/* * This file Copyright (C) 2010-2014 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include /* USHRT_MAX */ #include /* fprintf() */ #include /* strchr(), memcmp(), memcpy() */ #include #include /* for HTTP_OK */ #define LIBTRANSMISSION_ANNOUNCER_MODULE #include "transmission.h" #include "announcer-common.h" #include "log.h" #include "net.h" /* tr_globalIPv6() */ #include "peer-mgr.h" /* pex */ #include "torrent.h" #include "trevent.h" /* tr_runInEventThread() */ #include "utils.h" #include "variant.h" #include "web.h" /* tr_http_escape() */ #define dbgmsg(name, ...) tr_logAddDeepNamed(name, __VA_ARGS__) /**** ***** ***** ANNOUNCE ***** ****/ static char const* get_event_string(tr_announce_request const* req) { return req->partial_seed && (req->event != TR_ANNOUNCE_EVENT_STOPPED) ? "paused" : tr_announce_event_get_string(req->event); } static char* announce_url_new(tr_session const* session, tr_announce_request const* req) { char const* str; unsigned char const* ipv6; struct evbuffer* buf = evbuffer_new(); char escaped_info_hash[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 3 + 1]; tr_http_escape_sha1(escaped_info_hash, req->info_hash); evbuffer_expand(buf, 1024); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "%s" "%c" "info_hash=%s" "&peer_id=%*.*s" "&port=%d" "&uploaded=%" PRIu64 "&downloaded=%" PRIu64 "&left=%" PRIu64 "&numwant=%d" "&key=%x" "&compact=1" "&supportcrypto=1", req->url, strchr(req->url, '?') != NULL ? '&' : '?', escaped_info_hash, PEER_ID_LEN, PEER_ID_LEN, req->peer_id, req->port, req->up, req->down, req->leftUntilComplete, req->numwant, req->key); if (session->encryptionMode == TR_ENCRYPTION_REQUIRED) { evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "&requirecrypto=1"); } if (req->corrupt != 0) { evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "&corrupt=%" PRIu64, req->corrupt); } str = get_event_string(req); if (!tr_str_is_empty(str)) { evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "&event=%s", str); } str = req->tracker_id_str; if (!tr_str_is_empty(str)) { evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "&trackerid=%s", str); } /* There are two incompatible techniques for announcing an IPv6 address. BEP-7 suggests adding an "ipv6=" parameter to the announce URL, while OpenTracker requires that peers announce twice, once over IPv4 and once over IPv6. To be safe, we should do both: add the "ipv6=" parameter and announce twice. At any rate, we're already computing our IPv6 address (for the LTEP handshake), so this comes for free. */ ipv6 = tr_globalIPv6(); if (ipv6 != NULL) { char ipv6_readable[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; evutil_inet_ntop(AF_INET6, ipv6, ipv6_readable, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "&ipv6="); tr_http_escape(buf, ipv6_readable, TR_BAD_SIZE, true); } return evbuffer_free_to_str(buf, NULL); } static tr_pex* listToPex(tr_variant* peerList, size_t* setme_len) { size_t n = 0; size_t const len = tr_variantListSize(peerList); tr_pex* pex = tr_new0(tr_pex, len); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int64_t port; char const* ip; tr_address addr; tr_variant* peer = tr_variantListChild(peerList, i); if (peer == NULL) { continue; } if (!tr_variantDictFindStr(peer, TR_KEY_ip, &ip, NULL)) { continue; } if (!tr_address_from_string(&addr, ip)) { continue; } if (!tr_variantDictFindInt(peer, TR_KEY_port, &port)) { continue; } if (port < 0 || port > USHRT_MAX) { continue; } if (!tr_address_is_valid_for_peers(&addr, port)) { continue; } pex[n].addr = addr; pex[n].port = htons((uint16_t)port); ++n; } *setme_len = n; return pex; } struct announce_data { tr_announce_response response; tr_announce_response_func response_func; void* response_func_user_data; char log_name[128]; }; static void on_announce_done_eventthread(void* vdata) { struct announce_data* data = vdata; if (data->response_func != NULL) { data->response_func(&data->response, data->response_func_user_data); } tr_free(data->response.pex6); tr_free(data->response.pex); tr_free(data->response.tracker_id_str); tr_free(data->response.warning); tr_free(data->response.errmsg); tr_free(data); } static void on_announce_done(tr_session* session, bool did_connect, bool did_timeout, long response_code, void const* msg, size_t msglen, void* vdata) { tr_announce_response* response; struct announce_data* data = vdata; response = &data->response; response->did_connect = did_connect; response->did_timeout = did_timeout; dbgmsg(data->log_name, "Got announce response"); if (response_code != HTTP_OK) { char const* fmt = _("Tracker gave HTTP response code %1$ld (%2$s)"); char const* response_str = tr_webGetResponseStr(response_code); response->errmsg = tr_strdup_printf(fmt, response_code, response_str); } else { tr_variant benc; bool const variant_loaded = tr_variantFromBenc(&benc, msg, msglen) == 0; if (tr_env_key_exists("TR_CURL_VERBOSE")) { if (!variant_loaded) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Announce response was not in benc format\n"); } else { size_t len; char* str = tr_variantToStr(&benc, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, &len); fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Announce response:\n< "); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { fputc(str[i], stderr); } fputc('\n', stderr); tr_free(str); } } if (variant_loaded && tr_variantIsDict(&benc)) { int64_t i; size_t len; tr_variant* tmp; char const* str; uint8_t const* raw; if (tr_variantDictFindStr(&benc, TR_KEY_failure_reason, &str, &len)) { response->errmsg = tr_strndup(str, len); } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(&benc, TR_KEY_warning_message, &str, &len)) { response->warning = tr_strndup(str, len); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&benc, TR_KEY_interval, &i)) { response->interval = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&benc, TR_KEY_min_interval, &i)) { response->min_interval = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindStr(&benc, TR_KEY_tracker_id, &str, &len)) { response->tracker_id_str = tr_strndup(str, len); } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&benc, TR_KEY_complete, &i)) { response->seeders = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&benc, TR_KEY_incomplete, &i)) { response->leechers = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(&benc, TR_KEY_downloaded, &i)) { response->downloads = i; } if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_peers6, &raw, &len)) { dbgmsg(data->log_name, "got a peers6 length of %zu", len); response->pex6 = tr_peerMgrCompact6ToPex(raw, len, NULL, 0, &response->pex6_count); } if (tr_variantDictFindRaw(&benc, TR_KEY_peers, &raw, &len)) { dbgmsg(data->log_name, "got a compact peers length of %zu", len); response->pex = tr_peerMgrCompactToPex(raw, len, NULL, 0, &response->pex_count); } else if (tr_variantDictFindList(&benc, TR_KEY_peers, &tmp)) { response->pex = listToPex(tmp, &response->pex_count); dbgmsg(data->log_name, "got a peers list with %zu entries", response->pex_count); } } if (variant_loaded) { tr_variantFree(&benc); } } tr_runInEventThread(session, on_announce_done_eventthread, data); } void tr_tracker_http_announce(tr_session* session, tr_announce_request const* request, tr_announce_response_func response_func, void* response_func_user_data) { struct announce_data* d; char* url = announce_url_new(session, request); d = tr_new0(struct announce_data, 1); d->response.seeders = -1; d->response.leechers = -1; d->response.downloads = -1; d->response_func = response_func; d->response_func_user_data = response_func_user_data; memcpy(d->response.info_hash, request->info_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); tr_strlcpy(d->log_name, request->log_name, sizeof(d->log_name)); dbgmsg(request->log_name, "Sending announce to libcurl: \"%s\"", url); tr_webRun(session, url, on_announce_done, d); tr_free(url); } /**** ***** ***** SCRAPE ***** ****/ struct scrape_data { tr_scrape_response response; tr_scrape_response_func response_func; void* response_func_user_data; char log_name[128]; }; static void on_scrape_done_eventthread(void* vdata) { struct scrape_data* data = vdata; if (data->response_func != NULL) { data->response_func(&data->response, data->response_func_user_data); } tr_free(data->response.errmsg); tr_free(data->response.url); tr_free(data); } static void on_scrape_done(tr_session* session, bool did_connect, bool did_timeout, long response_code, void const* msg, size_t msglen, void* vdata) { tr_scrape_response* response; struct scrape_data* data = vdata; response = &data->response; response->did_connect = did_connect; response->did_timeout = did_timeout; dbgmsg(data->log_name, "Got scrape response for \"%s\"", response->url); if (response_code != HTTP_OK) { char const* fmt = _("Tracker gave HTTP response code %1$ld (%2$s)"); char const* response_str = tr_webGetResponseStr(response_code); response->errmsg = tr_strdup_printf(fmt, response_code, response_str); } else { tr_variant top; int64_t intVal; tr_variant* files; tr_variant* flags; bool const variant_loaded = tr_variantFromBenc(&top, msg, msglen) == 0; if (tr_env_key_exists("TR_CURL_VERBOSE")) { if (!variant_loaded) { fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Scrape response was not in benc format\n"); } else { size_t len; char* str = tr_variantToStr(&top, TR_VARIANT_FMT_JSON, &len); fprintf(stderr, "%s", "Scrape response:\n< "); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { fputc(str[i], stderr); } fputc('\n', stderr); tr_free(str); } } if (variant_loaded) { size_t len; char const* str; if (tr_variantDictFindStr(&top, TR_KEY_failure_reason, &str, &len)) { response->errmsg = tr_strndup(str, len); } if (tr_variantDictFindDict(&top, TR_KEY_flags, &flags) && tr_variantDictFindInt(flags, TR_KEY_min_request_interval, &intVal)) { response->min_request_interval = intVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindDict(&top, TR_KEY_files, &files)) { tr_quark key; tr_variant* val; for (int i = 0; tr_variantDictChild(files, i, &key, &val); ++i) { /* populate the corresponding row in our response array */ for (int j = 0; j < response->row_count; ++j) { struct tr_scrape_response_row* row = &response->rows[j]; if (memcmp(tr_quark_get_string(key, NULL), row->info_hash, SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH) == 0) { if (tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_complete, &intVal)) { row->seeders = intVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_incomplete, &intVal)) { row->leechers = intVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_downloaded, &intVal)) { row->downloads = intVal; } if (tr_variantDictFindInt(val, TR_KEY_downloaders, &intVal)) { row->downloaders = intVal; } break; } } } } tr_variantFree(&top); } } tr_runInEventThread(session, on_scrape_done_eventthread, data); } static char* scrape_url_new(tr_scrape_request const* req) { char delimiter; struct evbuffer* buf = evbuffer_new(); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "%s", req->url); delimiter = strchr(req->url, '?') != NULL ? '&' : '?'; for (int i = 0; i < req->info_hash_count; ++i) { char str[SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH * 3 + 1]; tr_http_escape_sha1(str, req->info_hash[i]); evbuffer_add_printf(buf, "%cinfo_hash=%s", delimiter, str); delimiter = '&'; } return evbuffer_free_to_str(buf, NULL); } void tr_tracker_http_scrape(tr_session* session, tr_scrape_request const* request, tr_scrape_response_func response_func, void* response_func_user_data) { struct scrape_data* d; char* url = scrape_url_new(request); d = tr_new0(struct scrape_data, 1); d->response.url = tr_strdup(request->url); d->response_func = response_func; d->response_func_user_data = response_func_user_data; d->response.row_count = request->info_hash_count; for (int i = 0; i < d->response.row_count; ++i) { memcpy(d->response.rows[i].info_hash, request->info_hash[i], SHA_DIGEST_LENGTH); d->response.rows[i].seeders = -1; d->response.rows[i].leechers = -1; d->response.rows[i].downloads = -1; } tr_strlcpy(d->log_name, request->log_name, sizeof(d->log_name)); dbgmsg(request->log_name, "Sending scrape to libcurl: \"%s\"", url); tr_webRun(session, url, on_scrape_done, d); tr_free(url); }