// This file Copyright (C) 2013-2022 Mnemosyne LLC. // It may be used under GPLv2 (SPDX: GPL-2.0), GPLv3 (SPDX: GPL-3.0), // or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. // License text can be found in the licenses/ folder. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" #include "utils.h" #include "crypto-test-ref.h" #include "gtest/gtest.h" using namespace std::literals; namespace { auto constexpr SomeHash = tr_sha1_digest_t{ std::byte{ 0 }, std::byte{ 1 }, std::byte{ 2 }, std::byte{ 3 }, std::byte{ 4 }, std::byte{ 5 }, std::byte{ 6 }, std::byte{ 7 }, std::byte{ 8 }, std::byte{ 9 }, std::byte{ 10 }, std::byte{ 11 }, std::byte{ 12 }, std::byte{ 13 }, std::byte{ 14 }, std::byte{ 15 }, std::byte{ 16 }, std::byte{ 17 }, std::byte{ 18 }, std::byte{ 19 }, }; } // namespace TEST(Crypto, torrentHash) { auto a = tr_crypto{}; EXPECT_FALSE(tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash(&a)); tr_cryptoSetTorrentHash(&a, SomeHash); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash(&a)); EXPECT_EQ(SomeHash, *tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash(&a)); a = tr_crypto{ &SomeHash, false }; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash(&a)); EXPECT_EQ(SomeHash, *tr_cryptoGetTorrentHash(&a)); } TEST(Crypto, encryptDecrypt) { auto a = tr_crypto{ &SomeHash, false }; auto b = tr_crypto_{ &SomeHash, true }; auto public_key_length = int{}; EXPECT_TRUE(tr_cryptoComputeSecret(&a, tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey_(&b, &public_key_length))); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_cryptoComputeSecret_(&b, tr_cryptoGetMyPublicKey(&a, &public_key_length))); auto const input1 = std::string{ "test1" }; auto encrypted1 = std::array{}; auto decrypted1 = std::array{}; tr_cryptoEncryptInit(&a); tr_cryptoEncrypt(&a, input1.size(), input1.data(), encrypted1.data()); tr_cryptoDecryptInit_(&b); tr_cryptoDecrypt_(&b, input1.size(), encrypted1.data(), decrypted1.data()); EXPECT_EQ(input1, std::string(decrypted1.data(), input1.size())); auto const input2 = std::string{ "@#)C$@)#(*%bvkdjfhwbc039bc4603756VB3)" }; auto encrypted2 = std::array{}; auto decrypted2 = std::array{}; tr_cryptoEncryptInit_(&b); tr_cryptoEncrypt_(&b, input2.size(), input2.data(), encrypted2.data()); tr_cryptoDecryptInit(&a); tr_cryptoDecrypt(&a, input2.size(), encrypted2.data(), decrypted2.data()); EXPECT_EQ(input2, std::string(decrypted2.data(), input2.size())); } TEST(Crypto, sha1) { auto hash1 = tr_sha1("test"sv); EXPECT_TRUE(hash1); EXPECT_EQ( 0, memcmp( std::data(*hash1), "\xa9\x4a\x8f\xe5\xcc\xb1\x9b\xa6\x1c\x4c\x08\x73\xd3\x91\xe9\x87\x98\x2f\xbb\xd3", std::size(*hash1))); auto hash2 = tr_sha1("test"sv); EXPECT_TRUE(hash1); EXPECT_EQ(*hash1, *hash2); hash1 = tr_sha1("1"sv, "22"sv, "333"sv); hash2 = tr_sha1("1"sv, "22"sv, "333"sv); EXPECT_TRUE(hash1); EXPECT_TRUE(hash2); EXPECT_EQ(*hash1, *hash2); EXPECT_EQ( 0, memcmp( std::data(*hash1), "\x1f\x74\x64\x8e\x50\xa6\xa6\x70\x8e\xc5\x4a\xb3\x27\xa1\x63\xd5\x53\x6b\x7c\xed", std::size(*hash1))); auto const hash3 = tr_sha1("test"sv); EXPECT_TRUE(hash3); EXPECT_EQ("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"sv, tr_sha1_to_string(*hash3)); auto const hash4 = tr_sha1("te"sv, "st"sv); EXPECT_TRUE(hash4); EXPECT_EQ("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"sv, tr_sha1_to_string(*hash4)); auto const hash5 = tr_sha1("t"sv, "e"sv, std::string{ "s" }, std::array{ { 't' } }); EXPECT_TRUE(hash5); EXPECT_EQ("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"sv, tr_sha1_to_string(*hash5)); } TEST(Crypto, ssha1) { struct LocalTest { std::string_view plain_text; std::string_view ssha1; }; auto constexpr Tests = std::array{ { { "test"sv, "{15ad0621b259a84d24dcd4e75b09004e98a3627bAMbyRHJy"sv }, { "QNY)(*#$B)!_X$B !_B#($^!)*&$%CV!#)&$C!@$(P*)"sv, "{10e2d7acbb104d970514a147cd16d51dfa40fb3c0OSwJtOL"sv }, } }; auto constexpr HashCount = size_t{ 4 * 1024 }; for (auto const& [plain_text, ssha1] : Tests) { auto hashes = std::unordered_set{}; hashes.reserve(HashCount); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches(ssha1, plain_text)); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches_(ssha1, plain_text)); using ssha1_func = std::string (*)(std::string_view plain_text); static auto constexpr Ssha1Funcs = std::array{ tr_ssha1, tr_ssha1_ }; for (size_t j = 0; j < HashCount; ++j) { auto const hash = Ssha1Funcs[j % 2](plain_text); // phrase matches each of generated hashes EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches(hash, plain_text)); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches_(hash, plain_text)); hashes.insert(hash); } // confirm all hashes are different EXPECT_EQ(HashCount, hashes.size()); /* exchange two first chars */ auto phrase = std::string{ plain_text }; phrase[0] ^= phrase[1]; phrase[1] ^= phrase[0]; phrase[0] ^= phrase[1]; for (auto const& hash : hashes) { /* changed phrase doesn't match the hashes */ EXPECT_FALSE(tr_ssha1_matches(hash, phrase)); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_ssha1_matches_(hash, phrase)); } } /* should work with different salt lengths as well */ EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches("{a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3", "test")); EXPECT_TRUE(tr_ssha1_matches("{d209a21d3bc4f8fc4f8faf347e69f3def597eb170pySy4ai1ZPMjeU1", "test")); } TEST(Crypto, sha1FromString) { // bad lengths EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sha1_from_string("")); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sha1_from_string("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd"sv)); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sha1_from_string("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd33"sv)); // nonhex EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sha1_from_string("a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4cz873d391e987982fbbd3"sv)); EXPECT_FALSE(tr_sha1_from_string("a94a8fe5ccb19 61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"sv)); // lowecase hex auto const baseline = "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"sv; auto const lc = tr_sha1_from_string(baseline); EXPECT_TRUE(lc); EXPECT_EQ(baseline, tr_sha1_to_string(*lc)); // uppercase hex should yield the same result auto const uc = tr_sha1_from_string(tr_strupper(baseline)); EXPECT_TRUE(uc); EXPECT_EQ(*lc, *uc); } TEST(Crypto, random) { /* test that tr_rand_int() stays in-bounds */ for (int i = 0; i < 100000; ++i) { int const val = tr_rand_int(100); EXPECT_LE(0, val); EXPECT_LT(val, 100); } } TEST(Crypto, base64) { auto raw = std::string_view{ "YOYO!"sv }; auto encoded = tr_base64_encode(raw); EXPECT_EQ("WU9ZTyE="sv, encoded); EXPECT_EQ(raw, tr_base64_decode(encoded)); EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_base64_encode(""sv)); EXPECT_EQ(""sv, tr_base64_decode(""sv)); static auto constexpr MaxBufSize = size_t{ 1024 }; for (size_t i = 1; i <= MaxBufSize; ++i) { auto buf = std::string{}; for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { buf += char(tr_rand_int_weak(256)); } EXPECT_EQ(buf, tr_base64_decode(tr_base64_encode(buf))); buf = std::string{}; for (size_t j = 0; j < i; ++j) { buf += char(1 + tr_rand_int_weak(255)); } EXPECT_EQ(buf, tr_base64_decode(tr_base64_encode(buf))); } }