NUMNOINT) { const char * begin = jsn->base + state->pos_begin; data->has_content = true; tr_variantInitReal (get_node (jsn), strtod (begin, NULL)); } else if (state->special_flags & JSONSL_SPECIALf_NUMERIC) { const char * begin = jsn->base + state->pos_begin; data->has_content = true; tr_variantInitInt (get_node (jsn), evutil_strtoll (begin, NULL, 10)); } else if (state->special_flags & JSONSL_SPECIALf_BOOLEAN) { const bool b = (state->special_flags & JSONSL_SPECIALf_TRUE) != 0; data->has_content = true; tr_variantInitBool (get_node (jsn), b); } else if (state->special_flags & JSONSL_SPECIALf_NULL) { data->has_content = true; tr_variantInitQuark (get_node (jsn), TR_KEY_NONE); } } } int tr_jsonParse (const char * source, const void * vbuf, size_t len, tr_variant * setme_variant, const char ** setme_end) { int error; jsonsl_t jsn; struct json_wrapper_data data; jsn = jsonsl_new (MAX_DEPTH); jsn->action_callback_PUSH = action_callback_PUSH; jsn->action_callback_POP = action_callback_POP; jsn->error_callback = error_callback; jsn->data = &data; jsonsl_enable_all_callbacks (jsn); data.error = 0; data.has_content = false; data.key = NULL; data.top = setme_variant; data.stack = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; data.source = source; data.keybuf = evbuffer_new (); data.strbuf = evbuffer_new (); /* parse it */ jsonsl_feed (jsn, vbuf, len); /* EINVAL if there was no content */ if (!data.error && !data.has_content) data.error = EINVAL; /* maybe set the end ptr */ if (setme_end) *setme_end = ((const char*)vbuf) + jsn->pos; /* cleanup */ error = data.error; evbuffer_free (data.keybuf); evbuffer_free (data.strbuf); tr_ptrArrayDestruct (&data.stack, NULL); jsonsl_destroy (jsn); return error; } /**** ***** ****/ struct ParentState { int variantType; int childIndex; int childCount; }; struct jsonWalk { bool doIndent; tr_list * parents; struct evbuffer * out; }; static void jsonIndent (struct jsonWalk * data) { static char buf[1024] = { '\0' }; if (!*buf) { memset (buf, ' ', sizeof(buf)); buf[0] = '\n'; } if (data->doIndent) evbuffer_add (data->out, buf, tr_list_size(data->parents)*4 + 1); } static void jsonChildFunc (struct jsonWalk * data) { if (data->parents && data->parents->data) { struct ParentState * pstate = data->parents->data; switch (pstate->variantType) { case TR_VARIANT_TYPE_DICT: { const int i = pstate->childIndex++; if (! (i % 2)) { evbuffer_add (data->out, ": ", data->doIndent ? 2 : 1); } else { const bool isLast = pstate->childIndex == pstate->childCount; if (!isLast) { evbuffer_add (data->out, ", ", data->doIndent ? 2 : 1); jsonIndent (data); } } break; } case TR_VARIANT_TYPE_LIST: { const bool isLast = ++pstate->childIndex == pstate->childCount; if (!isLast) { evbuffer_add (data->out, ", ", data->doIndent ? 2 : 1); jsonIndent (data); } break; } default: break; } } } static void jsonPushParent (struct jsonWalk * data, const tr_variant * v) { struct ParentState * pstate = tr_new (struct ParentState, 1); pstate->variantType = v->type; pstate->childIndex = 0; pstate->childCount = v->val.l.count; if (tr_variantIsDict (v)) pstate->childCount *= 2; tr_list_prepend (&data->parents, pstate); } static void jsonPopParent (struct jsonWalk * data) { tr_free (tr_list_pop_front (&data->parents)); } static void jsonIntFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; evbuffer_add_printf (data->out, "%" PRId64, val->val.i); jsonChildFunc (data); } static void jsonBoolFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; if (val->val.b) evbuffer_add (data->out, "true", 4); else evbuffer_add (data->out, "false", 5); jsonChildFunc (data); } static void jsonRealFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; if (fabs (val->val.d - (int)val->val.d) < 0.00001) evbuffer_add_printf (data->out, "%d", (int)val->val.d); else evbuffer_add_printf (data->out, "%.4f", tr_truncd (val->val.d, 4)); jsonChildFunc (data); } static void jsonStringFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { char * out; char * outwalk; char * outend; struct evbuffer_iovec vec[1]; struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; const char * str; size_t len; const unsigned char * it; const unsigned char * end; tr_variantGetStr (val, &str, &len); it = (const unsigned char *) str; end = it + len; evbuffer_reserve_space (data->out, len * 4, vec, 1); out = vec[0].iov_base; outend = out + vec[0].iov_len; outwalk = out; *outwalk++ = '"'; for (; it!=end; ++it) { switch (*it) { case '\b': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = 'b'; break; case '\f': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = 'f'; break; case '\n': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = 'n'; break; case '\r': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = 'r'; break; case '\t': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = 't'; break; case '"' : *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = '"'; break; case '\\': *outwalk++ = '\\'; *outwalk++ = '\\'; break; default: if (isascii (*it)) { *outwalk++ = *it; } else { const UTF8 * tmp = it; UTF32 buf[1] = { 0 }; UTF32 * u32 = buf; ConversionResult result = ConvertUTF8toUTF32 (&tmp, end, &u32, buf + 1, 0); if (((result==conversionOK) || (result==targetExhausted)) && (tmp!=it)) { outwalk += tr_snprintf (outwalk, outend-outwalk, "\\u%04x", (unsigned int)buf[0]); it = tmp - 1; } } break; } } *outwalk++ = '"'; vec[0].iov_len = outwalk - out; evbuffer_commit_space (data->out, vec, 1); jsonChildFunc (data); } static void jsonDictBeginFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; jsonPushParent (data, val); evbuffer_add (data->out, "{", 1); if (val->val.l.count) jsonIndent (data); } static void jsonListBeginFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { const size_t nChildren = tr_variantListSize (val); struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; jsonPushParent (data, val); evbuffer_add (data->out, "[", 1); if (nChildren) jsonIndent (data); } static void jsonContainerEndFunc (const tr_variant * val, void * vdata) { struct jsonWalk * data = vdata; int emptyContainer = false; jsonPopParent (data); if (!emptyContainer) jsonIndent (data); if (tr_variantIsDict (val)) evbuffer_add (data->out, "}", 1); else /* list */ evbuffer_add (data->out, "]", 1); jsonChildFunc (data); } static const struct VariantWalkFuncs walk_funcs = { jsonIntFunc, jsonBoolFunc, jsonRealFunc, jsonStringFunc, jsonDictBeginFunc, jsonListBeginFunc, jsonContainerEndFunc }; void tr_variantToBufJson (const tr_variant * top, struct evbuffer * buf, bool lean) { struct jsonWalk data; data.doIndent = !lean; data.out = buf; data.parents = NULL; tr_variantWalk (top, &walk_funcs, &data, true); if (evbuffer_get_length (buf)) evbuffer_add_printf (buf, "\n"); }