/* * This file Copyright (C) 2009-2010 Mnemosyne LLC * * This file is licensed by the GPL version 2. Works owned by the * Transmission project are granted a special exemption to clause 2(b) * so that the bulk of its code can remain under the MIT license. * This exemption does not extend to derived works not owned by * the Transmission project. * * $Id:$ */ #include #include #include #include /* for HTTP_OK */ #include "transmission.h" #include "announcer.h" #include "crypto.h" #include "net.h" #include "ptrarray.h" #include "publish.h" #include "session.h" #include "tr-dht.h" #include "tr-lpd.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "utils.h" #include "web.h" #define STARTED "started" #define dbgmsg( tier, ... ) \ if( tr_deepLoggingIsActive( ) ) do { \ char name[128]; \ tr_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "[%s--%s]", tr_torrentName( tier->tor ), \ ( tier->currentTracker ? tier->currentTracker->host->name : "" ) ); \ tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, name, __VA_ARGS__ ); \ } while( 0 ) enum { /* unless the tracker says otherwise, rescrape this frequently */ DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC = ( 60 * 30 ), /* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce interval */ DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC = ( 60 * 10 ), /* unless the tracker says otherwise, this is the announce min_interval */ DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC = ( 60 * 2 ), /* the length of the 'key' argument passed in tracker requests */ KEYLEN = 8, /* how many web tasks we allow at one time */ MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS = 48, /* if a tracker takes more than this long to respond, * we treat it as nonresponsive */ MAX_TRACKER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECS = ( 60 * 2 ), /* the value of the 'numwant' argument passed in tracker requests. */ NUMWANT = 80, /* how long to put slow (nonresponsive) trackers in the penalty box */ SLOW_HOST_PENALTY_SECS = ( 60 * 10 ), UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS = 1, /* this is an upper limit for the frequency of LDS announces */ LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS = 30 }; /*** **** ***/ static int compareTransfer( int a_uploaded, int a_downloaded, int b_uploaded, int b_downloaded ) { /* higher upload count goes first */ if( a_uploaded != b_uploaded ) return a_uploaded > b_uploaded ? -1 : 1; /* then higher download count goes first */ if( a_downloaded != b_downloaded ) return a_downloaded > b_downloaded ? -1 : 1; return 0; } /*** **** ***/ /** * used by tr_announcer to recognize nonresponsive * trackers and de-prioritize them */ typedef struct { char * name; /* how many seconds it took to get the last tracker response */ int lastResponseInterval; /* the last time we sent an announce or scrape message */ time_t lastRequestTime; /* the last successful announce/scrape time for this host */ time_t lastSuccessfulRequest; } tr_host; static int compareHosts( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_host * a = va; const tr_host * b = vb; return strcmp( a->name, b->name ); } static int compareHostToName( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const tr_host * a = va; return strcmp( a->name, vb ); } /* format: hostname + ':' + port */ static char * getHostName( const char * url ) { int port = 0; char * host = NULL; char * ret; tr_urlParse( url, strlen( url ), NULL, &host, &port, NULL ); ret = tr_strdup_printf( "%s:%d", ( host ? host : "invalid" ), port ); tr_free( host ); return ret; } static tr_host* hostNew( const char * name ) { tr_host * host = tr_new0( tr_host, 1 ); host->name = tr_strdup( name ); return host; } static void hostFree( void * vhost ) { tr_host * host = vhost; tr_free( host->name ); tr_free( host ); } /*** **** ***/ /** * Since we can't poll a tr_torrent's fields after it's destroyed, * we pre-build the "stop" announcement message when a torrent * is removed from Transmission */ struct stop_message { tr_host * host; char * url; int up; int down; }; static void stopFree( struct stop_message * stop ) { tr_free( stop->url ); tr_free( stop ); } static int compareStops( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct stop_message * a = va; const struct stop_message * b = vb; return compareTransfer( a->up, a->down, b->up, b->down); } /*** **** ***/ /** * "global" (per-tr_session) fields */ typedef struct tr_announcer { tr_ptrArray hosts; /* tr_host */ tr_ptrArray stops; /* struct stop_message */ tr_session * session; struct event * upkeepTimer; int slotsAvailable; time_t lpdHouseKeepingAt; } tr_announcer; tr_bool tr_announcerHasBacklog( const struct tr_announcer * announcer ) { return announcer->slotsAvailable < 1; } static tr_host * getHost( tr_announcer * announcer, const char * url ) { char * name = getHostName( url ); tr_host * host; host = tr_ptrArrayFindSorted( &announcer->hosts, name, compareHostToName ); if( host == NULL ) { host = hostNew( name ); tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &announcer->hosts, host, compareHosts ); } tr_free( name ); return host; } static void onUpkeepTimer( int foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void * vannouncer ); static inline time_t calcRescheduleWithJitter( const int minPeriod ) { const double jitterFac = 0.1; assert( minPeriod > 0 ); return tr_time() + minPeriod + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( (int) ( minPeriod * jitterFac ) + 1 ); } void tr_announcerInit( tr_session * session ) { tr_announcer * a; const time_t relaxUntil = calcRescheduleWithJitter( LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS / 3 ); assert( tr_isSession( session ) ); a = tr_new0( tr_announcer, 1 ); a->hosts = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; a->stops = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; a->session = session; a->slotsAvailable = MAX_CONCURRENT_TASKS; a->lpdHouseKeepingAt = relaxUntil; a->upkeepTimer = tr_new0( struct event, 1 ); evtimer_set( a->upkeepTimer, onUpkeepTimer, a ); tr_timerAdd( a->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS, 0 ); session->announcer = a; } static void flushCloseMessages( tr_announcer * announcer ); void tr_announcerClose( tr_session * session ) { tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer; flushCloseMessages( announcer ); evtimer_del( announcer->upkeepTimer ); tr_free( announcer->upkeepTimer ); announcer->upkeepTimer = NULL; tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &announcer->stops, NULL ); tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &announcer->hosts, hostFree ); session->announcer = NULL; tr_free( announcer ); } /*** **** ***/ /* a row in tr_tier's list of trackers */ typedef struct { tr_host * host; char * announce; char * scrape; char * tracker_id; int seederCount; int leecherCount; int downloadCount; int downloaderCount; uint32_t id; /* sent as the "key" argument in tracker requests * to verify us if our IP address changes. * This is immutable for the life of the tracker object. * The +1 is for '\0' */ char key_param[KEYLEN + 1]; } tr_tracker_item; static void trackerItemCopyAttributes( tr_tracker_item * t, const tr_tracker_item * o ) { assert( t != o ); assert( t != NULL ); assert( o != NULL ); t->seederCount = o->seederCount; t->leecherCount = o->leecherCount; t->downloadCount = o->downloadCount; t->downloaderCount = o->downloaderCount; memcpy( t->key_param, o->key_param, sizeof( t->key_param ) ); } static void generateKeyParam( char * msg, size_t msglen ) { size_t i; const char * pool = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; const int poolSize = strlen( pool ); for( i=0; ihost = getHost( announcer, announce ); tracker->announce = tr_strdup( announce ); tracker->scrape = tr_strdup( scrape ); tracker->id = id; generateKeyParam( tracker->key_param, KEYLEN ); tracker->seederCount = -1; tracker->leecherCount = -1; tracker->downloadCount = -1; return tracker; } static void trackerFree( void * vtracker ) { tr_tracker_item * tracker = vtracker; tr_free( tracker->tracker_id ); tr_free( tracker->announce ); tr_free( tracker->scrape ); tr_free( tracker ); } /*** **** ***/ struct tr_torrent_tiers; /** @brief A group of trackers in a single tier, as per the multitracker spec */ typedef struct { /* number of up/down/corrupt bytes since the last time we sent an * "event=stopped" message that was acknowledged by the tracker */ uint64_t byteCounts[3]; tr_ptrArray trackers; /* tr_tracker_item */ tr_tracker_item * currentTracker; int currentTrackerIndex; tr_torrent * tor; time_t scrapeAt; time_t lastScrapeStartTime; time_t lastScrapeTime; tr_bool lastScrapeSucceeded; tr_bool lastScrapeTimedOut; time_t announceAt; time_t manualAnnounceAllowedAt; time_t lastAnnounceStartTime; time_t lastAnnounceTime; tr_bool lastAnnounceSucceeded; tr_bool lastAnnounceTimedOut; tr_ptrArray announceEvents; /* const char* */ /* unique lookup key */ int key; int scrapeIntervalSec; int announceIntervalSec; int announceMinIntervalSec; int lastAnnouncePeerCount; tr_bool isRunning; tr_bool isAnnouncing; tr_bool isScraping; tr_bool wasCopied; char lastAnnounceStr[128]; char lastScrapeStr[128]; } tr_tier; static tr_tier * tierNew( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_tier * t; static int nextKey = 1; const time_t now = tr_time( ); t = tr_new0( tr_tier, 1 ); t->key = nextKey++; t->announceEvents = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; t->trackers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; t->currentTracker = NULL; t->currentTrackerIndex = -1; t->scrapeIntervalSec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC; t->announceIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC; t->announceMinIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC; t->scrapeAt = now + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 60*5 ); t->tor = tor; return t; } static void tierFree( void * vtier ) { tr_tier * tier = vtier; tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tier->trackers, trackerFree ); tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tier->announceEvents, NULL ); tr_free( tier ); } static void tierCopyAttributes( tr_tier * t, const tr_tier * o ) { int i, n; tr_tier bak; assert( t != NULL ); assert( o != NULL ); assert( t != o ); bak = *t; *t = *o; t->tor = bak.tor; t->trackers = bak.trackers; t->announceEvents = bak.announceEvents; t->currentTracker = bak.currentTracker; t->currentTrackerIndex = bak.currentTrackerIndex; tr_ptrArrayClear( &t->announceEvents ); for( i=0, n=tr_ptrArraySize(&o->announceEvents); iannounceEvents, tr_ptrArrayNth((tr_ptrArray*)&o->announceEvents,i) ); } static void tierIncrementTracker( tr_tier * tier ) { /* move our index to the next tracker in the tier */ const int i = ( tier->currentTrackerIndex + 1 ) % tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers ); tier->currentTracker = tr_ptrArrayNth( &tier->trackers, i ); tier->currentTrackerIndex = i; /* reset some of the tier's fields */ tier->scrapeIntervalSec = DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC; tier->announceIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_INTERVAL_SEC; tier->announceMinIntervalSec = DEFAULT_ANNOUNCE_MIN_INTERVAL_SEC; tier->isAnnouncing = FALSE; tier->isScraping = FALSE; tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = 0; tier->lastScrapeStartTime = 0; } static void tierAddTracker( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_tier * tier, const char * announce, const char * scrape, uint32_t id ) { tr_tracker_item * tracker = trackerNew( announcer, announce, scrape, id ); tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tier->trackers, tracker ); dbgmsg( tier, "adding tracker %s", announce ); if( !tier->currentTracker ) tierIncrementTracker( tier ); } /*** **** ***/ /** * @brief Opaque, per-torrent data structure for tracker announce information * * this opaque data structure can be found in tr_torrent.tiers */ typedef struct tr_torrent_tiers { tr_ptrArray tiers; tr_publisher publisher; } tr_torrent_tiers; static tr_torrent_tiers* tiersNew( void ) { tr_torrent_tiers * tiers = tr_new0( tr_torrent_tiers, 1 ); tiers->tiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; tiers->publisher = TR_PUBLISHER_INIT; return tiers; } static void tiersFree( tr_torrent_tiers * tiers ) { tr_publisherDestruct( &tiers->publisher ); tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &tiers->tiers, tierFree ); tr_free( tiers ); } static tr_tier* getTier( tr_announcer * announcer, int torrentId, int tierId ) { tr_tier * tier = NULL; if( announcer ) { tr_torrent * tor = tr_torrentFindFromId( announcer->session, torrentId ); if( tor && tor->tiers ) { int i; tr_ptrArray * tiers = &tor->tiers->tiers; const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( tiers ); for( i=0; !tier && ikey == tierId ) tier = tmp; } } } return tier; } /*** **** PUBLISH ***/ static const tr_tracker_event emptyEvent = { 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 }; static void publishMessage( tr_tier * tier, const char * msg, int type ) { if( tier && tier->tor && tier->tor->tiers ) { tr_torrent_tiers * tiers = tier->tor->tiers; tr_tracker_event event = emptyEvent; event.messageType = type; event.text = msg; event.tracker = tier->currentTracker ? tier->currentTracker->announce : NULL; tr_publisherPublish( &tiers->publisher, tier, &event ); } } static void publishErrorClear( tr_tier * tier ) { publishMessage( tier, NULL, TR_TRACKER_ERROR_CLEAR ); } static void publishErrorMessageAndStop( tr_tier * tier, const char * msg ) { tier->isRunning = FALSE; publishMessage( tier, msg, TR_TRACKER_ERROR ); } static void publishWarning( tr_tier * tier, const char * msg ) { publishMessage( tier, msg, TR_TRACKER_WARNING ); } static int getSeedProbability( int seeds, int leechers ) { if( !seeds ) return 0; if( seeds>=0 && leechers>=0 ) return (int)((100.0*seeds)/(seeds+leechers)); return -1; /* unknown */ } static int publishNewPeers( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers, const void * compact, int compactLen ) { tr_tracker_event e = emptyEvent; e.messageType = TR_TRACKER_PEERS; e.seedProbability = getSeedProbability( seeds, leechers ); e.compact = compact; e.compactLen = compactLen; tr_publisherPublish( &tier->tor->tiers->publisher, tier, &e ); return compactLen / 6; } static int publishNewPeersCompact( tr_tier * tier, int seeds, int leechers, const void * compact, int compactLen ) { int i; const uint8_t *compactWalk; uint8_t *array, *walk; const int peerCount = compactLen / 6; const int arrayLen = peerCount * ( sizeof( tr_address ) + 2 ); tr_address addr; tr_port port; addr.type = TR_AF_INET; memset( &addr.addr, 0, sizeof( addr.addr ) ); array = tr_new( uint8_t, arrayLen ); for ( i=0, walk=array, compactWalk=compact ; icurrentTracker; const char * ann = tracker->announce; struct evbuffer * buf = evbuffer_new( ); char * ret; const char * str; const unsigned char * ipv6; evbuffer_expand( buf, 2048 ); evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "%s" "%c" "info_hash=%s" "&peer_id=%s" "&port=%d" "&uploaded=%" PRIu64 "&downloaded=%" PRIu64 "&left=%" PRIu64 "&numwant=%d" "&key=%s" "&compact=1" "&supportcrypto=1", ann, strchr( ann, '?' ) ? '&' : '?', torrent->info.hashEscaped, torrent->peer_id, (int)tr_sessionGetPeerPort( announcer->session ), tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP], tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN], tr_cpLeftUntilComplete( &torrent->completion ), numwant, tracker->key_param ); if( announcer->session->encryptionMode == TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED ) evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&requirecrypto=1" ); if( tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT] ) evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&corrupt=%" PRIu64, tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_CORRUPT] ); str = eventName; if( str && *str ) evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&event=%s", str ); str = tracker->tracker_id; if( str && *str ) evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&trackerid=%s", str ); /* There are two incompatible techniques for announcing an IPv6 address. BEP-7 suggests adding an "ipv6=" parameter to the announce URL, while OpenTracker requires that peers announce twice, once over IPv4 and once over IPv6. To be safe, we should do both: add the "ipv6=" parameter and announce twice. At any rate, we're already computing our IPv6 address (for the LTEP handshake), so this comes for free. */ ipv6 = tr_globalIPv6( ); if( ipv6 ) { char ipv6_readable[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; inet_ntop( AF_INET6, ipv6, ipv6_readable, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN ); evbuffer_add_printf( buf, "&ipv6="); tr_http_escape( buf, ipv6_readable, strlen(ipv6_readable), TRUE ); } ret = tr_strndup( EVBUFFER_DATA( buf ), EVBUFFER_LENGTH( buf ) ); dbgmsg( tier, "announce URL is \"%s\"", ret ); evbuffer_free( buf ); return ret; } /*** **** ***/ static tr_bool announceURLIsSupported( const char * announce ) { return ( announce != NULL ) && ( ( strstr( announce, "http://" ) == announce ) || ( strstr( announce, "https://" ) == announce ) ); } static void addTorrentToTier( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent_tiers * tiers, tr_torrent * tor ) { int i, n; const tr_tracker_info ** infos; const int trackerCount = tor->info.trackerCount; const tr_tracker_info * trackers = tor->info.trackers; /* get the trackers that we support... */ infos = tr_new0( const tr_tracker_info*, trackerCount ); for( i=n=0; i 0 ) { int tierIndex = -1; tr_tier * tier = NULL; for( i=0; itier != tierIndex ) tier = NULL; tierIndex = info->tier; if( tier == NULL ) { tier = tierNew( tor ); dbgmsg( tier, "adding tier" ); tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tiers->tiers, tier ); } tierAddTracker( announcer, tier, info->announce, info->scrape, info->id ); } } tr_free( infos ); } tr_torrent_tiers * tr_announcerAddTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_torrent_tiers * tiers; assert( announcer != NULL ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tiers = tiersNew( ); addTorrentToTier( announcer, tiers, tor ); return tiers; } static void tierAddAnnounce( tr_tier * tier, const char * announceEvent, time_t announceAt ); void tr_announcerResetTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_ptrArray oldTiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; /* if we had tiers already, make a backup of them */ if( tor->tiers != NULL ) { oldTiers = tor->tiers->tiers; tor->tiers->tiers = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; } /* create the new tier/tracker structs */ addTorrentToTier( announcer, tor->tiers, tor ); /* if we had tiers already, merge their state into the new structs */ if( !tr_ptrArrayEmpty( &oldTiers ) ) { int i, in; for( i=0, in=tr_ptrArraySize(&oldTiers); icurrentTracker == NULL ) continue; for( j=0, jn=tr_ptrArraySize(&tor->tiers->tiers); jtiers->tiers,j); for( k=0, kn=tr_ptrArraySize(&t->trackers); ktrackers,k); if( strcmp( o->currentTracker->announce, item->announce ) ) continue; tierCopyAttributes( t, o ); t->currentTracker = item; t->currentTrackerIndex = k; t->wasCopied = TRUE; trackerItemCopyAttributes( item, o->currentTracker ); dbgmsg( t, "attributes copied to tier %d, tracker %d" "from tier %d, tracker %d", i, o->currentTrackerIndex, j, k ); } } } } /* kickstart any tiers that didn't get started */ if( tor->isRunning ) { int i, n; const time_t now = tr_time( ); tr_tier ** tiers = (tr_tier**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &tor->tiers->tiers, &n ); for( i=0; iwasCopied ) tierAddAnnounce( tier, STARTED, now ); } } /* cleanup */ tr_ptrArrayDestruct( &oldTiers, tierFree ); } tr_publisher_tag tr_announcerSubscribe( struct tr_torrent_tiers * tiers, tr_delivery_func func, void * userData ) { return tr_publisherSubscribe( &tiers->publisher, func, userData ); } void tr_announcerUnsubscribe( struct tr_torrent_tiers * tiers, tr_publisher_tag tag ) { if( tiers ) tr_publisherUnsubscribe( &tiers->publisher, tag ); } static tr_bool tierCanManualAnnounce( const tr_tier * tier ) { return tier->isRunning && tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt <= tr_time( ); } tr_bool tr_announcerCanManualAnnounce( const tr_torrent * tor ) { int i; int n; const tr_tier ** tiers; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( tor->tiers != NULL ); n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers ); tiers = (const tr_tier**) tr_ptrArrayBase( &tor->tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers; n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers, i ); if( tier->isRunning ) ret = MIN( ret, tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt ); } return ret; } static void tierAddAnnounce( tr_tier * tier, const char * announceEvent, time_t announceAt ) { assert( tier != NULL ); assert( announceEvent != NULL ); tr_ptrArrayAppend( &tier->announceEvents, (void*)announceEvent ); tier->announceAt = announceAt; dbgmsg( tier, "appended event \"%s\"; announcing in %d seconds\n", announceEvent, (int)difftime(announceAt,time(NULL)) ); } static void torrentAddAnnounce( tr_torrent * tor, const char * announceEvent, time_t announceAt ) { int i; int n; tr_torrent_tiers * tiers; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); tiers = tor->tiers; n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers, i ), announceEvent, announceAt ); } void tr_announcerTorrentStarted( tr_torrent * tor ) { torrentAddAnnounce( tor, STARTED, tr_time( ) ); } void tr_announcerManualAnnounce( tr_torrent * tor ) { torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "", tr_time( ) ); } void tr_announcerTorrentStopped( tr_torrent * tor ) { torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "stopped", tr_time( ) ); } void tr_announcerTorrentCompleted( tr_torrent * tor ) { torrentAddAnnounce( tor, "completed", tr_time( ) ); } void tr_announcerChangeMyPort( tr_torrent * tor ) { tr_announcerTorrentStarted( tor ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_announcerAddBytes( tr_torrent * tor, int type, uint32_t byteCount ) { int i, n; tr_torrent_tiers * tiers; assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); assert( type==TR_ANN_UP || type==TR_ANN_DOWN || type==TR_ANN_CORRUPT ); tiers = tor->tiers; n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers, i ); tier->byteCounts[ type ] += byteCount; } } /*** **** ***/ void tr_announcerRemoveTorrent( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_torrent * tor ) { assert( tr_isTorrent( tor ) ); if( tor->tiers ) { int i; const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers->tiers, i ); if( tier->isRunning ) { struct stop_message * s = tr_new0( struct stop_message, 1 ); s->up = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP]; s->down = tier->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN]; s->url = createAnnounceURL( announcer, tor, tier, "stopped" ); s->host = tier->currentTracker->host; tr_ptrArrayInsertSorted( &announcer->stops, s, compareStops ); } } tiersFree( tor->tiers ); tor->tiers = NULL; } } /* return true if (1) we've tried it recently AND (2) it didn't respond... */ static tr_bool hostIsNotResponding( const tr_host * host, const time_t now ) { tr_bool b = ( host->lastRequestTime ) && ( host->lastRequestTime >= ( now - SLOW_HOST_PENALTY_SECS ) ) && ( host->lastResponseInterval > MAX_TRACKER_RESPONSE_TIME_SECS ); return b; } static tr_bool tierIsNotResponding( const tr_tier * tier, const time_t now ) { return !tier->currentTracker || hostIsNotResponding( tier->currentTracker->host, now ); } static int getRetryInterval( const tr_host * host ) { int interval; const int jitter = tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 120 ); const time_t timeSinceLastSuccess = tr_time() - host->lastSuccessfulRequest; if( timeSinceLastSuccess < 15*60 ) interval = 0; else if( timeSinceLastSuccess < 30*60 ) interval = 60*4; else if( timeSinceLastSuccess < 45*60 ) interval = 60*8; else if( timeSinceLastSuccess < 60*60 ) interval = 60*16; else interval = 60*32; return interval + jitter; } static int compareTiers( const void * va, const void * vb ) { int ret = 0; tr_bool af, bf; const tr_tier * a = *(const tr_tier**)va; const tr_tier * b = *(const tr_tier**)vb; /* working domains come before non-working */ if( !ret ) { const time_t now = tr_time( ); af = tierIsNotResponding( a, now ); bf = tierIsNotResponding( b, now ); if( af != bf ) ret = !af ? -1 : 1; } /* stops come before starts */ if( !ret ) { af = a->tor->isRunning; bf = b->tor->isRunning; if( af != bf ) ret = af ? 1 : -1; } /* upload comes before download */ if( !ret ) ret = compareTransfer( a->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP], a->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN], b->byteCounts[TR_ANN_UP], b->byteCounts[TR_ANN_DOWN] ); /* incomplete comes before complete */ if( !ret ) { af = a->tor->completeness == TR_LEECH; bf = b->tor->completeness == TR_LEECH; if( af != bf ) return af ? -1 : 1; } /* private before public */ if( !ret ) { af = tr_torrentIsPrivate( a->tor ); bf = tr_torrentIsPrivate( b->tor ); if( af != bf ) ret = af ? -1 : 1; } return ret; } static uint8_t * parseOldPeers( tr_benc * bePeers, size_t * byteCount ) { int i; uint8_t * array, *walk; const int peerCount = bePeers->val.l.count; assert( tr_bencIsList( bePeers ) ); array = tr_new( uint8_t, peerCount * ( sizeof( tr_address ) + 2 ) ); for( i = 0, walk = array; i < peerCount; ++i ) { const char * s; int64_t itmp; tr_address addr; tr_port port; tr_benc * peer = &bePeers->val.l.vals[i]; if( tr_bencDictFindStr( peer, "ip", &s ) ) if( tr_pton( s, &addr ) == NULL ) continue; if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( peer, "port", &itmp ) || itmp < 0 || itmp > USHRT_MAX ) continue; memcpy( walk, &addr, sizeof( tr_address ) ); port = htons( itmp ); memcpy( walk + sizeof( tr_address ), &port, 2 ); walk += sizeof( tr_address ) + 2; } *byteCount = peerCount * sizeof( tr_address ) + 2; return array; } static tr_bool parseAnnounceResponse( tr_tier * tier, const char * response, size_t responseLen, tr_bool * gotScrape ) { tr_benc benc; tr_bool success = FALSE; int scrapeFields = 0; const int bencLoaded = !tr_bencLoad( response, responseLen, &benc, NULL ); if( getenv( "TR_CURL_VERBOSE" ) != NULL ) { char * str = tr_bencToStr( &benc, TR_FMT_JSON, NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "Announce response:\n< %s\n", str ); tr_free( str ); } dbgmsg( tier, "response len: %d, isBenc: %d", (int)responseLen, (int)bencLoaded ); publishErrorClear( tier ); if( bencLoaded && tr_bencIsDict( &benc ) ) { int peerCount = 0; size_t rawlen; int64_t i; tr_benc * tmp; const char * str; const uint8_t * raw; tr_bool gotPeers = FALSE; success = TRUE; if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "failure reason", &str ) ) { tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, str, sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) ); dbgmsg( tier, "tracker gave \"%s\"", str ); publishMessage( tier, str, TR_TRACKER_ERROR ); success = FALSE; } if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "warning message", &str ) ) { tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, str, sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) ); dbgmsg( tier, "tracker gave \"%s\"", str ); publishWarning( tier, str ); } if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "interval", &i ) ) { dbgmsg( tier, "setting interval to %d", (int)i ); tier->announceIntervalSec = i; } if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "min interval", &i ) ) { dbgmsg( tier, "setting min interval to %d", (int)i ); tier->announceMinIntervalSec = i; } if( tr_bencDictFindStr( &benc, "tracker id", &str ) ) { tier->currentTracker->tracker_id = tr_strdup( str ); } if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "complete", &i ) ) tier->currentTracker->seederCount = 0; else { ++scrapeFields; tier->currentTracker->seederCount = i; } if( !tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "incomplete", &i ) ) tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = 0; else { ++scrapeFields; tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = i; } if( tr_bencDictFindInt( &benc, "downloaded", &i ) ) { ++scrapeFields; tier->currentTracker->downloadCount = i; } if( tr_bencDictFindRaw( &benc, "peers", &raw, &rawlen ) ) { /* "compact" extension */ const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount; const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount; peerCount += publishNewPeersCompact( tier, seeders, leechers, raw, rawlen ); gotPeers = TRUE; } else if( tr_bencDictFindList( &benc, "peers", &tmp ) ) { /* original version of peers */ const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount; const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount; size_t byteCount = 0; uint8_t * array = parseOldPeers( tmp, &byteCount ); peerCount += publishNewPeers( tier, seeders, leechers, array, byteCount ); gotPeers = TRUE; tr_free( array ); } if( tr_bencDictFindRaw( &benc, "peers6", &raw, &rawlen ) ) { /* "compact" extension */ const int seeders = tier->currentTracker->seederCount; const int leechers = tier->currentTracker->leecherCount; peerCount += publishNewPeersCompact6( tier, seeders, leechers, raw, rawlen ); gotPeers = TRUE; } if( tier->lastAnnounceStr[0] == '\0' ) tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, _( "Success" ), sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) ); if( gotPeers ) tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount = peerCount; } if( bencLoaded ) tr_bencFree( &benc ); *gotScrape = scrapeFields >= 2; return success; } struct announce_data { int torrentId; int tierId; time_t timeSent; const char * event; /** If the request succeeds, the value for tier's "isRunning" flag */ tr_bool isRunningOnSuccess; }; static void onAnnounceDone( tr_session * session, long responseCode, const void * response, size_t responseLen, void * vdata ) { tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer; struct announce_data * data = vdata; tr_tier * tier = getTier( announcer, data->torrentId, data->tierId ); tr_bool gotScrape = FALSE; tr_bool success = FALSE; const time_t now = time ( NULL ); const char * announceEvent = data->event; const tr_bool isStopped = !strcmp( announceEvent, "stopped" ); if( announcer && tier ) { if( tier->currentTracker->host ) { tr_host * host = tier->currentTracker->host; host->lastRequestTime = data->timeSent; host->lastResponseInterval = now - data->timeSent; } tier->lastAnnounceTime = now; if( responseCode == HTTP_OK ) { success = parseAnnounceResponse( tier, response, responseLen, &gotScrape ); dbgmsg( tier, "success is %d", success ); if( isStopped ) { /* now that we've successfully stopped the torrent, * we can reset the up/down/corrupt count we've kept * for this tracker */ tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_UP ] = 0; tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_DOWN ] = 0; tier->byteCounts[ TR_ANN_CORRUPT ] = 0; } } else if( responseCode ) { /* %1$ld - http status code, such as 404 * %2$s - human-readable explanation of the http status code */ char * buf = tr_strdup_printf( _( "tracker gave HTTP Response Code %1$ld (%2$s)" ), responseCode, tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) ); tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, buf, sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) ); /* if the response is serious, *and* if the response may require * human intervention, then notify the user... otherwise just log it */ if( responseCode >= 400 ) if( tr_torrentIsPrivate( tier->tor ) || ( tier->tor->info.trackerCount < 2 ) ) publishWarning( tier, buf ); tr_torinf( tier->tor, "%s", buf ); dbgmsg( tier, "%s", buf ); tr_free( buf ); } else { tr_strlcpy( tier->lastAnnounceStr, _( "tracker did not respond" ), sizeof( tier->lastAnnounceStr ) ); dbgmsg( tier, "%s", tier->lastAnnounceStr ); } } if( tier ) { tier->isAnnouncing = FALSE; if( responseCode == 0 ) { const int interval = getRetryInterval( tier->currentTracker->host ); dbgmsg( tier, "No response from tracker... retrying in %d seconds.", interval ); tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0; tierAddAnnounce( tier, announceEvent, now + interval ); } else if( 200 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 299 ) { const int interval = tier->announceIntervalSec; dbgmsg( tier, "request succeeded. reannouncing in %d seconds", interval ); if( gotScrape ) { tier->lastScrapeTime = now; tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = 1; tier->scrapeAt = now + tier->scrapeIntervalSec; } tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = now + tier->announceMinIntervalSec; /* if we're running and the queue is empty, add the next update */ if( !isStopped && !tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->announceEvents ) ) { tierAddAnnounce( tier, "", now + interval ); } } else if( 300 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 399 ) { /* how did this get here? libcurl handles this */ const int interval = 5; dbgmsg( tier, "got a redirect. retrying in %d seconds", interval ); tierAddAnnounce( tier, announceEvent, now + interval ); tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = now + tier->announceMinIntervalSec; } else if( ( responseCode == 404 ) || ( 500 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 599 ) ) { /* 404: The requested resource could not be found but may be * available again in the future. Subsequent requests by * the client are permissible. */ /* 5xx: indicate cases in which the server is aware that it * has erred or is incapable of performing the request. * So we pause a bit and try again. */ const int interval = getRetryInterval( tier->currentTracker->host ); tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0; tierAddAnnounce( tier, announceEvent, now + interval ); } else if( 400 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 499 ) { /* The request could not be understood by the server due to * malformed syntax. The client SHOULD NOT repeat the * request without modifications. */ if( tr_torrentIsPrivate( tier->tor ) || ( tier->tor->info.trackerCount < 2 ) ) publishErrorMessageAndStop( tier, _( "Tracker returned a 4xx message" ) ); tier->announceAt = 0; tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0; } else { /* WTF did we get?? */ const int interval = 120; dbgmsg( tier, "Invalid response from tracker... retrying in two minutes." ); tier->manualAnnounceAllowedAt = ~(time_t)0; tierAddAnnounce( tier, announceEvent, now + interval ); } tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded = success; tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut = responseCode == 0; if( success ) { tier->isRunning = data->isRunningOnSuccess; if( tier->currentTracker->host ) tier->currentTracker->host->lastSuccessfulRequest = now; } else if( responseCode != HTTP_OK ) { tierIncrementTracker( tier ); tr_ptrArrayInsert( &tier->announceEvents, (void*)announceEvent, 0 ); } } if( announcer != NULL ) { ++announcer->slotsAvailable; } tr_free( data ); } static const char* getNextAnnounceEvent( tr_tier * tier ) { int i, n; int pos = -1; tr_ptrArray tmp; const char ** events; const char * str = NULL; assert( tier != NULL ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tier->tor ) ); events = (const char**) tr_ptrArrayPeek( &tier->announceEvents, &n ); /* special case #1: if "stopped" is in the queue, * ignore everything before it except "completed" */ if( pos == -1 ) { tr_bool completed = FALSE; for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) { if( !strcmp( events[i], "completed" ) ) completed = TRUE; if( !strcmp( events[i], "stopped" ) ) break; } if( !completed && ( i < n ) ) pos = i; } /* special case #2: don't use empty strings if something follows them */ if( pos == -1 ) { for( i = 0; i < n; ++i ) if( *events[i] ) break; if( i < n ) pos = i; } /* default: use the next in the queue */ if( ( pos == -1 ) && ( n > 0 ) ) pos = 0; /* special case #3: if there are duplicate requests in a row, skip to the last one */ if( pos >= 0 ) { for( i=pos+1; i=0 ? events[pos] : NULL; if( tr_cpGetStatus( &tier->tor->completion ) == TR_PARTIAL_SEED ) if( !str || strcmp( str, "stopped" ) ) str = "paused"; #if 0 for( i=0; iannounceEvents, NULL ); tier->announceEvents = tmp; return str; } static void tierAnnounce( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_tier * tier ) { const char * announceEvent = getNextAnnounceEvent( tier ); assert( !tier->isAnnouncing ); if( announceEvent != NULL ) { char * url; struct announce_data * data; const tr_torrent * tor = tier->tor; const time_t now = tr_time( ); data = tr_new0( struct announce_data, 1 ); data->torrentId = tr_torrentId( tor ); data->tierId = tier->key; data->isRunningOnSuccess = tor->isRunning; data->timeSent = now; data->event = announceEvent; url = createAnnounceURL( announcer, tor, tier, data->event ); tier->isAnnouncing = TRUE; tier->lastAnnounceStartTime = now; --announcer->slotsAvailable; tr_webRun( announcer->session, url, NULL, onAnnounceDone, data ); tr_free( url ); } } static tr_bool parseScrapeResponse( tr_tier * tier, const char * response, size_t responseLen, char * result, size_t resultlen ) { tr_bool success = FALSE; tr_benc benc, *files; const int bencLoaded = !tr_bencLoad( response, responseLen, &benc, NULL ); if( bencLoaded && tr_bencDictFindDict( &benc, "files", &files ) ) { const char * key; tr_benc * val; int i = 0; while( tr_bencDictChild( files, i++, &key, &val )) { int64_t intVal; tr_benc * flags; if( memcmp( tier->tor->info.hash, key, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ) continue; success = TRUE; publishErrorClear( tier ); if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "complete", &intVal ) ) ) tier->currentTracker->seederCount = intVal; if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "incomplete", &intVal ) ) ) tier->currentTracker->leecherCount = intVal; if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "downloaded", &intVal ) ) ) tier->currentTracker->downloadCount = intVal; if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( val, "downloaders", &intVal ) ) ) tier->currentTracker->downloaderCount = intVal; if( tr_bencDictFindDict( val, "flags", &flags ) ) if( ( tr_bencDictFindInt( flags, "min_request_interval", &intVal ) ) ) tier->scrapeIntervalSec = MAX( DEFAULT_SCRAPE_INTERVAL_SEC, (int)intVal ); tr_tordbg( tier->tor, "Scrape successful. Rescraping in %d seconds.", tier->scrapeIntervalSec ); } } if( bencLoaded ) tr_bencFree( &benc ); if( success ) tr_strlcpy( result, _( "Success" ), resultlen ); else tr_strlcpy( result, _( "Error parsing response" ), resultlen ); return success; } static void onScrapeDone( tr_session * session, long responseCode, const void * response, size_t responseLen, void * vdata ) { tr_bool success = FALSE; tr_announcer * announcer = session->announcer; struct announce_data * data = vdata; tr_tier * tier = getTier( announcer, data->torrentId, data->tierId ); const time_t now = tr_time( ); if( announcer ) ++announcer->slotsAvailable; if( announcer && tier ) { tier->isScraping = FALSE; tier->lastScrapeTime = now; if( tier->currentTracker->host ) { tr_host * host = tier->currentTracker->host; host->lastRequestTime = data->timeSent; host->lastResponseInterval = now - data->timeSent; } if( 200 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 299 ) { const int interval = tier->scrapeIntervalSec; tier->scrapeAt = now + interval; if( responseCode == HTTP_OK ) success = parseScrapeResponse( tier, response, responseLen, tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ) ); else tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ), _( "tracker gave HTTP Response Code %1$ld (%2$s)" ), responseCode, tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) ); tr_tordbg( tier->tor, "%s", tier->lastScrapeStr ); } else if( 300 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 399 ) { /* this shouldn't happen; libcurl should handle this */ const int interval = 5; tier->scrapeAt = now + interval; tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ), "Got a redirect. Retrying in %d seconds", interval ); tr_tordbg( tier->tor, "%s", tier->lastScrapeStr ); } else { const int interval = getRetryInterval( tier->currentTracker->host ); /* Don't retry on a 4xx. * Retry at growing intervals on a 5xx */ if( 400 <= responseCode && responseCode <= 499 ) tier->scrapeAt = 0; else tier->scrapeAt = now + interval; /* %1$ld - http status code, such as 404 * %2$s - human-readable explanation of the http status code */ if( !responseCode ) tr_strlcpy( tier->lastScrapeStr, _( "tracker did not respond" ), sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ) ); else tr_snprintf( tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( tier->lastScrapeStr ), _( "tracker gave HTTP Response Code %1$ld (%2$s)" ), responseCode, tr_webGetResponseStr( responseCode ) ); } tier->lastScrapeSucceeded = success; tier->lastScrapeTimedOut = responseCode == 0; if( success && tier->currentTracker->host ) tier->currentTracker->host->lastSuccessfulRequest = now; } tr_free( data ); } static void tierScrape( tr_announcer * announcer, tr_tier * tier ) { char * url; const char * scrape; struct announce_data * data; const time_t now = tr_time( ); assert( tier ); assert( !tier->isScraping ); assert( tier->currentTracker != NULL ); assert( tr_isTorrent( tier->tor ) ); data = tr_new0( struct announce_data, 1 ); data->torrentId = tr_torrentId( tier->tor ); data->tierId = tier->key; scrape = tier->currentTracker->scrape; url = tr_strdup_printf( "%s%cinfo_hash=%s", scrape, strchr( scrape, '?' ) ? '&' : '?', tier->tor->info.hashEscaped ); tier->isScraping = TRUE; tier->lastScrapeStartTime = now; --announcer->slotsAvailable; dbgmsg( tier, "scraping \"%s\"", url ); tr_webRun( announcer->session, url, NULL, onScrapeDone, data ); tr_free( url ); } static void flushCloseMessages( tr_announcer * announcer ) { int i; const int n = tr_ptrArraySize( &announcer->stops ); for( i=0; istops, i ); tr_webRun( announcer->session, stop->url, NULL, NULL, NULL ); stopFree( stop ); } tr_ptrArrayClear( &announcer->stops ); } static tr_bool tierNeedsToAnnounce( const tr_tier * tier, const time_t now ) { return !tier->isAnnouncing && !tier->isScraping && ( tier->announceAt != 0 ) && ( tier->announceAt <= now ) && ( tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->announceEvents ) != 0 ); } static tr_bool tierNeedsToScrape( const tr_tier * tier, const time_t now ) { return ( !tier->isScraping ) && ( tier->scrapeAt != 0 ) && ( tier->scrapeAt <= now ) && ( tier->currentTracker != NULL ) && ( tier->currentTracker->scrape != NULL ); } static void announceMore( tr_announcer * announcer ) { tr_torrent * tor = NULL; const time_t now = tr_time( ); if( announcer->slotsAvailable > 0 ) { int i; int n; tr_ptrArray announceMe = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; tr_ptrArray scrapeMe = TR_PTR_ARRAY_INIT; /* build a list of tiers that need to be announced */ while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( announcer->session, tor ))) { if( tor->tiers ) { n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tor->tiers->tiers ); for( i=0; itiers->tiers, i ); if( tierNeedsToAnnounce( tier, now ) ) tr_ptrArrayAppend( &announceMe, tier ); else if( tierNeedsToScrape( tier, now ) ) tr_ptrArrayAppend( &scrapeMe, tier ); } } } /* if there are more tiers than slots available, prioritize */ n = tr_ptrArraySize( &announceMe ); if( n > announcer->slotsAvailable ) qsort( tr_ptrArrayBase( &announceMe ), n, sizeof( tr_tier * ), compareTiers ); /* announce some */ n = MIN( tr_ptrArraySize( &announceMe ), announcer->slotsAvailable ); for( i=0; islotsAvailable ); for( i=0; isession, tor ))) { if( tor->dhtAnnounceAt <= now ) { if( tor->isRunning && tr_torrentAllowsDHT(tor) ) { int rc; rc = tr_dhtAnnounce(tor, AF_INET, 1); if(rc == 0) /* The DHT is not ready yet. Try again soon. */ tor->dhtAnnounceAt = now + 5 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 5 ); else /* We should announce at least once every 30 minutes. */ tor->dhtAnnounceAt = now + 25 * 60 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 3 * 60 ); } } if( tor->dhtAnnounce6At <= now ) { if( tor->isRunning && tr_torrentAllowsDHT(tor) ) { int rc; rc = tr_dhtAnnounce(tor, AF_INET6, 1); if(rc == 0) tor->dhtAnnounce6At = now + 5 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 5 ); else tor->dhtAnnounce6At = now + 25 * 60 + tr_cryptoWeakRandInt( 3 * 60 ); } } } /* Local Peer Discovery */ if( announcer->lpdHouseKeepingAt <= now ) { tr_lpdAnnounceMore( now, LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS ); /* reschedule more LDS announces for ( the future + jitter ) */ announcer->lpdHouseKeepingAt = calcRescheduleWithJitter( LPD_HOUSEKEEPING_INTERVAL_SECS ); } } static void onUpkeepTimer( int foo UNUSED, short bar UNUSED, void * vannouncer ) { tr_announcer * announcer = vannouncer; tr_sessionLock( announcer->session ); /* maybe send out some "stopped" messages for closed torrents */ flushCloseMessages( announcer ); /* maybe send out some announcements to trackers */ announceMore( announcer ); /* set up the next timer */ tr_timerAdd( announcer->upkeepTimer, UPKEEP_INTERVAL_SECS, 0 ); tr_sessionUnlock( announcer->session ); } /*** **** ***/ tr_tracker_stat * tr_announcerStats( const tr_torrent * torrent, int * setmeTrackerCount ) { int i; int n; int out = 0; int tierCount; tr_tracker_stat * ret; const time_t now = tr_time( ); assert( tr_isTorrent( torrent ) ); /* count the trackers... */ for( i=n=0, tierCount=tr_ptrArraySize( &torrent->tiers->tiers ); itiers->tiers, i ); n += tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers ); } /* alloc the stats */ *setmeTrackerCount = n; ret = tr_new0( tr_tracker_stat, n ); /* populate the stats */ for( i=0, tierCount=tr_ptrArraySize( &torrent->tiers->tiers ); itiers->tiers, i ); n = tr_ptrArraySize( &tier->trackers ); for( j=0; jtrackers, j ); tr_tracker_stat * st = ret + out++; st->id = tracker->id; tr_strlcpy( st->host, tracker->host->name, sizeof( st->host ) ); tr_strlcpy( st->announce, tracker->announce, sizeof( st->announce ) ); st->tier = i; st->isBackup = tracker != tier->currentTracker; st->lastScrapeStartTime = tier->lastScrapeStartTime; st->seederCount = tracker->seederCount; st->leecherCount = tracker->leecherCount; st->downloadCount = tracker->downloadCount; if( st->isBackup ) { st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE; st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE; st->nextScrapeTime = 0; st->nextAnnounceTime = 0; } else { if(( st->hasScraped = tier->lastScrapeTime != 0 )) { st->lastScrapeTime = tier->lastScrapeTime; st->lastScrapeSucceeded = tier->lastScrapeSucceeded; st->lastScrapeTimedOut = tier->lastScrapeTimedOut; tr_strlcpy( st->lastScrapeResult, tier->lastScrapeStr, sizeof( st->lastScrapeResult ) ); } if( tier->isScraping ) st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE; else if( !tier->scrapeAt ) st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE; else if( tier->scrapeAt > now ) { st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING; st->nextScrapeTime = tier->scrapeAt; } else st->scrapeState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED; st->lastAnnounceStartTime = tier->lastAnnounceStartTime; if(( st->hasAnnounced = tier->lastAnnounceTime != 0 )) { st->lastAnnounceTime = tier->lastAnnounceTime; tr_strlcpy( st->lastAnnounceResult, tier->lastAnnounceStr, sizeof( st->lastAnnounceResult ) ); st->lastAnnounceSucceeded = tier->lastAnnounceSucceeded; st->lastAnnounceTimedOut = tier->lastAnnounceTimedOut; st->lastAnnouncePeerCount = tier->lastAnnouncePeerCount; } if( tier->isAnnouncing ) st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_ACTIVE; else if( !torrent->isRunning || !tier->announceAt ) st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_INACTIVE; else if( tier->announceAt > now ) { st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_WAITING; st->nextAnnounceTime = tier->announceAt; } else st->announceState = TR_TRACKER_QUEUED; } } } return ret; } void tr_announcerStatsFree( tr_tracker_stat * trackers, int trackerCount UNUSED ) { tr_free( trackers ); }