/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Sergey Lyubka * All rights reserved * * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42): * Sergey Lyubka wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return. */ #include "defs.h" const char * shttpd_version(void) { return (VERSION); } static void call_user(struct conn *c, struct shttpd_arg *arg, shttpd_callback_t func) { arg->priv = c; arg->state = c->loc.chan.emb.state; arg->out.buf = io_space(&c->loc.io); arg->out.len = io_space_len(&c->loc.io); arg->out.num_bytes = 0; arg->in.buf = io_data(&c->rem.io);; arg->in.len = io_data_len(&c->rem.io); arg->in.num_bytes = 0; if (io_data_len(&c->rem.io) >= c->rem.io.size) arg->flags |= SHTTPD_POST_BUFFER_FULL; if (c->rem.content_len > 0 && c->rem.io.total < c->rem.content_len) arg->flags |= SHTTPD_MORE_POST_DATA; func(arg); io_inc_head(&c->loc.io, arg->out.num_bytes); io_inc_tail(&c->rem.io, arg->in.num_bytes); c->loc.chan.emb.state = arg->state; /* Save state */ /* * If callback finished output, that means it did all cleanup. * If the connection is terminated unexpectedly, we canna call * the callback via the stream close() method from disconnect. * However, if cleanup is already done, we set close() method to * NULL, to prevent the call from disconnect(). */ if (arg->flags & SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT) c->loc.flags &= ~FLAG_DONT_CLOSE; else c->loc.flags |= FLAG_DONT_CLOSE; if (arg->flags & SHTTPD_SUSPEND) c->loc.flags |= FLAG_SUSPEND; } static int do_embedded(struct stream *stream, void *buf, size_t len) { struct shttpd_arg arg; buf = NULL; len = 0; /* Squash warnings */ arg.user_data = stream->conn->loc.chan.emb.data; arg.flags = 0; call_user(stream->conn, &arg, (shttpd_callback_t) stream->conn->loc.chan.emb.func.v_func); return (0); } static void close_embedded(struct stream *stream) { struct shttpd_arg arg; struct conn *c = stream->conn; arg.flags = SHTTPD_CONNECTION_ERROR; arg.user_data = c->loc.chan.emb.data; /* * Do not call the user function if SHTTPD_END_OF_OUTPUT was set, * i.e. the callback already terminated correctly */ if (stream->flags & FLAG_DONT_CLOSE) call_user(stream->conn, &arg, (shttpd_callback_t) c->loc.chan.emb.func.v_func); } size_t shttpd_printf(struct shttpd_arg *arg, const char *fmt, ...) { char *buf = arg->out.buf + arg->out.num_bytes; int buflen = arg->out.len - arg->out.num_bytes, len = 0; va_list ap; if (buflen > 0) { va_start(ap, fmt); len = vsnprintf(buf, buflen, fmt, ap); va_end(ap); if (len < 0 || len > buflen) len = buflen; arg->out.num_bytes += len; } return (len); } const char * shttpd_get_header(struct shttpd_arg *arg, const char *header_name) { struct conn *c = arg->priv; char *p, *s, *e; size_t len; p = c->headers; e = c->request + c->rem.headers_len; len = strlen(header_name); while (p < e) { if ((s = strchr(p, '\n')) != NULL) s[s[-1] == '\r' ? -1 : 0] = '\0'; if (my_strncasecmp(header_name, p, len) == 0) return (p + len + 2); p += strlen(p) + 1; } return (NULL); } const char * shttpd_get_env(struct shttpd_arg *arg, const char *env_name) { struct conn *c = arg->priv; struct vec *vec; if (strcmp(env_name, "REQUEST_METHOD") == 0) { return (known_http_methods[c->method].ptr); } else if (strcmp(env_name, "REQUEST_URI") == 0) { return (c->uri); } else if (strcmp(env_name, "QUERY_STRING") == 0) { return (c->query); } else if (strcmp(env_name, "REMOTE_USER") == 0) { vec = &c->ch.user.v_vec; if (vec->len > 0) { ((char *) vec->ptr)[vec->len] = '\0'; return (vec->ptr); } } else if (strcmp(env_name, "REMOTE_ADDR") == 0) { return (inet_ntoa(c->sa.u.sin.sin_addr));/* FIXME NOT MT safe */ } return (NULL); } void shttpd_get_http_version(struct shttpd_arg *arg, unsigned long *major, unsigned long *minor) { struct conn *c = arg->priv; *major = c->major_version; *minor = c->minor_version; } void shttpd_register_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri, shttpd_callback_t callback, void *data) { struct registered_uri *e; if ((e = malloc(sizeof(*e))) != NULL) { e->uri = my_strdup(uri); e->callback.v_func = (void (*)(void)) callback; e->callback_data = data; LL_TAIL(&ctx->registered_uris, &e->link); } } int shttpd_get_var(const char *var, const char *buf, int buf_len, char *value, int value_len) { const char *p, *e, *s; size_t var_len; var_len = strlen(var); e = buf + buf_len; /* End of QUERY_STRING buffer */ /* buf is "var1=val1&var2=val2...". Find variable first */ for (p = buf; p + var_len < e; p++) if ((p == buf || p[-1] == '&') && p[var_len] == '=' && !my_strncasecmp(var, p, var_len)) { /* Point 'p' to var value, 's' to the end of value */ p += var_len + 1; if ((s = memchr(p, '&', e - p)) == NULL) s = e; /* URL-decode value. Return result length */ return (url_decode(p, s - p, value, value_len)); } return (-1); } static int match_regexp(const char *regexp, const char *text) { if (*regexp == '\0') return (*text == '\0'); if (*regexp == '*') do { if (match_regexp(regexp + 1, text)) return (1); } while (*text++ != '\0'); if (*text != '\0' && *regexp == *text) return (match_regexp(regexp + 1, text + 1)); return (0); } struct registered_uri * is_registered_uri(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, const char *uri) { struct llhead *lp; struct registered_uri *reg_uri; LL_FOREACH(&ctx->registered_uris, lp) { reg_uri = LL_ENTRY(lp, struct registered_uri, link); if (match_regexp(reg_uri->uri, uri)) return (reg_uri); } return (NULL); } void setup_embedded_stream(struct conn *c, union variant func, void *data) { c->loc.chan.emb.state = NULL; c->loc.chan.emb.func = func; c->loc.chan.emb.data = data; c->loc.io_class = &io_embedded; c->loc.flags |= FLAG_R | FLAG_W |FLAG_ALWAYS_READY; } void shttpd_handle_error(struct shttpd_ctx *ctx, int code, shttpd_callback_t func, void *data) { struct error_handler *e; if ((e = malloc(sizeof(*e))) != NULL) { e->code = code; e->callback.v_func = (void (*)(void)) func; e->callback_data = data; LL_TAIL(&ctx->error_handlers, &e->link); } } void shttpd_wakeup(const void *priv) { const struct conn *conn = priv; char buf[sizeof(int) + sizeof(void *)]; int cmd = CTL_WAKEUP; #if 0 conn->flags &= ~SHTTPD_SUSPEND; #endif (void) memcpy(buf, &cmd, sizeof(cmd)); (void) memcpy(buf + sizeof(cmd), conn, sizeof(conn)); (void) send(conn->worker->ctl[1], buf, sizeof(buf), 0); } const struct io_class io_embedded = { "embedded", do_embedded, (int (*)(struct stream *, const void *, size_t)) do_embedded, close_embedded };