/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2006-2008 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <gtk/gtk.h> #include <glib/gi18n.h> #include <libtransmission/transmission.h> #include <libtransmission/utils.h> /* tr_truncd() */ #include "tr-prefs.h" #include "tr-torrent.h" #include "conf.h" #include "notify.h" #include "util.h" struct TrTorrentPrivate { tr_torrent * handle; gboolean do_remove; }; static void tr_torrent_init( GTypeInstance * instance, gpointer g_class UNUSED ) { TrTorrent * self = TR_TORRENT( instance ); struct TrTorrentPrivate * p; p = self->priv = G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE( self, TR_TORRENT_TYPE, struct TrTorrentPrivate ); p->handle = NULL; #ifdef REFDBG g_message( "torrent %p init", self ); #endif } static int isDisposed( const TrTorrent * tor ) { return !tor || !TR_IS_TORRENT( tor ) || !tor->priv; } static void tr_torrent_dispose( GObject * o ) { GObjectClass * parent; TrTorrent * self = TR_TORRENT( o ); if( !isDisposed( self ) ) { if( self->priv->handle ) { if( self->priv->do_remove ) tr_torrentRemove( self->priv->handle ); else tr_torrentFree( self->priv->handle ); } self->priv = NULL; } parent = g_type_class_peek( g_type_parent( TR_TORRENT_TYPE ) ); parent->dispose( o ); } void tr_torrent_clear( TrTorrent * tor ) { g_return_if_fail( tor ); g_return_if_fail( tor->priv ); tor->priv->handle = NULL; } static void tr_torrent_class_init( gpointer g_class, gpointer g_class_data UNUSED ) { GObjectClass *gobject_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS( g_class ); gobject_class->dispose = tr_torrent_dispose; g_type_class_add_private( g_class, sizeof( struct TrTorrentPrivate ) ); } GType tr_torrent_get_type( void ) { static GType type = 0; if( !type ) { static const GTypeInfo info = { sizeof ( TrTorrentClass ), NULL, /* base_init */ NULL, /* base_finalize */ tr_torrent_class_init, /* class_init */ NULL, /* class_finalize */ NULL, /* class_data */ sizeof ( TrTorrent ), 0, /* n_preallocs */ tr_torrent_init, /* instance_init */ NULL, }; type = g_type_register_static( G_TYPE_OBJECT, "TrTorrent", &info, 0 ); } return type; } tr_torrent * tr_torrent_handle( TrTorrent *tor ) { return isDisposed( tor ) ? NULL : tor->priv->handle; } const tr_stat * tr_torrent_stat( TrTorrent *tor ) { tr_torrent * handle = tr_torrent_handle( tor ); return handle ? tr_torrentStatCached( handle ) : NULL; } const tr_info * tr_torrent_info( TrTorrent * tor ) { tr_torrent * handle = tr_torrent_handle( tor ); return handle ? tr_torrentInfo( handle ) : NULL; } static gboolean notifyInMainThread( gpointer user_data ) { tr_notify_send( TR_TORRENT( user_data ) ); return FALSE; } static void completenessChangedCallback( tr_torrent * tor, tr_completeness completeness, void * user_data ) { if( ( completeness != TR_LEECH ) && ( tr_torrentStat( tor )->sizeWhenDone != 0 ) ) gtr_idle_add( notifyInMainThread, user_data ); } static TrTorrent * maketorrent( tr_torrent * tor ) { TrTorrent * gtor = g_object_new( TR_TORRENT_TYPE, NULL ); gtor->priv->handle = tor; tr_torrentSetCompletenessCallback( tor, completenessChangedCallback, gtor ); return gtor; } TrTorrent* tr_torrent_new_preexisting( tr_torrent * tor ) { return maketorrent( tor ); } TrTorrent * tr_torrent_new_ctor( tr_session * session, tr_ctor * ctor, int * errcode ) { tr_torrent * tor; uint8_t doTrash = FALSE; /* let the gtk client handle the removal, since libT * doesn't have any concept of the glib trash API */ tr_ctorGetDeleteSource( ctor, &doTrash ); tr_ctorSetDeleteSource( ctor, FALSE ); tor = tr_torrentNew( ctor, errcode ); if( tor && doTrash ) { const char * config = tr_sessionGetConfigDir( session ); const char * source = tr_ctorGetSourceFile( ctor ); const int is_internal = source && ( strstr( source, config ) == source ); /* #1294: don't delete the source .torrent file if it's our internal copy */ if( !is_internal ) tr_file_trash_or_remove( source ); } return tor ? maketorrent( tor ) : NULL; } char * tr_torrent_status_str( TrTorrent * gtor ) { char * top = NULL; const tr_stat * st = tr_torrent_stat( gtor ); const int tpeers = MAX ( st->peersConnected, 0 ); const int upeers = MAX ( st->peersGettingFromUs, 0 ); const int eta = st->eta; switch( st->activity ) { case TR_STATUS_CHECK_WAIT: top = g_strdup_printf( _( "Waiting to verify local data (%.1f%% tested)" ), tr_truncd( 100 * st->recheckProgress, 1 ) ); break; case TR_STATUS_CHECK: top = g_strdup_printf( _( "Verifying local data (%.1f%% tested)" ), tr_truncd( 100 * st->recheckProgress, 1 ) ); break; case TR_STATUS_DOWNLOAD: if( eta < 0 ) top = g_strdup_printf( _( "Remaining time unknown" ) ); else { char timestr[128]; tr_strltime( timestr, eta, sizeof( timestr ) ); /* %s is # of minutes */ top = g_strdup_printf( _( "%1$s remaining" ), timestr ); } break; case TR_STATUS_SEED: top = g_strdup_printf( ngettext( "Seeding to %1$'d of %2$'d connected peer", "Seeding to %1$'d of %2$'d connected peers", tpeers ), upeers, tpeers ); break; case TR_STATUS_STOPPED: top = g_strdup( _( "Stopped" ) ); break; default: top = g_strdup( "???" ); break; } return top; } void tr_torrent_set_remove_flag( TrTorrent * gtor, gboolean do_remove ) { if( !isDisposed( gtor ) ) gtor->priv->do_remove = do_remove; } void tr_torrent_delete_files( TrTorrent * gtor ) { tr_torrentDeleteLocalData( tr_torrent_handle( gtor ), tr_file_trash_or_remove ); } void tr_torrent_open_folder( TrTorrent * gtor ) { const tr_torrent * tor = tr_torrent_handle( gtor ); const tr_info * info = tr_torrent_info( gtor ); const gboolean single = info->fileCount == 1; char * path = single ? g_build_filename( tr_torrentGetCurrentDir( tor ), NULL ) : g_build_filename( tr_torrentGetCurrentDir( tor ), info->name, NULL ); gtr_open_file( path ); g_free( path ); }