/* * This file Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Mnemosyne LLC * * It may be used under the GNU GPL versions 2 or 3 * or any future license endorsed by Mnemosyne LLC. * */ #include #include // tr_formatter #include "Formatter.h" #include "Speed.h" #include #include Formatter& Formatter::get() { static auto& singleton = *new Formatter(); return singleton; } Formatter::Formatter() : UnitStrings{{ { tr("B/s"), tr("kB/s"), tr("MB/s"), tr("GB/s"), tr("TB/s") }, // SPEED { tr("B"), tr("kB"), tr("MB"), tr("GB"), tr("TB") }, // SIZE { tr("B"), tr("KiB"), tr("MiB"), tr("GiB"), tr("TiB") } // MEM }} { auto const& speed = UnitStrings[SPEED]; tr_formatter_speed_init(SpeedBase, speed[KB].toUtf8().constData(), speed[MB].toUtf8().constData(), speed[GB].toUtf8().constData(), speed[TB].toUtf8().constData()); auto const& size = UnitStrings[SIZE]; tr_formatter_size_init(SizeBase, size[KB].toUtf8().constData(), size[MB].toUtf8().constData(), size[GB].toUtf8().constData(), size[TB].toUtf8().constData()); auto const& mem = UnitStrings[MEM]; tr_formatter_mem_init(MemBase, mem[KB].toUtf8().constData(), mem[MB].toUtf8().constData(), mem[GB].toUtf8().constData(), mem[TB].toUtf8().constData()); } QString Formatter::unitStr(Type t, Size s) const { return UnitStrings[t][s]; } QString Formatter::memToString(int64_t bytes) const { if (bytes < 0) { return tr("Unknown"); } if (bytes == 0) { return tr("None"); } auto buf = std::array{}; tr_formatter_mem_B(buf.data(), bytes, buf.size()); return QString::fromUtf8(buf.data()); } QString Formatter::sizeToString(int64_t bytes) const { if (bytes < 0) { return tr("Unknown"); } if (bytes == 0) { return tr("None"); } auto buf = std::array{}; tr_formatter_size_B(buf.data(), bytes, buf.size()); return QString::fromUtf8(buf.data()); } QString Formatter::speedToString(Speed const& speed) const { auto buf = std::array{}; tr_formatter_speed_KBps(buf.data(), speed.getKBps(), buf.size()); return QString::fromUtf8(buf.data()); } QString Formatter::uploadSpeedToString(Speed const& upload_speed) const { static QChar constexpr UploadSymbol(0x25B4); return tr("%1 %2").arg(speedToString(upload_speed)).arg(UploadSymbol); } QString Formatter::downloadSpeedToString(Speed const& download_speed) const { static QChar constexpr DownloadSymbol(0x25BE); return tr("%1 %2").arg(speedToString(download_speed)).arg(DownloadSymbol); } QString Formatter::percentToString(double x) const { auto buf = std::array{}; return QString::fromUtf8(tr_strpercent(buf.data(), x, buf.size())); } QString Formatter::ratioToString(double ratio) const { auto buf = std::array{}; return QString::fromUtf8(tr_strratio(buf.data(), buf.size(), ratio, "\xE2\x88\x9E")); } QString Formatter::timeToString(int seconds) const { seconds = std::max(seconds, 0); auto const days = seconds / 86400; auto const hours = (seconds % 86400) / 3600; auto const minutes = (seconds % 3600) / 60; seconds %= 60; auto const d = tr("%Ln day(s)", nullptr, days); auto const h = tr("%Ln hour(s)", nullptr, hours); auto const m = tr("%Ln minute(s)", nullptr, minutes); auto const s = tr("%Ln second(s)", nullptr, seconds); QString str; if (days != 0) { if (days >= 4 || hours == 0) { str = d; } else { str = tr("%1, %2").arg(d).arg(h); } } else if (hours != 0) { if (hours >= 4 || minutes == 0) { str = h; } else { str = tr("%1, %2").arg(h).arg(m); } } else if (minutes != 0) { if (minutes >= 4 || seconds == 0) { str = m; } else { str = tr("%1, %2").arg(m).arg(s); } } else { str = s; } return str; } /*** **** ***/ double Speed::getKBps() const { return getBps() / static_cast(Formatter::SpeedBase); } Speed Speed::fromKBps(double KBps) { return Speed{ static_cast(KBps * Formatter::SpeedBase) }; }