/****************************************************************************** * $Id$ * * Copyright (c) 2005-2008 Transmission authors and contributors * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *****************************************************************************/ #include #include #include /* memcpy */ #include #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include /* stat */ #include /* opendir */ #include "transmission.h" #include "blocklist.h" #include "fdlimit.h" #include "list.h" #include "metainfo.h" /* tr_metainfoFree */ #include "net.h" #include "peer-mgr.h" #include "platform.h" /* tr_lock */ #include "port-forwarding.h" #include "ratecontrol.h" #include "rpc-server.h" #include "stats.h" #include "torrent.h" #include "tracker.h" #include "trevent.h" #include "utils.h" #include "web.h" /* Generate a peer id : "-TRxyzb-" + 12 random alphanumeric characters, where x is the major version number, y is the minor version number, z is the maintenance number, and b designates beta (Azureus-style) */ uint8_t* tr_peerIdNew( void ) { int i; int val; int total = 0; uint8_t * buf = tr_new( uint8_t, 21 ); const char * pool = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; const int base = 36; memcpy( buf, PEERID_PREFIX, 8 ); for( i=8; i<19; ++i ) { val = tr_rand( base ); total += val; buf[i] = pool[val]; } val = total % base ? base - (total % base) : 0; total += val; buf[19] = pool[val]; buf[20] = '\0'; return buf; } const uint8_t* tr_getPeerId( void ) { static uint8_t * id = NULL; if( id == NULL ) id = tr_peerIdNew( ); return id; } /*** **** ***/ tr_encryption_mode tr_sessionGetEncryption( tr_session * session ) { assert( session != NULL ); return session->encryptionMode; } void tr_sessionSetEncryption( tr_session * session, tr_encryption_mode mode ) { assert( session != NULL ); assert( mode==TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED || mode==TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED || mode==TR_PLAINTEXT_PREFERRED ); session->encryptionMode = mode; } /*** **** ***/ static void metainfoLookupRescan( tr_handle * h ); tr_handle * tr_sessionInitFull( const char * configDir, const char * downloadDir, const char * tag, int isPexEnabled, int isPortForwardingEnabled, int publicPort, int encryptionMode, int isUploadLimitEnabled, int uploadLimit, int isDownloadLimitEnabled, int downloadLimit, int globalPeerLimit, int messageLevel, int isMessageQueueingEnabled, int isBlocklistEnabled, int peerSocketTOS, int rpcIsEnabled, int rpcPort, const char * rpcACL ) { tr_handle * h; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; #ifndef WIN32 /* Don't exit when writing on a broken socket */ signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); #endif if( configDir == NULL ) configDir = tr_getDefaultConfigDir( ); tr_msgInit( ); tr_setMessageLevel( messageLevel ); tr_setMessageQueuing( isMessageQueueingEnabled ); h = tr_new0( tr_handle, 1 ); h->lock = tr_lockNew( ); h->isPexEnabled = isPexEnabled ? 1 : 0; h->encryptionMode = encryptionMode; h->peerSocketTOS = peerSocketTOS; h->downloadDir = tr_strdup( downloadDir ); tr_setConfigDir( h, configDir ); tr_netInit(); /* must go before tr_eventInit */ tr_eventInit( h ); while( !h->events ) tr_wait( 50 ); h->tag = tr_strdup( tag ); h->peerMgr = tr_peerMgrNew( h ); /* Initialize rate and file descripts controls */ h->upload = tr_rcInit(); tr_rcSetLimit( h->upload, uploadLimit ); h->useUploadLimit = isUploadLimitEnabled; h->download = tr_rcInit(); tr_rcSetLimit( h->download, downloadLimit ); h->useDownloadLimit = isDownloadLimitEnabled; tr_fdInit( globalPeerLimit ); h->shared = tr_sharedInit( h, isPortForwardingEnabled, publicPort ); h->isPortSet = publicPort >= 0; /* first %s is the application name second %s is the version number */ tr_inf( _( "%s %s started" ), TR_NAME, LONG_VERSION_STRING ); /* initialize the blocklist */ tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", NULL ); tr_mkdirp( filename, 0777 ); tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof( filename ), h->configDir, "blocklists", "level1.bin", NULL ); h->blocklist = _tr_blocklistNew( filename, isBlocklistEnabled ); tr_statsInit( h ); h->web = tr_webInit( h ); h->rpcServer = tr_rpcInit( h, rpcIsEnabled, rpcPort, rpcACL ); metainfoLookupRescan( h ); return h; } tr_handle * tr_sessionInit( const char * configDir, const char * downloadDir, const char * tag ) { return tr_sessionInitFull( configDir, downloadDir, tag, TR_DEFAULT_PEX_ENABLED, TR_DEFAULT_PORT_FORWARDING_ENABLED, -1, /* public port */ TR_ENCRYPTION_PREFERRED, /* encryption mode */ FALSE, /* use upload speed limit? */ -1, /* upload speed limit */ FALSE, /* use download speed limit? */ -1, /* download speed limit */ TR_DEFAULT_GLOBAL_PEER_LIMIT, TR_MSG_INF, /* message level */ FALSE, /* is message queueing enabled? */ FALSE, /* is the blocklist enabled? */ TR_DEFAULT_PEER_SOCKET_TOS, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_ENABLED, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_PORT, TR_DEFAULT_RPC_ACL ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetDownloadDir( tr_handle * handle, const char * dir ) { if( handle->downloadDir != dir ) { tr_free( handle->downloadDir ); handle->downloadDir = tr_strdup( dir ); } } const char * tr_sessionGetDownloadDir( const tr_handle * handle ) { return handle->downloadDir; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_globalLock( struct tr_handle * handle ) { tr_lockLock( handle->lock ); } void tr_globalUnlock( struct tr_handle * handle ) { tr_lockUnlock( handle->lock ); } int tr_globalIsLocked( const struct tr_handle * handle ) { return handle && tr_lockHave( handle->lock ); } /*********************************************************************** * tr_setBindPort *********************************************************************** * **********************************************************************/ struct bind_port_data { tr_handle * handle; int port; }; static void tr_setBindPortImpl( void * vdata ) { struct bind_port_data * data = vdata; tr_handle * handle = data->handle; const int port = data->port; handle->isPortSet = 1; tr_sharedSetPort( handle->shared, port ); tr_free( data ); } void tr_sessionSetPublicPort( tr_handle * handle, int port ) { struct bind_port_data * data = tr_new( struct bind_port_data, 1 ); data->handle = handle; data->port = port; tr_runInEventThread( handle, tr_setBindPortImpl, data ); } int tr_sessionGetPublicPort( const tr_handle * h ) { assert( h != NULL ); return tr_sharedGetPublicPort( h->shared ); } const tr_handle_status * tr_handleStatus( tr_handle * h ) { tr_handle_status * s; h->statCur = ( h->statCur + 1 ) % 2; s = &h->stats[h->statCur]; tr_globalLock( h ); s->natTraversalStatus = tr_sharedTraversalStatus( h->shared ); s->publicPort = tr_sharedGetPublicPort( h->shared ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); return s; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimitEnabled( tr_handle * h, int up_or_down, int use_flag ) { if( up_or_down == TR_UP ) h->useUploadLimit = use_flag ? 1 : 0; else h->useDownloadLimit = use_flag ? 1 : 0; } int tr_sessionIsSpeedLimitEnabled( const tr_handle * h, int up_or_down ) { return up_or_down==TR_UP ? h->useUploadLimit : h->useDownloadLimit; } void tr_sessionSetSpeedLimit( tr_handle * h, int up_or_down, int KiB_sec ) { if( up_or_down == TR_DOWN ) tr_rcSetLimit( h->download, KiB_sec ); else tr_rcSetLimit( h->upload, KiB_sec ); } int tr_sessionGetSpeedLimit( const tr_handle * h, int up_or_down ) { return tr_rcGetLimit( up_or_down==TR_UP ? h->upload : h->download ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPeerLimit( tr_handle * handle UNUSED, uint16_t maxGlobalPeers ) { tr_fdSetPeerLimit( maxGlobalPeers ); } uint16_t tr_sessionGetPeerLimit( const tr_handle * handle UNUSED ) { return tr_fdGetPeerLimit( ); } /*** **** ***/ void tr_torrentRates( tr_handle * h, float * toClient, float * toPeer ) { if( h ) { tr_globalLock( h ); if( toClient ) *toClient = tr_rcRate( h->download ); if( toPeer ) *toPeer = tr_rcRate( h->upload ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); } } int tr_torrentCount( const tr_handle * h ) { return h->torrentCount; } static void tr_closeAllConnections( void * vh ) { tr_handle * h = vh; tr_torrent * tor; tr_sharedShuttingDown( h->shared ); tr_trackerShuttingDown( h ); tr_rpcClose( &h->rpcServer ); while(( tor = tr_torrentNext( h, NULL ))) tr_torrentClose( tor ); tr_peerMgrFree( h->peerMgr ); tr_rcClose( h->upload ); tr_rcClose( h->download ); h->isClosed = TRUE; } static int deadlineReached( const uint64_t deadline ) { return tr_date( ) >= deadline; } #define SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS 30 void tr_sessionClose( tr_handle * h ) { int i; const int maxwait_msec = SHUTDOWN_MAX_SECONDS * 1000; const uint64_t deadline = tr_date( ) + maxwait_msec; tr_deepLog( __FILE__, __LINE__, NULL, "shutting down transmission session %p", h ); tr_statsClose( h ); tr_runInEventThread( h, tr_closeAllConnections, h ); while( !h->isClosed && !deadlineReached( deadline ) ) tr_wait( 100 ); _tr_blocklistFree( h->blocklist ); h->blocklist = NULL; tr_webClose( &h->web ); tr_eventClose( h ); while( h->events && !deadlineReached( deadline ) ) tr_wait( 100 ); tr_fdClose( ); tr_lockFree( h->lock ); for( i=0; imetainfoLookupCount; ++i ) tr_free( h->metainfoLookup[i].filename ); tr_free( h->metainfoLookup ); tr_free( h->tag ); tr_free( h->configDir ); tr_free( h->resumeDir ); tr_free( h->torrentDir ); free( h ); } tr_torrent ** tr_sessionLoadTorrents ( tr_handle * h, tr_ctor * ctor, int * setmeCount ) { int i, n = 0; struct stat sb; DIR * odir = NULL; const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( h ); tr_torrent ** torrents; tr_list *l=NULL, *list=NULL; tr_ctorSetSave( ctor, FALSE ); /* since we already have them */ if( !stat( dirname, &sb ) && S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && (( odir = opendir ( dirname ) )) ) { struct dirent *d; for (d = readdir( odir ); d!=NULL; d=readdir( odir ) ) { if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0]!='.' ) /* skip dotfiles, ., and .. */ { tr_torrent * tor; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), dirname, d->d_name, NULL ); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename ); tor = tr_torrentNew( h, ctor, NULL ); if( tor ) { tr_list_append( &list, tor ); n++; } } } closedir( odir ); } torrents = tr_new( tr_torrent*, n ); for( i=0, l=list; l!=NULL; l=l->next ) torrents[i++] = (tr_torrent*) l->data; assert( i==n ); tr_list_free( &list, NULL ); if( n ) tr_inf( _( "Loaded %d torrents" ), n ); if( setmeCount ) *setmeCount = n; return torrents; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPexEnabled( tr_handle * handle, int isPexEnabled ) { handle->isPexEnabled = isPexEnabled ? 1 : 0; } int tr_sessionIsPexEnabled( const tr_handle * handle ) { return handle->isPexEnabled; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetPortForwardingEnabled( tr_handle * h, int enable ) { tr_globalLock( h ); tr_sharedTraversalEnable( h->shared, enable ); tr_globalUnlock( h ); } int tr_sessionIsPortForwardingEnabled( const tr_handle * h ) { return tr_sharedTraversalIsEnabled( h->shared ); } /*** **** ***/ int tr_blocklistGetRuleCount( tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistGetRuleCount( handle->blocklist ); } int tr_blocklistIsEnabled( const tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistIsEnabled( handle->blocklist ); } void tr_blocklistSetEnabled( tr_handle * handle, int isEnabled ) { _tr_blocklistSetEnabled( handle->blocklist, isEnabled ); } int tr_blocklistExists( const tr_handle * handle ) { return _tr_blocklistExists( handle->blocklist ); } int tr_blocklistSetContent( tr_handle * handle, const char * filename ) { return _tr_blocklistSetContent( handle->blocklist, filename ); } int tr_blocklistHasAddress( tr_handle * handle, const struct in_addr * addr ) { return _tr_blocklistHasAddress( handle->blocklist, addr ); } /*** **** ***/ static int compareLookupEntries( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * a = va; const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * b = vb; return strcmp( a->hashString, b->hashString ); } static void metainfoLookupResort( tr_handle * h ) { qsort( h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareLookupEntries ); } static int compareHashStringToLookupEntry( const void * va, const void * vb ) { const char * a = va; const struct tr_metainfo_lookup * b = vb; return strcmp( a, b->hashString ); } const char* tr_sessionFindTorrentFile( const tr_handle * h, const char * hashStr ) { struct tr_metainfo_lookup * l = bsearch( hashStr, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareHashStringToLookupEntry ); return l ? l->filename : NULL; } static void metainfoLookupRescan( tr_handle * h ) { int i; int n; struct stat sb; const char * dirname = tr_getTorrentDir( h ); DIR * odir = NULL; tr_ctor * ctor = NULL; tr_list * list = NULL; /* walk through the directory and find the mappings */ ctor = tr_ctorNew( h ); tr_ctorSetSave( ctor, FALSE ); /* since we already have them */ if( !stat( dirname, &sb ) && S_ISDIR( sb.st_mode ) && (( odir = opendir( dirname )))) { struct dirent *d; for (d = readdir( odir ); d!=NULL; d=readdir( odir ) ) { if( d->d_name && d->d_name[0]!='.' ) /* skip dotfiles, ., and .. */ { tr_info inf; char filename[MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; tr_buildPath( filename, sizeof(filename), dirname, d->d_name, NULL ); tr_ctorSetMetainfoFromFile( ctor, filename ); if( !tr_torrentParse( h, ctor, &inf ) ) { tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( inf.hashString ) ); tr_list_append( &list, tr_strdup( filename ) ); tr_metainfoFree( &inf ); } } } closedir( odir ); } tr_ctorFree( ctor ); n = tr_list_size( list ) / 2; h->metainfoLookup = tr_new0( struct tr_metainfo_lookup, n ); h->metainfoLookupCount = n; for( i=0; imetainfoLookup[i].hashString, hashString, 2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH+1 ); tr_free( hashString ); h->metainfoLookup[i].filename = filename; } metainfoLookupResort( h ); tr_dbg( "Found %d torrents in \"%s\"", n, dirname ); } void tr_sessionSetTorrentFile( tr_handle * h, const char * hashString, const char * filename ) { struct tr_metainfo_lookup * l = bsearch( hashString, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount, sizeof( struct tr_metainfo_lookup ), compareHashStringToLookupEntry ); if( l != NULL ) { if( l->filename != filename ) { tr_free( l->filename ); l->filename = tr_strdup( filename ); } } else { const int n = h->metainfoLookupCount++; struct tr_metainfo_lookup * node; h->metainfoLookup = tr_renew( struct tr_metainfo_lookup, h->metainfoLookup, h->metainfoLookupCount ); node = h->metainfoLookup + n; memcpy( node->hashString, hashString, 2*SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH+1 ); node->filename = tr_strdup( filename ); metainfoLookupResort( h ); } } tr_torrent* tr_torrentNext( tr_handle * session, tr_torrent * tor ) { return tor ? tor->next : session->torrentList; } /*** **** ***/ void tr_sessionSetRPCEnabled( tr_handle * session, int isEnabled ) { tr_rpcSetEnabled( session->rpcServer, isEnabled ); } int tr_sessionIsRPCEnabled( const tr_handle * session ) { return tr_rpcIsEnabled( session->rpcServer ); } void tr_sessionSetRPCPort( tr_handle * session, int port ) { tr_rpcSetPort( session->rpcServer, port ); } int tr_sessionGetRPCPort( const tr_handle * session ) { return tr_rpcGetPort( session->rpcServer ); } void tr_sessionSetRPCCallback( tr_handle * session, tr_rpc_func func, void * user_data ) { session->rpc_func = func; session->rpc_func_user_data = user_data; } void tr_sessionSetRPCACL( tr_handle * session, const char * acl ) { tr_rpcSetACL( session->rpcServer, acl ); } const char* tr_sessionGetRPCACL( const tr_session * session ) { return tr_rpcGetACL( session->rpcServer ); }