/* * Copyright © Dave Perrett and Malcolm Jarvis * This code is licensed under the GPL version 2. * For details, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html * * Class TransmissionRemote */ function RPC() { } //Prefs.prototype = { } // Constants RPC._Root = '/transmission/rpc'; RPC._Encryption = 'encryption'; RPC._EncryptionPreferred = 'preferred'; RPC._EncryptionRequired = 'required'; RPC._UpSpeedLimit = 'speed-limit-up'; RPC._DownSpeedLimit = 'speed-limit-down'; RPC._DownloadDir = 'download-dir'; RPC._PeerPort = 'peer-port'; RPC._UpSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-up-enabled'; RPC._DownSpeedLimited = 'speed-limit-down-enabled'; function TransmissionRemote( controller ) { this.initialize( controller ); return this; } TransmissionRemote.prototype = { /* * Constructor */ initialize: function(controller) { this._controller = controller; this._error = ''; this._token = ''; }, /* * Display an error if an ajax request fails, and stop sending requests * or on a 409, globally set the X-Transmission-Session-Id and resend */ ajaxError: function(request, error_string, exception, ajaxObject) { var token; remote = this; // set the Transmission-Session-Id on a 409 if(request.status == 409 && (token = request.getResponseHeader('X-Transmission-Session-Id'))){ remote._token = token; $.ajax(ajaxObject); return; } remote._error = request.responseText ? request.responseText.trim().replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/ig,"") : ""; if( !remote._error.length ) remote._error = 'Server not responding'; dialog.confirm('Connection Failed', 'Could not connect to the server. You may need to reload the page to reconnect.', 'Details', 'alert(remote._error);', null, 'Dismiss'); remote._controller.togglePeriodicRefresh(false); }, appendSessionId: function(XHR) { XHR.setRequestHeader('X-Transmission-Session-Id', this._token); }, sendRequest: function( data, success, async ) { remote = this; if( typeof async != 'boolean' ) async = true; $.ajax( { url: RPC._Root, type: 'POST', contentType: 'json', dataType: 'json', cache: false, data: $.toJSON(data), beforeSend: function(XHR){ remote.appendSessionId(XHR) }, error: function(request, error_string, exception){ remote.ajaxError(request, error_string, exception, this) }, success: success, async: async } ); }, loadDaemonPrefs: function( callback, async ) { var tr = this._controller; var o = { method: 'session-get' }; this.sendRequest( o, callback, async ); }, getInitialDataFor: function(torrent_ids, callback) { var o = { method: 'torrent-get', arguments: { fields: Torrent._StaticFields.concat(Torrent._DynamicFields, [ 'files', 'fileStats' ]) } }; if(torrent_ids) o.arguments.ids = torrent_ids; this.sendRequest( o, function(data){ callback(data.arguments.torrents)} ); }, getUpdatedDataFor: function(torrent_ids, callback) { var o = { method: 'torrent-get', arguments: { 'ids': torrent_ids, fields: [ 'id' ].concat(Torrent._DynamicFields) } }; this.sendRequest( o, function(data){ callback(data.arguments.torrents, data.arguments.removed)} ); }, loadTorrentFiles: function( torrent_ids ) { var tr = this._controller; this.sendRequest( { method: 'torrent-get', arguments: { fields: [ 'id', 'fileStats'], ids: torrent_ids } }, function(data) { tr.updateTorrentsFileData( data.arguments.torrents ); } ); }, changeFileCommand: function( command, torrent, file ) { var remote = this; var torrent_ids = [ torrent.id() ]; var o = { method: 'torrent-set', arguments: { ids: torrent_ids } }; o.arguments[command] = [ file._index ]; this.sendRequest( o, function( ) { remote._controller.refreshTorrents( torrent_ids ); } ); }, sendTorrentCommand: function( method, torrents ) { var remote = this; var o = { method: method, arguments: { ids: [ ] } }; if( torrents != null ) for( var i=0, len=torrents.length; i