/* * This file Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include /* isalpha() */ #include /* SHCreateDirectoryEx() */ #include /* FSCTL_SET_SPARSE */ #include "transmission.h" #include "crypto-utils.h" /* tr_rand_int() */ #include "error.h" #include "file.h" #include "tr-assert.h" #include "utils.h" #ifndef MAXSIZE_T #define MAXSIZE_T ((SIZE_T)~((SIZE_T)0)) #endif /* MSDN (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2k2xf226.aspx) only mentions "i64" suffix for C code, but no warning is issued */ #define DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS 11644473600000000ULL struct tr_sys_dir_win32 { wchar_t* pattern; HANDLE find_handle; WIN32_FIND_DATAW find_data; char* utf8_name; }; static wchar_t const native_local_path_prefix[] = { '\\', '\\', '?', '\\' }; static wchar_t const native_unc_path_prefix[] = { '\\', '\\', '?', '\\', 'U', 'N', 'C', '\\' }; static void set_system_error(tr_error** error, DWORD code) { char* message; if (error == NULL) { return; } message = tr_win32_format_message(code); if (message != NULL) { tr_error_set_literal(error, code, message); tr_free(message); } else { tr_error_set(error, code, "Unknown error: 0x%08lx", code); } } static void set_system_error_if_file_found(tr_error** error, DWORD code) { if (code != ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && code != ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND && code != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { set_system_error(error, code); } } static time_t filetime_to_unix_time(FILETIME const* t) { TR_ASSERT(t != NULL); uint64_t tmp = 0; tmp |= t->dwHighDateTime; tmp <<= 32; tmp |= t->dwLowDateTime; tmp /= 10; /* to microseconds */ tmp -= DELTA_EPOCH_IN_MICROSECS; return tmp / 1000000UL; } static void stat_to_sys_path_info(DWORD attributes, DWORD size_low, DWORD size_high, FILETIME const* mtime, tr_sys_path_info* info) { TR_ASSERT(mtime != NULL); TR_ASSERT(info != NULL); if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { info->type = TR_SYS_PATH_IS_DIRECTORY; } else if (!(attributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DEVICE | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_VIRTUAL))) { info->type = TR_SYS_PATH_IS_FILE; } else { info->type = TR_SYS_PATH_IS_OTHER; } info->size = size_high; info->size <<= 32; info->size |= size_low; info->last_modified_at = filetime_to_unix_time(mtime); } static inline bool is_slash(char c) { return c == '\\' || c == '/'; } static inline bool is_unc_path(char const* path) { return is_slash(path[0]) && path[1] == path[0]; } static bool is_valid_path(char const* path) { if (is_unc_path(path)) { if (path[2] != '\0' && !isalnum(path[2])) { return false; } } else { char const* colon_pos = strchr(path, ':'); if (colon_pos != NULL) { if (colon_pos != path + 1 || !isalpha(path[0])) { return false; } path += 2; } } return strpbrk(path, "<>:\"|?*") == NULL; } static wchar_t* path_to_native_path_ex(char const* path, int extra_chars_after, int* real_result_size) { /* Extending maximum path length limit up to ~32K. See "Naming Files, Paths, and Namespaces" (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa365247.aspx) for more info */ bool const is_relative = tr_sys_path_is_relative(path); bool const is_unc = is_unc_path(path); /* `-2` for UNC since we overwrite existing prefix slashes */ int const extra_chars_before = is_relative ? 0 : (is_unc ? TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_unc_path_prefix) - 2 : TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_local_path_prefix)); /* TODO (?): TR_ASSERT(!is_relative); */ wchar_t* const wide_path = tr_win32_utf8_to_native_ex(path, -1, extra_chars_before, extra_chars_after, real_result_size); if (wide_path == NULL) { return NULL; } /* Relative paths cannot be used with "\\?\" prefixes. This also means that relative paths are limited to ~260 chars... but we should rarely work with relative paths in the first place */ if (!is_relative) { if (is_unc) { /* UNC path: "\\server\share" -> "\\?\UNC\server\share" */ memcpy(wide_path, native_unc_path_prefix, sizeof(native_unc_path_prefix)); } else { /* Local path: "C:" -> "\\?\C:" */ memcpy(wide_path, native_local_path_prefix, sizeof(native_local_path_prefix)); } } /* Automatic '/' to '\' conversion is disabled for "\\?\"-prefixed paths */ wchar_t* p = wide_path + extra_chars_before; while ((p = wcschr(p, L'/')) != NULL) { *p++ = L'\\'; } if (real_result_size != NULL) { *real_result_size += extra_chars_before; } return wide_path; } static wchar_t* path_to_native_path(char const* path) { return path_to_native_path_ex(path, 0, NULL); } static char* native_path_to_path(wchar_t const* wide_path) { if (wide_path == NULL) { return NULL; } bool const is_unc = wcsncmp(wide_path, native_unc_path_prefix, TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_unc_path_prefix)) == 0; bool const is_local = !is_unc && wcsncmp(wide_path, native_local_path_prefix, TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_local_path_prefix)) == 0; size_t const skip_chars = is_unc ? TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_unc_path_prefix) : (is_local ? TR_N_ELEMENTS(native_local_path_prefix) : 0); char* const path = tr_win32_native_to_utf8_ex(wide_path + skip_chars, -1, is_unc ? 2 : 0, 0, NULL); if (is_unc && path != NULL) { path[0] = '\\'; path[1] = '\\'; } return path; } static tr_sys_file_t open_file(char const* path, DWORD access, DWORD disposition, DWORD flags, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); tr_sys_file_t ret = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if (wide_path != NULL) { ret = CreateFileW(wide_path, access, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, disposition, flags, NULL); } if (ret == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; } static bool create_dir(char const* path, int flags, int permissions, bool okay_if_exists, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); (void)permissions; bool ret; DWORD error_code = ERROR_SUCCESS; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if ((flags & TR_SYS_DIR_CREATE_PARENTS) != 0) { error_code = SHCreateDirectoryExW(NULL, wide_path, NULL); ret = error_code == ERROR_SUCCESS; } else { ret = CreateDirectoryW(wide_path, NULL); if (!ret) { error_code = GetLastError(); } } if (!ret && error_code == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS && okay_if_exists) { DWORD const attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ret = true; } } if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, error_code); } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; } static void create_temp_path(char* path_template, void (* callback)(char const* path, void* param, tr_error** error), void* callback_param, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path_template != NULL); TR_ASSERT(callback != NULL); char* path = tr_strdup(path_template); size_t path_size = strlen(path); TR_ASSERT(path_size > 0); tr_error* my_error = NULL; for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 100; ++attempt) { size_t i = path_size; while (i > 0 && path_template[i - 1] == 'X') { int const c = tr_rand_int(26 + 26 + 10); path[i - 1] = c < 26 ? c + 'A' : (c < 26 + 26 ? (c - 26) + 'a' : (c - 26 - 26) + '0'); --i; } TR_ASSERT(path_size >= i + 6); tr_error_clear(&my_error); (*callback)(path, callback_param, &my_error); if (my_error == NULL) { break; } } if (my_error != NULL) { tr_error_propagate(error, &my_error); } else { memcpy(path_template, path, path_size); } tr_free(path); } bool tr_sys_path_exists(char const* path, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); bool ret = false; HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if (wide_path != NULL) { DWORD attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_REPARSE_POINT) { handle = CreateFileW(wide_path, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); ret = handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { ret = true; } } } if (!ret) { set_system_error_if_file_found(error, GetLastError()); } if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(handle); } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; } bool tr_sys_path_get_info(char const* path, int flags, tr_sys_path_info* info, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); TR_ASSERT(info != NULL); bool ret = false; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if ((flags & TR_SYS_PATH_NO_FOLLOW) == 0) { HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if (wide_path != NULL) { handle = CreateFileW(wide_path, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); } if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { tr_error* my_error = NULL; ret = tr_sys_file_get_info(handle, info, &my_error); if (!ret) { tr_error_propagate(error, &my_error); } CloseHandle(handle); } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } } else { WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA attributes; if (wide_path != NULL) { ret = GetFileAttributesExW(wide_path, GetFileExInfoStandard, &attributes); } if (ret) { stat_to_sys_path_info(attributes.dwFileAttributes, attributes.nFileSizeLow, attributes.nFileSizeHigh, &attributes.ftLastWriteTime, info); } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; } bool tr_sys_path_is_relative(char const* path) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); /* UNC path: `\\...`. */ if (is_unc_path(path)) { return false; } /* Local path: `X:` or `X:\...`. */ if (isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':' && (path[2] == '\0' || is_slash(path[2]))) { return false; } return true; } bool tr_sys_path_is_same(char const* path1, char const* path2, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path1 != NULL); TR_ASSERT(path2 != NULL); bool ret = false; wchar_t* wide_path1 = NULL; wchar_t* wide_path2 = NULL; HANDLE handle1 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HANDLE handle2 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION fi1, fi2; wide_path1 = path_to_native_path(path1); if (wide_path1 == NULL) { goto fail; } wide_path2 = path_to_native_path(path2); if (wide_path2 == NULL) { goto fail; } handle1 = CreateFileW(wide_path1, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (handle1 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto fail; } handle2 = CreateFileW(wide_path2, 0, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (handle2 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto fail; } /* TODO: Use GetFileInformationByHandleEx on >= Server 2012 */ if (!GetFileInformationByHandle(handle1, &fi1) || !GetFileInformationByHandle(handle2, &fi2)) { goto fail; } ret = fi1.dwVolumeSerialNumber == fi2.dwVolumeSerialNumber && fi1.nFileIndexHigh == fi2.nFileIndexHigh && fi1.nFileIndexLow == fi2.nFileIndexLow; goto cleanup; fail: set_system_error_if_file_found(error, GetLastError()); cleanup: CloseHandle(handle2); CloseHandle(handle1); tr_free(wide_path2); tr_free(wide_path1); return ret; } char* tr_sys_path_resolve(char const* path, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); char* ret = NULL; wchar_t* wide_path; wchar_t* wide_ret = NULL; HANDLE handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; DWORD wide_ret_size; wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if (wide_path == NULL) { goto fail; } handle = CreateFileW(wide_path, FILE_READ_EA, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE | FILE_SHARE_DELETE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { goto fail; } wide_ret_size = GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(handle, NULL, 0, 0); if (wide_ret_size == 0) { goto fail; } wide_ret = tr_new(wchar_t, wide_ret_size); if (GetFinalPathNameByHandleW(handle, wide_ret, wide_ret_size, 0) != wide_ret_size - 1) { goto fail; } TR_ASSERT(wcsncmp(wide_ret, L"\\\\?\\", 4) == 0); ret = native_path_to_path(wide_ret); if (ret != NULL) { goto cleanup; } fail: set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); tr_free(ret); ret = NULL; cleanup: tr_free(wide_ret); tr_free(wide_path); if (handle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(handle); } return ret; } char* tr_sys_path_basename(char const* path, tr_error** error) { if (tr_str_is_empty(path)) { return tr_strdup("."); } if (!is_valid_path(path)) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); return NULL; } char const* end = path + strlen(path); while (end > path && is_slash(*(end - 1))) { --end; } if (end == path) { return tr_strdup("/"); } char const* name = end; while (name > path && *(name - 1) != ':' && !is_slash(*(name - 1))) { --name; } if (name == end) { return tr_strdup("/"); } return tr_strndup(name, end - name); } char* tr_sys_path_dirname(char const* path, tr_error** error) { if (tr_str_is_empty(path)) { return tr_strdup("."); } if (!is_valid_path(path)) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND); return NULL; } bool const is_unc = is_unc_path(path); if (is_unc && path[2] == '\0') { return tr_strdup(path); } char const* end = path + strlen(path); while (end > path && is_slash(*(end - 1))) { --end; } if (end == path) { return tr_strdup("/"); } char const* name = end; while (name > path && *(name - 1) != ':' && !is_slash(*(name - 1))) { --name; } while (name > path && is_slash(*(name - 1))) { --name; } if (name == path) { return tr_strdup(is_unc ? "\\\\" : "."); } if (name > path && *(name - 1) == ':' && *name != '\0' && !is_slash(*name)) { return tr_strdup_printf("%c:.", path[0]); } return tr_strndup(path, name - path); } bool tr_sys_path_rename(char const* src_path, char const* dst_path, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(src_path != NULL); TR_ASSERT(dst_path != NULL); bool ret = false; wchar_t* wide_src_path = path_to_native_path(src_path); wchar_t* wide_dst_path = path_to_native_path(dst_path); if (wide_src_path != NULL && wide_dst_path != NULL) { DWORD flags = MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING; DWORD attributes; attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_src_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { flags = 0; } else { attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_dst_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && (attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { flags = 0; } } ret = MoveFileExW(wide_src_path, wide_dst_path, flags); } if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(wide_dst_path); tr_free(wide_src_path); return ret; } bool tr_sys_path_remove(char const* path, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); bool ret = false; wchar_t* wide_path = path_to_native_path(path); if (wide_path != NULL) { DWORD const attributes = GetFileAttributesW(wide_path); if (attributes != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { if ((attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { ret = RemoveDirectoryW(wide_path); } else { ret = DeleteFileW(wide_path); } } } if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(wide_path); return ret; } char* tr_sys_path_native_separators(char* path) { if (path == NULL) { return NULL; } for (char* slash = strchr(path, '/'); slash != NULL; slash = strchr(slash, '/')) { *slash = '\\'; } return path; } tr_sys_file_t tr_sys_file_get_std(tr_std_sys_file_t std_file, tr_error** error) { tr_sys_file_t ret = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; switch (std_file) { case TR_STD_SYS_FILE_IN: ret = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); break; case TR_STD_SYS_FILE_OUT: ret = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); break; case TR_STD_SYS_FILE_ERR: ret = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE); break; default: TR_ASSERT_MSG(false, "unknown standard file %d", (int)std_file); set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } if (ret == TR_BAD_SYS_FILE) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } else if (ret == NULL) { ret = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } return ret; } tr_sys_file_t tr_sys_file_open(char const* path, int flags, int permissions, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); TR_ASSERT((flags & (TR_SYS_FILE_READ | TR_SYS_FILE_WRITE)) != 0); (void)permissions; tr_sys_file_t ret; DWORD native_access = 0; DWORD native_disposition = OPEN_EXISTING; DWORD native_flags = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL; bool success; if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_READ) != 0) { native_access |= GENERIC_READ; } if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_WRITE) != 0) { native_access |= GENERIC_WRITE; } if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_CREATE_NEW) != 0) { native_disposition = CREATE_NEW; } else if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_CREATE) != 0) { native_disposition = (flags & TR_SYS_FILE_TRUNCATE) != 0 ? CREATE_ALWAYS : OPEN_ALWAYS; } else if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_TRUNCATE) != 0) { native_disposition = TRUNCATE_EXISTING; } if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_SEQUENTIAL) != 0) { native_flags |= FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN; } ret = open_file(path, native_access, native_disposition, native_flags, error); success = ret != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; if (success && (flags & TR_SYS_FILE_APPEND) != 0) { success = SetFilePointer(ret, 0, NULL, FILE_END) != INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER; } if (!success) { if (error == NULL) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(ret); ret = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; } return ret; } static void file_open_temp_callback(char const* path, void* param, tr_error** error) { tr_sys_file_t* result = (tr_sys_file_t*)param; TR_ASSERT(result != NULL); *result = open_file(path, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, CREATE_NEW, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY, error); } tr_sys_file_t tr_sys_file_open_temp(char* path_template, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path_template != NULL); tr_sys_file_t ret = TR_BAD_SYS_FILE; create_temp_path(path_template, file_open_temp_callback, &ret, error); return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_close(tr_sys_file_t handle, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); bool ret = CloseHandle(handle); if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_get_info(tr_sys_file_t handle, tr_sys_path_info* info, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(info != NULL); BY_HANDLE_FILE_INFORMATION attributes; bool ret = GetFileInformationByHandle(handle, &attributes); if (ret) { stat_to_sys_path_info(attributes.dwFileAttributes, attributes.nFileSizeLow, attributes.nFileSizeHigh, &attributes.ftLastWriteTime, info); } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_seek(tr_sys_file_t handle, int64_t offset, tr_seek_origin_t origin, uint64_t* new_offset, tr_error** error) { TR_STATIC_ASSERT(TR_SEEK_SET == FILE_BEGIN, "values should match"); TR_STATIC_ASSERT(TR_SEEK_CUR == FILE_CURRENT, "values should match"); TR_STATIC_ASSERT(TR_SEEK_END == FILE_END, "values should match"); TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(origin == TR_SEEK_SET || origin == TR_SEEK_CUR || origin == TR_SEEK_END); bool ret = false; LARGE_INTEGER native_offset; LARGE_INTEGER new_native_pointer; native_offset.QuadPart = offset; if (SetFilePointerEx(handle, native_offset, &new_native_pointer, origin)) { if (new_offset != NULL) { *new_offset = new_native_pointer.QuadPart; } ret = true; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_read(tr_sys_file_t handle, void* buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t* bytes_read, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(buffer != NULL || size == 0); if (size > MAXDWORD) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } bool ret = false; DWORD my_bytes_read; if (ReadFile(handle, buffer, (DWORD)size, &my_bytes_read, NULL)) { if (bytes_read != NULL) { *bytes_read = my_bytes_read; } ret = true; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_read_at(tr_sys_file_t handle, void* buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset, uint64_t* bytes_read, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(buffer != NULL || size == 0); if (size > MAXDWORD) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } bool ret = false; OVERLAPPED overlapped; DWORD my_bytes_read; overlapped.Offset = (DWORD)offset; offset >>= 32; overlapped.OffsetHigh = (DWORD)offset; overlapped.hEvent = NULL; if (ReadFile(handle, buffer, (DWORD)size, &my_bytes_read, &overlapped)) { if (bytes_read != NULL) { *bytes_read = my_bytes_read; } ret = true; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_write(tr_sys_file_t handle, void const* buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t* bytes_written, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(buffer != NULL || size == 0); if (size > MAXDWORD) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } bool ret = false; DWORD my_bytes_written; if (WriteFile(handle, buffer, (DWORD)size, &my_bytes_written, NULL)) { if (bytes_written != NULL) { *bytes_written = my_bytes_written; } ret = true; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_write_at(tr_sys_file_t handle, void const* buffer, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset, uint64_t* bytes_written, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(buffer != NULL || size == 0); if (size > MAXDWORD) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } bool ret = false; OVERLAPPED overlapped; DWORD my_bytes_written; overlapped.Offset = (DWORD)offset; offset >>= 32; overlapped.OffsetHigh = (DWORD)offset; overlapped.hEvent = NULL; if (WriteFile(handle, buffer, (DWORD)size, &my_bytes_written, &overlapped)) { if (bytes_written != NULL) { *bytes_written = my_bytes_written; } ret = true; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_flush(tr_sys_file_t handle, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); bool ret = FlushFileBuffers(handle); if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_truncate(tr_sys_file_t handle, uint64_t size, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); FILE_END_OF_FILE_INFO info; info.EndOfFile.QuadPart = size; bool ret = SetFileInformationByHandle(handle, FileEndOfFileInfo, &info, sizeof(info)); if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_advise(tr_sys_file_t handle, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, tr_sys_file_advice_t advice, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(size > 0); TR_ASSERT(advice == TR_SYS_FILE_ADVICE_WILL_NEED || advice == TR_SYS_FILE_ADVICE_DONT_NEED); (void)handle; (void)offset; (void)size; (void)advice; (void)error; bool ret = true; /* ??? */ return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_preallocate(tr_sys_file_t handle, uint64_t size, int flags, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); if ((flags & TR_SYS_FILE_PREALLOC_SPARSE) != 0) { DWORD tmp; if (!DeviceIoControl(handle, FSCTL_SET_SPARSE, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, &tmp, NULL)) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); return false; } } return tr_sys_file_truncate(handle, size, error); } void* tr_sys_file_map_for_reading(tr_sys_file_t handle, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT(size > 0); if (size > MAXSIZE_T) { set_system_error(error, ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return false; } void* ret = NULL; HANDLE mappingHandle = CreateFileMappingW(handle, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL); if (mappingHandle != NULL) { ULARGE_INTEGER native_offset; native_offset.QuadPart = offset; ret = MapViewOfFile(mappingHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, native_offset.u.HighPart, native_offset.u.LowPart, (SIZE_T)size); } if (ret == NULL) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } CloseHandle(mappingHandle); return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_unmap(void const* address, uint64_t size, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(address != NULL); TR_ASSERT(size > 0); (void)size; bool ret = UnmapViewOfFile(address); if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_file_lock(tr_sys_file_t handle, int operation, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_FILE); TR_ASSERT((operation & ~(TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_SH | TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_EX | TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_NB | TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_UN)) == 0); TR_ASSERT(!!(operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_SH) + !!(operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_EX) + !!(operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_UN) == 1); bool ret; OVERLAPPED overlapped = { .Pointer = 0, .hEvent = NULL }; if ((operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_UN) == 0) { DWORD native_flags = 0; if ((operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_EX) != 0) { native_flags |= LOCKFILE_EXCLUSIVE_LOCK; } if ((operation & TR_SYS_FILE_LOCK_NB) != 0) { native_flags |= LOCKFILE_FAIL_IMMEDIATELY; } ret = LockFileEx(handle, native_flags, 0, MAXDWORD, MAXDWORD, &overlapped) != FALSE; } else { ret = UnlockFileEx(handle, 0, MAXDWORD, MAXDWORD, &overlapped) != FALSE; } if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } char* tr_sys_dir_get_current(tr_error** error) { char* ret = NULL; wchar_t* wide_ret = NULL; DWORD size; size = GetCurrentDirectoryW(0, NULL); if (size != 0) { wide_ret = tr_new(wchar_t, size); if (GetCurrentDirectoryW(size, wide_ret) != 0) { ret = tr_win32_native_to_utf8(wide_ret, size); } } if (ret == NULL) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(wide_ret); return ret; } bool tr_sys_dir_create(char const* path, int flags, int permissions, tr_error** error) { return create_dir(path, flags, permissions, true, error); } static void dir_create_temp_callback(char const* path, void* param, tr_error** error) { bool* result = (bool*)param; TR_ASSERT(result != NULL); *result = create_dir(path, 0, 0, false, error); } bool tr_sys_dir_create_temp(char* path_template, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(path_template != NULL); bool ret = false; create_temp_path(path_template, dir_create_temp_callback, &ret, error); return ret; } tr_sys_dir_t tr_sys_dir_open(char const* path, tr_error** error) { #ifndef __clang__ /* Clang gives "static_assert expression is not an integral constant expression" error */ TR_STATIC_ASSERT(TR_BAD_SYS_DIR == NULL, "values should match"); #endif TR_ASSERT(path != NULL); tr_sys_dir_t ret = tr_new(struct tr_sys_dir_win32, 1); int pattern_size; ret->pattern = path_to_native_path_ex(path, 2, &pattern_size); if (ret->pattern != NULL) { ret->pattern[pattern_size + 0] = L'\\'; ret->pattern[pattern_size + 1] = L'*'; ret->find_handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; ret->utf8_name = NULL; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); tr_free(ret->pattern); tr_free(ret); ret = NULL; } return ret; } char const* tr_sys_dir_read_name(tr_sys_dir_t handle, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_DIR); DWORD error_code = ERROR_SUCCESS; if (handle->find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { handle->find_handle = FindFirstFileW(handle->pattern, &handle->find_data); if (handle->find_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { error_code = GetLastError(); } } else { if (!FindNextFileW(handle->find_handle, &handle->find_data)) { error_code = GetLastError(); } } if (error_code != ERROR_SUCCESS) { set_system_error_if_file_found(error, error_code); return NULL; } char* ret = tr_win32_native_to_utf8(handle->find_data.cFileName, -1); if (ret != NULL) { tr_free(handle->utf8_name); handle->utf8_name = ret; } else { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } return ret; } bool tr_sys_dir_close(tr_sys_dir_t handle, tr_error** error) { TR_ASSERT(handle != TR_BAD_SYS_DIR); bool ret = FindClose(handle->find_handle); if (!ret) { set_system_error(error, GetLastError()); } tr_free(handle->utf8_name); tr_free(handle->pattern); tr_free(handle); return ret; }