/* * This file Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * * $Id$ */ #ifndef TR_CRYPTO_UTILS_H #define TR_CRYPTO_UTILS_H #include #include #include "transmission.h" /* SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH */ #include "utils.h" /* TR_GNUC_MALLOC, TR_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED */ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** *** @addtogroup utils Utilities *** @{ **/ /** @brief Opaque SHA1 context type. */ typedef void * tr_sha1_ctx_t; /** @brief Opaque RC4 context type. */ typedef void * tr_rc4_ctx_t; /** @brief Opaque DH context type. */ typedef void * tr_dh_ctx_t; /** @brief Opaque DH secret key type. */ typedef void * tr_dh_secret_t; /** * @brief Generate a SHA1 hash from one or more chunks of memory. */ bool tr_sha1 (uint8_t * hash, const void * data1, int data1_length, ...) TR_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED; /** * @brief Allocate and initialize new SHA1 hasher context. */ tr_sha1_ctx_t tr_sha1_init (void); /** * @brief Update SHA1 hash. */ bool tr_sha1_update (tr_sha1_ctx_t handle, const void * data, size_t data_length); /** * @brief Finalize and export SHA1 hash, free hasher context. */ bool tr_sha1_final (tr_sha1_ctx_t handle, uint8_t * hash); /** * @brief Allocate and initialize new RC4 cipher context. */ tr_rc4_ctx_t tr_rc4_new (void); /** * @brief Free RC4 cipher context. */ void tr_rc4_free (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle); /** * @brief Set RC4 cipher key. */ void tr_rc4_set_key (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle, const uint8_t * key, size_t key_length); /** * @brief Process memory block with RC4 cipher. */ void tr_rc4_process (tr_rc4_ctx_t handle, const void * input, void * output, size_t length); /** * @brief Allocate and initialize new Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange context. */ tr_dh_ctx_t tr_dh_new (const uint8_t * prime_num, size_t prime_num_length, const uint8_t * generator_num, size_t generator_num_length); /** * @brief Free DH key exchange context. */ void tr_dh_free (tr_dh_ctx_t handle); /** * @brief Generate private and public DH keys, export public key. */ bool tr_dh_make_key (tr_dh_ctx_t handle, size_t private_key_length, uint8_t * public_key, size_t * public_key_length); /** * @brief Perform DH key exchange, generate secret key. */ tr_dh_secret_t tr_dh_agree (tr_dh_ctx_t handle, const uint8_t * other_public_key, size_t other_public_key_length); /** * @brief Calculate SHA1 hash of DH secret key, prepending and/or appending * given data to the key during calculation. */ bool tr_dh_secret_derive (tr_dh_secret_t handle, const void * prepend_data, size_t prepend_data_size, const void * append_data, size_t append_data_size, uint8_t * hash); /** * @brief Free DH secret key returned by @ref tr_dh_agree. */ void tr_dh_secret_free (tr_dh_secret_t handle); /** * @brief Align DH key (big-endian number) to required length (internal, do not use). */ void tr_dh_align_key (uint8_t * key_buffer, size_t key_size, size_t buffer_size); /** * @brief Returns a random number in the range of [0...upper_bound). */ int tr_rand_int (int upper_bound); /** * @brief Returns a pseudorandom number in the range of [0...upper_bound). * * This is faster, BUT WEAKER, than tr_rand_int () and never be used in sensitive cases. * @see tr_rand_int () */ int tr_rand_int_weak (int upper_bound); /** * @brief Fill a buffer with random bytes. */ bool tr_rand_buffer (void * buffer, size_t length); /** * @brief Generate a SSHA password from its plaintext source. */ char * tr_ssha1 (const char * plain_text) TR_GNUC_MALLOC; /** * @brief Validate a test password against the a ssha1 password. */ bool tr_ssha1_matches (const char * ssha1, const char * plain_text); /** * @brief Translate a block of bytes into base64. * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free () */ void * tr_base64_encode (const void * input, size_t input_length, size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC; /** * @brief Translate null-terminated string into base64. * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free () */ void * tr_base64_encode_str (const char * input, size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC; /** * @brief Translate a block of bytes from base64 into raw form. * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free () */ void * tr_base64_decode (const void * input, size_t input_length, size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC; /** * @brief Translate null-terminated string from base64 into raw form. * @return a newly-allocated null-terminated string that can be freed with tr_free () */ void * tr_base64_decode_str (const char * input, size_t * output_length) TR_GNUC_MALLOC; /** * @brief Wrapper around tr_binary_to_hex () for SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH. */ static inline void tr_sha1_to_hex (char * hex, const uint8_t * sha1) { tr_binary_to_hex (sha1, hex, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } /** * @brief Wrapper around tr_hex_to_binary () for SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH. */ static inline void tr_hex_to_sha1 (uint8_t * sha1, const char * hex) { tr_hex_to_binary (hex, sha1, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); } /** @} */ #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif /* TR_CRYPTO_UTILS_H */