/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "formatter.h" #include "hig.h" #include "prefs.h" #include "prefs-dialog.h" #include "qticonloader.h" #include "session.h" #include "utils.h" /*** **** ***/ namespace { const char * PREF_KEY( "pref-key" ); }; void PrefsDialog :: checkBoxToggled( bool checked ) { const int key( sender( )->property( PREF_KEY ).toInt( ) ); myPrefs.set( key, checked ); } QCheckBox * PrefsDialog :: checkBoxNew( const QString& text, int key ) { QCheckBox * box = new QCheckBox( text ); box->setChecked( myPrefs.getBool( key ) ); box->setProperty( PREF_KEY, key ); connect( box, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(checkBoxToggled(bool))); myWidgets.insert( key, box ); return box; } void PrefsDialog :: enableBuddyWhenChecked( QCheckBox * box, QWidget * buddy ) { connect( box, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), buddy, SLOT(setEnabled(bool)) ); buddy->setEnabled( box->isChecked( ) ); } void PrefsDialog :: spinBoxChangedIdle( ) { const QObject * spin( sender()->property( "SPIN" ).value( ) ); const int key = spin->property( PREF_KEY ).toInt( ); const QDoubleSpinBox * d = qobject_cast( spin ); if( d != 0 ) myPrefs.set( key, d->value( ) ); else myPrefs.set( key, qobject_cast(spin)->value( ) ); } void PrefsDialog :: spinBoxChanged( int value ) { Q_UNUSED( value ); static const QString timerName( "TIMER_CHILD" ); QObject * o( sender( ) ); // user may be spinning through many values, so let's hold off // for a moment to kekep from flooding a bunch of prefs changes QTimer * timer( o->findChild( timerName ) ); if( timer == 0 ) { timer = new QTimer( o ); timer->setObjectName( timerName ); timer->setSingleShot( true ); timer->setProperty( "SPIN", qVariantFromValue( o ) ); connect( timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(spinBoxChangedIdle())); } timer->start( 200 ); } QSpinBox * PrefsDialog :: spinBoxNew( int key, int low, int high, int step ) { QSpinBox * spin = new QSpinBox( ); spin->setRange( low, high ); spin->setSingleStep( step ); spin->setValue( myPrefs.getInt( key ) ); spin->setProperty( PREF_KEY, key ); connect( spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(spinBoxChanged(int))); myWidgets.insert( key, spin ); return spin; } void PrefsDialog :: doubleSpinBoxChanged( double value ) { Q_UNUSED( value ); spinBoxChanged( 0 ); } QDoubleSpinBox * PrefsDialog :: doubleSpinBoxNew( int key, double low, double high, double step, int decimals ) { QDoubleSpinBox * spin = new QDoubleSpinBox( ); spin->setRange( low, high ); spin->setSingleStep( step ); spin->setDecimals( decimals ); spin->setProperty( PREF_KEY, key ); connect( spin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(doubleSpinBoxChanged(double))); myWidgets.insert( key, spin ); return spin; } void PrefsDialog :: timeChanged( const QTime& time ) { const int key( sender()->property( PREF_KEY ).toInt( ) ); const int seconds( QTime().secsTo( time ) ); myPrefs.set( key, seconds / 60 ); } QTimeEdit* PrefsDialog :: timeEditNew( int key ) { const int minutes( myPrefs.getInt( key ) ); QTimeEdit * e = new QTimeEdit( ); e->setDisplayFormat( "hh:mm" ); e->setProperty( PREF_KEY, key ); e->setTime( QTime().addSecs( minutes * 60 ) ); myWidgets.insert( key, e ); connect( e, SIGNAL(timeChanged(const QTime&)), this, SLOT(timeChanged(const QTime&)) ); return e; } void PrefsDialog :: textChanged( const QString& text ) { const int key( sender()->property( PREF_KEY ).toInt( ) ); myPrefs.set( key, text ); } QLineEdit* PrefsDialog :: lineEditNew( int key, int echoMode ) { QLineEdit * e = new QLineEdit( myPrefs.getString( key ) ); e->setProperty( PREF_KEY, key ); e->setEchoMode( QLineEdit::EchoMode( echoMode ) ); myWidgets.insert( key, e ); connect( e, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString&)), this, SLOT(textChanged(const QString&)) ); return e; } /*** **** ***/ QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createTrackerTab( ) { QWidget *l, *r; HIG * hig = new HIG( ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Tracker Proxy" ) ); hig->addWideControl( l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Connect to tracker via a pro&xy" ), Prefs::PROXY_ENABLED ) ); myUnsupportedWhenRemote << l; l = hig->addRow( tr( "Proxy &server:" ), r = lineEditNew( Prefs::PROXY ) ); myProxyWidgets << l << r; l = hig->addRow( tr( "Proxy &port:" ), r = spinBoxNew( Prefs::PROXY_PORT, 1, 65535, 1 ) ); myProxyWidgets << l << r; hig->addWideControl( l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Use &authentication" ), Prefs::PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED ) ); myProxyWidgets << l; l = hig->addRow( tr( "&Username:" ), r = lineEditNew( Prefs::PROXY_USERNAME ) ); myProxyAuthWidgets << l << r; l = hig->addRow( tr( "Pass&word:" ), r = lineEditNew( Prefs::PROXY_PASSWORD, QLineEdit::Password ) ); myProxyAuthWidgets << l << r; myUnsupportedWhenRemote << myProxyAuthWidgets; hig->finish( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createWebTab( Session& session ) { HIG * hig = new HIG( this ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Web Client" ) ); QWidget * w; QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout( ); QIcon i( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::StandardPixmap( QStyle::SP_DirOpenIcon ) ) ); QPushButton * b = new QPushButton( i, tr( "&Open web client" ) ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked()), &session, SLOT(launchWebInterface()) ); h->addWidget( b, 0, Qt::AlignRight ); QWidget * l = checkBoxNew( tr( "&Enable web client" ), Prefs::RPC_ENABLED ); myUnsupportedWhenRemote << l; hig->addRow( l, h, 0 ); l = hig->addRow( tr( "Listening &port:" ), w = spinBoxNew( Prefs::RPC_PORT, 0, 65535, 1 ) ); myWebWidgets << l << w; hig->addWideControl( w = checkBoxNew( tr( "Use &authentication" ), Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED ) ); myWebWidgets << w; l = hig->addRow( tr( "&Username:" ), w = lineEditNew( Prefs::RPC_USERNAME ) ); myWebAuthWidgets << l << w; l = hig->addRow( tr( "Pass&word:" ), w = lineEditNew( Prefs::RPC_PASSWORD, QLineEdit::Password ) ); myWebAuthWidgets << l << w; hig->addWideControl( w = checkBoxNew( tr( "Only allow these IP a&ddresses to connect:" ), Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED ) ); myWebWidgets << w; l = hig->addRow( tr( "Addresses:" ), w = lineEditNew( Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST ) ); myWebWhitelistWidgets << l << w; myUnsupportedWhenRemote << myWebWidgets << myWebAuthWidgets << myWebWhitelistWidgets; hig->finish( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ void PrefsDialog :: altSpeedDaysEdited( int i ) { const int value = qobject_cast(sender())->itemData(i).toInt(); myPrefs.set( Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_DAY, value ); } QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createSpeedTab( ) { QWidget *l, *r; HIG * hig = new HIG( this ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Speed Limits" ) ); const QString speed_K_str = Formatter::unitStr( Formatter::SPEED, Formatter::KB ); l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Limit &download speed (%1):" ).arg( speed_K_str ), Prefs::DSPEED_ENABLED ); r = spinBoxNew( Prefs::DSPEED, 0, INT_MAX, 5 ); hig->addRow( l, r ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), r ); l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Limit &upload speed (%1):" ).arg( speed_K_str ), Prefs::USPEED_ENABLED ); r = spinBoxNew( Prefs::USPEED, 0, INT_MAX, 5 ); hig->addRow( l, r ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), r ); hig->addSectionDivider( ); QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout; h->setSpacing( HIG :: PAD ); QLabel * label = new QLabel; label->setPixmap( QPixmap( ":/icons/alt-limit-off.png" ) ); label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter ); h->addWidget( label ); label = new QLabel( tr( "Temporary Speed Limits" ) ); label->setStyleSheet( "font: bold" ); label->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter ); h->addWidget( label ); hig->addSectionTitle( h ); QString s = tr( "Override normal speed limits manually or at scheduled times" ); hig->addWideControl( new QLabel( s ) ); s = tr( "Limit d&ownload speed (%1):" ).arg( speed_K_str ); r = spinBoxNew( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_DOWN, 0, INT_MAX, 5 ); hig->addRow( s, r ); s = tr( "Limit u&pload speed (%1):" ).arg( speed_K_str ); r = spinBoxNew( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_UP, 0, INT_MAX, 5 ); hig->addRow( s, r ); QCheckBox * c = checkBoxNew( tr( "&Scheduled times:" ), Prefs::ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED ); h = new QHBoxLayout( ); h->setSpacing( HIG::PAD ); QWidget * w = timeEditNew( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_BEGIN ); h->addWidget( w, 1 ); mySchedWidgets << w; QLabel * nd = new QLabel( "&to" ); h->addWidget( nd ); mySchedWidgets << nd; w = timeEditNew( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_END ); nd->setBuddy( w ); h->addWidget( w, 1 ); mySchedWidgets << w; hig->addRow( c, h, 0 ); s = tr( "&On days:" ); QComboBox * box = new QComboBox; const QIcon noIcon; box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Every Day" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_ALL ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Weekdays" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_WEEKDAY ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Weekends" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_WEEKEND ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Sunday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_SUN ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Monday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_MON ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Tuesday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_TUES ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Wednesday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_WED ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Thursday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_THURS ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Friday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_FRI ) ); box->addItem( noIcon, tr( "Saturday" ), QVariant( TR_SCHED_SAT ) ); box->setCurrentIndex( box->findData( myPrefs.getInt( Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_DAY ) ) ); connect( box, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(altSpeedDaysEdited(int)) ); w = hig->addRow( s, box ); mySchedWidgets << w << box; hig->finish( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ void PrefsDialog :: onPortTested( bool isOpen ) { myPortButton->setEnabled( true ); myWidgets[Prefs::PEER_PORT]->setEnabled( true ); myPortLabel->setText( isOpen ? tr( "Port is open" ) : tr( "Port is closed" ) ); } void PrefsDialog :: onPortTest( ) { myPortLabel->setText( tr( "Testing..." ) ); myPortButton->setEnabled( false ); myWidgets[Prefs::PEER_PORT]->setEnabled( false ); mySession.portTest( ); } QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createNetworkTab( ) { HIG * hig = new HIG( this ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Incoming Peers" ) ); QSpinBox * s = spinBoxNew( Prefs::PEER_PORT, 1, 65535, 1 ); QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout( ); QPushButton * b = myPortButton = new QPushButton( tr( "&Test Port" ) ); QLabel * l = myPortLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Status unknown" ) ); h->addWidget( l ); h->addSpacing( HIG :: PAD_BIG ); h->addWidget( b ); h->setStretchFactor( l, 1 ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onPortTest())); connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(portTested(bool)), this, SLOT(onPortTested(bool))); hig->addRow( tr( "&Port for incoming connections:" ), s ); hig->addRow( "", h, 0 ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "Use UPnP or NAT-PMP port &forwarding from my router" ), Prefs::PORT_FORWARDING ) ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "Pick a &random port every time Transmission is started" ), Prefs :: PEER_PORT_RANDOM_ON_START ) ); hig->addSectionDivider( ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Limits" ) ); hig->addRow( tr( "Maximum peers per &torrent:" ), spinBoxNew( Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_TORRENT, 1, 300, 5 ) ); hig->addRow( tr( "Maximum peers &overall:" ), spinBoxNew( Prefs::PEER_LIMIT_GLOBAL, 1, 3000, 5 ) ); hig->finish( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ void PrefsDialog :: onBlocklistDialogDestroyed( QObject * o ) { Q_UNUSED( o ); myBlocklistDialog = 0; } void PrefsDialog :: onUpdateBlocklistCancelled( ) { disconnect( &mySession, SIGNAL(blocklistUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(onBlocklistUpdated(int))) ; myBlocklistDialog->deleteLater( ); } void PrefsDialog :: onBlocklistUpdated( int n ) { myBlocklistDialog->setText( tr( "Update succeeded!

Blocklist now has %Ln rules.", 0, n ) ); myBlocklistDialog->setTextFormat( Qt::RichText ); } void PrefsDialog :: onUpdateBlocklistClicked( ) { myBlocklistDialog = new QMessageBox( QMessageBox::Information, "", tr( "Update Blocklist

Getting new blocklist..." ), QMessageBox::Close, this ); QPixmap pixmap; QIcon icon = QtIconLoader :: icon( "dialog-information" ); if( !icon.isNull( ) ) { const int size = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize ); myBlocklistDialog->setIconPixmap( icon.pixmap( size, size ) ); } connect( myBlocklistDialog, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(onUpdateBlocklistCancelled()) ); connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(blocklistUpdated(int)), this, SLOT(onBlocklistUpdated(int))) ; myBlocklistDialog->show( ); mySession.updateBlocklist( ); } void PrefsDialog :: encryptionEdited( int i ) { const int value( qobject_cast(sender())->itemData(i).toInt( ) ); myPrefs.set( Prefs::ENCRYPTION, value ); } QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createPrivacyTab( ) { HIG * hig = new HIG( this ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Blocklist" ) ); QHBoxLayout * h = new QHBoxLayout( ); QIcon i( style()->standardIcon( QStyle::StandardPixmap( QStyle::SP_BrowserReload ) ) ); QWidget * w = new QPushButton( i, tr( "&Update blocklist" ) ); connect( w, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onUpdateBlocklistClicked())); myBlockWidgets << w; QWidget * l = checkBoxNew( "", Prefs::BLOCKLIST_ENABLED ); h->addWidget( l ); h->addStretch( 1 ); h->addWidget( w ); hig->addWideControl( h ); l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Enable &automatic updates" ), Prefs::BLOCKLIST_UPDATES_ENABLED ); myBlockWidgets << l; hig->addWideControl( l ); QComboBox * box = new QComboBox( ); box->addItem( tr( "Allow encryption" ), 0 ); box->addItem( tr( "Prefer encryption" ), 1 ); box->addItem( tr( "Require encryption" ), 2 ); myWidgets.insert( Prefs :: ENCRYPTION, box ); connect( box, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(encryptionEdited(int))); hig->addSectionDivider( ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Privacy" ) ); hig->addRow( tr( "&Encryption mode:" ), box ); hig->addWideControl( w = checkBoxNew( tr( "Use PE&X to find more peers" ), Prefs::PEX_ENABLED ) ); w->setToolTip( tr( "PEX is a tool for exchanging peer lists with the peers you're connected to." ) ); hig->addWideControl( w = checkBoxNew( tr( "Use &DHT to find more peers" ), Prefs::DHT_ENABLED ) ); w->setToolTip( tr( "DHT is a tool for finding peers without a tracker." ) ); hig->addWideControl( w = checkBoxNew( tr( "Use &Local Peer Discovery to find more peers" ), Prefs::LPD_ENABLED ) ); w->setToolTip( tr( "LPD is a tool for finding peers on your local network." ) ); hig->finish( ); updateBlocklistCheckBox( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ void PrefsDialog :: onScriptClicked( void ) { const QString title = tr( "Select \"Torrent Done\" Script" ); const QString myPath = myPrefs.getString( Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME ); const QString path = Utils::remoteFileChooser( this, title, myPath, false, mySession.isServer() ); if( !path.isEmpty() ) onLocationSelected( path, Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_FILENAME ); } void PrefsDialog :: onIncompleteClicked( void ) { const QString title = tr( "Select Incomplete Directory" ); const QString myPath = myPrefs.getString( Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR ); const QString path = Utils::remoteFileChooser( this, title, myPath, true, mySession.isServer() ); if( !path.isEmpty() ) onLocationSelected( path, Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR ); } void PrefsDialog :: onWatchClicked( void ) { const QString title = tr( "Select Watch Directory" ); const QString myPath = myPrefs.getString( Prefs::DIR_WATCH ); const QString path = Utils::remoteFileChooser( this, title, myPath, true, true ); if( !path.isEmpty() ) onLocationSelected( path, Prefs::DIR_WATCH ); } void PrefsDialog :: onDestinationClicked( void ) { const QString title = tr( "Select Destination" ); const QString myPath = myPrefs.getString( Prefs::DOWNLOAD_DIR ); const QString path = Utils::remoteFileChooser( this, title, myPath, true, mySession.isServer() ); if( !path.isEmpty() ) onLocationSelected( path, Prefs::DOWNLOAD_DIR ); } void PrefsDialog :: onLocationSelected( const QString& path, int key ) { myPrefs.set( key, path ); updatePref( key ); } QWidget * PrefsDialog :: createTorrentsTab( ) { const int iconSize( style( )->pixelMetric( QStyle :: PM_SmallIconSize ) ); const QFileIconProvider iconProvider; const QIcon folderIcon = iconProvider.icon( QFileIconProvider::Folder ); const QPixmap folderPixmap = folderIcon.pixmap( iconSize ); const QIcon fileIcon = iconProvider.icon( QFileIconProvider::File ); const QPixmap filePixmap = fileIcon.pixmap( iconSize ); QWidget *l, *r; HIG * hig = new HIG( this ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Adding" ) ); l = checkBoxNew( tr( "Automatically &add torrents from:" ), Prefs::DIR_WATCH_ENABLED ); QPushButton * b = myWatchButton = new QPushButton; b->setIcon( folderPixmap ); b->setStyleSheet( "text-align: left; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5" ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onWatchClicked(void)) ); hig->addRow( l, b ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), b ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "Show &options dialog" ), Prefs::OPTIONS_PROMPT ) ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "&Start when added" ), Prefs::START ) ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "Mo&ve .torrent file to the trash" ), Prefs::TRASH_ORIGINAL ) ); hig->addSectionDivider( ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Downloading" ) ); hig->addWideControl( checkBoxNew( tr( "Append \".&part\" to incomplete files' names" ), Prefs::RENAME_PARTIAL_FILES ) ); l = myIncompleteCheckbox = checkBoxNew( tr( "Keep &incomplete files in:" ), Prefs::INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED ); b = myIncompleteButton = new QPushButton; b->setIcon( folderPixmap ); b->setStyleSheet( "text-align: left; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5" ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onIncompleteClicked(void)) ); hig->addRow( myIncompleteCheckbox, b ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), b ); l = myTorrentDoneScriptCheckbox = checkBoxNew( tr( "Call scrip&t when torrent is completed" ), Prefs::SCRIPT_TORRENT_DONE_ENABLED ); b = myTorrentDoneScriptButton = new QPushButton; b->setIcon( filePixmap ); b->setStyleSheet( "text-align: left; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5" ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onScriptClicked(void)) ); hig->addRow( myTorrentDoneScriptCheckbox, b ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), b ); b = myDestinationButton = new QPushButton; b->setIcon( folderPixmap ); b->setStyleSheet( "text-align: left; padding-left: 5; padding-right: 5" ); connect( b, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), this, SLOT(onDestinationClicked(void)) ); hig->addRow( tr( "Save to &Location:" ), b ); hig->addSectionDivider( ); hig->addSectionTitle( tr( "Seeding" ) ); l = checkBoxNew( tr( "&Seed torrent until its ratio reaches:" ), Prefs::RATIO_ENABLED ); r = doubleSpinBoxNew( Prefs::RATIO, 0, INT_MAX, 0.5, 2 ); hig->addRow( l, r ); enableBuddyWhenChecked( qobject_cast(l), r ); hig->finish( ); return hig; } /*** **** ***/ PrefsDialog :: PrefsDialog( Session& session, Prefs& prefs, QWidget * parent ): QDialog( parent ), myIsServer( session.isServer( ) ), mySession( session ), myPrefs( prefs ), myLayout( new QVBoxLayout( this ) ) { setWindowTitle( tr( "Transmission Preferences" ) ); QTabWidget * t = new QTabWidget( this ); t->addTab( createTorrentsTab( ), tr( "Torrents" ) ); t->addTab( createSpeedTab( ), tr( "Speed" ) ); t->addTab( createPrivacyTab( ), tr( "Privacy" ) ); t->addTab( createNetworkTab( ), tr( "Network" ) ); t->addTab( createWebTab( session ), tr( "Web" ) ); //t->addTab( createTrackerTab( ), tr( "Trackers" ) ); myLayout->addWidget( t ); QDialogButtonBox * buttons = new QDialogButtonBox( QDialogButtonBox::Close, Qt::Horizontal, this ); connect( buttons, SIGNAL(rejected()), this, SLOT(close()) ); // "close" triggers rejected myLayout->addWidget( buttons ); QWidget::setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true ); connect( &mySession, SIGNAL(sessionUpdated()), this, SLOT(sessionUpdated())); QList keys; keys << Prefs :: RPC_ENABLED << Prefs :: PROXY_ENABLED << Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_ENABLED << Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED << Prefs :: ENCRYPTION << Prefs :: BLOCKLIST_ENABLED << Prefs :: DIR_WATCH << Prefs :: DOWNLOAD_DIR << Prefs :: INCOMPLETE_DIR << Prefs :: INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED; foreach( int key, keys ) updatePref( key ); // if it's a remote session, disable the preferences // that don't work in remote sessions if( !myIsServer ) { foreach( QWidget * w, myUnsupportedWhenRemote ) { w->setToolTip( tr( "Not supported by remote sessions" ) ); w->setEnabled( false ); } } } PrefsDialog :: ~PrefsDialog( ) { } /*** **** ***/ void PrefsDialog :: sessionUpdated( ) { updateBlocklistCheckBox( ); } void PrefsDialog :: updateBlocklistCheckBox( ) { QCheckBox * box = qobject_cast( myWidgets[Prefs::BLOCKLIST_ENABLED] ); const int n = mySession.blocklistSize( ); if( n < 0 ) // unknown box->setText( tr( "Enable &blocklist" ) ); else box->setText( tr( "Enable &blocklist (%Ln rules)", 0, n ) ); } void PrefsDialog :: updatePref( int key ) { switch( key ) { case Prefs :: RPC_ENABLED: case Prefs :: RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED: case Prefs :: RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED: { const bool enabled( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::RPC_ENABLED ) ); const bool whitelist( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::RPC_WHITELIST_ENABLED ) ); const bool auth( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::RPC_AUTH_REQUIRED ) ); foreach( QWidget * w, myWebWhitelistWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled && whitelist ); foreach( QWidget * w, myWebAuthWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled && auth ); foreach( QWidget * w, myWebWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled ); break; } case Prefs :: PROXY_ENABLED: case Prefs :: PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED: { const bool enabled( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::PROXY_ENABLED ) ); const bool auth( myPrefs.getBool( Prefs::PROXY_AUTH_ENABLED ) ); foreach( QWidget * w, myProxyAuthWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled && auth ); foreach( QWidget * w, myProxyWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled ); break; } case Prefs :: ALT_SPEED_LIMIT_TIME_ENABLED: { const bool enabled = myPrefs.getBool( key ); foreach( QWidget * w, mySchedWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled ); break; } case Prefs :: BLOCKLIST_ENABLED: { const bool enabled = myPrefs.getBool( key ); foreach( QWidget * w, myBlockWidgets ) w->setEnabled( enabled ); break; } case Prefs :: DIR_WATCH: myWatchButton->setText( QFileInfo(myPrefs.getString(Prefs::DIR_WATCH)).fileName() ); break; case Prefs :: PEER_PORT: myPortLabel->setText( tr( "Status unknown" ) ); myPortButton->setEnabled( true ); break; case Prefs :: DOWNLOAD_DIR: { QString path( myPrefs.getString( key ) ); myDestinationButton->setText( QFileInfo(path).fileName() ); break; } case Prefs :: INCOMPLETE_DIR: { QString path( myPrefs.getString( key ) ); myIncompleteButton->setText( QFileInfo(path).fileName() ); break; } case Prefs :: INCOMPLETE_DIR_ENABLED: { const bool enabled = myPrefs.getBool( key ); myIncompleteButton->setEnabled( enabled ); break; } default: break; } key2widget_t::iterator it( myWidgets.find( key ) ); if( it != myWidgets.end( ) ) { QWidget * w( it.value( ) ); QCheckBox * checkBox; QSpinBox * spin; QDoubleSpinBox * doubleSpin; QTimeEdit * timeEdit; QLineEdit * lineEdit; if(( checkBox = qobject_cast(w))) { checkBox->setChecked( myPrefs.getBool( key ) ); } else if(( spin = qobject_cast(w))) { spin->setValue( myPrefs.getInt( key ) ); } else if(( doubleSpin = qobject_cast(w))) { doubleSpin->setValue( myPrefs.getDouble( key ) ); } else if(( timeEdit = qobject_cast(w))) { const int minutes( myPrefs.getInt( key ) ); timeEdit->setTime( QTime().addSecs( minutes * 60 ) ); } else if(( lineEdit = qobject_cast(w))) { lineEdit->setText( myPrefs.getString( key ) ); } else if( key == Prefs::ENCRYPTION ) { QComboBox * comboBox( qobject_cast( w ) ); const int index = comboBox->findData( myPrefs.getInt( key ) ); comboBox->setCurrentIndex( index ); } } } bool PrefsDialog :: isAllowed( int key ) const { Q_UNUSED( key ); return true; }