// This file Copyright © 2005-2023 Transmission authors and contributors.
// It may be used under the MIT (SPDX: MIT) license.
// License text can be found in the licenses/ folder.

#include <libtransmission/transmission.h>
#include <libtransmission/utils.h>

#import "NSStringAdditions.h"
#import "NSDataAdditions.h"

@interface NSString (Private)

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeed:(CGFloat)speed kb:(NSString*)kb mb:(NSString*)mb gb:(NSString*)gb;
+ (NSString*)stringForSpeedCompact:(CGFloat)speed kb:(NSString*)kb mb:(NSString*)mb gb:(NSString*)gb;


@implementation NSString (NSStringAdditions)

+ (NSString*)ellipsis
    return @"\xE2\x80\xA6";

- (NSString*)stringByAppendingEllipsis
    return [self stringByAppendingString:NSString.ellipsis];

// Maximum supported localization is 9.22 EB, which is the maximum supported filesystem size by macOS, 8 EiB.
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/APFS_Guide/VolumeFormatComparison/VolumeFormatComparison.html
+ (NSString*)stringForFileSize:(uint64_t)size
    return [NSByteCountFormatter stringFromByteCount:size countStyle:NSByteCountFormatterCountStyleFile];

// Maximum supported localization is 9.22 EB, which is the maximum supported filesystem size by macOS, 8 EiB.
// https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/FileManagement/Conceptual/APFS_Guide/VolumeFormatComparison/VolumeFormatComparison.html
+ (NSString*)stringForFilePartialSize:(uint64_t)partialSize fullSize:(uint64_t)fullSize
    NSByteCountFormatter* fileSizeFormatter = [[NSByteCountFormatter alloc] init];

    NSString* fullSizeString = [fileSizeFormatter stringFromByteCount:fullSize];

    //figure out the magnitude of the two, since we can't rely on comparing the units because of localization and pluralization issues (for example, "1 byte of 2 bytes")
    BOOL partialUnitsSame;
    if (partialSize == 0)
        partialUnitsSame = YES; //we want to just show "0" when we have no partial data, so always set to the same units
        auto const magnitudePartial = static_cast<unsigned int>(log(partialSize) / log(1000));
        // we have to catch 0 with a special case, so might as well avoid the math for all of magnitude 0
        auto const magnitudeFull = static_cast<unsigned int>(fullSize < 1000 ? 0 : log(fullSize) / log(1000));
        partialUnitsSame = magnitudePartial == magnitudeFull;

    fileSizeFormatter.includesUnit = !partialUnitsSame;
    NSString* partialSizeString = [fileSizeFormatter stringFromByteCount:partialSize];

    return [NSString stringWithFormat:NSLocalizedString(@"%@ of %@", "file size string"), partialSizeString, fullSizeString];

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeed:(CGFloat)speed
    return [self stringForSpeed:speed kb:NSLocalizedString(@"KB/s", "Transfer speed (kilobytes per second)")
                             mb:NSLocalizedString(@"MB/s", "Transfer speed (megabytes per second)")
                             gb:NSLocalizedString(@"GB/s", "Transfer speed (gigabytes per second)")];

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeedAbbrev:(CGFloat)speed
    return [self stringForSpeed:speed kb:@"K" mb:@"M" gb:@"G"];

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeedAbbrevCompact:(CGFloat)speed
    return [self stringForSpeedCompact:speed kb:@"K" mb:@"M" gb:@"G"];

+ (NSString*)stringForRatio:(CGFloat)ratio
    //N/A is different than libtransmission's

    if (static_cast<int>(ratio) == TR_RATIO_NA)
        return NSLocalizedString(@"N/A", "No Ratio");

    if (static_cast<int>(ratio) == TR_RATIO_INF)
        return @"\xE2\x88\x9E";

    if (ratio < 10.0)
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f", tr_truncd(ratio, 2)];

    if (ratio < 100.0)
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f", tr_truncd(ratio, 1)];

    return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.0f", tr_truncd(ratio, 0)];

+ (NSString*)percentString:(CGFloat)progress longDecimals:(BOOL)longDecimals
    if (progress >= 1.0)
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%d%%", 100];
    else if (longDecimals)
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f%%", tr_truncd(progress * 100.0, 2)];
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f%%", tr_truncd(progress * 100.0, 1)];

- (NSComparisonResult)compareNumeric:(NSString*)string
    NSStringCompareOptions const comparisonOptions = NSNumericSearch | NSForcedOrderingSearch;
    return [self compare:string options:comparisonOptions range:NSMakeRange(0, self.length) locale:NSLocale.currentLocale];

- (NSArray<NSString*>*)nonEmptyComponentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:(NSCharacterSet*)separators
    NSMutableArray<NSString*>* components = [NSMutableArray array];
    for (NSString* evaluatedObject in [self componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet:separators])
        if (evaluatedObject.length > 0)
            [components addObject:evaluatedObject];
    return components;

+ (NSString*)convertedStringFromCString:(nonnull char const*)bytes
    // UTF-8 encoding
    NSString* fullPath = @(bytes);
    if (fullPath)
        return fullPath;
    // autodetection of the encoding (#3434)
    NSData* data = [NSData dataWithBytes:(void const*)bytes length:sizeof(unsigned char) * strlen(bytes)];
    [NSString stringEncodingForData:data encodingOptions:nil convertedString:&fullPath usedLossyConversion:nil];
    if (fullPath)
        return fullPath;
    // hexa encoding
    return data.hexString;


@implementation NSString (Private)

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeed:(CGFloat)speed kb:(NSString*)kb mb:(NSString*)mb gb:(NSString*)gb
    if (speed < 999.95) // 0.0 KB/s to 999.9 KB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, kb];

    speed /= 1000.0;

    if (speed < 99.995) // 1.00 MB/s to 99.99 MB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed, mb];
    else if (speed < 999.95) // 100.0 MB/s to 999.9 MB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, mb];

    speed /= 1000.0;

    if (speed < 99.995) // 1.00 GB/s to 99.99 GB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed, gb];
    // 100.0 GB/s and above
    return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, gb];

+ (NSString*)stringForSpeedCompact:(CGFloat)speed kb:(NSString*)kb mb:(NSString*)mb gb:(NSString*)gb
    if (speed < 99.95) // 0.0 KB/s to 99.9 KB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, kb];
    if (speed < 999.5) // 100 KB/s to 999 KB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.0f %@", speed, kb];

    speed /= 1000.0;

    if (speed < 9.995) // 1.00 MB/s to 9.99 MB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed, mb];
    if (speed < 99.95) // 10.0 MB/s to 99.9 MB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, mb];
    if (speed < 999.5) // 100 MB/s to 999 MB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.0f %@", speed, mb];

    speed /= 1000.0;

    if (speed < 9.995) // 1.00 GB/s to 9.99 GB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.2f %@", speed, gb];
    if (speed < 99.95) // 10.0 GB/s to 99.9 GB/s
        return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.1f %@", speed, gb];
    // 100 GB/s and above
    return [NSString localizedStringWithFormat:@"%.0f %@", speed, gb];
